#if he's comfortably gender conforming then. where's the flavour.
marley-manson · 11 months
Comrades in Arms has so much gender role stuff going on and I'm very into it.
Brief preamble, masculinity and femininity aren't 'traits that men have' and 'traits that women have,' they're socially prescribed attributes that can vary from society to society and are forcibly assigned to men and women. I feel like I should mention this because in addition to good things I describe a few pretty negative things as feminine and that's because they are. Because most societies, especially 50s military society, want women to have traits such as passivity. Not because they're inherent to men and women.
So anyway, I'm just gonna dive right in. A lot of Hawkeye and Margaret's bickering in the first episode revolves around Hawkeye not being masculine enough. Margaret calls him a coward when he doesn't press forward through the shelling, Margaret gets angry when he can't fix the jeep ("How can a grown man be so mechanically incompetent?"), and she asks, "What kind of man are you?" in the next scene.
Hawkeye's attitude in return is wry self-awareness. "If you don't mind, I'm going to go into a mild panic," after the coward remark. Pretending to know what he's doing with the jeep with an exaggerated casualness ("Oh sure :) no problem :) I'll have this thing going in no time :)") before kicking it and then going "that's this right?" when she tells him to open the hood. Singing a jingle and joking that it's a civil war marching song and he's just trying to be military. And my favourite, Hawkeye's answer to Margaret's what kind of a man are you is, "Certainly not a serviceman," followed by, "There's a YMCA over here. Act like you got a moustache," and topped off with calling the hut he found "cute." There's also a moment where he is aware of something military (strategic significance of the hut), which surprises Margaret, and he pointedly downplays it by claiming he saw it in a movie.
My point being that the vibe is Margaret being consistently irritated that Hawkeye isn't performing a certain kind of military-flavoured masculinity, and Hawkeye knowing it and poking fun at her frustration. Margaret wants Hawkeye to be more military and more masculine in ways that go hand in hand, Hawkeye is resistant to that and plays up the opposite, both to bug her and because it's more genuine for him. He doesn't know how to fix a jeep, he is scared of bombs, he does cruise at YMCAs, etc
There's the fun scene with the debris and Hawkeye's injured leg, where they begin the sequence with Hawkeye on top of Margaret, shielding her, and Margaret mistaking Hawkeye's injury for an innuendo when he says he can't get off of her. Then they swap positions when Margaret examines and dresses the wound in his leg, complete with deliberate innuendo this time ("Margaret, there's no time for that now, look at my wound.") Which again, kinda highlights, advertantly or in, Hawkeye being more comfortable the less he has to conform to masculine standards. Not literally ofc, Hawkeye's obviously got no problem fucking women lmao, but as a joke that serves as a continuation of this gender role stuff I think it's fun and works well.
You can make a case that they start to get along when Margaret acts more accepting of Hawkeye's nonconformity. When Hawkeye says he's tough when he refuses morphine for the stitches and Margaret sarcastically says "uh huh," before he starts screaming. When Margaret opens up to him about the letter when he finally asks sincerely and Hawkeye listens and tries to be as genuinely supportive as he can. And when they start making out after Hawkeye commiserates with her about being scared and joins her in screaming his head off about the shelling.
The next morning this gets exaggerated in an interesting way. In the first half Margaret was outwardly tough and cold the majority of the time, insisting they drive through the shelling instead of running back where they came, checking the jeep herself, arming herself before going to bed. Even when telling Hawkeye about the letter, she insisted she was fine and that she prides herself on being able to adjust to anything. Hawkeye may not be masculine, but she is.
When they wake up, she's the opposite. Warm and affectionate, exaggerating her femininity in some ways (insisting on "making breakfast," fishing for compliments on her looks by being self-depricating, sudden passivity when they see a North Korean soldier and she irrationally insists they'll be fine and he won't come in), and emotionally "open" to the point of blatantly lying about or at least exaggerating how she feels (eg saying she loves his sense of humour after not getting a joke and before castigating him for making too many jokes a few scenes later).
She's playing an overly feminine role that doesn't suit her, but that she sees as the natural state of affairs for a man and a woman in a relationship, and she tries to shove Hawkeye into the appropriate type of masculine counterpoint. Most egregiously while treating him like one of her soldier boyfriends while she's panicking about being discovered ("Oh my brave soldier, you're wonderful, you're my inspiration," and, "I love to see a strong man who takes charge like that," lol), but also when she says she'll buy him a new shirt, assuming commitment and monogamy on his part, asking if he ever shaves ("Just my legs," says Hawkeye pointedly.)
