#if i became problematic about the arts that looked like theirs i will be very sorry and change the style.
hiimtheproblem87times · 6 months
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i had to cancel half of the AUs,redo the Royal AU and change my Stories bc of the New Ep
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trashexplorer · 5 years
BLCD Review: Ookami-kun wa Kowakunai
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Title: Ookami-kun wa Kowakunai (オオカミくんはこわくない)
Release Date: 2019/05/29
Author/Artist: Sakura Riko
Cast: Kumagai Kentarou x Nogami Sho
“Do people fall in love with someone on their first heat...?” The world is filled with animals that can evolve into beast men. There is a young and earnest wolf who was always mistaken for a showy person because of his flashy looks. The easily mistaken wolf has fallen for an attractive looking rabbit named Usami, whose skin is tanned. Even though Usami is very cautious of the carnivores, he would put his guard down only when he is with the easily mistaken wolf, who was a pervert that became a life saver for Usami. But what will happen to Usami on his first heat!?
Review Proper
Huh, this also wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be.
First of all, I do not like Sakura Riko’s works. Miss me with that problematic characters and incest bs. Their ukes also tend to be spineless and bland, so I was already biased about this from the start. I mean, Usami was a bit bland, but was certainly a great improvement from sensei’s other ukes. Doesn’t help the fact that sensei’s works can be a little—okay, well, maybe considerably poorly executed (because I still haven’t read anything other that was solid) which is why I immediately nope out of a new work when I see that it’s theirs. I’ve read Karasu no Yomeiri along with Ookami, but I finished with the former first and since it came at me with incest, I dropped Ookami. Had I known how Ookami would’ve ended, I would have finished it then and left Karasu no Yomeiri in the gutter. Also, idk if it’s just me, but even though their art is modern, their characters are so stiff that it looks like they were made back in the late 2000′s. Can I also just say that Shiba's ears makes him look like My Horse Prince?
I’m glad that it ended on a lighter note without any shitty traps whatsoever, though. It wasn’t that predictable either, which is nice. This might just be sensei’s best work yet. Ten years is definitely a long time for bad to transcend into decent, but progress is progress. 🙊 OH MY GOD FRANCESCA WHY ARE YOU SO MEAN?! I mean, it’s true. 🤷 Unpredictable as it was, it’s not like it’s a new concept. It’s very similar to Tokishiba’s Yagi to Ookami no Hatsujou Jijou and they were released around the same time even. And tbh, Yagi to Ookami is way better than this even though it’s all about sex and the plot is almost non-existent. But I guess that’s just my personal preference. I will, however, look forward to the BLCD adaptation of the sequel, Thoroughbred wa Nabikanai, which involves Shishidou and Shiba because I low-key ship them lol. Karasu? We don’t know her
Moving on to the voice acting.
My god, Kumagai Kentarou! Where did that come from?! This man will do good in anime, especially in shounen anime, I tell you. I’ve only ever heard him in his stint in Kimi to Boku no Sekai’s Phase 2 where he topped my bb Murase Ayumu, but I honestly thought that he wasn’t that notable even though he did well there. HE SOUNDS LIKE KAGAMI TAIGA I’M SCARED. I repeat; HE SOUNDS LIKE ONO YUUKI. It’s weird because he was in a lower range in Phase 2 and the difference between the tones he used in these two works is so huge! I heard it the second he spoke, but it wasn’t until he raised his voice that I confirmed it. How can you even sound like someone to that extent?! But his similarity with Ono Yuuki aside, he managed to get Shirou to move. Again, sensei’s style is a bit stiff, so I feared that their voice acting would be stiff, too. Yeah, sounds impossible, but try listening to Kimi wa Hiniku na Kirakira Boushi’s BLCD and you’ll see what I mean. I actually had no idea that it was Sakura Riko’s, but when I knew, it all clicked.
Kumagai Kentarou also voices Daichi in No Color Baby (which I’ll be listening to later), so I’m super pumped about his future endeavors.
Sadly, Nogami Sho still hasn’t done it for me. Father Fucker was forgettable and I’m glad that I’ve forgotten Oni ga Shitau. Again, since Usami’s personality was a bit bland, Nogami was bound to act blandly as well. I’ve actually even forgotten how he sounds like as I’m typing this. I do know that he acted well, so he’s got that going for him. The mattress mambos were great, too. 
As for accuracy, there were a lot of ad libs in the BLCD which is understandable and needed because they had to compensate with more dialogue explaining the movements since the manga lacked movement because of the stiffness. But you can definitely read the manga along listening the CD. I read YaoiSekai’s English trans of it, and it had some mistranslations here and there, but it does not affect the story whatsoever. 
So we had semi-generic and decent plot, great voice work and chemistry, and loyalty to the original content. I’d grade this a 7. I’d recommend listening to this because of Kumagai Kentarou’s performance and not the plot itself, but if you’re a fan of the work, or in for something light, then this could be for you. 
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architectuul · 5 years
Boxing Boxes
is a temporary associated project of the last Lisbon Architecture Triennial, which was accepted by the community of the Portugal Novo neighborhood and in such way became a permanent public installation. 
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A drawing of the installation by © Daniel Languré
The Mexican architect Daniel De León Languré started this process of the social cohesion of the community of Olaias, a marginalized area of Lisbon, creating an open-air gymnasium that involved local agents and inhabitants. We meet Daniel in Lisbon during the official opening of the installation. 
Where did you study and what did you learn in Mexico City?
Studying in Mexico City is like a huge opportunity, as the city is one of the biggest in the whole world and there is always an opportunity for experimentation in the field of architecture and arts. After finishing my studies at the university I tried to develop an office, where I could experiment in these fields. There is always a sense of tolerance in the architecture of Mexico City, sometimes due to the earthquakes, but also because of the lack of planning. One could learn how to take advantage of these things and experiment with them in order to find new solutions and answers.
Does have an education in Mexico a double meaning while there is a possibility to study either at the public either at the private university?
I think that there are some very good public universities, where you can learn a lot from very well-educated professors, which also studied abroad. UNAM is a huge public university, where you can meet a lot of people with different interests and that can enrich your perspectives. You can’t have this opportunity if you frequent a private university as the faculties are smaller and you can’t compare the resources of private and public institution.
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Official opening of the installation. | Photo © Fabio Cunha
In your projects you work with communities therefore are your social projects like an urban acupunctures than built houses; Why?
I was always interested in the public realm but as a junior architect I didn't had a chance to make project in a legal or formal way. At the beginning I started to experiment with my colleagues, first we did some small experiments mostly payed with our owns salaries. We acknowledged that if want to make some changes, that would last longer and with a greater impact on our community, we should start to think in the kind of commissions that could be the ones we should look for in order to had better and stronger consequences. Well, there were none, we didn't win no competition. But maybe that was not even the right question to ask or at least that was not the one that interested us the most, and we started to work in self-committed projects. The project doesn’t need to be just buildings, we could work more with experiments.
