#so yeah.... 화이팅!
a-pop-of-korean · 8 months
How’d you learn Korean? And for how long? Why? Idk if you’ve answered this before but yeah
I started learning Korean when I was in the 8th grade (I'm now 21 so it's been a long time!), basically just by watching YouTube videos and reading blogs. I never took it that seriously (and also I was a child who didn't know how to study languages lol), so I never took notes or anything. It was only when I was in the middle of high school that I decided to take it a little more seriously and make more of an effort to expose myself to it. I made this blog when I was 16, so that was probably my peak of self-studying--I had to make sure I knew my stuff before teaching other people! I started taking Korean classes my sophomore year of college, and then went abroad last year for four months, where I continued studying it formally.
As for the why, many of my friends growing up spoke another language, and I wanted to learn another one as well! I chose Korean because I really liked K-pop and wanted to understand my favorite music. Maybe that's a bit of a silly reason, but I was like 13 when I decided to start learning lol. But I do think that music in any culture is important, so I'm glad I chose Korean because now listening to K-pop is a different experience for me!
Keep in mind that I'm not at all fluent--I know a lot of textbook Korean and I did get more comfortable speaking it when I was abroad, but I still struggle and don't know everything! I also started studying it just past the age where acquiring a language is easy, and I didn't expose myself enough at first. Even though I'm not fluent, I wanted to make this blog to hopefully be a resource for other native English speakers who struggle to learn Korean. I hope this answers your question and thanks for your patience! 화이팅!
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milkmoomshroom · 2 months
Milk & Cookies: Prevailing Against Procrastination
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Have you found yourself mindlessly scrolling through social media? Have you begun to bed rot? Are you doing anything but learning your target language? Well, same. I am here to pull us all out of this mess and get us back on track. In this post we're going to learn the steps to prevailing against procrastination. 갗이 해볼까요? 가자! (Shall we go? Let's go!)
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Step 1: Assess the Damage
First we must ask ourselves the following question: How long have we been avoiding our responsibilities? Here, your goals/plans should be your guidelines when answering these questions. For example:
My Goal: Finish HTSK Unit 1 by August 1, 2024. Where I should be: Lesson 21 Where I am: Lesson 13
As you can see, based on the goal I set in the beginning of July, I am far behind schedule. A lot of times, we see this huge gap and it scares us. So instead of trying jump the gap, we avoid it (procrastinate) and allow it to widen. The bad news is this leads to an endless cycle that only makes us feel bad about ourselves and our abilities.
The good news? We don't have to jump the gap!
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Step 2: Review and Revise
Okay, so yeah, we procrastinated a little bit a lot a bit. What now?
It's time for plan 2.0! Or plan 1.5...
Sometimes when we procrastinate, we can slightly adjust how much work we do per day and still accomplish our goals. Maybe you're behind only two days, so you do double the work for the next two days to come. Perfect!
However, maybe you're in a situation where you'd have to quadruple the amount of work you have to get done. So instead, like me, you may have to adjust the goal itself. That's okay, it happens sometimes!
Before we revise the goal, we need to understand what went wrong. Did we bite off more than we could chew? Did the language learning routine become monotonous? Were we just plain lazy? Whatever the reason is, make sure to be honest with yourself.
For me, I tend to get bursts of interest in something and then drop it a couple weeks later. Plus, I am lazy. The main material I work with (HTSK) is loaded with information which I love. But it can take me a while to work through it all and my attention span drains itself. To fix this, I'll have two shorter sessions per day to break the lesson up and I will extend the goal deadline.
Method: Two study sessions per day (following the Pomodoro method) Deadline: August 8, 2024 (1 week extension)
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Step 3: Stick With It
The only way to tell if something works is to stick with it. The best way to make something a habit is to keep doing it. Test out the new methods and goals you've set for yourself. Accomplish what you wished to accomplish. Then reevaluate what worked and what didn't.
I may make a post later on motivation methods but really the only thing you need is self-discipline.
Here's to trying again y'all! 화이팅! (fighting)
한 입 먹을래요? (Wanna bite?):
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omg i loved jun’s short. so chaotic but in a very controlled way, even more so than junliet imo.
the only part i did not love was the billie jean to smooth criminal transition and that was less on choreo and more on the music cut, it was a lot lazier than the other ones which were pretty clever! 
love the back of the costume, literally screamed at the gold chain detailing. jun really said he’s the prince of the ice and he’s right. the front is...idk.
presentation was...yeah. i did not like the score. today was not his best outing, he definitely had a lot of anxiety going in and that carried over in a lack of energy, but his composition was extraordinary and so were his skating skills. imo his PCS should have been higher by a bit and his TS lower.
ah, junaxel. ah, jun 3lz3lo. how i loathe and love you.
화이팅 junhwan! literally. you’re doing great, please manage pre-performance anxiety. keep chewing on those power bars.
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dreamlandxrunaway · 2 years
genuine question (addressed to myself),
Why the fuck does your brain only work when you've not slept enough? Why is THAT when you get creative, hmm?
At this rate I'll finish chapter 30 by the end of the year (dramatization)
0 notes
babyboy-bangtan · 5 years
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By Chance Chapter 12
A misunderstanding gone viral puts you on BTS’s radar, which leads to a series of events that finally culminate with you meeting them for the first time.
✚ Pairing: Sub!BTS/Female Reader ✚ Word Count: 5.4K ✚ Rating: M ✚ Warnings: None. ✚ A/N: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of my imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Dialogues spoken in Korean when English is also being spoken will be bolded and italicized. Read on AO3 / Chapters 1-4 /  Chapters 5-8 / Chapters 9-10 / Chapter 11
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The Meeting: Part 2
Thanks to some good, old fashioned bribing with tickets to the premiere of your next movie, you managed to get your hand on a couple of the pictures from BTS's SNL shoot, and you were able to have your assistant get you a custom made card for them. It's a pretty simple design, but you think that makes it look just perfect; it's one of their group photos, with 'HAPPY SNL DEBUT DAY'  written at the bottom. It's a cute, well-made card that they can open to see what you've written inside— the problem only being that you don't know what to write just yet.
As you delete yet another sentence you've written on your notes because it doesn't feel right— this has been going on for at least half an hour— an incoming call from your assistant suddenly startles you.
"Fuck." You say, clutching your chest before answering it. "Hey, what's up?"
"Hey, I'm right next in line at the flower shop— do you want me to give the phone to the florist when it's my turn?" 
"Yeah, please do. I'll just wait on the line. Thank you!" 
"Okay, no problem." She says, while you distract yourself by trying to come up with a nice, not too personal message to write to the boys.
They were absolute sweethearts when you met them, much more so than you thought they were going to be, not to mention much more breathtakingly beautiful in person than on screen— and that truly is saying something. It was a bit hard to keep yourself together while they were around you because of how stunning they looked, and when they told you that Jungkook and Jimin were actually your fans you almost lost it. Jungkook was especially adorable— he got so shy around you that it made you want to hug him and tell him it was okay, but you knew that would've been an invasion of his personal space you doubt he would've welcomed.
You almost made a fool of yourself when they asked you what your favorite video of theirs was; you answered Blood, Sweat and Tears so quickly that you were sure they would realize why it was your favorite. You ended up covering it up by saying it was because of how artistic it was— which is not a lie per se, only a partial truth— and they seemed to fully believe you. You couldn't go ahead tell them the true reason was because seeing them hanging from swings, being tied up and blindfolded while kneeling or wrapping their hands around their own throats makes you want to go wild— because they would've rightfully run for the hills.
So, because of how lovely and sweet they were, you want to give them something that might ease their nerves even if it's just a little bit. You know what it feels like to be nervous on SNL for the first time as a host— but they are the first South Korean band to ever perform there and you can't imagine how much pressure they must be feeling over that.
Since you don't know them that well, you went for the safest bet you could think of: a nice arrangement of flowers. You would've loved to go into the shop yourself, but if word got out that you were in a flower shop buying a arrangement with 7 different types of flowers, it'd be only a matter of time before someone put two and two together and fucked up your gift by telling some news outlet desperate for any kind of celeb gossip.
"Hi, sir." You hear your assistant say. "Would you mind speaking with my boss over the phone? She couldn't come here but she wanted to order an arrangement herself—"
"Sure, no problem." You hear a male voice say, a bit further away and muffled. "Hello?" Now his voice is perfectly clear.
"Hi! Thanks for accepting the call."
"No problem, ma'am. What can I help you with?"
