#if her creation was inspired BY Jessica than that would explain shy they have somewhat similar appearances
marinerainbow · 1 year
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So here, it's implied that Winnie could have been made before Jessics (or got into show business before her) and was possibly famous for some time before Jessica rose in popularity and Winnie was forgotten. That could very easily be what happened.
But what if Winnie was created after Jessica? What if Jessica's popularity in films prompted other animators to try to make the 'new Jessica Rabbit'?
Maybe Winnie's animator tried to do just that. Maybe they even wanted to make their own Jessica Rabbit, though obviously changes had to be made or else a lawsuit would follow. Either that or they took creative liberties to see if they could make a weasel character a beautiful toon? But when Winnie was put on the stage, very few- if any- liked her, so she was put aside for, as she puts it, redheads?
And now Winnie is stuck. Knowing that she couldn't win any hearts, more than likely feeling like a failure even though it was completely out of her control. And, seeing as the directors chose Jessica over her, Winnie lashes out on the toon she wants to blame for something that was, again, out of their control. She feels like she has to not just be a pretty toon in the background. She feels like the only way she can truly be happy is if she is able to not just be better than Jessica, but overthrow and humiliate Jessica as well. Just like how she was.
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