You have been present at the Lisbon Triennial of Architecture 2019 with a project Boxing Boxes?
The project is much older that you have seen it in Lisbon. It has started as a research and finished as a build installation; a continuous steel tubular structure placed in a sand box in the Northern neighbourhood in Lisbon. We use a “Boxing Boxes” name to avoid the gym term. It is not a gym but an open typology. Some people mentioned me Lisbon Architectural Triennial and how the team would be compatible with the project and that is how we started to think in Lisbon as a place to materialize the research.
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It was very difficult for me to manage this project from so far away but the it was a great help that the Lisbon team, composed mostly by the local young atelier Gato Morto and Ensaios e Diálogos Associação, explain me more about places and problematics. We had frequent reunions via Skype with organizational team of the Lisbon Triennial, members of the neighbourhood of Portugal Novo, boxing gym managers, among others. The Lisbon team had reunions with the neighbours to explain which demands were included into the design.  
You were entering into this public space of the specific neighborhood in Lisbon?
The project is located in the Portugal Novo neighbourhood, a social housing complex done in the 1970s that has never been completed. It left homes, areas, educational and recreation facilities unfinished. People have told me that today is almost the same situation as it was in the 1980s. There is a sense that time hasn’t passed in 30 years. Due the irregularity of those settlements a great number of vulnerable African, Indian and Roma immigrants have come to occupy the neighbourhood and had difficulty with communication and interaction.
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Most of the strength of the project is due the location. In the beginning I had an idea that maybe the project could be placed in a more central place in Lisbon or even close to the main museums like MAAT Museum near the river. But later we felt that if it was there it could almost betray its own principles. We were searching for a place with the power of negotiation where community shall benefit from the project and accept it because they had a lack of infrastructure.
Just before we selected Portugal Novo as a definite point of intervention was the help with the Lisbon team that told me more about the neighbourhood, their experience in knowing some of the actual neighbors, the possibilities of a greater impact for both the team, neighbourhood and Trienalle and finally the interest associations such as Aga Khan Foundation had in the implementation of a temporary project there.
What is important in the planning of the project?
The most important thing I believe is the management. I was always afraid that the people from the neighbourhood might think on why should they accept a project from a strange Mexican guy, who has ambitions to experiment in their neighbourhood and invade their public space. Sometimes they were asking if they will need to pay for the use of the installation or if they will need tickets to use it. They also asked if it is going to be temporary or permanent and we were not clear about the answers. That shows how fundamental were the management skills of both Mexico City and Lisbon team towards the community. We involved their wishes into the design, supporting their needs to modify the installation if they want. I was also communicating with people after and before the inauguration not to make them feel being used as now the installation is theirs.
How did you communicate with the audiences to attract them into the project?
Online, with calls also writing many emails. We as a team from Mexico City and Lisbon try to present them the project together. For example: I made some architectural images in order to present the project, but these images were understandable only for architects and not for general public. Therefore, after some conversations I had to make some other images, texts and strategic communications thinking in a broader public.
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I landed in Lisbon one week before the opening, the installation was built in four days. It was very quickly. I wanted to be there when the first type was installed because I could solve doubts and be able to meet and talk with the neighbours. I was able to take care of the installation but also to be aware of the people that were exploring it. In few days we were in Portugal Novo many hours per day trying to have the best results.
We organized some reunions, meeting and introduce the idea to the president of the neighbourhood and to some other important social actors. Finally the opening was organized as a multicultural lunch that allowed people to know each other with the Triennial organizers, journalist, architects, neighbours, people that worked there. We wanted to do it in the horizontal way so we shared the common meal and time.
To talk and to listen. How did you communicate?
Sometimes in Spanish as some of the Roma immigrants who live there have a strong connection with Barcelona. Most of them know Spanish. With Gato Morto I used to talk in English, and since I know a little Portuguese, they were very kind and helped me translating whenever I neighbor wanted to talk with me. Sophia, Maddalena and Claraluz were very empathetic in that sense, maybe because all of us were actually all immigrants from Mexico, Brazil, Barcelona, Cabo Verde, India, etc.
Is temporality an advantage or a disadvantage in the implementation of this project?
In this case temporality was both an advantage and a disadvantage. A disadvantage when you realize you can’t plan activities in a long term the activities because originally in two months from the opening the installation was planned to be brought out. You have to schedule all in a few weeks or months. An advantage when you know that the neighbours might be willing to accept the project if you tell them that it will be there just for few weeks.
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Thankfully, after the opening they had so many good opinions they started to think that this remporary project could become permanent. We first asked the community what they think about it and when they saw that so many children and adults were interacting with each other and the public realm was not about fighting with the immigrant group but about having a place to discuss common themes as a community, they were willing to accept it as a permanent one but with a possibility to modify it.  
The most important thing in the whole story is probably that you got trust from the residents?
I believe there was a coincidence of getting the trust for the project but also getting the trust from the neighbourhood and the local authorities. I believe there were also a happy coincidence of factors such as the creation of a new local association of Portugal Novo and the search of some legitimacy through some nice and quick results. We manage to integrate a team with them and the communication was therefore much easier.
What shows the Boxing Boxes installation is that you succeeded to connect different generations in the public space; did you plan this or it just happened?
Although we didn’t plan it, it was in the wish list. We knew that the ambiguity of the installation could facilitate such connection. In the general perception if we had to assign one to each, a playground is more for children and a sport facility is more for adults. One of the greater assets of Boxing Boxes is that its open design can join both adults and children to enjoy a space like this. We wanted to soften and blur the difference between playing and practicing sport since the place gives a chance to experiment with people from another age, another immigrant group and another neighborhood.
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Do you have, besides Gato Morto, some other person or group in Portugal Novo that you are still attached and you still communicate with?
Yes, one example would be Nuno Furtado. He was the president of the neighbourhood society of Portugal Novo called AMPAC Olaias. His family is part of the immigrant group from Cabo Verde and he told me that when he was a child in this neighbourhood, he always had to move to another neighbourhood in order to play. He was very excited about the opening, telling us how well the kids were playing in the installation and how he enjoyed the situation because there was a lack of public life in the streets, which makes the streets feel insecure. With kids playing the parents are somehow forced to be occupy the plaza during the night. All of a sudden, the night was also this time of play, sport and integration. After that he also started to play with children, that was one of the best moments that we had.
