#if i post them too early they'll go poof
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the slimes from slime rancher the uhhhhhhhhh glowy ones
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fountainpenguin · 2 months
Riddle watches New Wish - Post #16
Battle of the Dimmsonian
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I want to highlight them specifically. Look at that FOP-style fairy boy! Baby's all grown up!
Jasmine and Winn are so ready to party at the museum sleepover.
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Oh, they are SO ready for this (Also).
slifdj, Peri looking ahead, noticing Cosmo and Wanda in disguise, and screaming "MY PARENTS?!?"
What the heck, Fairywinkle-Cosmas? You left your son for 10k years? Why? Look at him; he's got anxiety!!!
Dev: I haven't talked to Hazel since our fight :'( I need to get to her. /apparently doesn't talk to her all day and now it's night and he's trying to scare people with ghosts for no reason
Removing the staff during the sleepover night (after a spooky presentation) seems like something a museum would totally do as a prank.
Peri has been onscreen for like 2 minutes and he's already sad inside.
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-> Hey, I think he outgrew his fear of the dark!
Dev, I am begging you to make it clear to the audience what you're doing right now. This is not an apology. This is not close to what you said you were going to do earlier??
-> Confirmation Dev is Peri's first assignment, so my "high school trial run" lore hasn't been disproven yet. I can work with that in 'fic. We'll see if he says he's graduated.
-> I do have a fanfic set-up where he's going to do a trial program as Foop's partner when they're still in Spellementary, but I don't think this disproves that either since that's a very supervised experiment for him (It's their extracurricular).
I don't think I've said it, but I really enjoy the way this art style has been handling the hairstyles. These angles of Peri's swirl are really interesting.
Peri... Don't take this the wrong way, but if you can't handle Dev being mildly needy and pushy, you're not ready for the big leagues.
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idk, Peri strikes me as WAY too overconfident. He showed up ready to go a couple episodes ago. This is the first time he's back onscreen, and this immediate crash on his end is just proof to me that his inexperienced little tail doesn't know what he's doing.
Peri is the guy who's super hype for kids because he thinks they'll be cute and fun, but he's unprepared for work and responsibility. I'm getting "Tries to avoid changing diapers and/or feels smug about how little housework he does" vibes.
-> What decade is he designed after? Cosmo was designed with 50s aesthetic and I feel like this is actually on-brand for attitudes during Peri's aesthetic parallel time period. lol.
-> It's not like Poof was doing the hard work of godparenting when he was a baby. This is new for him and probably different than he fondly remembers.
-> I looked it up and apparently suspenders made a comeback in the 1980s. I designed my teen Poof for the late 60s-early 70s (and he's my flower child), but it makes total sense that he'd be a little farther forward in time since Cosmo and Wanda weren't allowed to have kids for the first 10k years of their marriage.
- Yeah, I would look at this man and say he's giving me "macho 1980s breadwinner husband who has a fragile ego regarding his manliness and doesn't do his own laundry" energy. - Please tell me he started dating Goldie and she broke up with him because he's not good with stress and now he's clingy and wants her back; "He lost the pretty girl because he wouldn't pull his weight" would be the funniest possible direction to take their relationship - I might need to write a 'fic about Goldie showing up while Dev is out and she and Peri have a fight where he's groveling and begging and then Dev walks in and he's like "... Oh boy, I can't wait to have a business relationship with this guy."
Peri came to this party like "I grew up with Timmy Turner. My grandma teaches godparenting classes. I even did a trial run with Mrs. Crocker... I know the ropes! :)"
-> His crown did not know the ropes.
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Diagnosed "would not take full custody in the divorce."
Peri, I cannot be any clearer that you can't behave this way around a neglected child right after establishing yourself as a trustworthy figure he can rely on. If this plot goes in the direction of Peri throwing in the towel (or snapping at Dev), I'm gonna crack up.
Like, at this point I am 100% expecting Peri to yell at Dev (maybe not this episode, but someday), and that's going to break this kid. I feel like Jorgen might get involved and separate them, unless Peri is desperate to "not have a failure on his record" or something (seeing as he seems embarrassed his parents know he's a godparent.
-> idk what's up with that yet. I'm genuinely confused. Peri, this is your first chance to see your parents since they dipped for 10k years. I can't get a read on your feelings. Are you angry? Did they invite you and you said No? How old were you? Did you grow up with Mama Cosma? Big Daddy? Boarding school? Inquiring minds need to know!
Maybe it's not been 10k years for him? Was he still existing in the slower-moving present day? Maybe Peri embarked on his own 10k-year trip? I'm puzzled.
-> I feeeeeeel like the time travel is a convenient plot device for the purpose of aging him up without jumping us forward to a more destroyed planet, and we're not going to get a straight answer about what happened with him, which is a shame.
Hmm. I suspect we're not going to delve into his backstory, but I'll hold out hope. Why throw that in there if you're not going to discuss it, though?