Hawkeye is still Hawkeye - unmasculine, unmilitary, unable and unwilling to be the man Margaret invented for him. As he awkwardly goes along with it at first for whatever reason, he constantly looks like he's staring down a poisonous spider, and eventually he starts getting actively sarcastic in response.
Anyway, yadda yadda yadda, after an argument Margaret reverts back to her usual self and drops the feminized roleplaying, and when Hawkeye comes to her tent after the welcome back party, she finds a happy medium in genuine emotional openness, begun and encouraged by Hawkeye.
Essentially this episode explores Margaret's relationship with gender performance with Hawkeye as a counterpoint and, in the brief moments when they connect, mainly when they're screaming in terror together and in the last pre-tag scene, a parallel. Margaret starts off the episode as her usual masculine of centre, closed off, brusque self to Hawkeye's pointedly feminine-of-centre, emotionally open self. Halfway through, to Hawkeye's terrified bewilderment, she puts on a performance of femininity that doesn't reflect how she really feels, and in no way complements Hawkeye's gender expression, which isn't masculine enough to suit her and not saccharinely feminine enough to parallel her.
But at the end she finds she can still be herself, while adopting a little of Hawkeye's more healthy femininity in her newfound attempt to be emotionally open, and that's the place where she and Hawkeye click as friends. When they're sharing their feelings and commiserating and supporting each other. When she's not trying to be something she's not, and not trying to force or berate Hawkeye into being something he's not, and they can both just be a little gender non-conforming in their own ways that complement each other.
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anger-ey · 1 year
Bunk Bed Junction gender musings
In honour of Mayzuketober beginning... I'd like to talk about my interpretation of b2j's genders.... lets go
I always thought of them as being at least SOME flavour of gender-queer, or at least gender-non conforming. I remember talking about it to a good friend of mine, and she brought up the excellent point that punk rockers often were also gender abolitionists or genderqueer. Whether b2j are an actual punk band, I'm not very sure, but them going against strict gender boxes makes sense! After all, they aspire to break against the norm, against NSR and EDM, so like.... wouldn't they also challenge gender labels?
Mayday, I think, loves being all genders. She doesn't mind using all pronouns out there, maybe even neopronouns! She doesn't believe in simply being a woman and nothing more. She is a woman, and everything else! Be it man, both, neither, and every single xenogender, all is fair game! She prefers presenting femininely, but that doesn't mean she's always a girl, yknow?? She also loves presenting in all sorts of ways, and she also has her MASC moments.... the most gender person ever, i wish genderqueer people were real. In fact, I like to think she would identify as queer, period. I don't think she would wear binders or anything like that.... she wants her twins to be free......
As for Zuke, well... it's a little different. He feels the same way about his gender and how he feels about it, but is much more attached to labelling himself and presentation. He's the type that realized later in his life that, oh, not everyone feels like they aren't a man at all sometimes. He experimented with they/them and she/her at some point in college, but he went back to he/him and feels most comfortable with that (Nadia/Eve helped with that! She was very supportive). That doesn't mean he can't have girlswag... he's never worn feminine clothing until living with May, which was the time in his life where he REALLY began chilling out and worrying less about what others thought of him. He's still working up the courage to be more feminine, though. Maybe he's a cis guy who doesn't care about his appearance, maybe he's on the nonbinary spectrum, not even he knows. He's figuring it out.
This is partially based on the fact that in-game and promos, it's implied Zuke is the feminine one, and May the masculine, or at least the way they're written to subvert tropes (may being the leader, zuke following her around), right down to devs saying may wears the pants, and zuke wearing a woman's suit jacket. Obviously, it's just speculation on my end..... don't get it twisted!!!
Thank you for reading mwah mwah xoxo
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burningdarkfire · 4 months
dear critter (wildflowers 2024)
Hi! I’m burningdarkfire on both AO3 and tumblr.
The prompts below are in order of preference, although of course I would be excited about anything listed (which is why I listed them!). If you want reference points, I’ve written 50+ critrole fics on my main AO3 account that you are welcome to peruse. 