Photos © Hugo David 
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roachie-oats · 6 years
so like
recently ive been thinking of . Putting out a little thing abt myself to my followers and whoever else might be reading this that actually cares about my blog or me
it’s kind of just a story about my time associating with the members of that old dirtygfconfessions blog, and. I think it’s time i genuinely told the whole story here. I guess I want to because then I can send this to people who are curious, and it just helps to get it off my chest
Warning: this post includes mentions of sensitive material.
i used to be one of the mods of the dirty gravity falls confessions blog.
we used to have a skype group chat for all of the mods of the blog. The name changed a lot
The stuff we did there are both things i did regret and things i dont regret.
i can tell you this - it was not for the fainthearted. Before i was desensitized, i remember having a panic attack when somebody sent a picture of a real, disfigured and busted open body that i really don’t want to get into the detail about. We used slurs. We made the most offensive jokes we could think of.
I had fun, mostly around the beginning. Of course, I didn’t feel welcome despite them never telling me i wasn’t.
I felt the most fond of the mod leader we called bip. I was scared of him, too, however.
There were times where i left the chat because my feelings were hurt, but i always came back.
Eventually, when gf ended and when the blog died down, we just became a general chat. They eventually made a discord server.
Then, in came some people we called roxy, blaze, lily, and other people. I’m not calling them by their newest names i’ve heard because i don’t want a lot of people going “i know who they are!” And trying to harass them.
Please don’t bother these people. I don’t even want them to know I’m talking about this. It wouldn’t matter if they did, though, but whatever. The way I refer to them is also to further protect their current identities, so please don’t bitch to me about it if you know them.
Anyway, i was fond of lily, too. I never felt close to blaze and I never will.
Roxy was. Something. By that I mean roxy was very guilt-trippy and made everyone uncomfortable despite our efforts to tell her to stop doing whatever it was that we didn’t enjoy. After a dispute that directly involved me (she was trying to antagonize me because of a fetish), we kicked her out. For some reason, the mods (especially bip) still talked to her even though they always said how shitty she was in the group chat. Bad sign already.
The stuff in between was a blur, but i remember i still went on and off of the chat because of personal issues.
At some point I did something to make blaze uncomfortable, i don’t want to say what it was but i can assure you i never did it again. Also, i barely remember it anyway.
After that, blaze did everything in their power to make me look like a bad person, argue with anything i said or thought, and get me kicked out of the chat for the most irrational reasons. I remember he “jokingly” kicked me out of the chat because i liked sausage party, and ignored me when i asked when he was going to add me back.
He started arguments with another member who, admittedly did go too far with things, but wasn’t a bad person at heart in the slightest.
Blaze went as far as to claim this person was transphobic and faked being trans, even though the person never made any claims of being trans and didnt even comment anything bad about stuff like that.
What sucked was how blaze got away with all of this, and was one of the closest people to the admin, bip.
He was manipulative as all hell, and started dating lily and tried to control her. He WAS in a relationship with somebody else named Maddie before lily. However, he cheated on her with this other person. And the whole chat blamed the person he cheated on with, instead of blaze. They kicked the person out.
I used to send lily hearts all the time because i guess I practically loved them. I was about a year or two too old, though. Maybe three. We weren’t over 18 yet, though. At some point, i was told by bip and blaze to stop sending hearts to lily bc it made them uncomfortable. I agreed not to, but I did feel like this wasn’t something lily would have other people tell me, so i felt like blaze was being controlling and possessive of lily. When i pointed this out to them, lily told me to mind my own business. Red flag.
More conflict rose between me and blaze.
I decided i wanted to just try to talk to blaze, i was as calm as i could be and i tried being really understanding, because i knew he hated me. I wanted to fix things between us, or at least stop all the arguments and shit, but he refused, telling me he didn’t want to say how he felt about me. He didn’t want to talk about any of it. So i left him alone.
I think at that point I left or something because I didn’t want to be in that chat since they were so manipulated by him.
In another light, during all of this, i did have chats with bip. And honestly, we even sent nudes and other sexual content to each other. But we only did it if bip consented. I always asked him if he wanted to send pictures or videos, and i always reassured him that if he didn’t want to, he didn’t have to. End of story.
Hell, i told the whole chat if i ever made them uncomfortable, they could tell me. I didn’t want to be the next Roxy. They never did tell me until that second to last point that i left when i did happen to make them uncomfortable by talking about a sexual attraction to a character they valued in terms of childhood, and they were angry about it. i got angry, too. (and no, it was not a problematic figure)
Later, bip and i talked again. I don’t remember why, but we did. i probably started it for some reason. He told me he got rid of blaze because the chat realized how manipulative he was. He said i could join the chat again if i wanted to. So i did.
I was scared. And i was right to be. Not only did i feel even more unwelcome, i felt humiliated. I decided to search for any mentions of me because i was so scared of what they said about me while i was gone.
It was horrible.
They deliberately sought out my blogs and made fun of my art, looked through my vent accounts and called me names because i had beliefs different from theirs, said i always made them uncomfortable, and at some point bip himself tried to word his statements as if i forced him to send pictures. he pretended he didn’t consent to it.
Bip had apologized to me for the shit they did the day i looked through those messages. I feel sick just thinking about this.
I got so upset that i left again and blocked everyone associated with it. I vowed never to return to them again. I’d rather die than have to deal with them. I always felt unwelcome and hated when i was in that chat. I always felt like the people wanted to hurt me and wanted me to die.
They did. They said i should just die.
