#if i don t talk about fictional characters the words all stay in my head and i get sick
luridparty · 4 months
yonny pikmin 4 🫵👍my head in going to explode !!!!🫵💥💥💥💥💥
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sellina-skyfall · 3 years
Dream SMP - We don´t talk about it
Summary: It’s no secret that Tommy believes he’s the greatess person to exist, the ego on that child is bigger then everyone elses in the Dream smp combined. Even thou he can handle his own pretty well in battle, maybe he should think twice before picking fights with gods.
In other words, problem child tries to fight the literal goddess of chaos to try and prove to everyone else that he is strong.
Warning: This work is a work of fiction and in no way should be taken as gospel.This was done with entertainment proposes, and involves the Dream smp characters, and the characters only. It is not my intention to make anyone uncomfortable, or cross any bonderies.
This work contains, a fighting scene, mentions of child abandonment, bad parenting and some violence.
I apologize if there are any mistakes, or if there are some sentences that don’t make much sense. English is not my first language.
This can be read as an Xreader, or as an Xcharacter!
-I am not a kid!-
-Yes you are Tommy, I'm not teaching you how to murder someone just because you think you're a grown up-
-You're just afraid I'll beat you in a battle!-
I couldn't lie, it was hard not to listen to Techno's and Tommy's querrels. As loud and as annoying as they could get, the two always managed to light up everyones mood. Accuratly, this didn't always work, but for the most part, their little arguments were light hearted and fun. A change of scenery for the usually calm and honestly, quite boring winter empire.
-Ten minutes max until they are at eachothers throats-
The hushed comment made me snicker slightly, a small smile breaking out as I carefully adjusted the tea cup on my hands, making sure to not spill it over the beautifully decored table me and Philza were sitting by. The winged man gave me a knowing look, smile crooking slightly as he gestured back to the fighting pair with a simple nod of his head. My eyes immediatly snapped over, teeth suddently digging into my lips as I held back a laugh. Philza was more then right, those two would be at eachother sooner rather then later. Not that we were too worried, if anything escaled we would simply step in.
Like we always did.
The bird-hybrid more then me, I simply did not have the mental strenght to argue with both Tommy and Techno, they were already hot-headed when alone.
Oh but when they were toguether?
A living time-bomb that could go off over the smallest and dumbest things.
-It really does run in the family, uh Phil?-
It wasn't really a question, if anything, it was more of a little jab to the mans raising methodes. Not that I could really talk, it had been centurys since I had last held a baby, even longer since I had to take care of one. If I had been in Philzas place I would probably have been a worst parent then he ever was.
In response to my teasing, the bird-hybrid simply rolled his eyes, smile softening as he leaned somewhat closer to me. Immediatly catching onto his antics, I decided to play along, quietly suffling forward in my chair before bringging up the cup of tea up to my lips, the smile I had only widening as the childish behavior.
-Mighty words coming from someone who abandoned their child-
-I did no such thing, do you really believe I would be able to abandone a baby? Scar was a follower of mine-
-A very dedicate one if I might add-
Phil's sentence was abruptly interruted by Tommy's voice, the teenager had somehow approached us without any of us noticing. His hands slamed down onto the table, the impact making the glasses and plates shake slightly. It didn't take five seconds before the hybrid was scolding his youngest soon, eyes Sharp as he told Tommy to apolegize.
The teen, however had other plans. His Bright blue eyes were focused on me as his smile praticly occupied half of his face. His next words had be chocking on the tea I had been drinking.
-Well! If Techno won't teach me how to fight then Sellina will! Right!?-
I looked over to Philza in disbelief, eyes widened at the bluntness his child possessed. Tommy really had no manners in conversation, especially when it came to woman. The blond man simply stared back at me, his expression mirrowing mine as his mouth opened and closed several times. We were both at a lost for words. The silence that took over was quite unconfortable, and the intense stare Tommy kept giving me did nothing to make me feel better about the hole situation.
After breathing in slowly I found myself forcing a smile at the teen, hands coming down to rest the partly now spilled tea on the table.
-I don't think that's a good idea Tommy-
-What, you think I can't handle my own?! I'll have you known I'm the strongest in this house hole!-
Techno's snicker was loud enough to catch our attention, so much so that Tommy turned over in his direction to curse him out. Talk about na big ego.
Really, where were this childs manners...
-C'mon Sellina! I'm sure I can beat you in a fight!-
-I don't think so T, but the intention is what counts..-
-Well! If you are so sure of yourself why won't you fight me? At least teach me some cool moves so I can use them agaisnt Techno!-
-You'd have to have blue blood for that buddy. Maybe when you're older Tommy-
The frustation was evidente in Tommys face, his cheeks had redden up and his mouth had dropped into a frown. Without another word the teenager simply stormed off, bangging the door loudly behind him.
I couldn't help but feel slightly bad, a tired sigh escaping me as my shoulders dropped slightly at the teens mood swing.
Humans were way too emotional.
But in the end, there was nothing I could really do, teaching Tommy how to fight was out of the question, and fighting him was na even worst idea. I was not about to train a sixteen year old kid to be a soldier.
My train of thoughts was broken by Philza, who at this point had gotten up and was grabbing the dishes up from the table to put them in the kitchen's sink. Before he did so thou, he gave my shoulder a tight squeeze, eyes soft and understanding. The smile on lips lips was small, but welcoming all the same.
I found myself smilling back with ease.
-Are you sure you don't need me to accompain you home Sellina?-
-With all the due respect dadza, I can take care of myself. You should be more worried for Techno, he seems...-
-I know. The fight with tommy lefy him in a sower mood. He'll be back to normal before you know it-
-If you say so... Alright, take care then. Give the boys kisses for me!-
That's the only real way I could describe the winter florest, apart from breathtaking and beautifull view. Honestly, the scenery looked like it had been straight out ripped from an old fairytail book, the kind of book kids swore held magic.
And maybe, they did.
The snowed covered trees almost touched eachother a the top, the casted shadows creating this welcoming sense of protection. Their frozen leafs shook slightly in the welcoming breeze of the night, even the animals seemed to have gone silent. I found myself slowly coming to a stop in the middle of it all, eyes locked onto the brightly illuminated moon. It had been hard to spot her, after all the threes were rather large, but the sight that welcomed me had made it all worth it.
Nights like this were what made me remember why I was so found of earth. So found of these people that slowly destryed everything they touched. So found of their interactions and relations.
It was never this peacefull and serene out there.
My shoulders relaxed quite quickly, and before I knew it I was calmly enjoying the presence of the cold winter spirt. The wind had started to pick up, but it didn't bother me in the slightless, in reality it made me smile harder.
The small moment of bliss was cut short by the sounds of foot steps fastly approching. For a moment I thought it might have been Techno or maybe even Philza but none of them had any reason to follow me into the florest. I forced myself to stay quiet, holding my breath in as a way to hear the steps better.
They had broken out onto a full blown sprint.
My reaction was pretty much immediate, right hand coming down fast to to summoning my battle axe. I turned on my feet as fast as I could, cape flowing behind me as my eyes fell on the tip of the sword that had barelly missed my face. Instinctively my arm came up, axe in hand as I swung it down with so much force that it sliced right through the dimond sword that once had been held up to me. A squeek left my attackers mouth, but before he could do anything I brought my left leg up, swiftly quicking his leg before swingging once again. The blade barelly missed his face as he fell to the ground with a muffled "thud", the snow aiding in his fall. His breathing was much faster then it should have been, teary blue eyes widened in shock and in terror as he stared up at me like I was some kind of monster. The gripo n my axe flaterred as soon as I recognized who was on the other side of my blade.
His name came out in a whisper, arms shaking as I realized how close I had just been to hurting the small teenager. The axe slipped past my fingers and onto the snow as I stared down at Tommy, the frightened look he had inprinting itself into my memory.
Calls of both our names echoed through out the florest, not that I could hear them clearly, everything had started to turn into white noise. That is until Techno stepped into view, rough hands carefully grasping at my face as he tried to gain my attention back. Still, my eyes stayed focussed on Tommy, even when Philza started scolding himw hile checking over for injuries.
-I could have killed him-
-Hey. Hey, c'mon it's it's not your fault. Tommy shouldn't have sneaked up on you-
-Oh my god I could have killed him. Techno I could have killed him-
-It's fine. It's going to be fine-
I don't remember exacly how that night ended, nor' how the next day started.
One thing had been certain thou, Tommy made sure to never ask me to fight him again.
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sainz-zayn · 4 years
Constant love (Up to you)
He always asks for your consent and leaves everything up to you.
Warnings: Insecurities, suggestive themes, virginity loss, a little pyhsical violence.
Word count: 3k+
Disclaimer: All characters and event in this story even those based on real people are entirely fictional.
This Story is Inspired by the song: Up to you
By: Prettymuch ft. Nct Dream
But in a little more mature way.