"Okay, I wanted to order an arrangement that I need to be ready by... let's say Saturday at noon—"
"Uh, that's very soon—" He says, but you interrupt him because you knew this was coming. The flower shop is quite famous— and that fame is well earned because their work is stunning— but you know from someone that it's not impossible to get them delivered in a couple days, if you're willing to pay the price. Which you are. That's the reason you sent your assistant— so she would try to persuade him if in case you couldn't yourself through the phone and to avoid the possibility of him hanging up on you before hearing you out.
"I know— but I'll pay whatever it costs to get it by this Saturday."
"It's going to be a bit expensive, ma'am—"
"I know." You repeat. "Money won't be an issue."
"Uhhh... okay, then." He says. "What kind of arrangement do you have in mind?"
"I need a big arrangement that must have 7 different types of flowers— and I need it to be noticeable that they are 7 and they're different, and they all need to be given the same importance. I don't want any sticking out more than the others."
"Right, do you have any type of flowers in mind?"
"No because I don't really know anything about flowers— except that they have meanings. It would be perfect if you choose flowers that symbolized greatness, success, longevity, beauty, elegance— that type of things."
"Got it. Any particular color combinations, maybe warmer colors or...?"
"Oh, yes. I want the color you notice first to be pink. Maybe different types of pink? And if you need to add other colors, they should be pastels. But pink has to be the main color. I just want it to look really beautiful. I want the people getting it to feel valued when they see it."
"That I can do, ma'am. Anything else?"
"No, that's all. Thank you so much, my assistant will take care of the payment."
"My pleasure."
"Hi, boss." Your assistant says, always careful to not say your name out loud, just in case. "I got it from here."
"Oh, wait! Did you get the vase already?" You almost forgot to ask.
"Yes. I picked it up before coming here. It looks just like you wanted it. I'll text you a picture later."
"Thank you! See you soon!"
You also had her order a custom made glass vase inspired on the cover of their latest album, but you don't know yet if it's going to look good or clash with the arrangement the florist will make for you. If it doesn't look good you'll just discard the idea, even though you really hope it does. You want them to know you just didn't ask for a generic arrangement of flowers, you want them to be able to tell that you put some thought into this so they know they're appreciated. You know a thing or two about feeling like an outsider, and you also know the relief you can get from knowing that someone from the other side is on yours too, supporting you.
When you hang up, you suddenly have an idea for what you want to write. When you went down a rabbit hole of BTS compilation videos that ended up with you laughing so hard that your stomach hurt and there were tears streaming down your face— who would've thought that the same guys who look like sin personified on stage and music videos were so damn goofy and hilarious?— you noticed there was a word they kept saying, but you forgot to search what it meant.
You open your browser and search 'what does fighting mean in kpop', because even though you're pretty sure that based on the context they used it you understood its meaning correctly, it still doesn't hurt to make sure.
"... a Korean word of support or encouragement. It is frequently used in sports or whenever a challenge such as a difficult test or unpleasant assignment is met. It derives from a Konglish borrowing of the English word "Fighting!"
You were correct.
화이팅— you will definitely use that. You start typing again, and for the first time you actually feel like what you wrote is appropriate for the situation.
You just hope the boys will actually like it, instead of thinking it's too much or that you crossed a line.
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Much to Jungkook and Jimin's displeasure— although, to be fair, after meeting you the rest of them wouldn't have minded to spend more time with you either— they had to wait until Saturday before they could see you again. Sadly, even though the day is already upon them, they're now too focused on being completely prepared to really think about anything else. That's the reason why they hoped to meet with you again before the day of the episode; they hoped to interact with you one more time without having to worry so much about giving their best for their performances just yet.
To tell the truth, apart from Jimin and Jungkook who already were very aware they liked you and were really looking forward to meet you, the rest of them hadn't really had any set expectations when it came to you meeting them. Namjoon had been worried about Jin maybe getting flustered— which he didn't because he didn't really talk to you at all to make sure that didn't happen— and Yoongi was hoping to see Jin getting flustered, but he just settled for enjoying how shy and nervous Jimin and Jungkook got when you paid attention to them. What Hoseok loved the most was how quickly you made them feel at ease with you— like you'd known each other for a long time. Taehyung loved that too— and he also loved that you shared your experience with them to make them feel better. It really helped him feel a bit less nervous about their performance.
They had known you'd be nice— how could they think otherwise with Jungkook constantly reminding them about your kind personality— but they felt they weren't really prepared for how easy it was to be around you, even if there were embarrassing moments for several of them. Embarrassment was unavoidable, but any sort of awkwardness was nonexistent. You made them feel comfortable and welcome immediately, and they really appreciated it and were thankful for that.
After you shot the promos you had to leave and gave them all a hug goodbye, which was more than Jungkook ever thought he was going to get. And when you told them you were dying to see them perform live on Saturday, Jungkook felt like he was going to melt into a puddle on the floor. You kept telling them all how amazing and talented they were, and at that point they were all blushing and feeling embarrassed at your praises, not knowing what else to do but saying thank you as you rambled on about how incredible their choreographies and voices were. Namjoon got so shy when you told him his English was incredible that he could barely say another word after that.
When you finally left and they returned to their dressing room, Jungkook had to sit down to process everything that had just happened. He met you, you hugged him twice and to top it all you said they were great and told them how much you loved their songs and music videos.
Both him and Jimin got a good amount of teasing from the others on their way back to the hotel because of how flustered they'd gotten when you talked to them— Yoongi said he thought Jungkook was going to faint when you told him to sit next to you and Hoseok laughed at how charming Jimin tried to be and how immediately shy he got by you just talking to him.
"Namjoon-Hyung got shy too when she said his English was good!"  Jimin had blurted out, trying to divert the teasing to someone else while the others laughed.
"Why are you dragging me into this? I didn't say anything!" Namjoon had complained, blushing deeply.
The teasing went on through the rest of the day, and by the time they had to go to bed, Jungkook started daydreaming about the possibility of you and all of them becoming actual friends. After getting to spend time with you and because of how nice you were, it slowly stopped feeling like something unreachable.
Now, the day of the show is finally here, and even though their performances are at the forefront of their minds, knowing that they'll get to see you again is also something that makes them feel excited. Some more so than others, but they're all excited nonetheless.
When they arrive to the studio the feeling of anticipation starts to truly settle in, and with it nervousness and excitement as well. They are well prepared— they've rehearsed the songs over and over again— but the possibility of something going wrong and affecting the performance negatively is always a worry.
Namjoon walks into the room first, but he suddenly stops his movements when he catches sight of what's on the table.
"What? What's this?"  He asks, shocked, looking around their staff for answers. "Who left this here?"
There's a beautiful, huge flower arrangement waiting for them. 
"Wooooow."  Taehyung says right behind him. "Is this from the SNL people? It's so pretty."  He smells the flowers, closing his eyes as he enjoys their lovely perfume. Someone from their staff answers that someone from the SNL crew left it a little while ago without saying anything else.
The rest walk in and marvel at the arrangement as well, but it's Hoseok who finally realizes there's actually an envelope positioned between the flowers.
"Oh, guys, I think there's a card." He opens the envelope and smiles at the image on the card, showing it to the others."Cute." 
"Who is it from, Hyung?"  Jimin asks, going to smell the flowers as well while Taehyung takes a picture of them.
"It's from [Y/N]-Noona!" Jungkook suddenly exclaims, reading over Hoseok's shoulder. 
"She wrote a message." Hoseok says, handing it to Namjoon, who quickly reads it and translates it for the rest of them.
It's normal to be nervous, but remember you're here for a reason: You already made it. Don't worry, you're gonna kill it! 화이팅! [Y/N]
"She wrote 'fighting' in Korean, that's so thoughtful of her."  He says with a smile, handing the card to Jimin when he asks for it.
"Ah, [Y/N]-Noona is so nice."  Taehyung says as he reads the card with Jimin, who nods in agreement.
"Ah, wait—"  Yoongi suddenly mumbles, crouching down slightly to take a better look. "The vase looks like the cover of our album." 
"What, really?"  Jin says, resting his hands on Yoongi's shoulders and crouching as well. "Oh wow, it does."  In the middle of the soft pink of the glass vase, they can see the distinct heart shape of their album cover art. "This looks very expensive."  He finally adds, standing upright again.
"Hyung, we don't have anything like this for her!"  Jungkook suddenly says, almost panicking.
You got them this incredibly thoughtful gift, and he worries that you might feel they are ungrateful because they didn't get anything for you. How did it not occur to them to get you a flower bouquet as well? It's such a common thing to give, even if it still would've been a smaller gift than the one you gave them. It would've been something, at least.