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maptoourescape · 6 years
Hi I just wanted to say I love your blog and I love the way you display Tom's thoughts and mentality. I wanted to ask what do you think about this whole situation with Tom, is it hard to keep roleplaying him and to reenact his thoughts when he has been acting so unusual lately? Do you think he is happy? Keep up the great work! ^^
INTRO &DISCLAIMERNow what I am going to tell you is obviously just how I see the situationpersonally. This might not be the representation of reality whatsoever, eventhough I’d like to think I’m a good judge of character. I don’t know thesepeople. They are, by all means, strangers to me as I am to them. But I DIDhappen to grow up with them, observe them through years of footage, and seemany of their quirks in real life as well whenever I had a fortunateopportunity. Saying that, I feel like even though their stage personas (orwhatever you might call them) are “built strong” sometimes, you can still peekright through them if you have enough of a “people sense”.Look, most folks probably realize that Tom isn’t all that he gives out to be,but they don’t really think about it all TOO much. And honestly, I don’t either- it just comes naturally for me to psychologically evaluate people. And myevaluation of him is that he is full of unresolved issues.I don’t even mean that in a bad way, I really don’t. I just want all the bestfor him. But let’s just say that seeing how his life was up until now, thereare multiple factors that play out in his current “out of character” behavior. Toa certain extent, I can also relate to him in some regard. Similarly to him forexample, I too use a weird sort of humor to hide behind, almost as though it’smy shield, so none of what I’m saying is said in a judgmental manner. We all haveour own issues after all, and that doesn’t make us any lesser.BUT FIRST THING’S FIRSTTalking about humor, let’s just get straight into it, because we have to startsomewhere… Humor is a stress relief weapon by its poetic definition. In Tom’scase, it isn’t any different – only maybe he takes that a few steps further,still. More than just as a casual thing, his jokes are also being used to takethe edge away from what he considers to be serious and/or emotionally intangiblesituations. Why? Because Tom doesn’t appear to be someone who would like to“show his real self” to people in a situation he can’t properly evaluate,unless he knew for SURE they are to be trusted. In other words – he doesn’twant “the emotion that would be shown from him” to be used as a weapon againsthim later on, especially if he doesn’t know what kind of a reaction to expect from thecounterpart. “If you appear vulnerable, this same vulnerability is going to beused against you” is the mentality here – that’s a lesson of sorts that he’s probably learned how to incorporatein his daily life at a very young age already. So deflecting a lot of shit withhumor is basically an act of protecting himself. Same with his manly-manboasting, and all the confident penis commentary, which many people look at justsuperficially, saying that it’s trashy and/or annoying – even though what itreally turns out to be, in my opinion, is a (not all that uncommon) copingmechanism. So the next thing you’d ask would probably be “but what on earth is he copingwith then?” I guess it would be probably safer to ask what he isn’t coping withat this point, because we’re talking about a bunch of things here, all muddledtogether in one big ball of anxiety. Main things to highlight probably include a)fear of abandonment, b) some art of repressed self-consciousness, c) some weird(intrigue by and a fear having lack of?) dominance issue and etc. all the wayto the last letter of the alphabet.I’d say it all started in childhood with his father leaving and being, as faras we know, generally problematic (because honestly, that fucks us divorceekids all up, and it’s so internalized that we don’t even really realize ituntil it hits us in the face as adults, when we are suddenly facing multipledaddy issues all at once lol). Maybe even beforehand, depends on what sort of anupbringing the twins’ parents decided to give them. Then we have the general yearsof complete hell, also generally known as the school days, full of bullies and nasty youngadults with too much time on their hands. We all know the baseball bat stories –need I go into further detail? Then comes the growing up under the spotlight,of course – the unusual puberty they had to go through, as Gustav so nicely putit in the documentary – and being pushed into a harsh ass business at such ayoung age… just basically dealing with a bunch of stuff that kids usually haveno place dealing with, and maybe learning some lessons that normal people onlyget to really learn in their 20s or 30s. Namely how it is to be working with allthe wrong people, and probably having at least some sort of taste of a betrayalon a professional, working level etc.If there is one thing, one lesson that ties all of these separate life erastogether to make a nice whole, it’s one of how you have to be careful aroundpeople, and how forming trusting relationships isn’t a very simple task,whatsoever. Between parents leaving, peers bullying you, media shitting on youand the industry silently pulling their own strings behind your back – oh, andhave I mentioned stalkers and the literal walls they had to build around theirhouse in order to keep them at bay? which didn’t work anyway because their private space WAS invaded by gross people? – I guess you pretty damn quicklystart losing your naïveté. Or well, if not that, at least your trust in prettymuch anyone that hasn’t been with you since the very, very beginning.And then comes, obviously, the relationship he had with Ria.Now, again, everything I’m saying is based purely on my speculation from mereobservation. I don’t actually know any of the people they associate with either.But the vibe I got from his relationship with Ria was honestly… not that bad inthe beginning. I think that, at least at the start, she was really, really goodfor him. And that he got even more attached to her eventually, because she wasthere when he emotionally needed her most (read: the big move to the USA,stalker problems and lack of motivation to keep being in a band from all thepressure…). I also think that he kind of thought this relationship was really“it”, you know? As years went on though, just as any other relationship, theirsseemed to have become this sort of “routine” as well. And we all know that feeling, don’twe? If not from our own experience, then from some of our friends’ experiencesat least? The feeling when the stomach butterflies die down, and the initialeuphoria just settles into a still?My take on it is that he really, REALLY tried a LOT to make it work, even afterit sort of started “crumbing down” for whatever reason. I feel like he feltsuper comfortable with her BECAUSE they’ve been together for so long. Maybe itbecame a sort of a routine for him too, but it was one he definitely sought toupkeep. Tom didn’t want to let go of her. Because ruining what he had with herwould mean “having to find someone new”. And “having to find someone new” wouldmean “having to open up to someone again” – something that isn’t all that easyfor him to do, for the already before mentioned reasons.Pretty sure we all know about some infidelity speculations being rumored tohave been going down between them as well, especially from her side. Andhonestly, that would explain a thing or two about how his behavior has changedin the time ever since they’ve officially broken up. I obviously do not knowthe specifics, but I’ll be damned if I don’t realize it takes two in order toa) form a relationship, but also b) in order to not fix it if it goes south.Doubtlessly, none of the two was a complete saint. And doubtlessly they bothhave their own character flaws. But though dubious in its legitimacy, hersupposed infidelity really ties well with what’s happening right now, in thismoment. Just think about it… Yet another massive betrayal. Another one of themassive disappointments he experienced along his life’s journey. This onecoming from someone he perhaps even considered to be his (other) life partner.Only now that we got the mere basics down can I finally start bringing upShermine, and the point of this entire conversation anyway: his “change” asbrought up with his dynamic with Heidi. Because I really think that in order toproperly understand why I think this Klum relationship is toxic, you firstneeded my quick review of “the entire story”.BACK TO THE POINT AT HAND NOW I don’t think the Shermine relationship was honestly all that different fromthe one Tom has with Heidi now. I can’t claim to know the reasons why itprobably “didn’t all work out with Sher” (besides the obvious fact that thiswas never a relationship in its full meaning of the word, but rather just whatpeople usually call “an affair”), but it might have been them just beingseparated by where they lived and what not – or maybe also Shermine seeing howmuch of a “child” Tom really was in certain regards. It’s not like she was