#if i had the money... yall dont even KNOW how id spoil some of yall
sorikkung · 2 years
when am i gonna get rich enough to commission cool authors to write my fic ideas for me
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teddy-feathers · 7 years
I hate it when adults holey socks when do i get to count as a fucking adult imply or out right say social media isn't necessary. That friendships here aren't real. That it doesn't matter.
Because honestly? Like Problematic as fuck not to guilt trip anyone but
There are SEVERAL times I. Would. Be. Dead.
Not only because my dumbass brain craves strong and meaningful relationships while making it impossible for me to get and or keep them
But also there's been several times when the internet provided a distraction. When it provided answers. Hope. Shared desperation. A voice in thr void. Resources. Something to live for because it'd be a shame if I never knew how a fanfic ended or if I'm going to do this I at least want to see this movie coming out that I otherwise wouldnt have heard of.
And socialization so so important for people but when do you have time? Or money? Or energy? Or live near anyone youd want to talk to or who cares about what you do. How would you find them? Take out an add in the newspaper? There's a waste of money and you can't even filter who responds.
Great you love my favorite book but you hate lesbians and now have my contact info. Fuck. That.
Maybe thats an exaggeration. Could go to a bar by myself when I dont drink. Or a cafe where I also dont drink. Or bum around the park and get suspicious glances from moms with tiny tots.
Yes I suppose it is possible but... How many so called friends has anyone had that worked simply because you didn't have anyone else?
Hell my parents DONT have any friends. Theyve supposedly got each other and work - people they wouldnt otherwise associate with honestly amd hardly bother outside of that.
The neighbors? Yeah they know eachothers names but again, its not like they have a lot in common.
And yeah maybe things used to work some sort of way before. Kinda. Like I mean cars didn't always have roofs or go 65 and the bus system sure wasnt a thing but uh if you suddenly made getting a car even more prohibitive and ditched the bus system all together SURE people MIGHT be able to walk... Some places... Kinda.
I mean. I dunno about yall but. Having walked two hours carrying two armfulls of groceries across town uh its not something id say is sustainable or functional.
Are we spoiled? Sure. So are my parents gen vs my grandparents. Is there a problem with being spoiled? I really dont think so.
Because everytime my dad opens his mouth about how we all want shit handed to us, that we dont want to take responsibility that we're lazy or entitled ALL I see is all the ways people aren't - theyre just mad that their shit teir life is getting harder when it doesn't have to be and where everyone seems to more or less agree it shouldnt have to be...
Its just everyones getting hung up on whos fault it is.
And you can point and say all the mean things you want but its a basic economic principle that people are REASONABLE. Theyre going to try and do whats best for them.
And if somehow they cant and youre trying to tell me that if you just culled them there wouldn't be anymore "non reasonable" people is bullshit. Because then the next lowest teir of society is now the mud youre steping on.
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