"Well, we've got the album to give her."  Namjoon says, scratching the back of his head. Until Jungkook mentioned it, he hadn't really considered that they might look rude for not getting you something like this as well.
"Don't be silly, she obviously didn't get us this because she was waiting for something in return."  Yoongi interrupts them before Jungkook starts to have a meltdown. "You can tell she's not the kind of person who'd do something like that."
"He's right."  Hoseok agrees. "I think she just wanted us to feel welcome."
"I think so too."  Jimin says, with Taehyung nodding at his side. Jin and Namjoon also agree, and Jungkook can't really argue against that. You're too kind to be bothered by something like that and you definitely wouldn't get them something because you wanted something from them. You did this because you wanted to, and that's it.
When they start getting dressed for their Boy With Luv performance, Jungkook can't help himself and keeps glancing at the TV on the wall to check if you're there already, even if he knows the show hasn't even started yet. In your first SNL episode you were hilarious, and he knows this time will be no different.
Once you do appear, Jungkook's eyes are firmly glued to the screen. He's vaguely aware a stylist is working on him, but he's just letting her do whatever she needs while enjoying your monologue. The rest of the boys end up watching it as well, even though they don't all understand what you're saying on the same level. Namjoon, however, is laughing so hard he's almost crying.
"Oh my god, she's hilarious."  He says, clutching his stomach. Jungkook had mentioned more than once that you were funny, but he had no idea you were this funny. The way you deliver every line you're saying makes it just perfect. As far as he knows you're not a comedic actor, but looking at you so at ease standing there, he feels like you definitely could be.
Jungkook grins at him, nodding in agreement. 
After that, the there's not much more to do than practice the little details and wait for the time of the performance to come.
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When you were told that you only had to be at the main stage a couple minutes before you needed to present BTS, you have to admit you were a little disappointed. You wanted to see the boys again before that, but work is work and you needed to do several outfit changes through the night. You're now dressed in regular clothes again, but after their performance is done you need to rush out of there and start getting ready for another sketch once again. So far everything has been going smoothly, except for one moment where you almost broke character and started laughing, but you managed to work it out pretty well and continue without much trouble.
Once you finally get there, the boys are already waiting on the stage and you manage to wave at them with a smile before a makeup artist pulls you away and starts fixing your face, and soon enough you're standing in front of the camera, ready to introduce them.
"Ladies and gentlemen, BTS." You say, moving away to the side so the camera can focus on them instead.
You, of course, are immediately enraptured by their performance and can't take your eyes off of them. Your brain still has a hard time processing that the boys who got so shy while just talking to you are over there now, being incredibly sexy and seductive like it's the way they are 24/7. They absolutely know what they're doing, and they know how to do it perfectly. They own the stage, and they love it.
You find yourself mouthing the "oh my my my" part of the chorus and dancing on your spot, because it's too catchy not to. The song is great, and you know for a fact it's gonna be a hit, and the performance is even better. You'll definitely be listening to it over and over again after this.
When the song is done, you only manage to give them two excited thumbs up when they look at where you are, before you are ushered away to get dressed for your next sketch. Things thankfully continue to go by without a problem; the audience's response is very positive and you feel quite confident about how everything is turning out to be.
It's not long before you're having another wardrobe change to present BTS's second performance of the night, and you're even more excited about this one than you were before. This song is actually one of your favorites, it's so fun to listen to and you can't wait to see them perform it live.
"Once again, BTS." You say, smiling widely as the camera moves away from you and goes to them.
You can actually sing this one— except for the parts in Korean— so you're really enjoying yourself this time. Dancing to their songs is pretty much unavoidable, and you can't help but mimic some of the easy parts of their choreography as well. They take your breath away through their entire performance— those damn hip rolls could give you a heart attack— and when they finish you start clapping and cheering for them like there's no tomorrow. They do get to see you right before someone takes you away so you can change again, and you manage to give them another thumbs up as you walk away to the dressing room.
When you're finally done with the last sketch, you feel the tension slip away from your body almost immediately. The last thing you need to do is get out of your costume and wrap up the episode with BTS and the cast, and you'll be finally done.
Your final outfit is a simple, not too tight dark blue suit with a white shirt and high heels, and the moment your makeup is fixed up you go back to the stage to get on position for the ending.
The boys are already there when you arrive, and you quickly greet them before someone from the production team starts to place them in the spots that work best for their height in relation to yours. When the cameras start rolling again you deliver your words of thanks for the opportunity to have so much fun with the SNL cast again and thank them, BTS and the amazing production team before saying your final goodbye so the credits can roll in.
You waste no time in hugging the boys one by one, immediately telling them how absolutely amazing their performance was, and then move on to the SNL cast who compliment you and tell you that you did a great job, which you say right back at them. They invite you to the after party, but you politely decline because you actually have a flight to catch in a few hours— and also because you're tired and don't really want to go.
Before you can start saying goodbye to them, Namjoon stops you to speak to you.
"Hey, would you mind to come by our dressing room in a bit? We have a little gift we wanted to give you—" He says, and you suddenly remember your assistant had told you that someone from their staff had asked her that already, and they told her they were going to film it.
"Oh, yes! Of course." You nod. "You guys go ahead and I'll be there in a sec." You want to switch your heels for something more comfortable before that.
They go in the direction of their dressing room, whereas you go find your assistant so she can give you your sneakers and take your high heels from you. Once you're done, you ask someone to lead you to where BTS's is staying.
"Come in, [Y/N]!" You hear Namjoon say when he sees you at the door, and you walk in and bow slightly to their staff before greeting them.
"Annyeonghaseyo."  You say, and they reply the same to you. "Hey guys!" You say, waving at them. You hold yourself back from touching them too much because you don't want their fans to react negatively to this interaction, or maybe take it the wrong way. They all greet you with bright smiles, and suddenly Namjoon asks you to stand in the middle of them so they can take a picture.
"Oh, of course." You position yourself between Jungkook and Jimin. "You guys were so great tonight!" You say once the picture is taken.
You hear a chorus of thank you, and before you can leave Namjoon stops you and hands you a copy of their own album.
"We wanted to give you this—"
"You guys!" You say, genuinely touched at the gesture. "That's so sweet, thank you so much!" You clutch the album to your chest. "I love it."
You have to leave the room shortly after, and you wave at them as you walk through the door while they all yell goodbye to you. 
You look at the album on your way back to your own dressing room; they all signed it, and even wrote little messages like 'thank you for the support', which you find to be absolutely adorable. Your assistant is waiting for you with yet another change of clothes— never in your life you have changed so often in such a short period of time, including your previous SNL appearance— so you can be actually comfortable once you're on your way to the airport.
Today was a long day, but a really fun and exciting one nonetheless. You just hope you'll be able to get some sleep on the plane, because otherwise you'll be fucked tomorrow.
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It's not until after they are done filming the ending of their episode that Jungkook has a sudden thought, and waits no time to blurt it out to everyone in the middle of the room, startling even their stylists.
"We didn't thank [Y/N]-Noona for the flowers!"  He cries out, looking like the world is about to end. He was just staring at the arrangement thinking about what a nice gesture it had been and how happy it made him, when he realized they never even did so much as mention it to you— and you didn't say anything about it.
"Oh shit."  Namjoon says, realizing he's right and feeling angry at himself for not realizing it sooner. He had the entire night already planned in his mind and he did everything he had to do meticulously— but your gift was something he hadn't expected at all and his own nerves and excitement made him forget about it with everything else going on. "Do you think she's already gone?"  He turns to their staff. "Can you find out if she left?"
God, they wasted so much time changing into their clothes that it's a very big possibility that you already left the building.
"She's still here, her assistant said she would make sure she doesn't leave yet, but you have to be fast because she has a flight to catch."  Someone from their staff says, slightly breathless.
"Come on, let's go. We can't leave without thanking her."  Namjoon says, and Yoongi frowns from his place on the couch.
"Do we all have to go? I'm sure it will be fine if only you go and thank her for all of us—"  He complains, not wanting to get up.
"We're all going, Hyung. Get up."  Namjoon says, leaving no room for discussion for anyone.
"I didn't really forget to thank her, I just thought they had decided not to and didn't say anything."  Taehyung whispers to Jimin as they walk, who covers his mouth to stifle his laughter.
"Don't tell them that."  He manages to whisper back.
When they finally arrive to your dressing room, they find you sitting there scrolling through your phone without a care in the world. 