thisperfect example of maturity either, mind you, having to constantly post hintsabout how she’s together with him and what not, but at the end of the day, Isort of feel she got more tired of HIS bullshit than vice versa. And by “hisbullshit” (again, not meant to be judging) I mean this strange passivity that has been surrounding him recently (examples and explanations coming up). If someone on twitter now points out how “unlikeTom it is to let Heidi post on social media about him,” another person then instantlyyells out saying “why do you care, if he apparently doesn’t care anymoreeither!”And to me, it is exactly THAT that is the concerning factor anyway.People are, in a strange way, right when they shout “Tom doesn’t care aboutbeing public anymore!” but they don’t look deep enough into it to see theproblem behind it. Yes, it’s true – if Tom wouldn’t want to be posted on socialmedia, then his old enough, almost 29 year old ass could’ve just told Heidi to NOTfucking do it. So yeah, you know what? Most probably, he’s NOT stopping her.But him “not being bothered to go against it” doesn’t mean he’s automaticallyokay with it. Those two are not mutually exclusive. What I see in his behavior right now - that is also something that’s seemingly been there forever since he’s been hooking up with Shermine too - is mindlessness, carelessnessand a complete disregard for what he used to stand for in regards to his “morals”.May I note that I can also see he has this sort of complete disregard abouthimself floating around as well? He appears to be very passive, and seems asthough he really just isn’t putting any thought into… well, pretty muchanything he’s doing… like ANYTHING, whatsoever. And yes, I realize that “people can change,” and that Tom too could’ve just aseasily had a spiritual awakening, and was suddenly like “you know what, I’m NOTgonna stress about being on social media that much anymore, and I’m NOT goingto stress about being in the press…”. But the thing is – these sorts of thingsdon’t just happen overnight. Especially not with the life he’s been leading andhow much it’s been fucking him up along the way at times. You don’t go fromwanting complete privacy because of your own very legitimate paranoia, to goingto an Amfar Whatever Gala event in front of millions of press to out yourrelationship, just like he did. You don’t go from avoiding cameras as much ashumanly possible to vacantly stare at a paparazzi’s Canon in the distance inorder to see if it’s getting the right shot of you and your new so calledgirlfriend. This sort of mental change CAN obviously happen. But overtime, and usually– dare I suggest? – with therapy (which we are bringing back up later). By myinterpretation of how he is as a person though, I don’t think this “transition”was something that happened in an exactly healthy way. More than seeing Tom as “careless but happy,” (as people paint him out to be), Iright now see him as being “careless and confused”. Numb, even. Out of placeAnd “out of place” is a phrase to describe him best when it comes to how helooks like as soon as Heidi’s around.VAGUELY EXPLAINED CAMP EXPERIENCE INSERTI’ve been there on this Camp, and the way he reacted to literally everything –people, his surroundings, most everything you can imagine – changed bizarrelyas soon as he knew she was around. It’s almost like he was being nearbypetrified. I have no idea why either. One would think that if you’re datingHeidi Klum, you’d want to show her off or something. Or at least be ascomfortable with her as on (play pretend or not) all those paparazzi photos that keep popping up. Especiallywhen literally NONE of the campers really cared for her presence there, so it wasn’t like he was afraid for her wellbeing or whatever. So no, no psycho had the intention to attack her, literally no one cared, but Tom still just turned into this… anxious little mess?Mind you, when I saw her arrive, my mind was also still open. I was like, “ya knowwhat, all of their other family and friends are being so lovely – Georg’s gf who justjoined in on the activities, and Gustav’s wife too, just supporting her hubbyand speaking to the fans… maybe Heidi’s going to prove everyone wrong and bereally lovely”. But honestly, from the moment she entered the Camping grounds, you couldFEEL the atmosphere drop.Never mind the fact that she was having a stare-down with many fans (includingmyself) for no apparent reason, which I still do not understand… From where Iwas sitting, she was making it very damn obvious she wanted to just “geteveryone’s attention”. Her glares were basically daring us “to go spread theword that she arrived”, and when we wouldn’t care (because surprise surprise,we weren’t there for her, so obviously no one really cared?) she would stare atus even weirder. But as I said, that in itself isn’t all that important. What Ineed to convey is how insanely uncomfortable TOM appeared to be when she wasaround.(As a side note, I also feel like we all kinda expected a huge ass party to godown on the last day of Camp, seeing how on the previous few days, the guyswould kinda leave at latest 2 in the morning – which made sense, becauseeveryone knew they were gonna have responsibilities the next day. But literallynothing was planned for Monday morning, and I felt like everyone was superpumped about the guys finally having an opportunity to party with us reallylong and really proper. Only, you know, that never really happened. And I daresay it was mainly because of Klum.)I digress, at some point of the evening after the firework finale, the twins actually came tothe counter in order to hang out with people (after they’ve left to refresh first, leaving people confused as to if they were even returning), and I thought “Yay, maybe they’ve actually joined us again to party like everyone kinda expected, so that’s great!”. But no suchluck. It was there exactly - at the counter - where the difference of how Tomis without her around VS when she IS around became so prominent. Only a nightearlier, the guys would stay behind the counter for AGES, just interacting,taking pictures, drinking, having a good time… on Sunday, they weren’t therefor even 10 minutes, before leaving towards a backstage area of sorts. I sawher being at the counter for a while as well, with literally no one botheringher whatsoever, but she eventually disappeared, initially making me think “Oh, maybeshe’ll just mingle with people, go chat up Georg’s GF or something… maybe thisevening is actually gonna be bomb!”. But her leaving simply resulted in Tom REPEATEDLYpressing Bill into “going to the backstage area”.Tom looked NOTHING like the night before. He was TRYING to interact with somefans, but was mostly just looking really out of place. It happened on at least3 separate occasions in those short ten minutes, that he would poke Bill atevery opportunity he got, just to press him into going to the stage area. Hekept on elbowing Bill whenever the other would turn around to get somethingfrom the fridge, pointing to the stage, looking vaguely lost, not really payingproper attention to his surroundings. Bill was visibly giving hints that he “wantedto just stay for a while longer,” even going as far as showing Tom his drink asthough he were to say “lemme at least finish this first?” until Tom eventuallyprevailed and they actually decided to move to where she was – to the infamousbackstage area. Again, I thought that maybe they had plans on going on stage to the DJs again(seeing how they did that on the nights before), maybe give one last propergoodbye to people before mingling in the crowd some further. But that neverhappened. Honestly, thinking back on it, it was kind of bizarre to think theyjust huddled up in the little space behind the stage. They wouldn’t even pull acurtain to have some sort of privacy – if you went behind the stage, you couldliterally just see them interact there, being all secluded from the rest of thepeople. More secluded than on the previous day when it was raining cats anddogs but they STILL made the effort to just hang around with all of us! The situation lefta bitter taste in my mouth, because at that point I KNEW that if she wasn’tthere, the party would have been so insanely different, so insanely cool. Ifelt bad for Bill, who was just longingly looking onto the stage, taking videosof it – he gave off the vibe that we wanted to go party, but (for some bizarrereason) “couldn’t”. It felt as though hedecided he would rather stick to the out-of-place-looking Tom, which Ihonestly, at the end of the day, can’t really blame him for.Not even half an hour later, the golf carts arrived to pick them up, and that washonestly so strange to observe too. Not even once in the whole entire weekend did Ihave a feeling of them rushing anywhere. Whenever the boys would arrive orleave with the carts, whenever they’d change locations, they would always honkand scream around, letting everyone know what they were up to, shooting people with water pistols if in range even. But suddenly then, the golf cart had topark backwards towards the stage in order for them to “have a clear and quickstart”. There was no honking, no proper goodbyes we were used to from theearlier days. They just kinda… drove off. And I know for a damn FACT that itwouldn’t have been like that if it wouldn’t be for her. I wish this would just be me – that this would just be a plot of my own damnimagination. Because I WISH she wasn’t a cunt, for Tom’s sake obviously. But Ihave talked to a bunch of people, and they have all had their separateexperiences, most of which only furthermore confirmed how I see the situation. Factsare these: 1. Heidi was there for the obvious reason of getting our (thefans’), as well as the media’s attention. 