#WFRR comics
marinerainbow · 1 year
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So here, it's implied that Winnie could have been made before Jessics (or got into show business before her) and was possibly famous for some time before Jessica rose in popularity and Winnie was forgotten. That could very easily be what happened.
But what if Winnie was created after Jessica? What if Jessica's popularity in films prompted other animators to try to make the 'new Jessica Rabbit'?
Maybe Winnie's animator tried to do just that. Maybe they even wanted to make their own Jessica Rabbit, though obviously changes had to be made or else a lawsuit would follow. Either that or they took creative liberties to see if they could make a weasel character a beautiful toon? But when Winnie was put on the stage, very few- if any- liked her, so she was put aside for, as she puts it, redheads?
And now Winnie is stuck. Knowing that she couldn't win any hearts, more than likely feeling like a failure even though it was completely out of her control. And, seeing as the directors chose Jessica over her, Winnie lashes out on the toon she wants to blame for something that was, again, out of their control. She feels like she has to not just be a pretty toon in the background. She feels like the only way she can truly be happy is if she is able to not just be better than Jessica, but overthrow and humiliate Jessica as well. Just like how she was.
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What do you guys think?
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kept-anon · 9 months
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Hiya folks, MERRY CHRISTMAS!! This is the special Christmas surprise I mentioned yesterday! I am quite happy with how it turned out, I hope you guys like it too! 💙
I’d imagine Roger would ask Teddy to help wrap him, as a ‘surprise’ present to Jessica. Teddy would think the idea is stupid, but help anyway. Unfortunately, though, both Teddy and Roger are very incompetent gift wrappers, whether they are wrapping a hyperactive-cartoon rabbit or not. Which leaves us with the blotchy, messy, paper placement and a tangled ribbon mess. Teddy is taking the picture, covered in as much paper and tape, and tangled in as much ribbon as Roger! 💙
Merry Christmas and a happy holidays everyone!!
More to come soon!
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tymime · 1 year
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It’s extremely weird seeing the names I came up with for this trio of weasels from Resurrection of Doom suddenly going around the Toon Patrol fandom about fifteen years later and no one seems to know where the names came from
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Jessica: A Poem
Discovering the Jessica Rabbit RP blogs of @aparticularbandit last year has inspired me to start writing again. I did work on a few fanfics as a teenager, but then I fell away from writing, and I'd like to pick it back up. It's my New Year's Resolution for 2024.
So here's a poem about Jessica Rabbit. It's inspired by a brief line from the official Roger Rabbit comics, where Roger casually mentions that he used a butterfly net on Jessica the first time he met her. (And nope, there's no other context given.)
This poem is a first draft, so I welcome constructive criticism.
I’m told I must be seen to be believed,
But I have no control over my image. 
Were I to print a portrait for you here,
That would be called a breach of copyright,
And those who own me now are rich in funds
To buy the finest lawyers in the land. 
So picture, in your mind, a female form,
With legs so long they stretch from Saturday
To Monday like a three-day weekend, and
A body snaking out and in and out,
And topped with orange locks like dampened fire,
And emerald eyes, and plump and pouting lips. 
That’s me.  And that is what I’ve always been,
Since someone dared to stain his fingers red
With paint to drape me in a sequined gown
And panted, breathing on me, giving me
The life and animation he required
To make his films.  Yes, acting is my trade. 
I’ve had another.  It would make you blush. 
Now, I must stress, I had no choice in that. 
I had no interest in the act itself;
It was a job, I did it rather well,
But was it something I looked forward to
With girlish glee?  No, not at all.  Listen,
I did not hate, but neither did I love. 
Those owners told me, “Jump;” I asked, “How high?” 
Those owners told me, “Down;” I asked, “How low?” 
What power did I have to utter, “No”? 
I truly did believe this was my role,
My purpose, yes, the reason I was made:
To be the one that husbands hurried to
Whenever they had need of rough relief. 
I did not ask if I deserved to live
A life where I could choose my own desires,
Could choose where I would go, what I would do –
A life of joy and peace and liberty. 
It was self-evident that I did not. 
I had been drawn, not born, and that made me
A servant to the gracious human beings
Who gave the greatest gift, of life, to us,
The inkblots.  We were servants.  And that was
A fact as clear as day, just like the fact
That one man known colloquially as “Pope”
Was Catholic.  So I sank into my pit,
The lowest of already lowly folk. 