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Jungwoo is your boyfriend for almost three years and you couldn`t ask for more than his love and affection. You`re always happy when you`re with him you love the way his eyes lit up whenever he sees you. 
Your favorite thing to do with him is cuddling or either cooking. Jungwoo loves skinship so much like holding your hands every time or back hugging you. You always love it when he`s clingy but sometimes you feel like you`re being unfair to him because he always asks for your consent when he wants to do something that can make you uncomfortable even though he`s been dating you for years now. 
You feel sad or sometimes guilty when you can`t give him what he needs as a man. Which leaves him sexually frustrated but that doesn`t stop him from loving you dearly. Jungwoo knows that you`re still not ready and he respects that. He`s ready to wait until you`re ready. 
"Y/n, are you okay?" You look at your side to see Joy talking to you. 
"Yeah, why?" You asked her before grabbing a glass full of water. 
"You Kinda look down today, to be honest." Joy looks at you with worried eyes, She looks at what you`re staring and now she knows why. 
You don`t know why but your anxiety is attacking you again. Yes, when it comes to your relationship with Jungwoo you`re always insecure. Your eyes wander to Jungwoo and Seohyun, you wonder if Jungwoo is enjoying his time with her. Your biggest fear is losing him or someday he`ll leave you. 
"You`re fidgeting your fingers again Y/n. There`s no need to be jealous, you know that Jungwoo loves you and only you." Joy said reassuringly.
"We both know how much I don`t like Seohyun right? like she`s always getting on my nerves. Also, don`t forget what she did to us in High School."  Yeah, you and a few of the boys know that Seohyun is a bully back in High school and Jungwoo doesn`t know that. 
"I know, I know now calm down we should leave and go somewhere else before anything happens" You and the other girls leave Taeyong's house before going to the mall. 
You enjoy the time that you have with them. Y`all eat anything that you want to taste and wandering around the mall to buy new clothes and dressing the girls to the point that you didn`t realize what time it is.
It`s currently 11:00 pm when you open your phone. Because you forgot that you turned it off before leaving Jungwoo at Taeyong`s house. 
"Oh shit!" You whisper to yourself so the other girls won`t worry about you. 
30 missed calls!? 50 unread messages!? from Jungwoo. You`re surely dead when you get home.
"Guys I have to go or else you know what will gonna happen" You just hug them before leaving first. You`re kinda nervous to go home because you`re sure that Jungwoo is waiting for you to come home.
Jungwoo is so worried that he called you 30 times but still no answer nor text, and what makes him even madder is that you leave without telling him or texting him. That's how he ended up drinking, he doesn`t know why but he just wants to.
"Where have you been!?" You`re startled at your boyfriend's loud voice. 
"I-I just go out with the g-" He cut off your words without letting you explain.
"Without telling me!? Do you know how worried I was!? It`s fucking late at night and there you are enjoying your time with your best friends. Completely forgetting that you have a boyfriend that is waiting for you!"  You just look down because you know that he`s right.
"Baby I`m sorry I forgot to turn on my phone. Trust me I don`t have any intention to purposely ignore your calls and text.”  You plead.
"Even though I`m jealous that your spending more time with Seohyun than me" You whispered the last part so he won't hear it but he did.
"What?" His eyes soften realizing what you feel and why you leave. 
"What`s, what?" You asked him while your eyes are wandering around to avoid his gaze.
"N-nothing" He stuttered and you wonder what`s with the sudden change in his attitude.
"I`m sorry for raising my voice at you" He said. 
"Did you drink?" You asked him softly before putting the bag on the couch.
"Yeah, a little I just need something to accompany me while waiting for you" He said and he peppered you with his kisses starting from your forehead, cheeks, lips, and neck.
Jungwoo doesn`t know what has gotten into him. He let his body talk, he caresses your back softly and the two of you stayed in the same position for at least a minute.
"I`m sorry I don`t know what has gotten into me. I`m sorry if that makes you uncomfortable" He said and clear his throat. You turn around to face him. You`re sad that you can`t give it to him but sooner or later you have to.
"No, don`t worry baby it`s okay." You tell him and you can see the disappointment that he tried to hide but you can see it in his eyes. 
" I`ll leave it up to you if you wanna spend the night when the time is right." You`re happy that he`s trying to comfort you even though he didn`t get what he wants from you. That is why you`re insecure about yourself, what if he`s not happy anymore because he`s always waiting for you. You hate that you still take your time even though you`re ready.
"Just remember that whenever you`re comfortable we can make that move" Jungwoo sigh before giving you a peck on the lips. 
"Let`s go to sleep now baby, you must be tired." 
The two of you enter your share bedroom and after a minute of laying on the bed Jungwoo falls into a deep sleep.
You wakeup without Jungwoo on your side and you feel sadder at what happened last night. He leaves early today I thought he said, he doesn`t have any schedule for the whole week but why is he gone?
Does he already eat breakfast or he leaves without eating breakfast? Jungwoo knows that you hate it when he`s not eating breakfast you'll always say.
"It`s okay to skip lunch or dinner, breakfast is the most important but it doesn't mean that you should skip dinner and lunch just because I say it`s okay to skip it." and he will just stay quiet because he loves it when you`re showing your motherly side.
You`re cellphone vibrates and you saw a Dm notification from an unknown person. You quickly check it and you're surprised at what you saw. You don`t know if you should cry or you should be mad, you should be... You don`t know anymore.
You look at the picture again to make sure you didn`t saw the wrong person but it`s real, it`s Jungwoo with Seohyun they look happy together.
"Nothing is going on, right? hanging out with a girl is normal. Calm down Y/n, you know is Jungwoo is not capable of what you`re thinking." You said to yourself to make you calm down.
"Here we go again! Y/n stop being insecure about yourself" You whisper at yourself and after long thinking, you just let them maybe Jungwoo have something important to do with her and that`s not bad.
"Hey, I know right he`s super handsome and I`ve been watching his dramas and movies. Don`t tell this to win-win but they have similarities" Joy is fangirling through the phone and saying how much he loves this one actor name Im Siwan.  
"I know right plus he`s attractive no doubt he`s your type" You stifled your laugh because you`re teasing her about her liking him.
"Yeah, yeah whatever" Joy said.
"I know that you`re rolling your eyes at me now even though I can`t see you Joy" You replied.
"Oh my god, how did you know? are you a psychic now Y/n, or are you stalking me? cause the last time I remember you`re a surgeon" She said changing her tone into a playful one.
"Oh, c`mon shut up!" The two of you laugh in unison when the door suddenly burst open.
"Joy I gotta go, bye love you." you end the call without letting joy bid her goodbye.
"I`m home" Jungwoo walks to the sofa to kiss you but you turn your head to the side making his soft lips land on your cheek.
"Hey, you okay?" He asked with disappointment in his eyes.
"Yes, I`m fine" You replied dryly.
"Uhm... Whom are you with earlier?" You asked with hesitation in your voice.
"I`m with the boys" He said while rubbing his temples softly.
So you`re lying now? How could you?
"Yeah right with the boys" and you smiled at him and he can see that something is off with you today.
"Can`t you just tell me what is wrong? I`m really tired right now I don`t want any problem to add up." He said making you offended.
"Okay, then I`m sorry if I`m causing you a problem just by asking you a simple question that you didn`t answer honestly. Now, Kim Jungwoo I`ll ask you the same question again I swear if you still answer the same thing I`ll leave!" He`s taken aback at your sudden outburst making him gulp. Yes, he lied it`s because he thinks that it will be better if you won`t know anything that happened earlier.
"Okay, I swear I`m with the boys but if you`re talking about this morning. I`m with Seohyun" You're trying so hard to control your jealousy right now because you want an explanation from him.
"W-why?" you stuttered.
"It`s because, because..." Jungwoo doesn`t know how to explain it but you need to know.
"It`s because of what Kim Jungwoo? are you fucking cheating on me!?" Your patience can`t wait anymore but you didn`t mean what you have just said to him.
"W-what!? of course not. Why would I do that when I`m completely contented just by having you." He exclaimed.
"Now let me explain and hear me out."  He explained everything that happened this morning and you feel guilty for thinking that he`s cheating on you.  
He said that he meets Seohyun this morning because he wants to personally talk to her. To make her stay away from him because Seohyun is hitting on him despite knowing that he has a girlfriend.
"I`m sorry" You whispered while caressing Jungwoo`s hand. You gave him a short kiss on his forehead before standing up.
"You don`t need to be sorry, baby." You`re startled at his voice. Oh, you know how much you like hearing Jungwoo`s morning voice.
"You know that I can wait until you are ready right? because that is not the reason why we are in this relationship." Jungwoo taps the other side of the bed signaling you to lay on it again.
"I know baby but I can`t let you be like this you always leave everything up to me even though we`re dating for years now." You scoot closer to his embrace.