I read widely and am hard to shock or dismay. In general, I would prefer for you to write something you are comfortable with than tie yourself into knots trying to fulfill my vision. Confident writing is fun to read!
I am not active in discord servers but you can always reach me on tumblr if you have questions. Here is last year's Dear Critter letter if you'd like it for reference.
Details below!
I love reading and writing about trans characters, but I do not want to put the pressure of conforming to my complex preferences onto a gifter. Please avoid any unrequested genderfuckery—there are two exceptions that I will detail in the next section.
I do not want any included or implied character backstory for Essek Thelyss that whumps him to explain or excuse his actions—this includes abuse from his family members, abuse from members of the Cerberus Assembly, etc. Additionally, I strongly prefer that Essek returns to the Dynasty post-campaign and tries to build a home there.
I do not want sprinklings of other languages in the fic—this includes snippets of dialogue, recurring jokes, nicknames, pet names, etc. I know it’s a canon characteristic for some but I prefer not to read it. It’s fine for the narration to indicate that characters are speaking in other languages or if there is a specific purpose to the change in language (e.g., familial titles that don’t translate if they are strictly necessary for the world-building).
Explicit fic, including both smut and darkfic
Power dynamics, complicated relationships, codependency, devotion, strong platonic bonds, relationships that defy labels, polyamory, having casual sex or sex between people who are not in a romantic relationship, waking up together, laughing together, descriptions of food and other small aspects of domestic life, found family
Stories that explore the role gender plays in character—the two exceptions to the above "no genderfuckery" are a/b/o and Rule 63
I absolutely adore aromantic Caleb Widogast with my whole heart
Request #1: Campaign 2 Wizard Soups
Astrid/Eadwulf/Essek/Caleb, Astrid/Essek, Astrid/Eadwulf/Essek, Eadwulf/Essek
Definitely my flavour of the year! They're so similar and yet so different—I love to imagine how they might fit (or not fit!) with each other. There's a lot of potential post-canon for complicated feelings—jealousy, nostalgia, missing someone even though they're right there, staking claims on Caleb's past/present/future, budding and re-budding relationships. I don't need Caleb to be present in a fic where he isn't included in the central pairing, but I think his presence or absence is exactly what makes A/E/W contending with each other interesting. I love it when no one knows the answer to "what are we?"  Divergent canons, such as Volstrucker!Bren, are also totally okay and encouraged. I particularly enjoy explorations of the canon where Astrid kills Trent and/or the existence of the Volstrucker continue under her hand. I think there's a lot of opportunity to explore how A/E/W are much closer to the dirty details of running a nation versus an idealistic Caleb—how might they collaborate or antagonize? 
Request #2: Campaign 2 Blumendrei
Astrid/Eadwulf/Caleb, Astrid&Eadwulf&Caleb, Astrid/Eadwulf, Astrid/Caleb, Eadwulf/Caleb
It's my fucking bread and butter and I'll take pretty much anything. Academy days, post-campaign reunion, the most nebulous of timelines or the most obscure of AUs. I'm happy to read about assassination missions, eating lunch together, or an AU with nonsensical white collar office jobs. How did their relationship start—how did it fall apart—how did they reconnect? It can be nostalgic, happy, or toxic. It's fine if not all the characters involved are queer, as long as they're together. The sky's really the limit here!
Request #3: Campaign 2 Wizard Shenanigans
Astrid/Jester, Astrid&Jester, Astrid/Beauregard, Astrid&Beauregard, Astrid/Marion, Eadwulf/Fjord/Jester, Caleb/Lucien, Caleb/Nott, Caleb/Essek/Jester, Caleb/Essek/Fjord, Caleb/Marion
Basically this is the catch-all category for "happy to read more about the wizards"! Again, pretty much anything goes—flirty and fun, serious parallel character studies, "what if" moments in canon that might have turned another way. Non-canonical pairings in the background are okay and even encouraged. If Fjord and/or Jester are involved, I've always held an immense soft spot for Pirate AUs (set in Exandria or elsewhere). My only preference is that Astrid, Wulf, and Caleb remain on good (or just unknown) terms if the fic is focused on them with other partners.
Request #4: Campaign 2 Polynein
M9/M9, Fjord/Beauregard, Caleb/Beauregard
I believe deeply that relationships don't have to all look the same—I would love to explore what Polynein looks like, in the canon world or another! What does it look like with children involved, with marriages, with differing or changing primary partners, when the Nein are scattered across the globe?  Including the Beauregard pairs here as I feel like they're natural fits in this category, but I would also be interested in how you can make them work otherwise!