What pulled me out and finally set me free? 
A butterfly net.  No, I’m serious. 
One day I took a walk into the woods,
And it was spring, and flowers carpeted
The forest floor, and I was passing time
Until the night came, when I would be needed. 
I thought I heard the slaps of massive feet –
Then something like a stick wacked into me. 
The impact knocked me backwards into mesh. 
I sat there, tangled, reeling from the blow,
And then I heard a voice above my head:
“Jeepers!  So sorry, miss!  I’ll let you out! 
See, I was aiming for this butterfly –
I didn’t see you there!”  I had to laugh. 
That was the first time I had ever laughed. 
How could I not have laughed?  How could he not
Have seen me?  How?  I never could escape
The leering eyes and lolling tongues of men. 
Surely this fellow was a fellow too? 
Then why would he be any different?  Well,
I dug a high heel in and cut the net,
And then I stood and shook the ropes away,
And turned, and I beheld my captor – and
I realised I towered over him. 
He was a creature made of ink and paint,
As I was, only he was hairier
And shorter, and his clothes were like a clown’s. 
His eyes and ears and nose were larger, too. 
He trembled in my shadow, looking up,
Expecting me to fly into a rage
And beat him till his snow-white hair turned red. 
Instead, I simply asked, “Are you all right?” 
That must have been a welcome change for him. 
We painted ones see little kindness from
The humans who created us, the ones
Who ought to love us dearly, but do not,
So we must give each other kindness.  Well,
That’s how I’ve tried to live my life, although
Few people tend to want my company
(Unless they’re paying for my services),
Not even other painted slaves.  After
I asked this fellow if he was all right,
The man exhaled, apologised again,
And asked me who I was, and where I worked,
And how I found myself within the woods. 
I answered, and I asked him questions too. 
We almost could have stayed a thousand years,
Among the daisies, asking, answering,
But all too soon, the Sun was lowering;
I had to go; he promised he would meet
With me again.  He kept his word.  He came
To find me just outside the studio
And asked me what I’d like to do that day –
The first time anyone gave me a choice. 
We spent two years in pleasant company,
And then, one summer’s day, we tied the knot. 
I strode into the chapel, dressed in white,
And my eyes found his, and they never left. 
We’re still a wife and husband.  No-one thought
That we would last this long.  How could a dame
With beauty such as mine dote on a fool? 
What do I see in him?  He treats me well;
He buys me candy in a heart-shaped box
And takes me to the finest restaurants
He can afford – and I buy gifts for him,
Usually clothes, because he always rips
The ones he has.  I love the way his face
Lights up when he unwraps them, tries them on. 
What do I see in him?  He writes to me –
He sends me letters when he’s called away,
Composes poems of love when he is near. 
We call each other many silly names. 
And when the weekend comes, the kitchen is
The place we spend most time, as we attempt
New recipes for different kinds of cake. 
(My favourite kind is still the carrot cake. 
He’s told me carrot is his favourite, too.) 
What does he see in me?  I dare not ask,
For fear that I will break the magic spell
That’s binding us together.  So instead,
I sit, and run my fingers through his hair. 
What do I see in him?  Quite simply, he
Was, and still is, the only man who tried
To find out who I was, and love that dame,
Instead of thinking he knew all of me
Based only on my looks, and judging me. 
What do I see in him? 
He makes me laugh. 
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strawberryxfieldz · 7 months
something I want to do but no one asked for is a deep dive into the hierarchy and prejudices in Toon society because it seems like there are a lot of both... mostly through the comics (and maybe from the books in the future, if I ever get around to reading those)
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sandysapphire · 1 year
So I was reading the Darkwing Duck Boom Studios Comics and...
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roger duck!!! the singing sword!!!
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fi3stazo · 2 years
shoutout to the gay couple I saw once dressed as Roger and Jessica Rabbit for Halloween
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daily-crowley · 10 months
Is Roger the crow named after Roger Taylor the drummer from Queen?
He’s actually named after Roger Rabbit haha. I grew up being a huge Roger Rabbit fan. So much so that I grew up kind of basing myself off of him and he’s my biggest comfort character out of every comfort character that I have. I can probably quote to you the entire WFRR film, shorts, and even the comics easily 😂 The world might be obsessed with Jessica Rabbit but I’m obsessed with Roger.