"You don`t need to rush yourself we can do it albeit slowly" Jungwoo said making you more comfortable in his embrace.
"I love you, Jungwoo" You said.
"I love you too. By the way, get ready I`ll be picking you up at 8:00 pm" He said.
He`s waiting for you to greet him but nothing. He wonders if you forget what day it is. But no, you didn`t forget it, it`s is a special occasion for the two of you.
"Okay baby" you smile sheepishly at him.
Tomorrow is your 3rd anniversary and you`re more than happy to celebrate it with him.
You wear your favorite black dress, Which goes above your knee and perfectly hugging your curves.
"Tonight is the night Y/n, no need to be nervous" You said to yourself at the exact time you heard a car honk outside your house. You hurriedly go downstairs and you see Jungwoo leaning on his car with a bright smile.
"You look gorgeous as ever, babe." He said before opening the car door for you.
"Where are we going tonight?" You asked him still acting like you forget what day it is today.
"At the club, they are waiting for us today are you sure you didn`t forget anything?" he tried to point out and he`s so obvious that he`s looking for an answer.
"No why?" you asked.
"Nothing" he smiled and you wonder how long you can keep up with this thing.
"Baby we`re here" Jungwoo said and he gets out of the car to open the door for you.
"Thank you" you kiss him and the two of you go inside the club.
"What's up dude!" you heard mark greeting Jungwoo with a fist bomb.
"Y/n! Y/n" You heard Joy and Irene calling you by whispering your name.
"Tonight is the night there`s no more turning back since today is a special occasion for you and Jungwoo." Irene said and she gives you a teasing wink.
"I know that`s why I`m all dolled up today" You said and you met Jungwoo`s intense gaze. To the point that you can`t help but blush, you approach Jungwoo and he opens his arms for you to hug him.
"Happy anniversary baby I love you so much" And he pulls you into a more tight hug you can`t help but smile while inhaling his manly scent.
"I thought you forgot about it" He leaves a kiss on your forehead and you look up at him.
"I would never forget this day Jungwoo, this is a very important day for us" You smiled and he let go of you to grab a drink.
"C`mon guys let`s have a toast for the two love birds here!" Jaehyun said making Mayjun stifle her smile because of Jaehyun`s cuteness.
You raised your glass too for everyone to follow when the guy that is with Seohyun said something disrespectful that makes Jungwoo`s blood boil in anger.
"Who is that sexy girl?" The guy said at Seohyun.
"Oh, that? she`s Y/n. Now, can we stop talking about her it`s annoying
"She looks sexy I wonder how good she is in bed" The guy said.
Jungwoo heard it and that is his breaking point he grabs the collar of the guy making everyone shocked.
"What did you just fucking say!?" Jungwoo asked and he can`t control his emotion and everything happened so fast. The guy punches him and the guy got punch by Jungwoo and he fell to the ground.
Doyoung and Jaehyun quickly hold Jungwoos Shoulder to stop him from fighting the guy.
"Babe, Calm down" You look at him worriedly and the little cut on his lips is bleeding.
"Watch your man!" The guy said with a perverted gaze on you.
"You should watch your mouth!" Jungwoo fights back and he tried to remove Jaehyun and Doyoung's hands on him. And he did it, he punch the guy for one last time before grabbing your wrist to run away from the crowd.
Your friends look confused but they managed to block the guy that is ready to chase the both of you.
"Kim Jungwoo!" You warn him but his giggles echo through the halls and you laugh with him while happily running.
"How can you laugh right now when you`re completely hurt?" and the two of you stop in front of the elevator and you go inside it. He looks at you as if you`re his whole world.
"Because I`m always happy when I`m with you" He drags you into a room and you`re heavy breathing right now.
"I checked us in, in this hotel we can rest here for the night and also that door." he point to a white door. “It is connected to Jaehyun`s and Mayjun`s room so it`s easy for us to communicate and their room is connected to Johnny and Yoona`s room.” He said and kisses you on the lips. You`re not even shocked at why he knows the hotel  so well, it`s because cause he owns it.
"C`mon I`ll treat your cut on the lips" and you drag him in the bathroom to clean it.
You lean more closer to him, even though the two of you is dating now for three years he's always fluttered when ever you`re being affectionate. Just in time he quickly pulled you into a passionate kiss making you shocked.
"Nobody`s watching I got you all alone no Interruptions, it`s hard for me to hold my own and hold back" He said and his forehead is leaning to mine.
"Tonight I don`t want you to hold back baby" You whispered in his ears seductively.
"Before we hit the road if you ain`t ready to go, just tell me that you`re sure." He said with sincerity in his voice.
"Tonight you can do whatever you want" You said back.
"Just wanna make sure, you`re sure" He smiled and he's now touching your legs slowly.
"Remember when you said to me that "If you wanna spend the night when the time is right". That night is tonight baby" You hold his hands slowly guiding them to your waist.
"The distance between you and me, is it okay this close?" He asked you while slowly taking his time to understand what`s happening right now.
"I will keep up with your step, so nothing to worry about" He added.
With that, he kisses you passionately everything about the kiss says it all. Love, lust, and needs.. Jungwoo carries you to the bed and he loosens the tie of his suit.
"Ain`t no pressure but we can keep this right here if you want me to stop baby" He said again. Oh gosh, why does he always ask for your consent.
"Tonight I`m so tired of making you stop and denying you baby so there`s no turning back" The softness and neediness in your voice are so obvious.
"If you`re down and you`re ready to rock, I`m not gonna make you stop." He replied seductively making you bite your lips in anticipation.
"I can`t hold back now baby" He said.
"Then don`t hold back" you said.
"That`s it, enough talking, and let`s do this"
He covers the two of you with the blanket and he makes sure that his name is the only thing that will come out of your beautiful lips.
Meanwhile, in the other room, someone is complaining.
"What the fuck!? I know that my two best friend is enjoying their time but I need to sleep too" Mayjun said covering herself with a pillow making Jaehyun laugh at her.
"Shut up Jung Jaehyun!" And he did stay quiet.
"Okay, now I have an idea mayjun to make you sleep" Jaehyun peppered Mayjun with kisses.
"Oh, shut up your horny ass jaehyun!" and mayjun throws the pillow at him.
"C`mon Kim Jungwoo! I swear shut the fuck up!" Jaehyun yelled so that you and Jungwoo can hear them.
You and Jungwoo laugh at them and you clean yourself and change with new clothes.
"I`m sorry! you can now sleep peacefully!" You yelled back at them making Jungwoo laugh and nod his head a little.
"Thank you, babe, or else my boyfriend won`t stop bothering me" Mayjun yelled making the four of you laugh.
"Let`s sleep now baby you must be tired because of daddy" Jungwoo said with a smirk.
"Stop with the dirty jokes Kim Jungwoo" you slap his arms playfully.
"Okay, okay good night I love you" He said with sweetness in his voice.
"I love you too baby only you" and you kiss him on the lips.
Consent is one of the most important things in a relationship and you`re lucky that you have Kim Jungwoo the one and only man of your life and will always be. And that`s how your constant or endless love relationship with Jungwoo last more than you could Imagine.
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papers4me · 4 years
Fruits Basket, SE02, Ep23
Love is in the air is the theme of this ep! All kinds of luv~ for everybody!~ kyo/tohru (main), yuki/machi(new!!), rin/haru(on going), Arisa/Kureno (dead-end?), hiro/kisa (babies to luvers...), hana/tohru/arisa (sisters love!) yuki/kakeru (friendship), momiji/tohru (cutest friendship!) kyo/haru (underrated friendship), hana/kyo/arisa (living to tease*torment* you friendship!XD), kyo/kazuma (parental love!), Haru/kisa (big brother care), yuki’s fanclub (toxic love), hana/food (OTP). What an ep!! One of a kind where you start off crying of laughter & end up crying from broken heart!
-Arisa’s second outburst:
The best thing abt this play is that you can’t tell if they’re following a script or not for the most part. XD, However, for some it IS clear when they bring in their personal feelings. Arisa was fine acting her role with improvised jokes on kyo’s expense. However, due to kyo’s refusal to meet the princess, she got angry to the point of screaming in front of the whole school & visitors? The outburst was treated seriously with climatic music, audience reaction, fellow actors surprise & narrator-san pointing out it IS personal & not scripted. But afterwards arisa is fine. Even though I’m not into love at first sight, I acknowledge it exists in fiction & in reality. No problem. But the extreme intensity of kureno/Arisa’s love is higher than everybody’s without enough basis from those two meetings they had before... Sure, she can fall in love with him, wish him to meet her.. but her outburst is too much, too painful, too heartbreaking. However if you look at her outburst as a plot device to get kureno involved once again & complicate things, bingo, you get why it was planted there. Momiji’s footage will reach him. cool. but too forced in my opinion.. everything abt their interaction is too forced, from her first outburst at his few words that got her to cry her heart out & leave the restaurant & get nearly kissed on the lips to her second outburst in front of the entire school. Arisa likes ppl who are tohru-like. The narrative hints that kureno is tohru-like. First, his clumsiness, second? being content with his unjust life? what is tohru-like abt him so far that gets arisa to scream her heart out? I’m sure we’ll see more of his tohru-like qualities. but so far, it comes across too forced for me.