2. She was acting all high andmighty, as well as really possessive (even jealous at some moments, which is sosuper bizarre to think about), and it wasn’t a good look. 3. And I don’t knowwhy EXACTLY, but as soon as she was around, Tom ALWAYS sort of froze on spot.Look, I don’t know, maybe he’s just intrigued by that sort of dynamic and getsoff on it, and just doesn’t want to publically admit that he “likes herdemanding demeanor”. But yo, even if that was the case – at the end of the day thatdoesn’t make the whole relationship any less toxic. OKAY, TO THE CORE NOWShe has subtle manipulation tactics down to the T. I can tell, because I knowhow to use those in my advantage as well. And you’ve probably had this happento you too, mostly without even realizing it. It comes to the surface in a waywhere some parents make their kids feel bad for “not cleaning up the dishes”for example. Instead of demanding “it gets done because otherwise they’ll beconsequences”, some choose the more toxic approach of emotional manipulation,saying things like “don’t worry, it’s fine, what’s another hour more to my nineto five working schedule anyway?” It’s in the way that one friend of yours says“oh okay” without a smiley face when you cancel on going out with them. It’swhen something comes out of people’s mouths, and the meaning is dubious.Something that is meant to make you walk the line between “but is it reallyokay?” and “I feel uncomfortable that you feel uncomfortable, so let me help”.  Her entire presence just screams that demeanor,and I don’t doubt I’m right in this. She probably even pulled something like that in that counter scenario I was talking about too, going like “oh you go hang out with fans, I’ll just be there… having my drink…” The question now remains if Tom is oblivious to these attitudes or not.Honestly, both yes and no seem like a legitimate answer to me in this case.Neither of the twins seem to really be capable of a good “evaluation” when itcomes to perception in regards to human character. They’re not short inadmitting that themselves either, and said it numerous times that this is whysongs like “Never let you down” happened to exist in the first place. But italso makes sense if we again tie it with the fact that they had a puberty muchunlike ours is. Meeting people was always sort of arranged in their world, so gettingto know someone spontaneously isn’t really an experience that’s been followingthem ever since they were socially capable of “making their own friends”. Can’tsay that that’s a concept that’s completely alien to them, having lived in theUSA for so long now and what not, but we also can’t say they have as many experiences withit as someone who had a “normal lifestyle” either.I’d say Tom is intelligent enough to realize what’s going on, but simply toonumb to do anything about it. What’s more, maybe he even enjoys this sort ofdynamic.“But why,” you might ask “would anyone enjoy this sort of manipulative dynamic?”Honestly, I feel what he likes about it is that someone’s taking away hisresponsibilities to himself. It basically feels as though you’re giving the reins to your insides into the possession of someone else - someone who you feel can makethe most out of them when you obviously couldn’t. And even if they couldn’t exactly “makethe best out of it” – Tom’s been steering himself for too long, only torepeatedly be faced with complete disappointment on the roads he’s taken. It’snot like he cares what happens anymore, as long as he gets to feel at leastsomewhat at peace. So why not let someone else “take his life into their ownhands”? Why not be the follower of someone who seems to not be bothered by literallyeverything he usually stands against? Someone who seemingly had more luck inlearning about how to cope with this reality that is “being famous and beingshat on”.My conclusion drawn from what I’ve experienced and heard is that she “keeps himon a short leash,” while simultaneously trying to boost her own importance andego as they go. From what I see, he is being very much so infatuated with her,but I wouldn’t dare calling that love by any means. Yet another heated affair,if anything. I think he really lost himself along the way of people fucking himup in his life (especially since the breakup he had with Ria), so he isn’treally thinking straight anymore at all. He’s just going with the flow, doingwhatever the fuck he wants to, fucking whoever the fuck he wants to, and hasthis little rebellious side of him tell him to “fuck the rest”.Which WOULD be a good thing – fuck the haters, imma do my thing and stuff… Onlyif he wouldn’t be doing it out of all the wrong reasons. Namely what seems tobe a desperate attempt and need to just “change himself for the better” because“he isn’t a weak ass motherfucker”.I feel like he has quite some problems with the concept of vulnerability. He has this sort of a persona built up which he strives to be, but really isn’t– basically a sort of an alpha male persona – and right now, he’s probably sofar off in his head, that he just wants to desperately fit this picture perfectimage of himself, no matter how many broken pieces are waiting for him to berepaired on the inside. He wants to prove that “he’s better and stronger” tohimself, as well as to everyone around him. He’s ignoring his issues, pushingthem aside, thinking that “ignoring” his problems is better than to face them,“because after all, facing them only ever brought him pain and anguish anyway”…But holdingthings inside like that, suppressing all the negatives by all means necessary…I think most people realize how bad this can get – a person turning into aliving ticking time bomb that can be triggered into an explosion at any time. Hemight be feeling happy now, in this moment of bliss he’s created for himself,just ignoring everything that’s been eating away at him from the inside, neverletting it surface. But you can only keep your demons at bay for so long,before they come haunting you again, with even more vigor.Prolonging the inevitable in this way is pretty much the most horrible idea onthe long run you can have. But Tom isn’t thinking on the long run. He’s thinking “peaceof mind, now, or I’m gonna lose it”.I don’t know what it is that triggered this “obsession to be okay”. Maybe hewants to be spiteful to Ria. Maybe he wants to prove to her “how much betteroff he can be without her” and “what a changed and open man he has become”.Maybe it’s not even Ria. Maybe he just can’t deal with being without SOME sortof a sexual partner, because it makes him feel like a failure. Maybe he cravesa sort of intimacy he used to have, but is now gone, so he fills his time withwhat he thinks is “second best”. Who knows. It could be a number of things, andmany more than I can probably never even think of.At the end of the line, my personal perception of what he’s doing is that it’s –and I’ve repeated myself in this wordall too many times now – toxic. No matter the reason why he’s doing it. I thinkhe would be better off alone for a while, and, if not getting therapy, at leastletting himself have some breathing space, and just give himself a second toheal from whatever is gnawling at him. Heal from whatever seems to be “pushinghim” from the inside to be this perfect ideal self he so desperately seems towant to be. AND BEFORE I FINISHLet us just quickly dive into this one last important element of this dynamic –namely where Bill comes in, and how it all comes together at the end of the day. If we assume I am at least vaguely correct in my interpretationof things, it’s obvious that there’s no way in hell that Bill would be blind to somethingnot being entirely as it “should be” with Tom. Clearly if even we as fans can perceiveTom as being out of character, how on earth would then his twin miss it?Doubtlessly, no matter the partnership any of the two had/have with anotherperson, it will always affect BOTH twins in one way or another.So how do we explain this undying enthusiasm Bill seems to be sprouting everytime Heidi posts yet another picture of Tom on her social media.Well, there’s a few rough possibilities I see here.1. First would of course be realizing that social media is meant to feed uscontent that isn’t always the exact representation of how the reality is. Whoknows if Bill’s endless heart emojis really are as heartfelt as we imagine themto be in the first place. But I digress. I sincerely think Bill’s not fakinghis enthusiasm. Most of all because his idolizing when it comes to Heidi reallyseems to know no bounds. Which leads me straight into the more possible optionnumber two.