"Guys, hi!" You greet them with a smile, standing up once you see them enter. "What happened? My assistant told me—"
"We are so sorry!" Jungkook blurts out, looking very apologetic. You look at him like you have no idea what he's talking about— which, to tell the truth, you probably don't.
"Huh?" You say, frowning in confusion. "Sorry about...?"
"We forgot to thank you for the flowers." Namjoon quickly says, taking the reins of the apology. "We were very grateful when we saw them, and the message on the card was very thoughtful." 
"The flowers— that's what this was about? You are very welcome guys, but it wasn't necessary to come all the way here, I promise." You laugh, lifting up both of your hands as if to make sure they understand you don't mind.
"No, no, it is. You went through all the trouble of getting them and it would be very rude to not thank you for them." Namjoon argues while the rest of them nod in agreement, and you bring your hands to your chest.
"That's incredibly sweet guys— I'm very happy you liked it. I just wanted you to know you are very welcome here. I know there are some people here that can be— how do I put this?" You look like you're trying to find the right words for a couple seconds. "Literal pieces of shit when it comes to talking about you." They all laugh at that, they can't really help it because of the deadpan way you say it. "But so many people here love you and appreciate you, and I hope you never forget that even if sometimes the worst people seem to be the loudest, they're not the majority. Not at all." They are all really touched by your words once Namjoon translates for them, but when he's about to reply to you he's interrupted by your assistant.
"[Y/N], the car is here. You need to go." She says, speaking from the door.
"I'm so sorry, I have to get going." You say, and they all nod in understanding. You sling your bag over your shoulder and start hugging them goodbye, but as you let go of Jungkook who is the last one, you suddenly say something that surprises them. "We should keep in touch."
"I can give you my number." Jungkook says immediately, pulling out his own phone so fast the others don't even see the movement. Jin has to look down in order to not burst out laughing right there, while the others do a slightly better job at hiding their reactions. "Or you give me yours." He unlocks his phone just in case, as he feels his ears starting to get hot. He doesn't care about embarrassment right now, this is more important.
You take the phone from his hand with a smile and quickly type your number, leaving it like that for him to save it himself. 
"[Y/N]—" Your assistant calls for you again.
"Sorry guys, gotta go." You say, smiling apologetically. "Text me so I can save your number." You tell Jungkook with a smile right before walking away, leaving him just standing there looking down at the phone on his hand.
Jimin has his own phone out, quickly copying the number for himself before saving it as [Y/N] 누나. 
"She gave me her number."  Jungkook says, looking down at the screen in a daze.
"Yes, she did."  Namjoon says, squeezing his shoulder while trying not to laugh at his reaction.
As they go get their things to finally go back to the hotel ,Jungkook's mind is focused only on the fact that he got your number, but not only that— he got it because you were the one who wanted to stay in touch with them.
He doesn't think he'll be able to sleep tonight.
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While you relax and try to enjoy the car ride to the airport, your phone suddenly vibrates on your lap.
      Is this [Y/N]?  
It's a message from a number you don't recognize, so of course you assume it's Jungkook.     
      Yes. Who's this?
What you get in response is a selfie, but not from the person you were expecting.
It's Jimin. He's giving you a finger heart and has a puppy filter on, and you can't deny that your heart skips a beat at how adorable he looks.     
      Looks like someone stole my number.
Your phone vibrates immediately after, but this time it's a new number.
      [Y/N]?       Jungkook?
Much like Jimin, he sends you a selfie to confirm his identity— but unlike Jimin he has no filter on and is just looking at the camera with a grin instead. You feel your heart skip a beat again, and this time you send a picture of yourself in response, smiling as well.
Before you can even lock your phone it vibrates again, and this time it's Jimin.
He just sent you a selfie of himself pouting.
     I don't steal :(
You have no doubts anymore. These boys will be the death of you.
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This is the final chapter of the first arc of the story! Thank you so much for reading and I hope you enjoyed it! 
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wickymicky · 3 years
its interesting that i mostly see “Fighting!” written in subtitles and text in videos as “파이팅!” but pronounced out loud as “화이팅!”. both are acceptable i think, they’re just two different ways of rendering the english F sound into korean. using /p/ for /f/ is more common in most other words, and tbh i actually cant think of any other english loanword in korean that uses /hw/ for /f/ besides hwaiting. so paiting makes more sense from that perspective. and yet i feel like i’ve almost never heard someone say “paiting” out loud, “hwaiting” is much more common, i think. and even then, in subtitles it’s often written “파이팅”. not in the english subtitles lol, i mean in the korean text that appears onscreen in a lot of videos, i guess underneath the youtube english subs haha. you know what i mean. but yeah that’s interesting, idk the exact reasons why but it’s something i’ve noticed
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milaminart · 5 years
how I study korean
~안녕~ many of you asked me how i study korean and what sources i use, so here is a small post about it :>
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so first of all i learned hangul (한글) with the korean book „pons“, it’s german so I don’t know if it’s available in other languages but I don’t recommend it either so nvm. I actually used the first 10 pages and then quit it because everything after the hangul introduction was just weird...
I‘d recommend learning hangul with „howtostudykorean“, a website with over 100 free korean lessons in multiple languages. This is my main korean source they are amazing. They start at level 0 and explain everything from hangul to advanced grammar. Nevertheless they are more focused on the grammar and after a while I felt like I needed to add some everyday language to my word pool.
So I decided to add this beautiful book to my shelf:
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it’s from „talk to me in korean“ and wow. this company is so sweet. I ordered this book and they accidentally sent me a wrong one. I emailed them and a few hours later (it was Christmas my friends) they wrote back, apologised, giftet me the book they accidentally sent me and shipped the right one immediately. I received it a week later with a signed card of all coworkers where they apologised again. (<3)
but back again to the book:
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every chapter starts with a short dialogue and a longer one and goes on with vocab, an explanation of the grammar and pronunciation and ends with a long version of the dialogue where you can test your reading/ speaking ability. every chapter has a audio file on their website where you can listen to the dialogue to work on your listening comprehension. Its great guys 10/10 recommend. You learn so much everyday language which boosts your motivation to the max.
but I would recommend knowing the basic grammar rules of korean before using this book. otherwise it might be confusing at some points. (e.g. why does 오다 + -아도 돼 becomes 와도 돼 etc.)
Next one is the book which talk to me in korean sent me by accident.
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i only worked through the first story but it’s basically a book full of short stories to embrace your reading skills. It’s kinda cute but I feel like if it wouldn’t have been a present I wouldn’t have spent money for this (crying in poor)
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the last book is more a joke but it was a present and it’s funny but yeah I wanted to add it because I actually used some vocabulary of it already (it’s a vocabulary book) :‘)
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the title sais it all. it’s really dirty.
so that was everything :> if you made it this far im reall proud and you can feel hugged. I hope this post could help and might motivate you to study this beautiful language <3 if so, pls let me know it would make my day ✨
한국어 공부 화이팅 !!!
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soheestudies · 4 years
Hi! I saw you studied using TTMIK as well? I'm just starting out at their level 1 but I had a question. Did you feel like it was a solid base or did you feel like you had to add extra materials to your study?? I've only just started learning Korean but its so much fun!
hi, yeah i love ttmik so much. but when i started learning korean i used other materials as well, like books or other different/random websites. when I started with level 1 I already had some basics and was able to read the alphabet (veeeery slow of course). when you have the basics down i totally feel like following the lessons is enough, you can always look up other explanations for grammar points or sample sentences in books or online if needed. i think it’s important to follow one curriculum. i made the mistake to use a lot of stuff and now i’m kinda stuck because everything is mixed up in my head. so yeah, i hope this “helped” :D happy studying. 화이팅!
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apetebox · 4 years
    relatório / .mp4
o uso de [...] representa momentos de pausa; silêncios mais longos. 
oi, mãe. e outros pais e mães, talvez? vocês receberão esse relatório? não disseram se você voltaria sabendo o que fizemos, mãe, em sua ausência. 