-Machi SEES the real yuki:
It seems that the confirmation that any female is heading to yuki’s heart is to be bullied by yuki’s fans. lol.  Machi not seeing yuki as a prince is her unique thing. Everybody including tohru see him as a prince & put him in a pedestal. In the play yuki descended from the sky, emerged from underground, said deep lines & glowed. Yet, machi saw thro the acting. I was cheering for yuki to step in & put these toxic girls at their place. Machi can be saved by kakeru’s indirect plan, sure, but this toxic behavior has been going since ep1. tohru was saved from them by hana & arisa. Bullying is always used as a plot device in furuba & unfortunately a comedic gag (there’s an entire ep dedicated for the fanclub). Sure furuba isn’t going to fix every issue or even provide solutions. It can’t. it shouldn’t. bullying is one hell of hard issue to solve. furuba wants to use bullying for plot. no problem. but also decides to comment on it quickly? yuki & kakeru’s argument abt the proper reaction towards bullying with each one of them taking an opposite opinion while machi herself is being bullied behind them felt too philosophical & untimely. Only for all this to end with a gag. Yuki is stuck paying the consequence cuz they’re his fans?.. ok. I’d love if the entire scene didn’t involve this argument. For example, yuki finding the girls, him listening to machi’s opinion abt him, him about to step in & defend her, then kakeru makes a prank abt photo-session with yuki, unknowingly saving the situation. Cuz the whole point of the scene is for yuki to know machi is different & sees the real him! Not that I hate how things played out, it is just furuba’s treatment of the issue of bullying is always weird to me. Similar to its treatment of violence, sometimes it’s serious, sometimes it’s comedy.
-Tohru’s best visual presentation ( show-NOT-tell): YES!
I’ve complained plenty abt furuba not treating tohru with enough visual presentation when it comes to hints for her issues or thoughts. but NOT today! This ep is tohru’s heaven! Tohru was torn apart between too many things & she didn’t inner monologue abt anything, YET, the visual imagery was enough to talk in her behalf!!! They showed tohru’s reaction to arisa, they showed tohru noticing haru/rin connection, they showed tohru react to Hana’s words without showing any of her inner thoughts & it works 100%. I’m so satisfied with this kind of treatment. You can show tons of silent emotions & trust the audience to make the correct conclusions without making your character spoon feed the audience on what they’re feeling. Hana’s “ do you plan to keep on deceiving yourself, locked in the castle, until you die?” is too close for comfort! it triggered kyo to react & say exactly his reasoning behind his decision without bringing the real world “ So what if I do? Does it hurt anyone else?” Kyo is sick of believing that he’s causing harm to his loved ones (mother, father, kazuma, kyoko, tohru). He agrees to be locked till death cuz this way no one will be harmed. ONLY him. he thinks he DESERVE it for existing & causing harm to these same ppl. His response prompts tohru to forget herself & react. What did tohru say? ( you are loved? you need to live? don’t hurt yourself? ) NO. It is NOT abt kyo. it IS abt HER!!! It is the (true form ) scene again but this time symbolically with 10 times harsher consequences!!! kyo’s true form’s final scene is NOT abt kyo deciding to stay, it IS abt tohru saying what she wants. That day tohru talked abt HERSELF. “ I want to listen to your complaints cuz u listened to me”. “ I want us to stay together” By demanding things & acknowledging herself, she got kyo to come back. This time, too, she react cuz SHE wants kyo to stay. “ I wouldn’t..” It is ME. I’ll be hurt if you’re locked. it is abt ME. I need you. I want you. I’m too scared to loose you. You’ve been my true support for long time now. Don’t Leave me, too!!!. Tohru stops herself cuz tohru doesn’t allow herself to want things or even acknowledge that she is worthy of things!! Just focus on her dialogue with others “ if I’m not troubling you, it is forward of me, please allow me” she’s talking to her friends! tohru has the lowest self esteem in furuba!
-Kyo, being an expert on reading tohru, knew the rest of the line. Kyo notices she’s in love with him. but again sinners don;t deserve love! You can’t love monsters? you’ll end up hurt!! hello!! tohru bled in the true form ep. he can’t hurt her again!!! NO way!! Enough causing her pain & tears. “ I wont take anything away from you again” he said in ep, 9. So, kyo forces himself to NOT see the truth. Forces his eyes to close tight. He’s an expert on that. Last ep, his eyes were forced to open to the reality that he doesn’t really hate yuki, but hates himself. Now, you want him to un-hate himself a little & acknowledge tohru’s love? if he did, where will it lead to? they’ll both confess & live together without him telling her abt kyoko?? that’s deceit! Him telling her abt kyko? she won’t forgive him, she’ll hate him! it is better to leave with happy memories than leave after causing tohru harm. Heck! tohru forgiving him or not IS not the issue, at all. the issue is HIM. he can’t forgive himself. he’s unforgivable!
-The most tragic Foreshadowing: (Symbolism DONE Right!)
They meet after the semi-confession, things are not the same anymore! they try to awkwardly get back to normal. Kyo says “ it couldn’t be, (I won’t let my self think it)” we know why. tohru says “ I wont (let my self think it)” WHY?!!! what is the show hiding for tohru? we know kyo’s issue. it is the BEST untold issue!! but tohru? What is stopping her more than her denying herself? it gotta be convincing & deep. otherwise, the writer would ruin the best complicated emotional dilemma that she is building her climax on! I know I’ll like what’s in store for tohru. No way such writer will miss on this. This will be EPIC. The tear between them is one of furuba’s greatest visual symbolism. One image only causing enough heartache to balance & take away the laughter from the entire ep!! One image leaving you with a punch in the gut. leaving you frustrated as to “Nooooooo~ stop! get back together”. I’m not usually into romance as I’m not a romantic person, but furuba has weaved this tale of emotionally abused children with traumatic experiences & tied them together with faint romantic direction & one of the best slow burns in anime! steadily building up their romantic connection without making it forced or in your face or apparent. I still can’t pinpoint when it first happened! Well-done writer & anime team. 10/10 scene!
Side Notes:
Narrator-san is the BEST! He kept everybody in check! & did it in style!
I’d like to thank the director for bringing their A+ animators to this ep! Kyo mostly looks hot & handsome but not HD, but there’s this kyo animator that kills the kyo animation!! kyo’d have three long strands of hair on his nose & his eyes would have more light animation than the mono-light. You can TELL the eps they bring this animator on! (such as Se01,Ep5, kagura ep, etc. ) & tohru!!!! my girl was done right!!!! no weird animation, no extra small baby hands, no shoulders that start around chest area, no bangs that are drawn like they suddenly ran out of brown ink mid coloring! lol. yuki is pretty & HD in every ep & so is hana!!
Hana is the prettiest furuba character hands down! 
Let’s be honest, yuki could’ve said 1+1=2 & the school would’ve celebrated his wisdom! XD. I kinda wish he’d deliberately say sth stupid jst for the heck of it. part of breaking the perfect yuki image. XD.
The opening gag of the men ogling kisa is the most unnecessary scene in furuba, eww~ Not funny!
why is every character MUST be part of romantic couple in furuba? Even children? & they have their own mini love complications with jealousy & misunderstanding, pinning & all. lol
Kazuma. that’s it. that’s the note.
Hana was mocking fiction tropes (animosity in families, traditions pressuring youth, helpless heroine, love at first sight! XD, romance for romance, happily ever after romance, main male protagonist loving main female protg, magical beings saving the day). Best play ever!
why does it feel like kyo just came from war? XD. He was in last ep. perhaps cuz he was absent for most of the season after kagura’s ep, with cameos here & there, few lines & not much focus. But they made up for it & brought his face expressions game up! from annoyed, cat ears, love struck, teased, blushing, a white cartoon-ish cat with an orange cat inside his mouth, shirtless hot, childish jealousy for his papa, his fangs, his cat reflexes. Name it & you bet there’s a kyo face for it. XD.
Speaking of funny faces, prince yuki got one today! all thanks to machi. that’s what I call women power! XD.
What is this weird skin-colored thingi? school mascot?
I love that hiro is questioning the play. XD
momiji is back, I feel that it’s been long as I last saw him!
haru is hot. Haru is kind.
I love the small awkward tension between kyo/tohru as they met after the play, tohru’s faint sweat drops as she does her closed eyes smile & kyo’s sweat drop as he takes the food from her & talks abt shisho.
Shisho & kyo mini manga. is it published yet?
kyo & hana’s interactions are life!!!! XD.