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marinerainbow · 1 year
Wait... Something about this guy looks familiar...
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Well, looks like Psycho has a relative!
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kept-anon · 11 months
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Page 3!!!
Hiya folks! First off, I just wanna say a big gosh darn THANK YOU!!! For all the support on this little project!! I am so happy you all like it, every like, reshare, and comment just fills me with happiness and motivation!! With that being said, the rest of this week will be quite the busy one for me, page 4 might be posted toward the end of next week. (Though, it might not!)
I think I finally figured out a name for this project, ‘Anon’s Roger Rabbit 2’ just doesn’t cut it for me lol (though I will still use the hashtag) The name beging= Who Changed Roger Rabbit? I may change this in the future. 💙
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LOOKIE LOOKIE!!! I got him on Saturday, I love him lots!!!! 💙
More to come soon!!
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aparticularbandit · 9 months
If you’re still seeking ideas for things to write in December - would you consider any WFRR stuff? Maybe Roger and Jessica celebrating Christmas? There was a throwaway line in the official comics where Roger told someone his red overalls were a gift from his wife, so maybe it could be a story of Jessica buying them and giving them to Roger?
Have done here, and you can also read it on AO3 here!
Also apologies that I haven’t responded to ship bingo stuff yet.  I keep forgetting, but now I keep remembering while going through prompts, but I’m. focused on. doing all the writing stuff.  XD
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paceplace · 11 months
Did you hear apparently they’re now contemplating the canon of older comics. As in some older comics may be phased out of the clash canon, and I believe BTL/WSI as well. That coupled with the retcon of BTL-relevancy for the new litigation team drops is kind of sad. Like. Atticus at least deserves to be remembered.
i have, yeah
i really can't blame the writers deciding to retcon most, if not potentially all, of btl bc the entire deal with btl is a very messy case, imo. it was a setup to the cj's resignation and clo's hiring, and atticus's death was an in-universe reason for mgr's cheating, but at the same time it was very much a "you had to be there" moment.
this is just a goon theory on my part, potentially colored by my own biases, but if i had to pin another reason for why they might end up retconning btl/wsi it would be because of the whole "first ever cog death" thing. they mentioned hitting a wall w/ their writing at a certain point and i've interpreted it as they didn't know what to do with atticus/elvis/redd after everything that's happened. they seemed to have tried setting something up with elvis and redd in "hired help" but were unable to execute it due to how scattered the lore was and the writing teams changed since then.
again, i wanna stress this is just my personal theory, and not something that is true.
sidetracking a bit; while i'm on the topic of btl lore i wanna share that i feel like making it so that cogs can die whilst also getting rid of dip (aka the thing that kills toons) in canon was a terrible writing choice on their end. imo if you're going to introduce mortality in a game where it was left ambiguous in the og (reminder: dip wasn't mentioned in tto despite it being loosely based on wfrr + it never stated the cogs we defeated were perma-dead), then it either should be applied for both parties or the concept shouldn't be introduced into the game at all. if getting rid of or rewriting btl means changing how they handled that then it's a change i'll happily welcome.
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toontowncrazy · 6 years
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Dinner Time by KevinAF123
Guys! Someone made a short comic of  my fanfic “The Old Pieces and The New”!
Fanfic Summary:  After a bad break-up with Jared (Who Censored Roger Rabbit, Male! Jessica Rabbit), Rhoda Rabbit (Who Framed Roger Rabbit, Girl! Roger Rabbit) just wanted to hide and pick up the pieces. But life threw a curveball when she met Jesse (WFRR, Male! Jessica Rabbit) again, whose rejection she had accepted a long time ago. 
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krn-art · 3 years
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Just a little Roger Rabbit comic~
✦ Please don’t repost or use my art    ✦  
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sandysapphire · 1 year
Thinking about how Doom's true form is shown as THIS in the newsreel:
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...but then when we see him after he's reanimated later on in the comic he looks like THIS:
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What's that about? Wouldn't it have made more sense for him to be drawn (or "animated", I guess) like how he is in the first image?
I mean, obviously not when he's in disguise, but when he's just talking to the weasels with no one else around, what does he have to hide?
Maybe it's to seem more menacing to the weasels to keep them in line, I don't know.
Any WFRR fans have any thoughts on this?
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