2. Billsort of admiring and romanticizing the relationship Tom and Heidi have – to thepoint where he thinks Tom feeling out of place is just sort of his imagination…Because “how in the world could this picture perfect scenario ever be hidingsomething less than PERFECT”. Bill is like that – the romanticizing idealist.And I bet he has this one picture in his head of how Heidi is, and doesn’tstray from it, even if there’s weird signs that she might not be all heimagines, and no matter what other people might suggest in order to persuadehim. Stubborn. The twins are so. Damn. Stubborn.3. What I imagine most – or well, wish to imagine, hoping that Bill isn’t toolost in his ideals in regards to Heidi – is that Bill actually tried talking toTom about what’s wrong, but Tom refusing to tell him, continuously saying that“all is fine” as he probably does so many times with his manly-manpersona up. And then Bill letting it slide, just being as happy as possible forhim, even though he knows something’s up. Because what else is he to do anyway?STUBBORN, REMEMBER?
Whatever itmight be – at the end of the day it’s really sort of exhausting how the twinsjust give each other concession over and over again. Recently, an old interviewresurfaced where they talked about how “they don’t need therapy, because theyhave each other”. Well, with both of them so stubborn and both of them so damnproud, with both of them being unable to take a sincere word of advice as anythingbut a personal attack… Of course they prefer each other over someone else withperspective. Because a therapist would not massage their egos as they do to oneanother. A therapist wouldn’t let them drown in pity and join in on their spitelike it’s their own. Because that wouldn’t resolve anything.Relying solely on someone that is also really similarly fucked up might makeyou not feel alone, but it sure as hell won’t drag you out of shit. They’re eachother’s excuse, constantly, probably unknowingly only dragging each other downwhen it’s really bad. Instead of telling the other “no, you need to dosomething about yourself, you’ve been down in the gutter for too long”they probably just go “yes, that person did a horrible thing, and I’llcontinue hate them with you while we wallow in our joined self-pity”. Whatthey would need is to challenge each other more, and not just give one anothermore silent vigor to just stay miserable…OUTROBut, hey, this is where I stop babbling, even though I feel I didn’t evenremotely scrape the surface, or tell everything that’s been building up insideme lately.I’ve been debating with myself if I should really go into such excruciating detailregarding my thoughts on Tom – mostly because I don’t think traumas ofdescribed sort are something to discuss online in such a manner, no matter if true or not. In a way, Ifeel protective, because the mere potential of my thoughts being correct gives me a nasty feeling of this being a text of “exposure”. Butthen again, the internet is getting too loud with their weakly argumentedopinions, and people don’t seem to take in account that this human being hasbeen through shit a lot of us can’t even remotely imagine. So I settled foreducation. I wanted to maybe build perspective for someone who hasn’t beenthinking about this all too much.I mean at the end of the day, worst case scenario is that I’m right, but that I’vestill built some sort of perspective for people who think that “Tom’s just a fuckboi”.And best case scenario is that I’m simply overthinking everything anyway, andthat he IS actually just simply happy. In which case, ya know, I’m really,truly happy for him.At the end of the day, that’s exactly what I want, and this is exactly why Iover think it – because I want nothing but the best for all four of these idiots (as said lovingly, of course). So to finally answer your very prevailing question:Do I think Tom’s happy?Solely superficially. Really, properly happy? Alas, I doubt it.Do I want to be wrong?Abso-fucking-lutely.Thank youfor your time, if you by chance came back to find my ass finally thinking of a proper response. It really has been a long time coming.Love,Tina
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triptripletrolls · 5 years
To whom it may concern,
So, I would have loved to have this conversation privately, but you have blocked me on Discord and I have sent you two asks on Tumblr. I could have DMed you on Tumblr but can you imagine being confused and writing a message with questions to a person that you thought was a friend and sent that message only to be greeted with red blaring text saying that the message couldn’t be sent? You were a friend who said that you knew me, words that I held dear, and you defended me that I believed, but you blocked me and cut off our friendship without a word.
I could have tried again on the Tumblr’s DM, asking you what did I do wrong, what possible action have I done between the time that we had our last conversation and to the time before you decided to block me, but whatever thing that I might have sent, I would have been disappointed. In the end, at least for me, taking the time and sorting out my feelings and thoughts is the best end.
Before you and I shifted apart, there were problematic things that I have done that concerned you and you have messaged me with questions. You wanted answers from me directly after been alerted of me from somebody else. Despite your anxiety and heartache, you have done what you did and I thought it was very cool of you to contact me with the troubling actions that I did at the time and questioned me about it. I thought you were a very responsible adult, talking to me and calling me out as a friend. Then, after that conversation, we came to a conclusion, you had your answer and I became aware of things that I wasn’t before. I thought that if another troubling thing happens again in the future, you would have done the same thing again, to be critical and ask me hard questions so that you have all the facts from all sides, and with that, you judge. Plus, we were friends that’s what friends do, to call out on each other’s bullshit and continue to grow with each other.
I didn’t think that I had a tally with our friendship. Tallies that were eaten away with every wrong thing that I did, some which were out of my control. Was our friendship that shallow? Did I not tried hard enough to be your friend? I know we didn’t talk enough or rp enough, but I knew that you were a busy person and your time was short. I didn’t want to bother you when you had other things to do. I loved the little time you gave me, and that is all that I wanted from you. I guess that wasn’t enough. Years don’t matter and there wasn’t enough quality time, you are right to break this friendship with me. It seems like there’s isn’t much to hold on to for our friendship and just one thing was all it needed to snip it.
I’ve been writing for too long, questioning, realizing, and sorting out my whirlwind of emotions. I’ve been writing since the day I came back from my break on Tumblr and it feels like a long time. In actuality, it’s only 3 days, but in those three days  I was able to sort out my emotions, my heartbreak, my confusion and anger, and I accept your choice. I think you did the right thing for yourself.
