#if i didnt already know i was a raging lesbian that very very cool bi girl putting my hand on her thigh would have punched me in the face wi
fakeloveaskblog · 3 years
(Words: 972)
It was monday morning and Janus sat nearly slumped over in his seat. The manager was having their biweekly economy rundown. Working at a library was a surprising amount of economics and paperwork.
At least he was sitting by the same table as Logan. He tried to hide how often he glanced over at his crush. The nerd clearly wasn’t focusing on the rundown anyway.
He had a blue marker out and was doodling constellations on his left arm. It looked like a small galaxy at this point. An ursa major was fighting for space next to a big dipper. Small stars filled out the space between them.
Janus couldn’t help but awe at them a bit. He hadn’t thought of Logan to be the drawing type. To be fair he hadn’t thought he would be the type to stand to talk to him for more than 2 seconds either. Truly a man with more surprises than a mongoose.
Logan suddenly looked at him and they met eyes. Janus’ thoughts immediately eroded into an ocean of panic. He was gonna think he was a gross creep for staring at him for so long during the meeting!!!! He might as well get eaten by a whale!!
A calm smile formed on Logan’s lips. He motioned for the drawings before nodding towards him. Janus quickly nodded back and held his thumb up under the table. The nerd pointed at the other man’s hand, he didn’t really know what he was asking but he still nodded.
The smile on his lips grew. He gently took Janus’ hand and moved it so it firmly laid on top of his thigh, his fingers just about touched the inner part. He took his marker and began to draw a constellation on the top of his hand.
To be frank all of Janus’ braincells stopped working all at once. He??? was??? touching??? a guy’s??? thigh??? What the fuck??? What the fuck??? What the fuck???
Logan was at least 6 inches taller than him and a bit on the chubbier side. His thighs were full and warm...and....well....thicc. (Unlike with himself where all of his fat just laid awkwardly everywhere making him look saggy and disgusting) Janus gulped. It felt nice. Stress inducing yes. It was giving him a gay panic yes. But it was still nice.
He forced himself to look up at Logan’s face. His brow was furried since he was concentrating on making the drawing as pretty as possible. His deep blue eyes already looked like small galaxies.
Janus loved him. He loved him so much.
“Done” Logan whispered while letting go of his hand.
He sadly decided to move his hand away to not seem like a creep. The warmth quickly disappeared from his skin leaving a feeling of missing something. He wanted to hold Logan. Hold his hand. Move his body close to his. Brush his lips against his cheek. Anything.
And also he wanted to press his head between his thighs. Not for sexual reasons!!!....Mostly. For cuddle and warmth reasons! He was a very very cold snake.
He’d been too focused on the ehm thighs to even think about looking at the drawing. He looked down at it. It was just like the others, a star constellation. But it was clear he had put more effort into this one. The lines were smoother and there was a whole bunch of stars surronding it.
“Truly charming artwork Log” He said quietly “Which one is it?”
Logan leaned closer. He put his hand on Janus’ knee “It’s Andromeda. It stands for love”
Janus felt like a melting marshmallow “Oh....So I guess you’ve drawn it on Patty many times”
If Logan could facepalm without making it obvious for their manager that he wasn’t listening he would facepalm over and over again for the next hour.
“Indeed. Andromeda and Capricornus are my two favorite constellation”
“Capricornus? The guy who realized the earth revovled the sun?”
“No that’s copernicus” Logan got an incredibly dorky smile on his face “Capricornus is the constellation for a seagoat! A goat in the sea! Fishgoat!” He said it like it was the funniest thing ever.
It got a mild chuckle from Janus. Right in time for the meeting to end. Their coworkers left the room, returning to work. 
Janus gathered some papers and was about to leave “Could you be sweet and stand in the reception alone for a little bit? I will just slither into a cozy corner and finish my book”
“As long as you tell me all about it afterwards. I hope you aware of how much I love to hear it” Logan tried to say it in a flirty tone “And then tonight maybe you can slither to...to....” The words died on his tounge.
He wanted to ask Janus if he would like to come over to his apartement to eat dinner but he was unsure if his friend would even want to. He could tell Jan was too socially anxious to say no so he really didn’t want to accidentally force him to go to a dinner he didn’t want to.
He usually didn’t overthink this much when it came to lovers. But to be fair usually his crushes flirted back...and didn’t literally run away every time he tried to compliment them.
“Slither to where?” Janus asked, tilting his head.
“Slither over to the coffee shop! I could figuratively kill for a good cup of beans right now. I’ll pay you back, don’t worry”
Janus sent him a sweet smile before turning to leave “No need. My treat” 
Logan was left alone in the empty room. He sighed while slumping back in his chair. He was hopeless. If only there were some bodyless voice that could tell him whether inviting Janus over would be a good idea or not. 
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