é por isso que querem esses relatórios? me pergunto agora. 
se tivesse aqui, saberia que eu tive aula pela manhã e entro mais tarde, então, hoje em específico, até pude ver o byun antes. saberia que eu coloquei pasta de amendoim no croissant, depois de comer cereal de mel misturado com o aquele… como é o nome? [...] ah! crunch? yeah. e eu não esqueci de tomar a levedura. eu não desliguei o despertador, né? 
eu fui para o laboratório da universidade, mas… hoje é quinta, né? é o dia que não preciso ficar. umas 14h eu já estava chegando em casa. posso dizer que vim correndo? [risos] as always. hum… foi esquisito chegar em casa, essa é a verdade. 
foi esquisito. e isso é ruim. sinto em mim como se fosse ruim. as pessoas comuns têm pais… e eles falecem, não é? a qualquer momento eles podem ir embora. e elas seguem, elas precisam seguir. eu deveria saber lidar com isso melhor? eu deveria ser mais maduro? 
ahm. eu fiz o de sempre, eu- eu comi, descansei. eu li um pouco de um dos livros de programação que a senhora me recomendou; só assisti o treino de primeiro socorros e os de taekwono, porque, HA! [ ele levanta o braço engessado ] e aí, estudei matéria da universidade… tive mais tempo livre do que eu gostaria. eu sai com a joo pela tarde, fomos no museu de... eu esqueci, mas é um legal com uma pintura ira- de animação, é, museu de figuras e animação. a noite foi- muito melhor que a manhã. eu comi tteokbokki e leite de banana depois. eu dormi muito bem... até certo ponto. aí, minha cabeça voltou a mil.
você me criou para que eu tenha os melhores olhos, não é? aqueles que não precisam encontrar o olhar dos outros… que se alinhem com os outros sentidos, mas eles bagunçaram um pouco quando recebi a notícia sobre seu desligamento. você espera que eu não desconfie? que eu não tente encontrar razão? eu fui criado por você. 
ah. chega… chega. eu- [...] o byunho seguiu a rotina: exercícios às 9h, trabalho às 10h, almoço às 13h, lanche às 16h, exercícios de novo às 18h… credo, cansativo só de falar, hum, 19h treino, tempo livre e foi dormir no horário de sempre. mas quer saber? ele parece ser o que mais está sentindo sua falta. pela manhã, fui ao trabalho dele e ele se transformou em um cachorro para dançar. ele é mesmo muito bom nisso. [ sussurro: byun-ah, 화이팅! ]
amanhã eu volto. amanhã eu volto e, por hoje, eu confesso que se isso for o que eu tinha que fazer… então não é tão ruim. se eu fiz errado… vou esperar para que me ensine. 
yeah. that’s it. cuuuuuut!
[...] [...]
eu sei o que tenho que dizer, mas minha cabeça não está mais em ordem. deve ter sido as aulas de hoje, na universidade... deve ter sido isso. ya, mãe, eu esqueci de dizer que revi uns documentários ontem, aqueles sobre redes sociais e códigos. acho que o segundo deve ter me deixado mais pensativo. 
você sabe mais que ninguém o quanto eu posso pensar demais, e que preciso saber desacelerar isso. 
sexta, certo? sou naturalmente perdido nos dias. você quem sempre me lembra... joo me ajudou nesses dois dias, também- mãe, você acha que eu ficaria legal com cabelo azul? e se eu mudar o cabelo para quando você voltar? falando em cabelo, esqueci de comentar ontem... o gesso, o braço. eu precisei tomar analgésico ontem, mas hoje não. 
eu também esqueci de comentar que ontem eu quebrei um lustre em casa. taejun hyong disse que eu podia deixar que vocês comprassem um novo... eu estou contando com isso. eu também comprei um negócio pela internet, vou colocar no teto do quarto e dá uns de presente. mas isso foi hoje, quando sai do laboratório da universidade... lá pras 15h. 
eu não voltei para casa. fui para um pc bang- mãe, não pensa besteira. eu fui sozinho, okay? eu só queria outro ambiente, diferente de casa, onde não tem você. e eu assumo: cheguei um pouco atrasado para fazer o check-up. meu braço está se recuperando... bem; rápido. minha habilidade continua não falhando nisso. que bom, uh? porque eu tenho vontade de arrancar agora... talvez eu faça. e você não está aqui para me impedir, que tal? 
é brincadeira. 
hum, talvez não tão brincadeira assim... eu acho que estou um tanto irritado. eu não consigo esconder de você. você sempre descobre. o motivo? o mesmo de ontem, só que hoje me deixou irritado. 
eu ‘tô saindo do foco disso, né? é o quê que querem mesmo? estou em casa há tempos. estudei assunto de universidade, joguei video game para passar tempo. ainda não comi, mas estou esperando o microondas apitar. 
sobre o byunho? the same damn thing de ontem:  exercícios às 9h; trabalho às 10h; almoço às 13h; lanche às 16h... etc, etc e tal. 
desculpe, hoje vai ser mais curto. acho que a recuperação acelerada, ou sei lá o nome, está me sugando. so... yeah, that’s it. 
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a-pop-of-korean · 3 years
K-Pop Breakdown: Colde - “A Song Nobody Knows”
안녕하세요 여러분! Hey everyone! I got yet another request for a breakdown! If you have a song you’d like to see broken down, let me know! I linked my full-length lessons about the featured grammar points throughout as well in case you want to learn more about them!
I translated all these lyrics myself, but I did refer to this lyric video and Naver Dictionary to help me out :) Let’s start!
나를 스쳐가는 그대 / 내 말을 들어줘 / 걸음을 멈추고 / 내 노랠 들어줘
You brush against me / Listen to what I have to say / Stop in your tracks / And listen to my song
나를 = me 
나 is the informal way to say “I,” while -를 is an object particle. More about particles here!
스쳐가다 = to brush against; to pass by
그대 = you -> This is a poetic/romantic way to say “you” and isn’t really used in everyday spoken Korean.
[verb stem] + 는 allows you to describe nouns with that verb. 나를 스쳐가는 그대 literally means “you who brushes against me.”
내 = my (informal)
말 = words
듣다 = to listen; to hear
듣다’s stem ends in ㄷ, so it becomes 들어줘 when conjugated.
[verb stem] + 아/어주다 means that a verb is done for somebody and can be used when pleading that someone do something for you. In this case, he’s commanding that you listen to him. 
Literally, this line means “listen to my words.”
걸음 = step(s) -> from the verb 걷다, meaning “to walk”
멈추다 = to stop
-고 is a connector that means “and.” This line means “stop in your tracks and...”
노래 = song
축 처진 고개들과 / 비틀거리는 그림자 / 그렇게 나는 불청객이 돼 / 아무도 모르는 yeah / 노래를 부르며 yeah
Among the drooping heads / And staggering shadows / I become an uninvited guest / While I sing a song / That nobody knows
축 처지다 = droop; hang; sag
고개 = head
Attach -들 to nouns to make them plural
[verb stem] + ㄴ/은 allows you to describe a noun with that verb in the past tense. So 축 처진 고개들 literally means “heads that drooped.”
과/와 is attached to nouns to mean “and” or “with.” 과 is attached to nouns ending in a consonant, while 와 is attached to those ending in a vowel. 
비틀거리다 = stagger; stumble; falter; totter
그림자 = shadow(s) (it can still be implied that a noun is plural without the -들 depending on the context!
그렇게 = like that
불챙객 = uninvited guest
되다 = to become
These lines were a little tricky to translate, but I think it essentially means “the drooping heads and staggering shadows, like that, I become an uninvited guest” as if he is an uninvited guest because the drooping heads and staggering shadows make him one. 
아무도 = nobody
모르다 = to not know
아무도 모르다 sounds like a double negative -- nobody doesn’t know. But in Korean, this is the correct way to say “nobody knows”! When using indefinite pronouns like 아무것도, 아무데도, (nothing, nowhere), etc., you need to use a negative verb like so.
부르다 -> when paired with 노래, means “to sing.”
[verb stem] + (으)며 means “while [verb]” and is used when two actions are happening at the same time.
아무도 모르는 / 노래를 부를래 / 지나가는 너의 / 마음을 붙잡을 수 있길 바라며
I’ll sing a song / That nobody knows / Hoping that I can grasp your heart / As it passes
[verb stem] + ㄹ/을래(요) means “I will [verb]” or “I want to [verb].” It expresses a strong intention to do something.
지나가다 = pass; go by
너의 = your (informal)
너 means “you” (informal), and -의 is a possessive marker.
마음 = hear
붙잡다 = grasp; grab; hold
[verb stem] + ㄹ/을 수 있다 = can [verb]
[verb stem] + 기를 바라다 = to hope that [verb]
Those last two lines literally mean “while hoping I can grasp your passing heart.”
That’s about it for this breakdown! Hope it was helpful :) See you in the next lesson! 화이팅!
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taejeonie · 4 years
[n’-136] dream cam + live
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taehee was playing a game on her phone when the cameras started rolling
so when mark put the seatbelt on the drinks behind them, saying “let’s give it a safe ride,” she laughed and pressed the wrong button
she screamed and lost
“we’ll be meeting with the singers who got first place....”
taehee nodded as she listened to mark talk
she looks kinda sleepy ngl
she has her glasses on bc she was too lazy to put in contacts
baby should get some rest !!!
