#Dave Lucitor
I really think Eclipsa and Globgor would definitely get along with Tom’s parents.
I think so too!😊
They would have tea and brunch together.☕ <3
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flx-res · 1 year
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Sad Teen Hotline
Part 6 / 11 | First page | Previous Page | Next Page >>
Srry this part took more days to finish because my new semester already started and goshhhh I like Tom’s Kingdomm so muchh!!!!! ❤️‍
I'd have loved to know more about the UNDERWORLD and see more castle locations in the show TnT that’s why I'm very excited about the fact that this won’t be the only time we will see Lucitor Kingdom in these comics 😌♡ I don't like drawing backgrounds tho, I think I'm not good at it but I really enjoyed designing and drawing these pages. I’d do anything for my Lucitors!!! AAAA I’m so excited and nervous :’)))
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zexal-bunny20 · 4 months
Could you draw Dave in a male version of Belle's dancing gown and Wrathmelior in a female version of the Beast's suit?
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Hope this is okay, thanks for the request.
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fluffykitty149 · 9 months
I’m sorry, WHAT!?!
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I’m mixed between gobsmacked and laughing
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♥️💜Butterflies and Lucitors❤️🖤
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the-whoring-twenties · 5 months
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Spot the difference (impossible)
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mint-flavoredd · 1 year
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DaveKat vs Tomco
They are literally the same ship in different situations.
They even both had a cooky girl they crushed on and that girl preferred the new human guy over the guy with horns she had history with.
Like, one of the only differences is that one ended up becoming canon and the other didn’t.
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stardustedstories · 6 months
Because St.ar Vs. the F.orces of E.vil was so disappointing in its final season, and because T.om L.ucitor deserves better and he’d fit right in on the B.oiling Isles, I’m giving him a full verse. Some notes about Tom’s T.he O.wl H.ouse verse:
Wrathmelior is a demon, Dave is a witch. This is why Tom has a tail in addition to his horns. It also explains a few of the more unusual powers he has.
Tom’s part of the potions track because most of his preferred magic is fire-based and there’s not a fire track.
The Blights and Lucitors know one another and run in a lot of similar social circles.
Wrathmelior is in the Beast Keeping coven and is friends with Eberwolf.
Dave is part of the healing coven, partly as a way to fix the fuckups his temper caused when he was younger, and also because he’s actually pretty good at it.
Dave and Steve are friends.
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storiedhistories · 8 months
Because St.ar Vs. the F.orces of E.vil was so disappointing in its final season, and because T.om L.ucitor deserves better and he'd fit right in on the B.oiling Isles, I'm giving him a full verse. Some notes about Tom's T.he O.wl H.ouse verse:
Wrathmelior is a demon, Dave is a witch. This is why Tom has a tail in addition to his horns. It also explains a few of the more unusual powers he has.
Tom's part of the potions track because most of his preferred magic is fire-based and there's not a fire track.
The Blights and Lucitors know one another and run in a lot of similar social circles.
Wrathmelior is in the Beast Keeping coven and is friends with Eberwolf.
Dave is part of the healing coven, partly as a way to fix the fuckups his temper caused when he was younger, and also because he's actually pretty good at it.
Dave and Steve are friends.
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jess-the-vampire · 2 years
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late to the star anniversary but here
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bananahkim · 2 years
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makiruz · 3 years
So according to early promotional material and interviews Tom Lucitor’s father was “the big guy” and Tom supposedly inherited his anger issues from him, he was planned as an “anger demon”.
Obviously this changed and Tom’s father was made a normal mewman dude named Dave, so I guess “the big guy” is an ironic nickname now. I imagine Wrathmelior gave him that nickname because she’s a darling and other demons find it funny but won’t say anything due to point 2: Tom inherited his anger issues from his father.
Dave looks pretty chill in the show, but like in his first appearance he gets into a fight and threatens political action against the Butterfly kingdom because Star club snubs his son; I get the vibe that Dave has the exact same anger issues that Tom has, but since he’s older and more mature, he has learned to control them; however, this wasn’t always the case. I love the headcanon that Wrathmelior’s parents didn’t approve of Dave ‘cause he’s a mewman and a commoner at that! So he went out and murdered every demon that got in his way (mostly Wrathy’s other suitors) and now everyone’s terrified of him, because he looks chill now, but he could go off if pushed
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rand0mz-fand0mz · 3 years
Day 5 of Favorite Families <3
Star Vs. the Forces of Evil Edition!