Request #5: EXU Calamity
Asmodeus the Lord of the Nine Hells/Zerxus Ilerez
I just think there should be more fic about how they're fucked up together and what it looks like for them to be bonded to each other post-game. I'm not particularly caught up on Campaign 3 but would be interested to read what they might be up to in the "current day" of canon (spoilers totally fine) or at any other point in the past or future. Please don't soften the sharp edges of this one.
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eddiekasprzak · 4 years
i have decided that there is ONE (1) context in which i’ll accept masc eddie and it’s chapter two eddie attempting to cosplay as a heterosexual dudebro to throw his patrick bateman-ass coworkers off the scent after he rejects one too many invitations to the strip club.
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marceltorak · 5 years
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ABCs of your OCs I found this floating around and thought it would be an amazing way to give some real in-depth background on a character in ways I never thought of before. So I copied the list and here we go!
A -huge- thank you to @kalissimsblog for the stunning photo edit of my picture of Sinostra.
Sinostra Orphan ABC Questionnaire.
A: Aptitude 1. what are your OC's natural abilities, things they’ve been doing since young? Sinostra is a natural at healing and sewing and has been working on perfecting both since she was a young girl. 2. what activities have they participated in? For fun, she participates in singing to Elune on nights of the full moon or relaxing in the garden Abenta grew for her. In terms of what she’s participated in the most, I would have to say healing on the battlefield as a combat medic. 3. what abilities do they have that they’ve worked for? Healing came naturally to her but her mental telepathy skills are something she developed over time. Several techniques as a priestess require some ability in mental powers and she chose to really hone this skill into one that is quietly formidable as a backup weapon. 4. what things are they bad at? She isn’t that great of a cook. She leaves the kitchen to Sinadra and the gardening to Abenta because she can’t tell weeds from flowers until they bloom. 5. what is their most impressive talent? Her most impressive talent would be her healing skills and more specifically her special skills she developed herself that got her kicked out of the church of Elune.
B: Basics 1. what is their hair colour? Royal Purple 2. what is their eye colour? Silver 3. how tall are they? Well if I math right (no promises) She’d be about 7 and 1/2 to 8 feet tall? 4. how old are they? In terms of how long I’ve roleplayed her, she’s aged over the years from a woman just cusping on adulthood to middle-aged. It really depends on where in the story I start to tell it. 5. how much do they weigh? That’s a math question I cannot really do well so I’d say she’s leaning to the side of slightly underweight or close to there. She’s always been a bit on the too skinny side.
C: Comfort 1. how do they sit in a chair? Sinostra sits like a grand old lady. Knees together, ankles together slightly to the side with her hands resting lightly in her lap folded together and back straight. 2. in what position do they sleep? She likes to curl up into a ball if she’s alone but if she’s sharing with someone she tends to be a cuddler. 3. what is their ideal comfort day? Her favourite way to spend a day of rest is to sit by the Moonwell in the yard surrounded by Abenta’s flowers and sew while feeling the sun on her head. 4. what is their major comfort food? why? Her favourite meal would be venison stew because when Sinadra makes it, it’s just about the best thing ever. It’s full of flavour and fills you right up and it's nice and juicy and warm. 5. who is the best at comforting them when down? Abenta is the best at comforting her through cuddles while Matheus is the one to give her wise and gentle advice. Matheus being Sinadra’s mate.
D: Decoration 1. how would they decorate a house if they had one under their name? Sinostra surprisingly isn’t one for decorating. When the sisters built the orphanage she didn’t really put much thought into it past functionality. She leaves that to others and instead just enjoys the natural beauty of the wood grains in the house and the flower garden outside the house. 2. how would they decorate their child’s room? Veshada, her daughter shares a bed with her since her mate is out to sea most often shipping orders from here to there. So she hasn’t really decorated or even prepared a room for her daughter. 3. how do they decorate their own room? She put lace curtains in the window once after a fancy to see if she could make it herself. She hasn’t done much else since. She really just prefers to sit outside and enjoy nature’s beauty than to decorate inside. 4. what type of clothes and accessories do they wear? Sinostra tends to prefer darker colours in her clothes. Best way to hide bloodstains. But she will wear white robes of her high priestess status when she must. Her style is very modest with skirts that reach the ground and little to no cleavage ever revealed. She’s always been shy in public eyes. 5. do they like makeup/nail/beauty trends? She would prefer to be a bit more stylish but her practical side scorns it at the same time. She loves making pretty clothes for others to wear and follows fashion in some ways but for herself, she tends to neglect this because of the fact that she’s often called for emergencies and her nice things get ruined with blood.