Ayame deserves praise! costumes on point!!
Hana wins the one liners game. sorry haru, XD.
You know it is serious when kyo monologues! I used to think, it happens ONCE a season (ture form SE01,Ep24, akito confrontation, SE02,Ep,9)!! but he got one or two inner monologues lines today, if you count him repeating tohru’s line! Sh*t is going down! Will I hear more before the season ends???!! or will the honor goes to tohru?!! I can’t even imagine what’ll happen next!!!!
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darknessisafriend · 5 years
I have a request if that's okay, for Joaquin and reader to smoke a joint together after Joaquin has a stressful day on set and he tries smoking for the first time (Signs era). I know he's smoked weed before but first time would be cute yo
I hope you’ll like it! enjoy ;)
Disclaimer: this is a work of fiction inspired by what we see of these people, I do not claim to know them nor to establish this work as the truth about their personal lives, the realities might be completely different.
Let’s relax
“And cut!” announced the voice of the director.
Joaquin deeply sighed, he felt crushed by everything around him, he needed fresh air, out of all this, he looked around, trying to find a way of escape, among the crowd of people he finally saw a way out; quickly he walked out of the set and headed to the area where everyone’s caravans including his were placed, however he didn’t go to his caravan, someone will come for him and he didn’t feel like going back on set just yet, not after the shitty way he played, god he was so embarrassed, he headed to the farthest caravan, he will hide behind it, and think, he needed to think about his character and he needed a cigarette too. 
However, he didn’t expect to find someone behind the caravan; even though it was only you, his co-star, his friend with whom he had fallen in love since the day you first met. You were sitting in the grass, your back against the tire of the caravan.
“Oh sorry, I didn´t know you were here.” he apologized, scratching the back of his head, now he had to find another hiding spot, you had turned your head as you had seen him, a tender smile formed on your lips, he was really cute when he was acting shyly with you.  
“Probably because I didn´t tell anyone” you chuckled, a mischievous glow playing in your eyes. Joaquin was still dressed in his costume and by the look of distress on his face, he was close to an anxiety attack “you can stay here, I don´t mind” you offered him, patting the space on your left; he seemed to think for a bit and then he approached you and sat down not far from you, he took out a cigarette, taking an inhalation, then he leaned his head back against the wall of the caravan, looking at the sky.      
You directed your gaze in front of you, he needed calm, silence, looking at him would make him even more stressed; so, you stayed silent for several minutes minding your own business, until he would be ready to open himself. He started to throw you quick glances, it was his way of telling you he was ready to talk.
“Shitty day, right?” you finally asked him, rummaging through your pockets to find your lighter, it was a good moment to fully relax.
“I feel like I fucked it up...like.... I don´t know, there's so much I wanted to express...” he started with worry, he passed a hand through his hair, it always broke your heart to hear him speak so low about himself.
“C´mon Joaq, I know you´re always stressed about this but you´re always doing great, better than any others I can assure you and you’re only 27, just relax ” you replied on a soft tone, trying to reassure him, you finally found your lighter, now time for your spliff.
“That´s not true, I think you´re gr-…is that a joint?” he asked you dumbstruck, you released a smile, it’s true he had never seen you smoke one, he had always shared his cigarettes with you.  
“Yep, I call it my comfort joint; always nice after a day like this. Wanna try?” you offered him with a grin, it could only help him to feel better.  
“Is it legal?” you could tell he was tempted.
“Only for medical use, but relieving stress helps to improve your mental health so, to me, counts as medical use even if I didn’t get a prescription ” you explained with mischief in your eyes as you light up your joint, he laughed.
“Alright” he gave in, scooting closer to you, it will be easier to pass it to each other; his shoulder was brushing against yours now.  
“Hey, take it slow!” you exclaimed giggling as he took a deep inhalation, he handed you back the joint, his fingers brushing against yours.
“Wow...” he spoke after a bit, it was already doing effect, which was pretty logical considering how he had breathed in; on your side it was also starting to work, you could a sense of peace taking over your body, you turned your head to look at Joaquin.
“So, how do you feel?” you asked him even if you knew by the look on his face that he was feeling much better. He turned his head to look at you, he had one of those big dimpled grins.
“Gooood” you laughed, happy to see him smile.  You passed each other the joint a couple of times more, until you had fully used it. By then, you just didn’t care of where you were or if you had something planned, you were joking and laughing like the two dummies you were.  
“And then I turned and realized there was like 20 people in front of me! Like it was so embarrassing, my face was red like a tomato!” you explained, while Joaquin couldn’t stop laughing, falling on you as he did.  
You wrapped your arms around him, it was probably your favorite effect, with weed you felt so much braver to do things and apparently Joaquin too, he settled comfortably against you, sighing happily as you caressed his hair.
“Gosh, love your hair man, they’re so fluffy!” you simpered  
“Oh, you know, that’s what it is...” he replied before giggling at his own words “this shit feels so good!” he beamed as he gave you a big kiss on your cheek, you leaned in, closing your eyes at the sweet sensation of his lips on your skin.
“Damn, you're so touchy-feely now, I love it!” you squealed, tightening your embrace as he gave you another one.
“Shit, I’m so hungry I could eat tons, are you hungry?” he asked you excitedly before running somewhere, maybe his caravan and coming back with a bag of potato chips, taking a handful of them.
“Ooooh so good.” he hummed before offering some to you, it was really nice to be free and have fun like that, being on set could be quite harsh for the mind sometimes. You were the first one who had the effects dissipating, you sighed you had to go to makeup to shoot two hours or so.
“Alright I gotta go” you announced, gently pushing Joaquin off of you, you got back up, brushing away the dirt on your pants.
“What already?” muttered Joaquin, he had those sad puppy eyes that made you want to stay with him forever.  
“Th effects should dissipate for you soon, stay here a bit more” You bended over to kiss the top of his head. “I enjoyed spending more time with you, maybe we should do that more often?” you tempted finding courage in yourself. Joaquin blinked a few times, thinking about what you had suggested.
“Cool...I mean yeah I´d love too!” he answered with a grin “and thanks for the...I feel much better now” he added sweetly, you winked at him mischievously before turning on your heels and going to the makeup trailer, he was such sensitive and tender guy, and you had fallen for him.
Tag list: @arcticmonkais @amourtiara @sirianfromsixties @sweetness-doesnt-touch-my-face @live-love-loki @lyoongx @skaravile @jaylovesbats @niniitah-ah @cumberbitching @dirrtyginger @valentina15 @weirdflecksbutok
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What If I Told You (7)
Characters: Jensen x Reader; Jared Padalecki; SPN Cast members at times.
Summary: You and Jensen have been the closest of friends for years after meeting on the set of SPN, but what will happen when you and Jensen have a kissing scene?
Warnings: Cursing; divorce; break up; angst-ish at times, but mostly fluff.
I consider this an AU, as Jensen is divorced from an unnamed ex in this fic. This is completely a work of fiction, and I wouldn’t want his reality to be any different, this is purely for entertainment.
A/n: This is mostly filler, if I being honest. Its fluff, but I needed some build up to the next chapter (which will be allllll the fluff, so stay tuned). Special thanks to my rosie for beta-ing this for me.
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You awoke to a light tapping on your apartment door that grew progressively louder as you ignored it. Shoving your comforter above your head, you attempted to will the infernal knocking into another dimension. The sun had yet to rise, and in your fatigued state of mind you couldn’t understand why someone would be trying to rouse you from blissful sleep so early… until you realized
they were here.
You shot up quickly enough to cause a head rush, glaring at the clock on your nightstand. 5:45 a.m. Shit! You were supposed to be up a half an hour ago.
You kicked your bare legs out from beneath your down comforter and sprinted towards your door where Clint, your driver, body guard, and whom you affectionately called your ‘one functioning brain cell’ was standing with a latte from your favorite coffee shop.
“I’m so sorry!” you practically shouted at the man in front of you, causing him to wince and hold up his hands in surrender.
“Whoa! Calm down kitten.” His velvety southern accent calming your nerves slightly. He took in your frazzled state and disheveled hair and deduced that your alarm didn’t go off. “Phone not workin’?” He asked.
You exhaled dejectedly, “Oh, son of a bitch.” You muttered as you stomped back into your apartment. Damn you for not having a real alarm clock.  “I forgot to charge it last night. Damnit. Mother fuc—“
“Y/n!” Clint stopped you in your fury. “Relax, okay? Your set call isn’t until 7:30. We’ve got plenty of time to make it to set for makeup and wardrobe. Just get changed and meet me downstairs.” He called as he led himself back to your door.
With haste and hurry, you shrugged into some leggings, a faded t-shirt, and a flannel. Brushing your teeth was the most “grooming” you had time for, resolving that they’d be doing your hair and makeup when you got to set anyway. The messy bun you were sporting was just a little… messier than normal. You were notoriously the first to set on days when you had an early schedule, and waking up late just threw off your whole rhythm. You grabbed your bag and the latte Clint had left on your counter and hurried down the stairs, careful not to slip on the rain drenched concrete.