Remember that I said I’m pretty oblivious and stupid, well trying to figure out what I did wrong took me an incredibly long time. Three incredible days. At first, I thought it was something that I personally did, but I just came back on Tumblr and I don't think I did anything noteworthy. A day later, as I was editing a character, I finally figured it all out, or so I thought. With confidence, I finally had the guts to look a bit further into your blog to see if you had written something to my suspicion. I still don’t understand what a pedophile apologist is, Google and Urban dictionary wasn’t much help, but I thought you broke up our friendship because I was associated with one salty person. They were pretty vocal supporting an infamous person in this community and I did reblog their art just before I went on my break. I will admit, I was friends with that person just as long I was with you, but that person and I just drifted apart and I didn’t pursue that friendship, and now that I realize that our viewpoints are different, I’m not all too comfortable with their views.
However, all of my previous assumptions are incorrect, aren’t they? I didn’t realize your actual reason for the break not so soon after that big drama earlier this week, about the day I came back on Tumblr. Every worry that you had with me was because of someone else. I interacted with all the wrong people: I interacted with a person who I didn’t know was a transmed, I followed an NSFW blog who I didn’t know was run by a minor, I followed someone with a bad reputation on Twitter because I was curious (and by the way, did you know that I did try to comfort them because they tweeted something very depressing, a feeling I don’t want anyone to suffer from), and I had a long friendship with a person who’s view was different from mine. However, the actual person that I think that tipped our friendship was him. He, who also lied to me. Was it because of him? Please, tell that I am wrong.
I’m tired, my old friend. I’m tired of all this drama and suspicion. I’m tired of watching my back and having to double check everything that I do and to the people that I interact with. There are so many people out there, good and kind people, and I want to go back to the time where I can be foolish and just rp with anyone I please. I interacted with a couple of bad apples, yes, but they do not compare to the number of good people that I also interacted with. If I get paranoid of who I’ll interact with, I’m scared that I’ll miss my chance with meeting good people, like you.
I am ending our friendship here too. I am sad and hurt, but I will miss you. You are a great person. You care for this community deeply and you are trying to make good in this community, and you are doing what you are hopeful. You were fucked up by people that you thought were your friends but that didn’t stop you from being caring and fun and making new friends. You have great confidence that many people can look up to. Your art has improved and you have a wide diversity of trolls and for every one of them, you love them. That joy and creativity in you were what made me proud to be your friend. You are anxious and stressed person and this break up have weighed very heavily on you as it did to me.
I am angry, but I know that I don’t want to end our good friendship to end like so many people did with theirs, bitter and thoughtless. I truly loved you as my friend. When you returned in the past, I moved on but I was overjoyed that you had returned. I never forgot about you and I was so glad that we could return to the same joy we had for fantrolls. We didn’t interact much, not even rped with my lack of rp enthusiasm, but still, you counted me as your friend and I was happy to call you my friend too.
I hope you are doing better. I hope that you continue to meet great people and have fun and not worry so much about making new friends. I don’t want you to keep thinking about who might backstab you. I don’t want so much negativity in your life. I care because you were once my dear friend. I wish that your improvement in art increases ten-fold and for your creative juices to flow forever more. So, with many good wishes, goodbye, my old friend.
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taswhapstuff · 6 years
The western Europe life  By: Marko Mladenovik
When we talk about history we look back at wondrous events that helped shape and mold our world, however there was a time period that was...well as bad as it sounded, yes that time period was known as the dark ages. This time period was very much a life of great struggle and hardship for the everyday regular joe of Western Europe. Feudalism had become a dark cloud hanging over society, the church had taken away almost every single amount of freedom of speech and pretty much freedom in general, and finally the plague had wiped out almost 60% of the ENTIRETY OF EUROPE. Oh yes, that magnificent term that described Western Europe deserved it’s name rightfully, for it was the dark age. 
As a lord of some sort in Western Europe life would be pretty sweet, you’d have land, money, power and you could do whatever you wanted because you were the top dog. However, not everyone was up there as a knight, lord or King, the majority of the population that held everything together since they were doing everything in terms of providing for the land and taking care of it, were the peasants. Being a peasant was no easy task during the dark ages, since they were controlled on land that was not theirs by some lord, they would work day in and day out, raising cattle, collecting crops and making sure everything was on time for the lords otherwise, well they would die. The only real “benefit” for them was that they got “protection” from knights who for the most part enjoyed abusing peasants whenever they broke a law or did a bad job on the lands. Feudalism was a way of life that deeply had no balance in fairness of living what so ever, and what’s worse is if you were a peasant you would have very little freedom and there would be no social mobility. 
Church was a huge problem as well during the dark ages, it brought upon even less freedom for people and controlled the entirety of western Europe. This time period had also split the Church into two parts, one being catholic and one Christian. This didn’t change the fact that both sides still controlled Western Europe and only made life harder for everyone else. Since both sides relied on the people to follow their rules to be “pure” or to be smiled upon by God this meant they had to do EVERYTHING the Church made them to do, and if they did not followed such rules they would die, how great is religion Am I right? Religion on top of that brainwashed everyone into believing if you do not follow what they say you are automatically as Bobby Boucher’s over protective mom would put it: “THE DEVIL!”. 
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Plus on top of this since nobody was allowed to speak otherwise from the church there was no progress in modern medicine and little to no progress in society. Medicine at the time relied heavily on God and that meant prayer was the biggest “cure” for a bad cold. This would result in you having an almost little to no chance of survival what so ever. Also, since the church went around accusing many people of working for the devil this basically was just an excuse to publicly execute people. And on top of all of this, you were forced to be either Catholic or Christian and if you were neither you’d be put into whichever side, no negotiation, you either find one or YA DIED. Yep, life was lovely, religion basically was making Kings, lords, and peasants their puppets and death toles rose rapidly, how great. 
Speaking about death, during the dark age there was another brutal hit upon Western Europe that only made things even worse, the plague. As trade was essentially during the times it was not just goods that was getting passed around, diseases spread thanks to parasites/fleas on rats that were crawling all over the place, resulting in people getting sick and dropping like flies every 24 hours. Worst of all, since medicine relied on God and prayer this did not help the people at all, there was no medicine of any kind to help these people find hope in life, only if you were looked nicely upon by God!! I guess everybody wasn’t worthy in his eyes as well 60% OF PEOPLE DIED. Western Europe today is great as many countries have brought upon new adjustments and made life better and better, however the dark ages proved life was just a great big pile of Sh#t back in the day. 
In short life became problematic during the dark ages, there was almost no freedom for peasants, people were being brainwashed to worship a religion that would result in death if you did not proceed to their commands and everybody was dying thanks to the black death. The dark ages indeed deserves its name, nothing was good about that time except for some pretty churches and art here and there, but that was pretty much it in terms of the “rich history” that came from western Europe. Life can be troublesome but you have to think back to yourself sometimes that maybe it isn’t so bad, at least it isn’t the dark ages!
-Marko Mladenovik 
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