E: External Personality 1. does the way they do things portray their internal personality? Sinostra is more secretive than she lets on, she’s really good at that. She’s very gentle and kind and shows a great deal of care and understanding to the outside world. But she has her secrets, even from her sisters. 2. do they do things that conform to the norm? She is not one to conform to the norm just for the sake of fitting in. She stands up for what she believes and will face any army she must if that’s what it takes. 3. do they follow trends or do their own thing? She will follow trends if they do not conflict with her beliefs but generally, she does her own thing her own way and it works well for her. 4. are they up-to-date on the internet fads? If the internet existed she would not be up to date with its fads. She’d rather be out in the garden listening to the water lap inside the Moonwell. 5. do they portray their personality intentionally or let people figure it out on their own? Sinostra doesn’t hide who she is at her core and that’s what makes her secrets so well kept because she’s so open generally that one wouldn’t think she had something to hide. She is who she is and doesn’t have to explain that about herself.
F: Fun 1. what do they do for fun? She likes to sew, to sing and to be out in the garden. 2. what is their ideal party? Lots of laughter. A peaceful setting with everyone feeling content and relaxed. Nothing too crazy or frantic. 3. who would they have the most fun with? Shaleen. She and Shaleen both love to sit quietly and the two are often found together just being quiet together. 4. can they have fun while conforming to rules? While Sinostra is one to move at the beat of her own drum she isn’t one to break laws unless she has good reason to. 5. do they go out a lot? She’s out of the home more often than she’d like but her job is to heal the sick and the wounded and that keeps her busy.
G: Gorgeous 1. what is their most attractive external feature? Her tender gentle smile. 2. what is the most attractive part of their personality? Her empathy and willingness to offer comfort. 3. what benefits come with being their friend? In Sinostra you will always have a loyal companion who is on your side. Even if she has to gently chide you when you stray off and get lost now and again she will always welcome you back without judgement. 4. what parts of them do they like and dislike? She is proud of her family and what they have built together. She likes kindness in herself and dislikes the darkness. She is yet to truly find a balance she is comfortable with and continues to work on her path of discipline. 5. what parts of others do they envy? She envies Abenta’s joy, Dahala’s free morals and Dikalie’s quick to laugh quick to rage temperament. Sinostra in all things is usually calm and gentle or at least in control of herself. She envies her sisters their passionate expressions of self.
H: Heat 1. do they rather a hot or cold room? Sinostra would prefer warmer to cooler in room temperature but can and will endure any. 2. do they prefer summer or winter? She prefers Summer for the flowers. 3. do they like the snow? She does enjoy the snow and how beautiful it is for the few seconds it’s untouched before her sisters wake and play in it. 4. do they have a favourite summer activity? Sitting by the Moonwell sewing. 5. do they have a favourite winter activity? Sitting by the fire sewing.
I: In-the-closet 1. what is their sexuality? Sinostra is Heterosexual 2. have they ever questioned their sexuality? No, she’s never doubted her attractions. 3. have they ever questioned their gender? No, she’s always been confident in her womanhood. 4. would/was their family be okay with them being LGBT? Her sisters will always love her and accept her for who she believed herself to be. 5. how long would/did it take for them to come out? She’s never had to confess her preferences to her sisters but if she did it would be relatively quickly once she came to the conclusion about how she felt. She trusts her sisters to accept her.
J: Joy 1. what makes them happy? Her sisters are her greatest joy as are the children in the orphanage. 2. who makes them happy? Tyvius Zarzamee certainly does his best when he’s ashore but otherwise, it’s her family and her work. 3. are there any songs that bring them joy? The song of praise they sing to Elune on the full moon is her favourite mainly because of how they all instinctively blend in and harmonize with each other. 4. are they happy often? She is happy more often than she is not. Her life while hard and is one she is pleased with. 5. what brings them the most joy in the world? Saving a life.