“Brrrr.” You mumbled as you shook off the light drizzle from your clothes as you hopped into Clint’s SUV. “It’s freezing. And wet. Why is it either always freezing or wet here?”
Clint’s deep chuckle bounded from his chest and turned his cheeks a rosy shade of red as he cranked up the heat. He was from Alabama, had a thick, bushy beard, and his salt-and-pepper hair was slicked back with gel. He was in his fifties and reminded you a lot of an uncle you hadn’t seen in many years. Although he didn’t have the title, per se, he may as well have been your assistant. He knowingly kept track of your schedules, made sure you were where you needed to be, when you needed to be there, and was a fierce force against any paparazzi that dared question you or the boys when you were with them. You lovingly called him and Cliff, Jensen and Jared’s bodyguard, “C2”.
“I’m still not used to it, and don’t know that I’ll ever be.” He commented as he shifted into drive. “You wanna plug in your phone? Your spare charger’s in the glove box.”
“Nah. We’ll be on set soon enough. I can plug it in then.”
It was only a twenty minute ride to the studio, so you decided to just charge it in your trailer while you were being prepped for filming.  
You chatted with Clint about his kids and wife and their new puppy, Frank. You couldn’t help but smile when his eyes shone at the mention of his newest love that he’d adopted from a shelter a few weeks ago. He was a big ole softy when it came to dogs.
It wasn’t until you were driving through the gates of the studio that you remembered what scenes you were filming today. Every nerve ignited in your body as you opened your trailer door, excitement and fear both coursing through you as you remembered Jensen’s lips attached to yours.
And damn Jared and his gold-star meddling. Sure, you liked to reason that you would have eventually noticed that your name was said during rehearsal, but all of the emotion swirled in that instant made your recollection fuzzy. Words spoken could have been mistaken in memory of that instance, but that kiss was burned into your memory forever.
With a deep sigh, you plugged in your phone and rushed to the cosmetics trailer, plopping down as Jennifer set to work on your hair.
Your latte was emptied and your hair was freshly curled when Jared swung the trailer door open Kramer-style.
“Always late to the party.” You teased with a smirk.
“Cinderella is never late to the ball.” Jared retorted with a wink.
“Oh!” you chuckled as you stood from the ‘hair chair’, “is that what we’re calling you these days? I’ll be sure to make some adjustments to your trailer, princess.”
As you moved away, Jared peeled the beanie from his head and shook out his locks, preparing for his turn as you moved on to makeup.
As brushes were being cleaned and supplies gathered, you and Jared had a slim moment of privacy in the small space.
“Hey, Jar?” you whispered into the silence. “Jar?... Jared!”
He peaked up from his phone when you nudged him. “Hmm? What?”
“Man… you have the attention span of a rabbit.”
“I can be a rabbit or Cinderella, not both, Y/n.”
“Whatever…. Quick question, though…”
“Okay…” he waited, eyes trained on your fidgeting hands.
When you finally pushed down the lump in your throat, you asked, “How did you know about yesterday?—About, you know, what Jensen said?”
His hazel eyes sparkled for a sharp second, too much knowledge behind them for your liking, when he replied, “He told me.”
You nodded, not wanting to seem to eager to press for information, but couldn’t resist, “What else did he say?”
“I—“ Jared shushed when the ladies returned and set to work getting the two of you ready for filming.
The two of you sat in silence as you contemplated what else was said during their interaction, but Jared was not giving you any further hints as to what happened. You itched for your phone so you could text him repeatedly, glaring at him out of the corner of your eye as he was entrenched in Twitter.
“Alright! All done.” Jennifer patted Jared on his shoulders.
“Us, too.” Trisha smiled at your reflection.
Jared swung his long legs to pull himself out of the chair, meeting you halfway in between them. “So?” you asked, feeling shorter than ever in his presence.
He secretly loved being the middleman between the two of you. He’d been eyeing the two of you for the last few years and eagerly noticed all of the lingering touches, stolen glances, and small glimmers of affection that you both seemed to miss from the other. He knew you were almost there… almost to the point where the maddening run-around would be over, so he gave you one final push.
“Y/n…” he scowled gently. “You and Jensen need to talk. Trust me.” He murmured with a soft smile and a loving pat on the shoulder.
The door swung open once more, but with less vigor than Jared’s entrance. Jensen shouted something over his shoulder to his P.A. before climbing the two metal steps.
His green eyes glistened as they locked on your face, a breathless call of your name escaped from his lips.
“Jay… hi.” You breathed.
Jared not-so-gracefully shoved your arm, causing you to stumble in the direction of the man that made your insides turn to mush.
“Hey.” He smiled. A light scruff donned his cheeks and his hair was fluffed in the most gorgeous way, like he had just finished running his hands through it. He lightly raked his tongue across his plump lower lip, making your skin tingle. “How are you?” he asked.
“Good, you?” you tested as he came to stand in front of you.
“Tired, but good.” He chuckled. “I—uh… I tried to call you last night. Did you get my message?” he asked shyly, one hand reaching to scratch the back of his neck.
Your face fell in confusion and disappointment, kicking yourself for missing his phone call, “My phone died last night… I’m sorry. I haven’t checked it since I woke up.”
“Its okay, really. I figured you were sleeping anyways.”
“Jensen?” Jennifer called. “Your chair’s ready.” She said, gesturing for him to take a seat.
“On the way.” He smiled to her. Shoving his hands in his pockets nervously and rocking on the balls of his feet, he continued, “Well, give it a listen and uh… tell me what you think, okay?”
You nodded, “I will, I promise.”
Just as you were turning to leave, you felt a slight grip on your hand. Jensen grasped your petite palm in his and gave it a light squeeze, “I’ll see you in a few, sweetheart.”
With flushed cheeks and a stupid grin, you nodded again, dumbfounded, giddy, and unable to do anything else.
He sat down and met your eyes once more in the mirror, his lips curling just enough to make his adorable dimples appear.
Once the door shut, you almost missed the last step and fumbled down to the pavement with a curse, taking a second to shake off embarrassment before racing to your trailer and immediately checking your voicemail.
“Hey, Y/n. I’m sorry it’s so late, but uh… I wanted to… see how you were, I guess. Well, I know you’re asleep now, but… can we spend some time together tomorrow? Just you and me? There’s something I need to tell you. I’ll see you then, sweetheart. Sweet dreams.”
A mixture of dread, anticipation, and joy flowed through you quickly before you went to wardrobe and the large warehouse that held the bunker’s set, carefully holding your umbrella as to not ruin everything that had just been done for your look.
When you arrived, Jared and Jensen were in the ‘library’ with scripts in hands.
“Alright, folks!” the director shouted to the cast and crew. “We’ve just got a quick meeting here before we travel to location for the day. Here are your schedules and breaks and travel itineraries. Jensen, Jared, and Y/n will be filming first, stunts and extras are already in transport. Any questions?” he asked while papers were being shuffled to each actor and staff member. “Nope? Alright, then. Let’s get this show on the road!” he clapped.
Quickly and gently shoving through the sea of people that were making their way out, you made your way to Jensen as he handed off his script.
“Jay?” you called, causing him to look up to where you were squeezing through the last of the mob.
Rushing towards him, you planted yourself as everyone else filed out around you. “I got your message.”
“Yeah?” he replied with a flicker of hope and a hint of a smile.
“I’d really like that… us meeting up later, I mean.” you said.  
He sigh, almost relieved, “You would?”
“Absolutely.” You beamed.
“Me too.”
<Series Masterlist; Part 8>
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A/n 2: I received an anon ask when I was looking for fic ideas(see below) for a Jensen x actress!reader fic a while ago, but recently got hit with a spark of inspiration. This is based off of the song “What if I Said” by Anita Cochran and Steve Wariner and will be a short mini-series. Also there is a wife mentioned in some parts, but I purposefully left this person nameless as to not insinuate anything for Jensen’s real life.                                                                
Anonymous said: Hi! Just saw your post about looking for fic ideas. I’ve had this idea that I really like where reader is an actor on Supernatural and is friends with Jensen. They have a scene where they have to kiss or even just have to be right up in each other’s space and it makes them realize they like each other. It’s probably a common thing to write about, but I thought I’d ask anyway. Thanks!
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sabine-leo · 6 years
A smile to remember
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Chapter 1: Just another manic monday
Author: @sabine-leo
Chapters: 1/?
Genre: Fluff and Humor
Note: I´m new to writing stuff like this, but i thought i´d give it a try. 
This is a story about Tom Hiddleston and a original femal character (you, if you want to) I hope you bear with me and give it a try. This could be more then a Oneshot. I´ve got some Ideas in my head :) Please leave a comment if you liked it. Sorry for grammar mistakes or else... english is not my first language 
                                                                                                 -Chapter 1- 
The one where you meet a kid, a stuffed gorilla and a handsome man at work.