Did I miss something? Why does Dev think he doesn't need friends when earlier he wanted to talk to Hazel? Huh. I feel like there's a missing scene there. Hazel rejecting his attempt at an apology would've been helpful for me.
For some reason it's funny to me that the Tooth Fairy offered Peri a job, which he turned down. My brain immediately went Peri -> Cosmo is his dad -> Jorgen is Cosmo's distant relative but they refer to each other as cousins -> Tooth Fairy is Jorgen's wife. I wonder if they hung out together sometimes at like, extended family reunions or something.
-> von Strangles are big on family and Cosmo and Wanda kinda dipped out on theirs, so...
-> omfg, Mama Cosma is out there somewhere like that meme of the guy in the chair leaning over way far, head in her hands, because this is the 2nd time she lost her baby for 10k years. Left to get milk (Again).
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He's so cute. I'm so glad to see him back in the series; I missed him so much. He's always been a favorite for me, which was largely based on my own 'fics, so it's really cool to see a character I love showing a wider range of personality onscreen.
HAZEL! If you weren't mad at Dev anymore, you should've told him! He's been miserable about you yelling at him without giving him a chance to share his side!!
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His tushie cannot read minds!!
Dev is the kid that you want to get in a fight with because he's mean but then he looks at you like this and you're like " :| "
-> I hate that this is likely how Dale looked at Vicky once upon a time. Dev looks so much like his dad and now I'm like. "Yeah, she probably kicked him down the stairs."
Aww, reunion... <3
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I really do like their color scheme and vibes. I've always thought Poof was a good blend of his parents (Good blend of smart, clean, and on top of things while also getting into trouble, holding petty grudges, and making bad or dumb decisions). I'm happy to see him and it's cool to see their hair designs and colors together.
I'm glad "Certifiable Super Sitter" wasn't his swan song from the franchise. It's nice to see a deeper take on his character <3
Patty Possums Party Playground
I'm glad they're making an effort to balance Hazel's Dev interactions with Jasmine and Winn. I keep wondering if they'll get sidelined. This episode seems to be about them, though.
Is the animatronic going to be run-down?
Winn is having the TIME of their life.
Cosmo: We're gonna do this without magic! Hazel: Isn't shrinking Wanda magic?
Immediate prediction: the possum mascot has been summoned to party with them and now she isn't going to let them leave. She'll get aggressive if they try.
Oh no, Cosmo just suggested Wanda use her wand to try getting his out of the claw machine. Is she about to blindly follow and stick it in there like when they were swallowed by a bear and Cosmo suggested dipping it in stomach acid to measure how deep it was and it dissolved? And she just... did it?
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YES, sdlkfj. Never change, Wanda.
Nobody tell Gary and Betty there's a Smack-a-Mole game here.
The possum's singing a song about how the party never ends. Yeah, I think I called the plot.
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They're so cute:
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Hazel: Friendship isn't only about the moments you're together! It's also about holding each other in your hearts when you're apart! :) Dev, abandoned and confused since their fight: Hey. what.
Wanda dunking on friendship is very funny to me.
A Date to Remember
... Is this with Hazel's parents I assume?
-> Okay, maybe! That title card looks like it is. Also, waning crescent AGAIN? Y'know, the moons were so useful for my OG series episode timeline and I think some will have to be non-canon in New Wish.
I like how Cosmo and Wanda push their backs against each other the same way they used to dance. And I really appreciate how we seem to have a consistent floorplan for Hazel's apartment.
-> Okay, I treat "Cosmonopoly" as the first time they met so if I want to canonize New Wish, I have to un-canonize Cosmo's line about the diner being their first meeting spot, but I can't be mad since I pretty much never see anyone use "Cosmonopoly" for that.
Did Hazel just erase her parents' memories. Oh no, now they've never met! ... Are Cosmo and Wanda allowed to do that? It sounds like they just altered true love.
-> Hazel's parents look the same 11+ years ago as today. I'm a bit surprised by that.
CUPID! ... Oh, wow. His design's changed. I don't think I love it, but I guess it's cool they're doing unique shapes in this show since the OG had the same bodies all the time. I'm glad he's still a grump <3
-> Is he a lot older than Cosmo and Wanda? I'm surprised he aged(?) during normal time when they didn't during 10k years of travel? Is he old or just redesigned? Unclear.
I would make another "IS HE ALLOWED TO DO THAT?" joke here [Cupid trying to set Hazel's mom up with someone else] but... I mean, he's literally the only person who's allowed to do that.
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egg baby.
It's hilarious that Hazel convinced her dad to listen to her by saying she's psychic. Of course the parascience scientist would go for that.
-> Note to self, he was interested in it at least 11 years ago.
Cosma confirmed to still be Cosmo's surname!
Cupid's bragging that he won because Brewster (sp?) is going to ask out Angela, but she's totally going to turn him down. Get wrecked, fool.