“i got the things i like. twisted bread stick,,”
“sugar-coated bread stick”
she kept saying hotdog in a sleepy yet cute way taehee stans found it ENDEARING
taehee let mark do all the talking and covered her eyes with her cap
off to sleepy land
cut to gong cha,,taehee knew what the boys like so she pointed them out while leaning on the counter
“ah no jisung likes this...yeah”
“get this one for jeno”
they split the check lmao
so now the drinks are at the front and markhee are in the back
gotta take care of those drinks amarite
so mark talked for a bit before asking what taehee’s favorite song from ‘reload’ was
“what’s your favorite song from their album?”
she looked at him for a moment then she sang renjun’s adlib in ‘quiet down’
mark was like: ????
“OHHHH right right”
“i like quiet down the most. their voices sound cool there :))”
“the track video was great too!! ahh now that i think about it, i like ‘love again’ also”
when she and mark were heading to the dreamies’ waiting room, taehee bounced in her steps, “why am i nervous?”
“why are you nervous?”
“guys, mark hyung and taehee noona came”
“mArK-sSi hELLo! tAeHEe-SsI hEllO!”
“why are you talking like that?”
“you never spoke formally in the past six years,” mark added
“ah noona!!! what’s this (^。^)”
“jisung’s favorite (⌒▽⌒)”
jisung is taehee’s baby period
when they were watching their performance taehee was so amazed
“wahh the set looks so cool”
“wow you guys did a great job!! (*^_^*)”
video cuts to them sitting on the couch
chenle on mark’s lap while jisung was on taehee’s
the kid’s taller than her how is he not heavy
“this is dream,,CAM!!”
“today we have mark-ssi and taehee-ssi!!”
clap clap clap clap
“mark-ssi, how are you feeling today?”
while mark answers hyuck, jisung gets taehee’s glasses and wears them
then you know how people bounce babies on their laps??
yeah taehee is doung that to jisung bc may i repeat jisung is taehee’s baby.
“taehee-ssi who do you think is the best this season?”
“okay listen to me. i’m gonna go in detail”
“in the music video, jaeminie was the one that stood out the most to me. his blue hair suits him”
“ah!! noona was the one who taught me this,,”
he did the gesture he did in the mv when he sang ‘talk talk 어떤 말도 talk talk 이 순간 속’
and the boys were like :00
then jaemin high fived taehee when he sat down
“and then in the album, it was jeno..”
“he looked charismatic,,,especially the cross on his face that looked nice”
“for haechanie, the bucket hat in the album looked so good on you,” it was a bit of sarcasm but hyuck didn’t notice since he was fiddling with the end of his shirt
“when i wore the bucket hat?”
“when you wore the bucket hat,,,”
“it didn’t look good on me”
“it didn’t but-“
“it didn’t but you still looked handsome,” taehee winked at him
“ah thank you (o^^o)”
“for renjun, it was the uhh,,what do you call that? AH The piercing!!! it looked great on you :))”
“the side of your face kept showing on the mv so it was great”
“for chenle- FOR CHENLE IT WAS HIS BLACK HAIR!!! i really like your black hair!!”
“me too :>>”
“you look more like,,mature now. i think it’s bc i’ve seen you in brighter colors but it’s good”
“for jisungieee”
“hmm i’m expecting a compliment”
taehee hugged him tighter and put her chin on his shoulder
“of course!! you looked so cool in the music video,,”
“ahh (^ω^)”
“your gestures!! you were great with that!!”
“ahh (≧∀≦)”
“when you did the like stomping thingy- ahh you were so cool!!”
“AHH THAT’S RIGHT,” mark said
“you looked very powerful in the music video”
“ahhh i really am noona’s favorite (*´꒳`*)”
“that’s correct!! (^∇^)”
“when you were doing this part on your own, your hair went flying. i almost hit the screen!!!”
when mark said that jaemin offered taehee a bite of his food, “is it good?”
“mHmM!! :DD”
“honestly, everyone was great,” mark finished
“what was the most memorable dance?”
“ah it was this one right?” then mark stood up and demonstrated the choreo
“you should have a name for it” taehee suggested
“mountain climbing?���
taehyuck soulmates
“mountain climbing~ ♪( ´▽`)”
“what, ahh”
“then you name it then”
meanwhile taehee: >:((
but she also said she memorized the chorus while watching it so they made her dance it
then they all clapped in the end
“ahh as expected!!”
“wah i always get goosebumps whenever noona does this”
during the times taehee wasn’t talking she was either listening to them talk or resting her head on jisung’s shoulder
taehee is also babie!!
“we watched the music video with 127 an hour before it was released. you all looked really handsome in it”
“that’s right”
“jungwoo hyung said he’s increasing the number of views”
“why didn’t he text me D:”
“I TEXTED YOU!! you only replied with ‘ah that’s good’ but then you complain when oppa doesn’t text you pfft”
“ahh sorry noona” hyuck cooed at her
“apology accepted”
“also, we got first place in the music charts,,”
“thank you so much, everyone!!”
“i called you at 1 o’clock!!”
“haechan was still sleeping”
“i slept at 10:30 and woke up at 10:00-“
“you slept for twelve hours?”
“and there were so many missed calls,,taehee noona called, i saw.”
okay cut to when jeno asked them if they still remembered ‘we go up’
taehee already stood up while mark was still hesitant
“of course i still remember it-“
“ahh mark’s hesitatingg”
“no, it’s not like that-“
“mark hyung you have to do it”
“right now?”
“5, 6, 7, 8,,we go up!”
mark stopped while taehee went further a little for a bit
taehee looked disappointed like |( ̄3 ̄)|
she complained with the members too
so when they did it the second time they got it right YAYY
taehee hit him on the back gently for not remembering the dance the first time
they were ending dream cam already so taehee took her glasses from jisung awww ;((
“yo dream!!”
“쩔어주자 화이팅!”
“쩔어주자 화이팅!!!”
“ah it really has been a long time”
“that’s right”
markhee simpin
“that was all!!! BYEEE!!”
okay so dream live!!!
mark was the one who was hiding among the boys
“someone should hide behind us” “not it” “ahh why does it always have to be me” “hihi (^-^)”
taehee was on the couch, laughing at mark
“ahh poor mark”
when mark came out he got embarrassed and made taehee smile
chenle was glancing at her from time to time so when it was like the 1023rd time she said: it’s go time
she got her cap that was lying on one of the dressers behind them and adjusts it while facing the camera
then renjun fixed the camera while trying to hold his smile
the dreamies were so happy while doing this i’m glad we’re getting all of them back together again :,))
when taehee went off-cam, she and mark were smiling at each other
“taehee noona? why are you looking for taehee noona?”
“awhile ago it was mark hyung and now noona? i already told you guys, if they were here we would’ve done this with them but they’re not!! tHey’Re ReALLy nOT hAHa”
“haechan-ssi, don’t we need to wipe the camera lense or something? i heard something keeps appearing”
“something keeps passing by”
“aH wHat ArE yOu gUyS tAlKiNg AbOuT?”
“you’re scaring me, guys haha ...”
markhee was laughing on silent the whole time
some of the dreamies kept glancing at them and then had a really big smile on their faces
aww (*´ω`*)
“so we’ll chant ‘yo dream’ to end this live, okay?”
“yo dream!”
“쩔어주자 화이팅!”
“쩔어주자 화이팅!!!”
then taehee and mark appeared on each side of the camera causing the dreamies to laugh
they all laughed tHEY’RE SO CUTE
this moment melted the hearts of all the dreamzens <//3
“okay, bYEEE!!!”
when they ended it already, mark was still embarrassed while taehee was dancing YIPEE
٩( ᐛ )و
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ack i still feel bad because i used to send so many asks but aaaa. yes yes! you can come to me with help learning names ^^ i can geek out about doyoung with you djbddb have any members caught your eye yet? in treasure anyways. GOSH SUNOO IS JUST A BALL OF SUNSHINE ;-; oh and i'm staying home for the most part! but omg i love the snow! everyone in enhypen is so young omg, my brain can't comprehend. i applaud you for pushing through! you got this! 화이팅! ah yeah last week was finals week! i'd say half of my teachers are pretty cool to give me easy quizzes but whew the other half. oh also! merry slightly early christmas eve! do you have any traditions you would like to do? -n
I went to look at their profiles to see if i really remembered who had caught my eye but i sadly dont. I am however SCREAMING cause Doyoung is a sagg!!!
