#if i don’t copium rn I dunno… i dunno what else I’d do with myself
dead-set-goat · 8 months
If your digestive tract should stay intact, fellow human do not interact!
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Brought the devil to our plane of existence… it’s supposed to be a lentil-something-“stew” but it rather resembles an alien abortion. And smells of cigarettes… I’m not joking, I’m dead serious. Contemplating, at 12:30 AM if I should shove this in the fridge or bury it 20 kms away at the nearest junkyard. I don’t usually tolerate throwing away food, makes me feel quite guilty, but this… “matter is not created nor destroyed” but God too will make an exception this once (For I’m sure Satan just broke the first half of the law a few hours ago) so I think I’m good to go!
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