I am OBSESSED with the fact that Cupid knows all the humans' names. That is a man who does his job. Also I love how he keeps nipping at his bottom lip with his silly buck teeth.
-> I don't remember Cupid knowing people's names in the OG series (I don't think he has much opportunity to say them besides on the dating show in his debut) and now I want to see if that's always been his thing.
-> I'm pretty sure I remember Timmy was given an arrow with his name magically engraved on it at the end of "Love Struck Out," so... interesting.
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sugar-glaze-donut · 1 year
I can't write shit recently cause I'm really busy, but I had another Isekai!Akuneko AU >:D
So, so... I know I've been writing about Isekai!Aruji-sama a lot BUT! What if MC was isekai-ed, not as Aruji-sama, but as a butler/maid in Devil's Palace, an NPC who gave the past butlers happiness before the despair, or an angel! (I'm going to write the NPC and Angel AU in another post)
🎻-🧪- Isekai!MC but differrent -☕-📱
Outcome 1: You spawn into the world as a Devil Butler/ Maid.
It's just that one day... a new butler/ maid enters the mansion and POOF! Now we have a different soul in the body!
For example, if spawned in the early days of the Devil Butlers, you will find the oldest butlers in the original timeline (Berrien, Miyaji, and Lucas), and you can gain their trust knowing they'll most likely (they have to be) alive at the point when the main plot begins. There are obviously going to be other butlers in the mansion, so you could try to save them and spare some trauma for poor Miyaji. You could prevent Lucas and Miyaji from getting into the fight that caused them to give each other the silent treatment for a thousand years (and maybe prevent Miyaji to get his scar). With this, your relationship with Lucas and Miyaji (dilf duo *cough*) will be pretty ok. Do they trust you? Yes ✅ Will they be mad at you constantly for risking your life for others too much? Yes ✅ Will you be invited to their wine parties? Absolutely yes! ✅✅ Will they be relying on you a lot? Yes yes!! 100% YES ✅✅✅
They'll stick next to you like glue. From the main and side stories, it is said that they treated each other like brothers until the big fight they had. They'll treat you like their little sibling who has to deal with all their shit (good luck with the next few centuries with them...) Or if MC has a motherly personality, they'll both joke that Miyaji is the dad, Lucas is the weird Uncle, and you're the Mom/ other Dad
As for Berrien though? At first, he may think you're a very helpful butler/ maid since you're running around the palace helping everyone in sight. But as time goes on and the new butlers (Lamli, Lato, the problem man-children in general) come along, he might think it's really sus that you know how to handle each and every butler with their unique personalities. Sure, you have been a butler/ maid in Devil's Palace for quite a long time, and you've met new butlers and known lots of unique people over those years, but something feels... off. Just know he'll be having his guard up whenever he's with you (But he doesn't hate you don't worry)
As for the butlers that came after (a few centuries before the main story begins) like Haures and Fennesz will look up to you like a little brother to an older sibling (ouch, Fennesz's trauma kicking in). You can save Boschi from losing his arm and eye, give Fennesz more self-confidence, and Ammon... to at least let him trust you (if you succeed congrats! Now you have another emotionally unstable boy by your side!!).
There's going to be one point where you and Miyaji find Lato living in the forest after years of the torment he's faced locked up in a science lab. And what are you going to do about it? Give him love and comfort of course!! He won't open up to you immediately (Lato's trust issues) but with your knowledge of a 1000+ year old person and memories of the character's personality, now you have a child! The child is Lato btw. You're now his new mother/ father and you don't have a choice. Oh my, such a happy family! *crashing sounds in the distance*
Then gaining Lamli's trust. He's not that hard like Lato, just needs a pinch of Lucas, and... BOOM now you have another magnet stuck to you good job :D
(I'm not sure about Nac's past since I haven't looked into his side stories)
Now for the new butlers. Not new like Teddy, Hanamaru, and Yuhan, a few decades before the main plot. First, we have Bastien and Lono. An Emo and a Sunshine boy... how nice :D You're in for a treat. Lono is known to be the best cook so better eat those plates clean! And Bastien... silent acknowledgment I guess. He won't open up until the events of Episode 1 come to a close, so it's best to have some common interests with him like carving and fluffy animals to at least crack his walls down.
I'm not quite sure about Flure's past, but at least save try to save Zepal (the butler that gets demonized a few years before the plot) for him. Alright?
Now, I believe you deserve a new title~! Now you're the younger butler's parental figure!! I'm going to bet my soul Lamli will call you Mama-chan or Papa-kun as your nickname.
Possible love interests in this AU outcome will be... Aruji-sama, and possibly Berrien? Aruji-sama is pretty self-explanatory. I mean, who wouldn't want to date someone as pretty as you? And Berrien is... an Enemy/ Stranger to Lovers kinda troupe? He won't trust you much at first, but over those decades and centuries he might one day... one day open up to you.
Last Edited: August 14th 2023 (oh no... you just completed another cringe masterpiece by me... you liked it that much? 😳)
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