It was your first day at work after a relaxing weekend. Since you work in Nursery Education you mostly enjoy some peace and quiet in your off time. A good book, a nice Play or movie. Which doesn´t mean that you’re not one to go dancing if you feel like it.
This Monday morning starts out as usual. You make sure everything is ready for the kids and soon parents begin to bring them in, greeting you. You are just taking a book out of it´s shelf as someone whirled into your leg. Hugging you as hard as possible for such sweet little arms. “Hey Mrs (Y/L/N) I´m baaaack!” You look down and smile at Dylan. He´s new in your group but won the hearts of the kids as well as the teachers quite fast.
You crouch down and look into his eyes, smiling still. “Hey Mr. Dylan it´s so good to have you back after your vacation.” He grins at you and hugs you again. You haven´t been paying attention to anything else then this little kid and your conversation so far.
“Coooome Mrs (Y/L/N) I HAVE to show you something!!” He takes your hand in his little one and tugs you along into the hall. After rounding the corner, you have to come to a sudden stop. Almost colliding with a tall figure. You look up and see someone tall and lean smiling right at you.
Beside him you see Sarah, Dylans mother laughing quietly.
“Hey there, are you allowed to run in the hall?” He asks, as you look him in the eyes. There is a little mocking grin playing inside them. But Dylan wont budge. He starts tucking at your hand “Coooome now Mrs (Y/L/N)” You shrug and say “I think it´s rather important...so yes, we are…aaaand you´ll have to wait.” With those words said you follow Dylan fast (but not running anymore) to his backpack.
The tall man next to Sarah laughs almost dumbfounded and turns to see what Dylan was up to. You don´t glance back. You just hunker down and wait for Dylan to reveal what was so important to him. Dylan fumbles around in his bag and takes out a little stuffed gorilla. He presents it to you with a huge grin on his face and eyes wide open.
“Look Mrs (Y/L/N) I got this from Uncle Tom.” Dylan talks really fast and excited.  “It´s a big gorilla and he´s strong and protective and look at his face… he´s smiling now but Uncle Tom sad he would be looking REAAAAL mean when I’m sleeping and some ghost tries to come near me!!” He makes growly noises and puts the gorilla nose to nose with you.
You have to fight to stay serious with this cute little display of joy and emotions in his face. But you nod and say “Oh yes, I can see that happening!” Dylan smiles and throws his arms up and hugs you.
“I have NOOOOO trouble sleeping anymore.” You hug Dylan back and are not aware of Sarah and the man next to her watching you with a smile on their faces. As fast as Dylan tackled you with his hug, he let go of you and said “I´ll go play now!” He beelined it through the small space between his mother, and you assumed Uncle Tom, and went straight inside. Sarah laughed and the man next to her said “that was a sight to behold.” Sarah looked at him and answered “I told you he likes her and this place a lot. No need for you to be worried that he´s to young or not in good hands.”  The man looked at her with a roll of his beautiful eyes but said nothing. But he was thinking that he had not thought about anything else then your smile since the moment you left him hanging in thin air to be with your nephew.
You stand up and go to Sarah. “Hi. It´s good to see you again. Sorry for letting you wait, but your son had other plans for us.” Sarah laughs and points to her left. “This is Tom Hiddleston, my brother. He´s responsible for that stuffed animal and all it has done with you this morning.” You laugh sweetly and look at Tom.  “Hi, I´m Mrs (Y/L/N) or simply (Y/N).” He takes your hand in his and crooks his head a little to the side. “Well, well (Y/L/N) I´m sorry you got almost tackled by a gorilla.” You both laugh. He lets go of your hand with a last lingering brush of his thump across your skin.
“(Y/N) I have to tell you something regarding Dylan if you have a second.” Sarah looked at you. “Sure, Mr Hiddleston, if you want you can go inside and let Dylan show you his favourite game you´re welcome to. Tom looks like he doesn’t want to leave but Sarah gives him a nudge and he goes to find his nephew.
God Lord, that smile. He thinks.
Sarah had told you everything new you needed to know and had to step out to take a call.
As you went back inside the group where Dylan and Tom would be you stop and take in the sight bevor you. Tom is sitting on a pillow and has a book in his hands. 3 boys including Dylan and 2 girls are sitting in front and next to him soaking up his every word. His voice is so.. you can´t find words for it it seems. His eyes light up and his gestures along with this animating voice bring the story to live. You just stand there and listen for a moment. Not wanting to disturb this cute sight.
Tom looks up for a moment and you can see a little blush creeping up on his cheeks, but he continues to read anyway. “The most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or touched, they are felt with the heart.” Tom ends and closes the book The Little Prince. “Mooore Uncle Tom!” Dylan yells but Tom smiles and says. “Maybe next time Buddy. Your Mom is probably waiting for me already.” Dylan sighs but gets up and hugs Tom. “Ok… promise?” “Yes, absolutely!” You push of the wall where you were standing and go over to Tom. “Thank you, that was really nice of you.” Tom smiles lightly “My pleasure. Books, Stories are important. And one can only hope that these little ones will one day read to their children.” You nod. “Wouldn´t be a good day without ending it with a good poem or book, wouldn´t it” Tom looks at you intensely. As if he was measuring you anew.
“(Y/N)” a co-worker calls you. “Sorry, just a moment please.” You excuse yourself.
Clara tugs you around the corner. “You know who this is?? This is TOM fucking HIDDLESTON” She says with a little squeak. You look at her. “Yes, he got introduced to me.” “Are you serious. This is LOKI, the God of Mischief. Asgards Prince from the Marvel movies you like!” You look at Clara for a moment. “Oh..you could´ve fooled me. Without his black wig and leather outfit he looks quite like a Man to me. Not royalty from a fictional movie…and man, it must have sucked that I kneeled bevor his nephew before even speaking to him.” Unbeknownst to you Tom was eavesdropping and laughing quietly, biting his finger at the snark of your comment.
Clara rolled her eyes at you. “You can´t be serious (Y/N).” You interrupted her bevor she could go on. “Look, I don´t think he wants us to fangirl over him let alone roll out the red carpet. He´s here as a normal human being. He´s here as Dylan’s Uncle who has quite funny taste in stuffed animals and who sits down with the kids to read to them. Let him be Clara.” Clara sighed but nodded.
Tom took that moment to walk around the corner. Clara went pale before turning red and leaving…fast. You laughed a little but Tom soon took up all your attention and asked for his sister. “Oh, sorry, she said she´d wait outside. She had to take a call.” He nodded and smiled a very handsome smile just for you. “Well, then I´d better go. It was nice meeting you Mrs (Y/L/N)” “Likewise!” you endow him with a gorgeous smile yourself. Tom bites his lip for a moment, but then get´s himself together and leaves for the door.
Letting you know he heard what you said to Clara he says. “I´ll be seeing you again!” in his Loki voice whilst pulling at the door.
Which doesn´t open.
He pulls again…. pushes but nothing.
Irritated he looked at it for a moment. And with an “oh…” he bangs his head lightly against the wooden door.  Tom pushes the buzzer next to the door frame and the door simultaneously.
“Open Sesame” You can´t hold back the quote out of Ali Baba and the forty thieves.
Tom grunts lightly “Here I was thinking I could leave with dignity and Loki-like. But my dorky self had other plans!” He´s smiling at you as he leaves backwards through the entrance.
What a Monday!
Throughout the whole Monday you ask yourself if you´ll really be seeing him again or if this all was just a dream.
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Emilia Clarke on Why Game of Thrones Is the Perfect Form of Escapism + HQ Scans
As Daenerys Targaryen on Game of Thrones, Emilia Clarke created a warrior queen for the ages. Her legend can be told on the walls of caves or on T-shirts at Comic-Con. But behind the Valkyrie wigs and very testy dragons, Clarke has an inspiring origin story of her own.
A valley sprawls before her, rich with every color of green in the kingdom, reaching out to a twinkling city, which borders the infinite sea. Her hair (tinted not with peroxide, but tiny flecks of actual gold) glows with a radiance that makes the setting sun so jealous it hides behind the surrounding mountains, and the evening sky blushes. She is Daenerys Targaryen, Queen of the Andals, Breaker of Chains, Mother of Dragons, Khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea. Everything in sight belongs to her.
Just kidding! She is Emilia Clarke, sitting high above Beverly Hills in a glass mansion rented for a magazine cover shoot. So high up that passing aircraft rattle the bones of the house and those inside it. So high up that you can see Santa Catalina Island in the distance, peeking out from behind a curtain of fog. She laughs about something the makeup artist says, and the last of the evening light bounces off of her cheekbones and shoots into the camera lens.