And im not HATING ON ME I AM ACTUALLY REALLY INTO IT?! The crazier peoples charts are the more i love them 🥺
Merry slightly early christmas to you too! My favorite tradition is working open to close on Christmas eve sidbsjxn so it’s gonna be fun times :) what about you?
Oh and I finally started learning tagalog!! Uhm, i’ve learbed nagbabasa ang mg batang babae. And a few other things from Rosetta Stone! But i got switch to the ilonaca(?) dialect because that’s what my friends family speaks
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Ok so idk if I already said I was gonna do this but imma go again idk.
I'm gonna tag all restraint posts with a lil tag friend like: handcuffs, rope, chains, zip ties, duct tape, etc. so y'all can search by that if you're specifically looking for that.
I'd greatly appreciate thoughts on that as well as how helpful my streaming service tags have been. (Netflix, Hulu, Viki, etc.) I'm actually about to go through and update a few due to uploads and take downs but yeah.
Like I said, though, I would really appreciate the feedback. Thank you!!!!!!
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gwenchana-hwaiting · 5 years
#18 Irregular verbs & adjectives
This post has been on the backburner for ages now because it is about something that confuses me a whole lot. It messes with my brain and makes the little knowledge I have turn upside down and fall out of my brain because I get overwhelmed. So… let’s share the fun with you! 
Almost every language has them, and don’t we wish they didn’t? I know I do. The thing that messes with me is, that these changes that happen with these words only happen with some words, and not all verbs and adjectives ending in certain ways. So you have to remember which words to use it with. And alone knowing that little tidbit pulls up a huge wall of “NOPE Don’t wanna!” in my brain. 
Today we are going to look at irregular verbs and adjectives! This might become a long post, so buckle in. 가자!
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There are a few things to know before we start: 
Not all verbs/adjectives ending with these sounds are irregular
These irregulars are only applied when the next syllable begins with a vowel. 
We know that Bat-Chim rules change only the way words are pronounced, these change the actual spelling of words
These changes are usually made to avoid sound changes after conjugations to avoid the word changing too much to still be correct or to make pronunciation easier
There are 7 groups of irregulars to look at:
ㅅ Irregular 
ㄷ Irregular Verbs
ㅂ Irregular 
ㅡ Irregular 
르 Irregular 
ㄹ Irregular 
ㅎ Irregular  (not included today)
ㅅ Irregular 
If the last letter of a stem is a ㅅ, the ㅅ gets removed when adding a vowel
Example: 짓다 - to build/to make 나는 집을 지어. - I build a house 저는 집을 지었어요. - I built a house
Comparison without the irregular change to the irregular change
짓다 - to build/to make 지어 - Irregular change 짓어 - WRONG - If we wouldn’t change it, we know the ㅅ would carry over in sound because of the vowel, so the whole word would change in sound.
ㄷ Irregular 
If the last letter of the stem ends in ㄷ, the ㄷ changes ㄹ to before vowels.
걷다 (to walk) 저는 걸어요. - I walk. 저는 걸었어요. - I walked.
Another meaning of 걷다 can be “to tuck” this one is not irregular and stays 걷. 걸다 also means “to hang” and stays 걸.
Note of the author: Here I started to wonder why it was changed like that if it is so easily confused with other words. I assume it usually goes by the context in those cases, but come on. I can see a lot of miscommunication happening here.
This is done to avoid the hard consonant and is done to most stems ending in ㄷ, but not all.
ㅂ Irregular 
If the last letter of a stem is ㅂ, the ㅂ changes into 우 if a vowel follows. The 우 then gets added to the next syllable in the conjugated word.
It is mostly done with adjectives, but also a few verbs.
쉽다 - to be easy 쉽+어 = 쉬+우+어 그것은 쉬워요. - That is easy.
어렵다 - to be difficult 그것은 어려워요. - That is difficult.
귀엽다 - to be cute 그 여자는 귀여워요. - That girl is cute.
돕다 - to help 저는 재 엄마를 도왔어요. - I helped my mom.
The verbs 돕다 (to help) and 곱다 (to be lovely, to be charming) work slightly different. When the next syllable starts with 아/어 and its derivatives the ㅂchanges to 오 instead of 우, with any other vowel it changes into 우. But that only goes for these two verbs, but it’s important to remember! 
Note for adjectives: Remember that we use adjectives to describe nouns that then is acted upon by adding ~ㄴ/은 to it. When using an irregular ㅂ adjective we have to remember that and attach the ~ㄴto the 우 making it 운.
쉽다 - easy 쉬운 - easy as adjective 저는 쉬운 일를 했어요. - I did easy work.
춥다 - cold 추운 - cold as adjective 저는 추운 날씨를 좋아해요. - I like cold weather.
These changes are done to avoid changing the sound of a word too much. When we say a word ending with ㅂthe ㅂ is not really pronounced or really softly. But if a vowel follows the ㅂ sound is pronounced a whole lot stronger. By changing it to 우/오 the ㅂ sound doesn’t show up. It is a lot to remember though, especially if you are trying to do that on the fly. It’ll take a lot of time to get used to that. I know I am not yet!
ㅡ Irregular 
If the last syllable ends with ㅡ and the vowel of the second-last syllable is 어 or 아 and its derivatives the ㅡ is dropped and the 어/아 is merged with the stem. 
Second last vowel 아 so we add ~아 Second last vowel 어 so we add ~어
잠그다 - to lock 잠그 + 아 -> Drop the ㅡ and merge 가 ->  잠가 저는 문을 잠갔어요. - I locked the door.
바쁘다 - to be busy 바쁘+아 = 바빠 저는 바빠요. - I am busy.
예쁘다 - pretty 예쁘+아 = 예뻐 그 여자는 예뻐요. - That girl is pretty.
Some stems only have one syllable. If that ends in ㅡ we choose ~어.
크다 = to be big 크 + 어 그 집은 커요. - That house is big.
This also applies when not only the last vowel but the other vowels are ㅡ as well.
슬프다 - to be sad 슬프 + 어 저는 아주 슬퍼요 = I am very sad
르 Irregular 
This irregular only applies to ~어/아/었/았 not any other vowels or grammatical principles.
When adding ~어/아 a ㄹ is added to the second last syllable as the last consonant. Then the ㅡ is dropped and ~어/아 is merged to the stem. Sounds complicated but it’s easier than it sounds. 
다르다 - to be different 다르+아 = 다+ㄹ  +  ㄹ+아 = 달라 그것은 달라요. - That (thing) is different.
빠르다 - to be fast 빠르+아 = 빠+ㄹ + ㄹ+ㅏ = 빨라 저는 빨라요. - I am fast.
부르다 - to call for/call out for 부르+었어 = 부+ㄹ + ㄹ+었어 = 불렀어 저는 재 언니를 불렀어요. - I called for my sister.
ㄹ Irregular 
If the final letter of a stem is ㄹ and you add one of the following:
Always choose the first option (~ㄴ, ~ㅂ, ~ㄹ). In addition, the ㄹ is removed from the stem and the appendix is merged with the stem.
For example: describing adjectives before nouns need the ~ㄴ/은. For irregulars, we choose ~ㄴ
길다 - to be long 길 -> drop ㄹ and add ㄴ -> 긴 저는 긴 거리를 간났어요 - I crossed the long street. 길 -> drop ㄹ and add ~ㅂ니다 -> 엽니다 그 여자의 머리카락은 깁니다. - That girl’s hair is long.
멀다 - to be far away 멀 -> drop ㄹ and add ㄴ -> 먼 저는 먼 병원에 갔어요. - I went to a far away hospital. 멀-> drop ㄹ and add ~ㅂ니다 -> 엽니다 그 병원은 멉니다. - That hospital is far away.
열다 - to open 열 -> drop ㄹ and add ㄴ -> 연 나는 문을 연다 - I open the door (plain form)
열 -> drop ㄹ and add ~ㅂ니다 -> 엽니다 저는 문을 엽니다 - I open the door (Formal)
Note: ~ㄴ/은 is added to adjectives describing a following noun. At times a few irregular rules come into play at the same time.
어렵다 (to be difficult) has a consonant ending, so we would use 은, but because of the ㅂ followed by the vowel 은 we actually write: 
어렵 -> 어려우 + ~ㄴ -> 어려운
As you saw above in the list, I am not including the ㅎ Irregular in today’s post. The reason is that I am following a lesson plan that has this irregular in a later lesson because it is a special case. So for now, we will leave our head swimming with all the stuff we have learned today and add the hard case when it comes up later on. 
