#if i didnt give a shit about vi and liked jinx much more than her. maybe it would be cathartic to see it. so i get why it's a thing lmao
lewyn-martell · 1 year
what do you think of caitjinx?
doesn't do anything for me
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bunbunsie · 3 years
Been thinking about how Cait is considered one of the most lawful good out of the entire 50 shades of grey morality cast.
Jayce, while considered heroic, engaging in back room dealing and..child killing. Even Vi, with her admirable shounen protagonist's heart of gold, can be callous with her words and doesnt mind a few deaths if her goals was destroyed. Heimerdinger is good but his inaction and ignorance toward The Undercity's suffering clearly doesnt help anything. Every characters have their good and bad, has done some pretty shits thing (some more than the others)
And there you have Caitlyn. Sweet, kind Caitlyn who wants to protect everyone. Who believes in justice and law, who choose to be a cop because her mentor figure, Grayson is a noble one. Who shows Vi that maybe there is one topsiders that care about the suffering of the undercity people and want to help.
But unlike Ekko (he's a golden boy!! Too good for this world), i think her goodness was borned out naivete, privilege and her shelter upbringing. She's outwordly good because the wolrd around her (safe and prosper and full) allowed her to be one, unlike Vi has to harden herself to protect her own family. Cait's mother really didnt let her see the real world, see the shady things that happened inside the room and outside the shiny surface of Piltover. Her little rebellions like joining the police or releasing Cait may sound revolutionary and daring for Cait herself, but she wont suffer from harsh punishment (like death) and honestly, it doesnt mean much in the grand scale of things
But along the story, her innocent got chipped away, bit by bit. She got shocked at the fact that Vi was beaten by jailers, her parents was killed by wardens (who she thought was a symbol of justice). She saw the awful things at the Undercity. When She turned to her mom and Jayce to help, she still think simply talking to the Council would change their mind and not even take in any other factors (like they simply didnt give a fuck about the undercity lol). Cait is your avarage good law abiding child who has utmost faith in the just, and honestly, I cant blame her. She's like a light that is too good to be true.
Anyway, i do think her naivete goodness will be blown away soon. She was ready to fire at Jinx, showed that she's willing to let her hand stain blood to protect herself and loved on (Vi). Still, she stopped at Vi's pleading. But Jinx has fired the rocket at the Council, where her mother - her safe haven whether she liked it or not- is in. The death flag is flying high.
Cait will be forced to change, and lose a little bit of goodness in her, to be replaced by anger, hatred and grudge. At Jinx, at Vi for stopping her. Maybe she will ready to do shady things, to harm thing to reach her goal. Maybe she will chase after Jinx with the intend to Kill, to revenge
Idk, i want that for her in season 2, it would make her blend in with the rest of the cast's greyness. With how the writer crews has exceed our expectation, i have faith that they will handle her arc right.
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