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petrichorparacosm · 4 years
Random SVTFOE Headcanons
Cheek marks are inconsistent because there are different ways to inherit them! You can acquire temporary or permanent ones from magic exposure, or you can be born with them if your mother has them!
Anyone is capable of wandless magic, but it’s easier if you’ve had magic exposure, and borderline impossible without training.
All mewmans go through mewberty. However, female mewberty is much more intense, and the mewberty of a queen is often rather explosive. Additionally, all mewmans have tiny Mewberty wings afterwards. For reference, River’s mewberty mostly involved him following girls around like a weirdo in bug form. (I’m planning an au where Mewmans are more blatantly bug people. Like, imagine if Star’s mewberty wings kept growing and all adult Mewmans had bug wings ALL THE TIME)
Tom went through Mewberty. It was highly traumatic for everyone except Dave, who positively gushed with pride throughout the entire nightmareish experience.
Part of the reason why River grew his beard out so long is because Moon thinks he looks handsome with facial hair.
Toffee honored and admired Eclipsa because his family had been given sanctuary by her. She inadvertently showed him that Mewmans weren’t the problem- instead, he determined, the problem was the magic which had created and enforced the Mewman- Monster power imbalance and was, in his mind, inherently corruptive.
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rosiegeee · 3 years
Janna Ordonia and Tom Lucitor as Boscha’s Biological Parents
I know I am not the first to say this, but if its any consolation I came up with it on my own and only discovered it had been done before afterwards. Before season 2 of the Owl House comes out I would like to put my two cents into this theory. The main parties involved in this theory are Dave Lucitor (a caucaian, brown haired, blue eyed mewman, with round ears which because of his mewman heritage has potential for dormant magical powers), Wrathmelior Lucitor (a huge red skinned demon with three vertically slanted and slit yellow eyes with no pupils, dark pink hair, long pointed ears, and giant horns on her head, and demonic powers such as super strength and weather manipulation.{We know demonic powers are separate from magic because when all the magic left stars universe Globgor still had his size manipulation so demonic powers and magic are different}), Thomas Draconius "Tom" Lucitor (light purple skin, light pinkish-purple hair, three pinkish red eyes with more human characteristics, smaller horns then his mom, pointed teeth, and pointed ears although less demonic then his mom, and a lot of demonic powers such as pyrokinesis, telekinesis, levitation, Curse infliction, and Geokinesis), Janna Ordonia (a Filipino human with brown eyes, dark blue {most likely black dyed blue}, round ears, and no magical abilities), and finally Boscha ( A supposed witch with light pink skin, dark purplish pink hair, and three human like eyes that are a greyish blue, rounder teeth, and round but pointed ears.)
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Before I continue I would like to clarify that in my theory Luz and gravity falls earth is a different earth than Marco’s earth, they exist in the same universe, but are two separate realities. So my theory is that at some point after Star and Marco and all the other dimensions collide Tom and Janna fall in love, I can see this happening very easily from the canon we have, and the combination of there genetics lead to Boscha (who so far has no canon last name) I can easily see her skin being a combination of Tom and Janna’s, her ears would be from her 1/4 demon status, her three ears would be from her father but are more human in appearance then Tom’s because of Janna, her hair is from her father and grandmother, and her blue eyes from her grandfather. Her magic could source from two stems or a combination of both, one it isn’t magic it is her demonic heritage from her father, or two just like Luz who has no magic she has studied runes and other magical objects and are using that, again t could also be both.
So why is she in the Demon realm and why is she so rude to non-witches when she isn’t one herself, my answer, she’s adopted. Some point after she is born, perhaps around two to three, she is somehow lost and somehow ends up through a dimensional rift or a portal and is found in the Boiling Isles 10 years prior to the series (as in time travel) by a high class female witch. Clearly not human and having near identical pointed ears to a witch the woman would assume Boscha is a witch, and would adopt her as her own, Boscha would only remembers her first name so that is what her mother would call her. Boscha would show her “magical” alibies early on making her mother very proud and would brag about it to the Blights. She would eventually notice that Boscha’s magic doesn’t quite work the same and would teach her runes and other things to compensate. She wouldn’t remember her family so she wouldn’t know her 3/4 human heritage and would learn her bigotry from her mother. Weather she ever learns the truth, we will have to wait and see. Her bio parents would probably search everywhere for there daughter but even if they could get to the demon realm and happened to bump into her they would be looking for a 3 year old, not 13 and might not recognize her.
Anyway thats my theory.
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shvoopy · 4 years
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I love jess-the-vampire’s Reverse AU with all of my heart
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