#if i pass todays exam and the mondays one.... bitches im free....
dreamlandxrunaway · 2 years
genuine question (addressed to myself),
Why the fuck does your brain only work when you've not slept enough? Why is THAT when you get creative, hmm?
At this rate I'll finish chapter 30 by the end of the year (dramatization)
0 notes
musicalnavigation · 7 years
Shitty Mondays
A story for all those of you who have had a shitty Monday, feel free to tell me how yours has been, perhaps we can exchange ratings on how bad it was?
So, needless to say, today has been a shitty day. I got up at 6:30am for my 7:30am Theory Test (University, technically classes don’t start till 8:30am so this was illegal). Then I get to the building and it turns out that my Proff. Forgot that we were doing the test an hour earlier, so on one hand an extra hour of study, but on the other hand an hour missed of glorious sleep, so i’m not too pissed, shit happens and this is a pretty cool proff so leeway is given. Then when she does finally show up she has to watch the main class and the person who was suppose to watch us never shows, so we have to reschedule the test to 6pm the same day. (really...... I mean really? You couldn’t have scheduled it for a different day?)
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At this point I just want to go to sleep, so I get home and its 9am and my next class isn’t until 1pm, so me being me I nap until noon (it was great). Then I get up and go to class, the first is Wind Pedagogy which is lit, but unfortunately it was review for the test, and by that I mean instead of the teacher getting up and teaching the class he has the student summarize what they learned about (ladies and gentlemen, I present to you teaching. Why should the teachers do it when the students can!). Then after that I had to run over the Choral Ensemble at a different building across campus and me being me and it being Monday, I miss the buss so I have to deal with the 20 minute walk in 30 F weather with a -10 wind chill and snow/slush.
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I get to Choral and the 1.5 hour rehearsal was basically dedicated to how horrible we sound and how our best is not good enough. My mental reply was something along the lines of “Bitch please, the only reason i’m taking this class is because I need it to graduate, and since I graduate at the end of this year is doesn’t matter how pissed off I make you because I’ll never have to deal with you again!”. Needless to say I was pretty pissed after rehearsal so I walked back to main campus in the snow and wind, you could say I ‘cooled off’.
By the time I get to campus it’s 4:30pm and I have an hour and half until my exam, so I decide to chill a little, watch a youtube and decompress for 30 minutes and then start last minute study/review for the 6pm test. Then my proff walks by me about 25 minutes into my R&R and says “ Hey hun, right now im just burning time so do you want to take the test now?”. Naturally I can’t say no because everyone else has already stood up to follow the proff, so I follow without having done the last minute review and sit down to take the test.
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Needless to say I take a look at the test and start with the prep work, which is to do the music version of a Matrix and then the Hexachoraldal combinational reality Array (who the fuck makes up these labels, seriously, I can’t even pronounce that much less speak it and im expected to know how to do it?! WTF) subdivision of the original Row (Translation - lots of math and a high chance of failed). Upon completion if it I felt pretty good and then started to analysis the score of music, only to be completely confused because NOTHING FIT! After about an hour of panic and BS ideas, I figure out that I was reading the damn thing (matix) Vertical when I should have read it Horizontal. So then stuff starts to work out, only I find that there are two large sections that are just random BS and don’t fit no matter WHAT way you splice it. So I BS the rest of the exam and turn it in with 10 minutes to spare and pretty sure that I passed it, but not by much. At this point i’m just done with the day.
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THEN! As if I didn’t have a full day already I had to go directly to my Saxophone Quartet rehearsal (its 7:30pm by now) and after a terrifyingly exhausting rehearsal that eventually ended at 9:30pm I start my journey home in the 10 F weather outside (wind and snow included). I get home at 10pm having not had anything to eat of drink since noon.
As I sit down now and write out my day while drinking a wineglass filled with Vodka I come to a terrifying conclusion.
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0 notes