#if he'll help you or find it more amusing to watch til the last second. Altho ig AT LEAST he'll intervene before things get Too bad for you
yeonban · 7 months
Being in Tobias' mind is such an intriguing experience bc you'd typically expect him to only care about getting richer and richer for riches' sake like most other "villains" do, but all he wants is excitement, fun and the feeling of being alive. He couldn't care less if his life were to be put at stake, nor if his entire wealth were to vanish overnight. Sure, he's confident he could get it all back if it ever happened, but it also shows what money is to him. A means to an end, rather than the goal to strive for
#muse: tobias.#At the end of the day he's using that money to have FUN rather than for power or influence or what have you that maddens people#and it Shows bc I've glanced over some of his former threads and he fr just. offered to buy an entire clothing line for a blond woman#NOT because he wanted her favor; but simply bc he wanted to see what her REACTION to it would be. for funsies and whimsies#Does he do what will bring him most money? Sure. Does he do it FOR the money? Naww#If he had to do smth he disliked or didn't felt like doing; he would Not do it even if money was on the line. Exceptions: indebting people#If anything he'd think putting that money on a hook and dangling it in front of bosses (re: leaking that there's a chance to gain it)#while simultaneously getting in their way would be a x100 funnier experience. And usually it'd still end up bringing him $$$#I'm trying to remember what he's used his money for thus far and tbh it's been the usual (drinks-drugs-cigars-luxury) AND pampering others#except I??? realized a while back that he's Never gotten drunk. NEVER. so all that money goes moreso into subtly manipulating people#He's even willing to forgive their debts at his owned bars & clubs as long as he imagines that way's going to end up more exciting#I feel like he's one of those bosses people would prefer to have over the alternatives bc it feels Easier to deal w him than live in fear#which is fascinating bc it's true that Tobias isn't bloodthirsty and /can/ be counted on; but imo it's scarier to not know what tf he wants#Bro jumped out of a window and waited for Gevanni to catch him just to give that man an experience resembling a heart attack LIKE. 😭😭😭#It's good if you can manage to /befriend/ Tobias bc it means you're safe from him... but if you get in /other/ trouble then it's a 50/50#if he'll help you or find it more amusing to watch til the last second. Altho ig AT LEAST he'll intervene before things get Too bad for you#If you're not friends w him/he doesn't find you entertaining & it's too much effort to help you tho... sayonara.
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dragon-kazansky · 3 years
Til death do us part | Helmut Zemo
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Bodyguard AU! 🕶
Gender neutral reader
Collage by @realremyd
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Part 12
After that day, Zemo and yourself had grown a little closer. You were more willing to sit and chat with him when he asked you to.
You had seen all his tea sets by now. Even helped him find another one to collect. He had bought it instantly, waiting for it's delivery so he may share it with you.
You had spent pretty much every day in his office with him. There had been no warnings of Walker or his group. The pair of you would spend the days laughing, smiling, and growing ever closer.
Now you could happily believe that he may hold feelings for you. It was the little things that gave him away. The touches. The smiles. The compliments. The staring.
You just used all your might to keep him at arms length. You still refused to take a step further. You wouldn't let that happen. He had loved and lost before. As his bodyguard, that could very well happen again.
Perhaps his feelings would fade.
That was just wishful thinking.
You were currently sitting across from Zemo in his office. Another intricate tea set, this one pale blue with white details swirling around it, set out in front of you.
You were sipping from your cup when Steve came. Zemo looked at his expensive watch and cursed quietly under his breath.
"I forgot I asked for you."
Steve doesn't look at all offended. Actually, he looks far more amused about the sight he sees. He knew you had been with the Baron a lot these past few days, but he had no idea you were in here having tea parties with him.
"What can I do for you, sir?" Steve asked.
You turned to the Baron confused, wondering why he wouldn't just ask you for something. Steve would have been doing his rounds around the estate.
"I'm tired of being locked up in my own home," Helmut states.
"It is for your own safety, sir. They are still out there."
"Yes, I'm aware, but I am tired. I want to throw a party."
Both you and Steve stare at him, concern written all over your faces. That was the worst possible thing he could do.
"Helmut," you had been using his name a lot more recently, "I don't think that's a good idea."
He looks at you, a smile settled on his face.
"My home. I'll do what I want. I want to hold a party. As much as I enjoy our chats and tea parties, I want to have a bit of fun," he shrugs, not at all concerned about what kind of advantage that would give Walker.
Zemo wasn't about to Agent Walker enter his home and take you.
"I really don't think that's a good idea," you say.
He was still unfazed.
"I'm going to do it regardless. Whether or not my security detail is going to be present that night, well, that's up to them."
You turn to look at Steve.
"I don't think we're going to change his mind."
"I agree," Steve smiles at you. "Up for the job?"
"Actually," Zemo intervenes, "I was rather hoping Y/N would attend with me."
You look at him.
"Well, I would. I'm your bodyguard, I have to be close by," you state, missing the point entirely.
Helmut wanted to roll his eyes, but didn't.