K: Kill 1. have they ever thought about suicide? Never. No matter how hard life got she always had hope it would get better and she would just have to keep trying harder. 2. have they ever thought about homicide? She is a soldier in the end even if she is a healer. There are times she has to take a life in order to save a life. She is no stranger to this and isn’t one to hesitate when it comes to defending others. 3. if they could kill anyone without punishment, would they? who? She has in order to save others. Mainly on the battlefield but once most significantly in Darnassus city it’s self. 4. who would miss them if they died? Her sisters, her mate and her children would miss her most significantly but I think the world would miss her as she is a very well known priestess. 5. who would be happy they died, anyone? I don’t think anyone would be specifically happy she died even among the Horde as she is well known and well respected all over.
L: Lemons 1. what is their favourite fruit? Peaches. 2. what is their least favourite fruit? Blueberries. 3. are there any foods they hate? There isn’t any food she will refuse to eat, she remembers what it’s like to starve but raw meats would be at the bottom of her list. 4. do they have any food intolerances? She isn’t allergic to anything or has any bad reactions to food. 5. what is their favourite food? Sinadra’s Venison Stew.
M: Maternal 1. would they want a daughter or a son? She has a daughter and knows that her mate kinda hopes for a son to take over his shipping business someday. She’s in no rush but she certainly hopes for more children. 2. how many children do they want? As many as Elune will bless her with. Adopted or biological. 3. would they be a good parent? She is a good mother. Her sisters and her children often say so. 4. what would they name a son? what would they name a daughter? Her daughter’s name is Veshada and if she had a son? Well, I’m sure she’ll be inspired when the time comes. 5. would they adopt? Yes, she has.
N: Never Have I Ever 1. what would they never do? She will never reject her sisters, no matter what they do. Same for her close friends. 2. what have they never done that they want to do? Live in a time of peace with no more Orphans and everyone is relatively safe. 3. is there anything they absolutely can’t believe people do? She cannot fathom sadistic hatred. Even in herself. 4. what is the most embarrassing thing they’ve done? Once she and Tyvius were a little naughty in his personal helicopter while up in the air.  5. have they done anything they thought they’d never do? She never thought she’d become the hero she has. She always believed that she’d be pushed aside and forgotten her whole life but her skills and the skills of her sisters are ones the world couldn’t ignore even if they wanted to.
O: Optimism 1. are they optimistic or pessimistic? She tends to be Optimistic. 2. are they openly optimistic, throwing it on others? She is a peaceful optimistic. Her quiet calm shows her hope for the future instead of insisting things will be better she just acts and lives like it will be if she keeps working hard. 3. are they good at giving advice? Yes, she’s often asked for advice. 4. is there anyone in their life that throws optimism on them? Abenta is always so energetic and optimistic that even if Abby didn’t mean to she would end up pushing her optimism on others. 5. were they always optimistic? She’s always had faith in the future and so I’d say yes she’s always been optimistic.
P: Personality 1. what is their best personality trait? Her patience and gentleness. 2. what is their worst personality trait? She can be frustrating because she’s always so calm. Sometimes it seems like she doesn’t care as much as she really does to others who don’t know her well. 3. what of their personality do others love? They love her warmth. Her ability to envelope them in peace and acceptance. 4. what of their personality do others envy? Her sisters sometimes wish they could be as patient as she is or as calm but it’s their passion that she envies so they’re even. 5. do they hate anything about their personality/about other’s personalities? Hate is a strong word to Sinostra and she isn’t really one to hate someone. But a person who enjoys harming innocents is certainly a personality she’d rather not come across.
Q: Questions 1. do they ask for help? Usually no she doesn’t ask for help. She’s too busy helping to stop and ask. 2. do they ask questions in class? She did when she was an acolyte at the Temple of Elune. 3. do they answer questions that make them a little uncomfortable? Sinostra is very open and honest so usually, she’s willing to answer even if it’s embarrassing. 4. do they ask weird questions? She probably does but not all that often. 5. are they curious? She is about people. She loves to listen and learn about a person.
R: Rules 1. do they follow the rules? Unless she has to, she will follow the rules. 2. would they be a strict or laid-back parent? She tends to be the more gentle parental figure who lets things slide a bit before stepping in and putting her foot down. 3. have they ever been consequences for breaking a rule? She was expelled from the Temple of Elune for developing a style of healing that relied on skill rather than faith. 4. have they broken any rules they now regret breaking? No. She doesn’t regret when she’s broken rules because she’s always had a reason for it. 5. do they find any rules they/others follow absolutely ridiculous? Sometimes she might but she chooses to respect them until they get in the way of her helping someone important.