But then, this stuff today has been a whole lot and it is really hard for me to remember anything of it right now. I have gone through it twice before and still forget about it every time, then wondering why a word suddenly changed and why I don’t recognize its stem. So, yeah I am not mad about leaving one out. 
Real talk here: I still have to look up the tenses every time I want to use it. I keep mixing them up, so I am not even dreaming about using irregulars at the moment but I didn’t want to have you wait for too long for that big boy of confusing knowledge. I wish I could just leave it out and ignore that some verbs and adjectives are irregular but that won’t work, huh? 
If any of you have this or tenses down already, maybe you’d like to share your tricks and tips on how to remember these things. My brain is hurting a lot trying. So I’d be grateful for hints.
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We’ll see what the next posts are about because I am very hesitant to add even more at this point because it already is hard. So we all will be surprised I guess ;) 
Until next time, stay awesome! 화이팅!
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iridescentxstars · 4 years
I totally get how you feel though, about being unmotivated to upload your stories. I have uploaded a couple of stories on AFF and I always feel excited before I do so. I am thankful that people subscribe to my stories but I don’t get many comments or feedback and that just makes me feel a little demoralised. For the same reason as you, I have also considered not uploading anymore as well. Hopefully we can get over this, 화이팅! 💪🏻💪🏻
Yeah, it’s really weird because like as writers we know that people may not like certain fics or that because of things, people aren’t as active but it is still disheartening because when you get excited to share and nobody says anything... it’s like... I don’t know but it’s hard to remain motivated when you are met with silence. You get given feedback in everything you do and you’ll always be motivated to do better, work harder, faster etc so why should writing for free, even if it is kpop fanfics, be any different? Hopefully we can!! <3
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김호성 & 장우영, Kim Hosung and Jang Wooyoung
aesthetic-06-24 asked:
Greetings! It’s kinda been a bit. I don’t know if you do reactions or not so I have two options (yes or yes, jk) Option #1: VAV’s reaction to you being the main vocalist of your group or Option #2: A Lou and/or Ace fluff As always, much love 💕
Group: VAV 
Members: Lou and Ace
(A/N): This is the result of Option #2! I was just in a really fluffy, lovely mood, so I wanted to write something like this. I hope it lived up to expectations and was as fluffy as needed!
It was a nice feeling when she got a call from Hosung asking if she wanted to hang out with him and Wooyoung. Her immediate response was a big, resounding ‘yes’, but the unfinished thesis project on her desk told her ‘no’ in the firmest, most disciplining tone she’d ever imagined. 
“Sorry, Hosung,” she sighed. “I don’t think I can do it today.” 
She heard him relay the news to Wooyoung who started complaining very loudly. “Don’t grab my phone!” she heard Hosung say. “Stop it! Dude—” She could tell it was too late. “How could you be so cruel?” Wooyoung asked, clearly having got a hold of Hosung’s cellphone. 
She chuckled a little. They were always such idiots, but she cared for them a lot. “I’m not trying to be,” she assured him. “I just really have to get this done. This is my last year,” she said. “I have to do well.” 
“You’re already a good student!” he whined from the other line. He was being a little loud, so she pulled the device a few inches away from her ear. “I mean, look at you! You’re being so diligent!”
She listened to Hosung struggle to grab his phone back. “He’s right, you know,” he said, finally managing to get it back. “You’ve been working really hard. Don’t you deserve at least one break?” 
“You know you have a speaker button for a reason, right?” she asked, trying to change the subject. She knew if they pressed too much, she would cave. It’s what she always did for those two talented, wonderful idiots she called her best friends. 
She heard Hosung sigh, but she also heard the click of the speaker button. There’d be no more arguing over who can hold the phone now. “You’re trying to change the subject,” he said. “It’s not gonna work.”
“Exactly,” Wooyoung nodded. “We’re just gonna keep bugging you until you come over, and then you’ll never get your project finished.” 
She thought it over for a moment, tapping her fingers rhythmically against her thighs. “Fine,” she said quietly, not truly wanting to admit that she was that easily won over by them. 
They were like cute little kids! What was she supposed to tell them? 
Wooyoung cheered on the other end of the phone. “Yes!” he laughed. She could vividly imagine the dumb little victory dance he was doing. “I knew you’d cave!”
She huffed, crossing her arms. “I hate you,” she said. “Both of you.”
Hosung chuckled in his casually deep tone, Wooyoung still cheering in the background. “As if,” he joked. “Half an hour, okay?”
She nodded, even though they couldn’t see it. She’d given up by now, since they always managed to melt her tough exterior. “Sure, half an hour’s good.”
“Okay, see you then,” he said. She could hear the small smile in his tone. Despite his more toned-down reaction compared to Wooyoung, he was just as happy. “Don’t be late,” he added before hanging up. 
She unlocked the door to the dorms using the key under the doormat. Hosung had told her about it quite a while ago, and she never failed to chastise them on what an obvious hiding place it was. 
Wooyoung had made the argument, “It’s called ‘hiding in plain sight’. It’s the most obvious place to look, so no one will think to look there”. It was the dumbest argument she’d ever heard, but it made so much sense at the same time.
Either way, she felt happy to have a key to the dorms. 
It made her feel closer to them. 
“Guys?” she called, taking her shoes off at the doorway. “Guys, you in here?” Usually, Wooyoung came running for her at the door and Hosung followed closely (but far more calmly) behind. This time, the place seemed empty.
She furrowed her brows. “They said half an hour, didn’t they...?” she mumbled to herself. She heard a quiet tap-tap-tap, like someone knocking their knuckles on the hardwood. 
“Follow the sound of my voice,” someone said, clearly trying to sound mysterious. It wasn’t subtle at all, considering she could easily tell it was Wooyoung, but she played along either way. 
Leaving her bag at the door, she walked slowly down the hall, pausing at each door. 
“Getting warmer,” the ‘voice’ said. She stopped at another door. “Warmer.” Another one. “Burning hot,” he said. 
She smiled a little. It was the door to Hosung’s room. There was a sign hanging on it—poorly assembled, but still cute—that said, “Enter, if you dare”. 
She reached for the handle, but it wouldn’t open. 
“What’s the password?” It was Hosung’s voice this time. 
She rolled her eyes playfully. “The passwords is: if you two losers don’t let me in, I’ll kick your asses.”
There was a beat of silence. 
“That’s way too long to be a password,” Wooyoung said.
Hosung cleared his throat. “Still, we’ll accept it.” 
She heard the click of the door unlocking. Slowly, she opened it, not quite sure if she wanted to see what they’d planned for her. Turns out, it wasn’t so bad. 
The floor was covered in pillows and blankets, all joining together to create one massive pillow fort with a laptop set up inside. There were fairy-lights scattered everywhere, creating the most beautiful lighting. But the killing-point was a handwritten sign that said:
“할 수 있어! 화이팅!”
“You can do it! Fighting!”
In the middle of it all—her best friends, smiling up at her so genuinely. 
She felt her breath escape her a little bit. “Guys...” she managed. “This is...” she trailed off, feeling a little overwhelmed. 
“It’s what you deserve,” Hosung said, speaking first. “You’ve been working hard, as always, so we really just wanted you to relax.” 
Wooyoung peeked his head out of the fort, a goofy smile playing on his lips. “That’s why we planned this!” he said. “You almost screwed it up when you said you weren’t gonna come over, but we persuaded you pretty well.”
She laughed, but it was mostly to cover up the happy tears that were growing in her eyes. “Yeah,” she said, “I guess you did all right.”
They both knew what that meant. It meant ‘thank you’.
‘Thank you for everything you do.’
‘Thank you for being a friend to me.’
‘Thank you for existing.’
Wooyoung stuck his tongue out. “We did awesome, thank you very much.” 
She knew what that meant, too.
It meant: ‘You’re welcome. You’re a good friend, and you deserve it’. 
Hosung patted the spot next to him in the comfy fort. “Now, get in here,” he said, giving her a brotherly smile. “We picked out a few movies, but we need a tie-breaker.”
She rubbed her eyes, getting rid of any trace of tears. “Sure,” she said. “I’ve got your back.” 
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Yeah, I was inspired to do this, so I finally got around to it. I hope you enjoyed it, @aesthetic-06-24. I hope it’s fluffy enough to satisfy your VAV needs~. 
But of course, let’s be honest... We’re never satisfied when it comes to VAV. We all need them, and in large doses. 
Also, I wrote this at 1:44 in the morning, so I have no idea if it’s good. XD Here’s hoping!
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