"No, you don't understand. I want you to come to the party as my date."
Your mind goes completely blank.
Steve has also completely frozen behind you, but his eyes are on you.
"But... how can I do my duty if I'm attending as a guest?" You ask softly.
"That's the point. You won't be on duty. You'll be my date."
You try to will more words, but nothing comes to mind. You glance back Steve who just stares at you silently.
Helmut chuckles softly.
"Are you really that surprised I would want to have you as my date, after everything?"
Zemo smiles fondly at you.
"Please say yes."
"I... uh... What about Walker?" You ask.
"I'm sure we will be well guarded." He looks up to Steve who nods. With the extra guards on the estate, there were plenty to cover the grounds.
"You know he could still show up?"
"I'm aware, but I'm not going to sit here any longer and wait. Let him come."
"Let him. I'm not afraid of him. I'm afraid of what he'll try and take from him. I can only ensure my desired safety if I have them with me at all times."
"I don't understand."
"I think you do," he says, standing up. Helmut comes around to your side of the desk and kneels in front of you. He takes your hands in his and looks you in the eye.
You have no idea what to say.
Steve silently excuses himself, knowing this was an important and private matter between the two of you.
Your heart felt like it would explode.
"I only wanted you as my personal guard so I could keep you close. When you saved me that day, I was in a whirlwind of thoughts and emotions. I didn't think you were capable of protecting me because you are so unlike the others. You stood out too much. I was wrong about you. You saved my life and everything changed. After that day, all I could see was you bleeding out on that road. It haunted me. I was angry they had left you, but ever so relieved to hear you were alright. It dawned on me while we were parted that I perhaps I was rather fond of you."
You bit your bottom lip, unsure of what to make of all of this.
"Now, I want you to know that I'm utterly devoted to you. I don't want you to put your life before mine. It should be mine before yours. Let Walker come. I told you that I was in the military, do you remember?"
You nod.
"I will not let him harm you. I will not let him take you. He already took someone from me once. Never again."
"I can handle myself, Helmut." He smiles at the use of his name. "I'm your bodyguard, let me protect you."
"This is quite a predicament," he chuckles.
He knew you were stubborn, you had been since he met you, but he was insistent on not letting Walker hurt you.
If John Walker so much as laid a finger on you, he wouldn't live to tell the tale.
You smile at Helmut.
"I would love to attend as your date."
He smiles handsomely. That's all he wanted to hear.
"I will have an outfit sent to your room."
"You don't have to do that."
"I want to," he states, smiling still.
You give in and just let him do what he wants. It would appear he would have his way in the end anyway, after all, he's going ahead with this party.
"You are excused for the rest of tonight. I'll send for you if I need you," he says, releasing you finally and returning to his seat.
You stand, though rather awkwardly.
"Alright. I'll see you later."
"Yes, you will," he chuckles.
You leave the room with a huge smile on your face. Your heart was racing unlike anything before and all you could think about was the handsome Baron behind that door.
Steve is waiting for you.
You look up at him, trying ever so hard to bite back your smile, but failing miserably.
He's smiling too.
"What did I say?"
"You were right. I'm sorry for putting the job first, but when he looked at me like that... I knew he meant it. Damn him and his stupidly handsome face."
Steve laughs fondly.
"I'm happy for you."
"Thank you."
"What are you going to do about Walker? A party is bound to give him a chance to get inside, even if I summoned more guards. I'm worried he'll get in."
"I have faith in you."
"Walker isn't messing around, Y/N. He wants the Baron dead and he's going to do whatever it takes to make that happen. Your life is in so much more danger now."
"I won't let him hurt Zemo. Even if this is just a fleeting thing, I will lay down my life for him because that's what I came here to do," you say, determination set on your face.
Steve knew you meant that.
He nods quietly as he looks at you. Right here, right now, you seem like a whole new person. Steve couldn't be more proud of you.
"We will do everything we can to make sure nothing happens, OK?"
You nod.
"Thank you, Steve. And no matter what happens tomorrow, promise me you'll protect Helmut."
"Promise me. Do your duty."
He stares at you. You're serious. If anything happened, it would be just like last time. Protect Zemo, leave you behind until they could get you help.
It would pain him to have to do it a second time.
"I promise."
He had said the words. He would.not fall back on them, but if I can help it, nothing will happen to you.
This time both you and Helmut Zemo would get out safely.
Walker will not win this fight.
@thesuitkovian @justfangirlthingies @belle82devart @anteroom-of-death @silverlambcaptain @that-stupid-head-tilt-thing @lieutenantn @daniielbruhl @awesomesauce-abbie @latenightartist-author @lazygurl05 @rumblelibrary @nonamec0s @shura-gorl @ginger-abreu @caligrl1992 @livvyshmiv @luciadiosa @vverliebt @tatooineisdry @charistory @somethingthatsaysbubbles @apparrio @alex-the-nb @thewrongkhristol @hb8301 @the-chaotic-cow @mssennimatilda @uncomfortablebagel @fictionlandslanddreams @madhatter2727 @kinismanditory @the-webkinz-kier
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