S: Streets 1. are they street-smart? She’s fairly street smart. She can survive on her own if she has to. 2. would they give money to someone on the streets? She doesn’t give money, she usually gives clothes and or food if she can’t help them find shelter. 3. have they ever gotten in a fight on the streets? Yes, she has. 4. has anything happened to them on the streets? Oh, I’m sure a lot has happened. After all, she was still rather young when she was kicked out of the temple and had to survive on her own on the streets. 5. are they cautious when out? It’s instinctual to be careful. If she isn’t at the Orphanage she’s usually in her battle gear and armed even if she seems relaxed she’s aware of what’s going on around her.
T: Truth 1. are they honest? She is honest by choice and very so usually. 2. can they tell if someone is lying? If she wanted to she could -always- tell but she chooses to respect others privacy so there are times that lies get past her. Though she can often tell by their body language if they are. 3. is it obvious when they’re lying? No. If she chooses to lie there is a reason to motivate it so she says the lie without guilt and thus doesn’t usually give herself away. 4. have they lied about anything they regret lying about? She’s only ever lied to protect someone so, no. 5. have they told truths that have been spread against their will? Has she told a truth that hurt someone when spread out by others outside of context? Perhaps but nothing really comes to mind where her truth hurt someone.
U: Underdog 1. have they been bullied? Yes. At the temple. 2. have they bullied anyone? No. 3. have they been physically attacked by a bully? No, the church wasn’t one to dirty their hands. Though at one point the tried to hire an assassin to silence her. 4. have they ever been doubted? For a long time, her skills and desire to help people was doubted. But time proved her ally. 5. have they surprised people with being good at something? She often surprised her fellow soldiers with little things about herself. She’s generally private when out on the field and only relaxes at home.
V: Vomit 1. do they vomit often? She did when she was pregnant with Veshada. 2. do they get lots of stomach aches? No. 3. are they good at comforting someone ill? Yes, that is one of her specialties. 4. what do they like as far as comfort goes? When she’s feeling ill or wants some comfort she will go brush Shaleen’s hair or cuddle with Abenta. 5. do they burp, cough, or hiccup most when nauseous? when vomiting? She’d probably cough when being sick (vomiting) and perhaps burps when nauseous.
W: Water 1. do they drink enough water? Yes, she’s always paying attention to the state of her own body. 2. have they learned to swim? That’s something she learnt quickly when she got sisters. 3. do they like to swim? She enjoys it but, she prefers floating to swimming and doesn’t get to often since the others are noisy. 4. can they dive? She can but not very well. 5. can they swim without holding their nose? Yes.
X: Xylophone 1. what is their favourite genre of music? Traditional Elven music. 2. do they have a favourite song? The song of praise to Elune. 3. do they have a favourite band/artist/singer? Just her and her sisters singing together. 4. can they sing well? She’s a beautiful soprano. 5. can they rap? No.
Y: You 1. how old were you when you created them? I was about 20 years old when World of Warcraft was first released. 2. what inspired you to create them? I made Sinostra and each of the sisters to represent an aspect of myself. Sinostra was my gentle caregiver side. 3. were they different when they were first created? Yes and no. Her core self is still the same but she is more mature and has evolved into her own self. She’s a lot more than the 1D character I first made. 4. do you enjoy writing them more than other characters? I adore writing about Sinostra but, each of the sisters is just as important to me because of what they represent. 5. what’s your favourite thing about them? I love her kindness, her tenderness and how calm I feel when I play her.
Z: Zebra 1. what’s their favourite animal? She isn’t really huge on animals, She adopted a Worg pup once but any other animal that came into the house was usually attached to someone else. Even the worg liked Sinadra better when she was home. 2. do they like animals? She likes them but they tend to like other people more. 3. cats or dogs? She took in a worg pup but I think she might like cats better because of Abenta’s habit of shifting into a panther to cuddle. 4. what’s their dream pet? One that loves her the most. 5. do they have any pets at the moment? She still has the worg pup who’s now grown some but it’s more Sinadra’s than hers if she’s not away from home.
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