We are in the sky to talk about Clarke’s reign as one of the most preeminent television actresses of our time, as Daenerys on Game of Thrones. But first, I have a few questions about her abandoned career as a jazz singer.
Clarke’s default emotion is joy — her resting heart rate seems to be just below that of someone seconds after winning a medium-expensive raffle prize — but it quickly congeals into theatrical horror when I reveal that I know that she is a casual but talented singer of jazz music.
When she was 10, Clarke was an alto in a chorus that she describes as “very churchy.” Then a substitute teacher introduced her class to jazz. “I just innately understood it,” she explains. “I was always sliding up and down the notes. Every time, the [chorus] teacher would be like, ‘Quit sliding, just sing that note and then that one and that’s it. Stop trying to fuck with it.’ Then this [jazz teacher] was like, ‘Fuck with it. That’s the point.’ ” Fast-forward a couple of decades, and Clarke was singing “The Way You Look Tonight” at the American Songbook Gala in New York, honoring Richard Plepler, erstwhile CEO of HBO. Nicole Kidman was there, too, and that is the story of Emilia Clarke, a very famous singer.
Just kidding, again! That is the story of Emilia Clarke, extremely famous actress, and it is not even the beginning. Game of Thrones, the HBO fantasy epic that has captured the global zeitgeist for most of the past decade, has entered its ultimate season. Since the show premiered in 2011, Daenerys’s searing platinum blonde has been branded into the brains of every living person with cable access, so much so that she has become as recognizable an action figure as Princess Leia. Every autumn, legions of Americans don Grecian-style dresses and carry stuffed dragons to Halloween parties in homage. Kristen Wiig even appeared on The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon in a full Daenerys getup. This phenomenon exists in part because it’s a relatively easy costume to assemble, but more likely because Game of Thrones is the most popular TV show in the history of TV shows.
It’s also just one of three popular entertainment franchises Clarke has participated in. Last year: Solo: A Star Wars Story, as a paramour of Han Solo. Two years before that: the fifth Terminator movie, beside Arnold. She was also Holly Golightly in a short-lived Breakfast at Tiffany’s production on Broadway. None of those projects were particularly successful — but none of that matters, to a remarkable degree, because what matters is: The people love Daenerys.
They love a character whose series arc begins with her indentured servitude as a warlord’s concubine and ends, most recently, with her fighting for sovereignty over a league of nations and for a throne made of swords. They love how fictional languages drift from her mouth like dancing smoke, and how her searing-white mane retains a fearsome curl, even in or near battle. They love the whole dragons thing.
The people would love Emilia Clarke, too, if only they knew who she was. During the first few seasons of Game of Thrones, Clarke was able to fool the general public into believing she was very regular civilian Emilia Clarke, because Daenerys was blonde, and Clarke was not. Now, she says, recognition happens more frequently. Particularly Stateside.
For reasons I cannot fathom, Americans feel more entitled to command the attention of celebrities. “People are like, ‘UH-melia CLORK!’ ” she says, in perfect American. In London, people are prone to whisper about her as she passes by. “ ‘Was that Emilia Clarke?’ ”
“I move like a shark when I’m in public,” she says. “Head down. I think I’ve got quite bad posture because of it, because I’m determined to lead a normal life. So I just move too quickly for anyone to register if it’s me or not. And I don’t walk around with six security men and big sunglasses and a bizarre coat. I really try to meld in.” It gets worse when the show is being promoted, but otherwise, she says, it’s not so bad.
“I move like a shark when I’m in public. Head down…I’m determined to lead a normal life, so I just move too quickly for anyone to register if it’s me or not.”
Her best efforts aside, anonymity may be a pipe dream. The show is as decorated as a Christmas tree in a craft store. Game of Thrones has won a Peabody and 47 Emmys, the most of any television drama in history. The show marries critical praise with popular success, then it mercilessly slaughters those who have come to celebrate this union and receives even more acclaim (“The Rains of Castamere,” season 3, episode 9). The plotlines are famously convoluted. Luckily, we have an entire web’s worth of episode explainers, encyclopedias designed specifically for the Westeros universe, and a self-explanatory Funny or Die segment called Gay of Thrones, starring Jonathan van Ness.
When Mad Men first aired, television bloggers dutifully unpacked its symbolic elements, and millennials celebrated the show’s style with Mad Men–themed parties that were really just ’60s-and-one-red-wig-themed parties. Game of Thrones is basically an economy of its own. Since the show premiered, tourism to Croatia, whose coastal port Dubrovnik stands in for the fictional city of King’s Landing, has nearly doubled. Game of Thrones–themed weddings are so popular that it is almost impossible not to attend them — in 2016, Clarke accidentally walked into one that was occurring at the same hotel where she and the cast were staying during filming. (It was not a canonical wedding, and no guests were harmed.)
Game of Thrones has also earned one of the most important pop culture accolades of the century: The attention of Beyoncé Knowles. I believe it is her favorite TV show, and this is why.
Exhibit A: Jay-Z reportedly gave her a prop dragon’s egg from the set, at great personal expense. Exhibit B: At an Oscars after-party this year, Beyoncé approached Clarke (“voluntarily,” according to the actress) to introduce herself. “I watched her face go, ‘Oh, no, I shouldn’t be talking to this crazy [woman], who is essentially crying in front of me,’ ” remembers Clarke. “I think my inner monologue was, ‘Stop fucking it up,’ and I kept fucking it up.”
“I was like, ‘I just saw you in concert.’ And she was like, ‘I know.’ ” Clarke also mentions that Beyoncé complimented her work but declines to share specifics.
Why are people (more specifically, everybody) and goddesses (more specifically, Beyoncé) all obsessed with a show about some dragons and lots of dungeons?
“The show is sensationalist in a way,” Clarke explains, in an effort to describe a TV series that features twins having sex and a child’s defenestration in the very first episode. It doesn’t matter — Clarke’s conversational style is so intimate and emphatic that basic facts feel like sworn secrets. When she smiles, she does so with every single muscle in her face. “It’s the reason why people pick up gossip magazines. They want to know what happens next…. You’ve got a society that is far removed enough from ours but also circulates around power. How that corrupts people and how we want it, and how we don’t want it.”
In other words, Game of Thrones’ value proposition is creating a rich other world for people to experience a prestige, high-production version of pure, horny, violent, unbridled drama. It is, according to Clarke, pitched perfectly: “I think it caught Western society at exactly the right moment.”
“I don’t know about you,” she says, “but when I watch something, it’s escapism. I’m feeling crappy; I’m just sad, moody, depressed, upset, angry, whatever it is. I know that distraction is what makes me get better. Distraction is what really, really helps me.” She laughs and then quickly pivots to a caveat: “I’m sure that’s not what a therapist would advise.”
It is at this point that Emilia Clarke leans in very close, her breath knocking at my sideburn, and explains to me the bombastic and devastating ending to the most important TV show of the decade.
Wow — just kidding once more. But, uh, while we’re on the topic, how is this whole thing going to end?
It was not hard to root for the Breaker of Chains, until recently. Now we’re seeing the gentle unspooling of her character, and flickers of a dangerous prophecy that she will ascend the throne only to follow in her father’s footsteps and burn it all to the ground. For a while, Daenerys seemed like the Lawful Good ruler, but we have had the great pleasure of watching how power can pervert people. (Nate Jones, at Vulture, leads a thrilling discussion of this very topic.) (Also, if Daenerys were to rule the Seven Kingdoms, only to go nuts, we might at the very least have a spinoff to look forward to.)
Clarke will never say. Throughout 10 or so years in the public eye, her interviews have been peppered with the same handful of charming personal details from her career — the service jobs she worked prior to making it, dancing the funky chicken during her Game of Thrones audition — which feels a lot like walking a vast beach and finding the same series of 10 seashells.
Then, in March, some very different treasure washed ashore when The New Yorker ran the most illuminating profile of Emilia Clarke to date. It was written by Emilia Clarke.
If I am truly being honest every minute of every day I thought I was going to die.
In it, Clarke revealed that she had suffered two near-fatal brain aneurysms during the early seasons of Game of Thrones. The first hit her mid-plank during a training session, and not long after, doctors discovered a second that required them to open her skull for a risky operation. The recovery period was, to her, more painful than the aneurysms. “If I am truly being honest,” she wrote, “every minute of every day I thought I was going to die.” She also announced her charity venture, SameYou, which seeks to provide rehabilitation for young people recovering from brain injuries.
The second time we talk, it is the day before the Game of Thrones New York premiere, and Clarke is at a morning fitting, surrounded by a coronation’s worth of gowns. It’s early, and a passing cold has fried the edges of her voice. But her words still vibrate with so much joy, it’s like she doesn’t even notice. She’s just happy to be here, wherever she is.
Emilia Clarke on Why Game of Thrones Is the Perfect Form of Escapism + HQ Scans was originally published on Enchanting Emilia Clarke | Est 2012
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