#if i say i like their bond more than i like ace/luffy's people might hate me forever but what if. what if it's true what if-
beanghostprincess · 7 months
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Thinking about Sabo and Luffy so much I might throw up my fucking esophagus
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So I was scrolling tumblr mindlessly as one does and had a thought. What if supernatural....but one piece characters?
Warning!!! I'm at the marineford arc (Hulu please add more one piece I beg you) in the one piece story any info after that is based of what I know from tumblr and fandom *the App* so.. just a fair warning 👍
Ok here me out:
Dragon leaves Luffy with Garp I some faraway town, Garp who has seen and works for some real dark people, decides to ''train'' Luffy. (Basically the same shit in one piece he trains him with.)
One day a group of wandering angels visit said small town being sick and tired of heavens shit, coincidentally a demigod has wandered into town, when Luffy encounters and upsets thy demigod, and, well, it's up to the red-winged angels to save the day, finding Luffy peculiar the leader of this ferocious group shanks leaves his *out of fashion* straw hat and says "I forbid you from returning this hat to me unless you can defeat me in combat" before whisking off to try some more of this 'alcohol' substance. Luffy decides then and there that if shanks has his own pack he should have one to.
Learning of the incident Garp makes sure Luffy in care of dadan and the mountain bandits to be raised as a hunter. Luffy soon meets ace and Sabo, after going through difficulties and hardships they form a bond and decide to become brothers. Not long after they are attacked by a wendigo, 'killing' Sabo in the process. Encased by grief the two slowly drift apart, ace leave a few weeks later after turning seventeen to become a solo hunter
Luffy is now on an adventure and searching for his own group to challenge and return the straw-hat to red-winged shanks.
Dear lord, this has become a lot more than I meant to write. This has become so specific I fear I'll have to write it. But knowing me my lack of confidence and self hate which have stopped me from writing fanfiction before will most likely kick in again.....yay....Might as well add some cool details about this
I'm thinking of majorly making the 7 warlords and marines the demons In this story and the four emperors the dicky angles, except more angels and some demons cool and chill
Adding on the previous one not all demons and angels are part of the marines and the 4 emperor crews
I want to make the revolutionaries and Sabo men of letters which should be fun to ponder on
In this universe hunters form groups of 2-3 but in some cases go up to 20
Devil fruits are cool and all but I want to turn them into like angel blessing and shit just for the hell of it, like each angel has a different blessing to give, and some rare cases the angels themselves can manifest their blessings, like big mom or marco
I've put myself into a hole with ideas that I can't get out of. Dammit.
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tellmewhatyouc · 4 years
Fanfic Writer Ask Meme
Writing implements – pens?  Pencils?  Laptop? Tablet? Lined paper? Leather-bound notebook? Why?
laptop! i’d prefer desktop but i don’t have one yet. from like 4th-7th grade i used to write everything in this giant binder i brought to school and none of it is legible and idk how i ever did that shit
When do you write best?
either right after i get up & shower or at like 2am sometimes
Favourite things to write about?
medical things & friendships
What (in your opinion) are your strengths as a writer?
developing relationships maybe?
Any genres or characters you’d like to write, and haven’t yet?
i think i’m gonna have a lot of fun with corazon & doflamingo once i see more of them in canon
Where do your ideas come from?
a lot of prompt lists, lately
Plotting or pantsing?
really depends on the situation, i think both can be good
Do you have any writing buddies?
@bajillianwrites​ and various people who participate in the r/fanfiction discord sprints!
Do you make playlists or soundtracks for your stories?
yeS the soft focus playlist is one of my favorite things to listen to
Do you have any rituals to prepare you for writing – making moodboards? Having a cup of tea? Exercise?
not rituals necessarily but i do schedule my writing time in google calendar bc having a set amount of time to write before a break helps me Focus
Do you write in chronological order, in complete chaos, or something in between?
usually in chronological order but sometimes i switch scenes around after the fact
What’s hardest – beginning, middle or end?
MIDDLE god i’m there with both of my posted wips rn i think
Are there any ideas you’re holding off writing? Why?
eternity bc i want it to be Good, and some vague ideas set after where i currently am in canon
Is there anything you’re uncomfortable writing?
probably though i haven’t hit it yet
Do you dream and/or daydream about your stories?
surprisingly no? i think i just come up with ideas when i’m like half awake and then desperately try to remember them later
How do you feel about family and friends reading your work?
family is a big no-no unless it’s maybe the fellow Gay Cousin(tm) who probably reads/writes fic themself
i’d probably let non-fandom friends read soft focus or one of my one shots if they really wanted to? but i wouldn’t like. link them to my ao3 u know
What’s your favourite writing quote?
probably something like “fuck it”
Best and/or worst piece of feedback you’ve ever received.
best was probably someone saying they loved all my works and were going to make their way through all of them and also like every single comment i’ve gotten on soft focus
worst was probably when i first posted op fic and someone left a comment just to tell me i’d tagged my story wrong (when i didn’t)
Most random thing you’ve become an expert in, Because Research.
i sure know a lot about pregnancy for someone who never wants to have biological childreen
Favourite thing you’ve ever written.
probably either soft focus or my first long term wip from my previous fandom, it was a messy time travel adventure and i had so much fun writing it
Would you ever collaborate with another author?
hell yeah, i used to collaborate A Ton with an old friend in another fandom and i write a lot with jill nowadays
Share an unpublished snippet.  Go on, you know you want to!
Marco’s response came much faster than he expected it to.
Of course, don’t worry about it! Feel free to drop by whenever you’re ready, I just have to change out of my work clothes.
The phrase ‘work clothes’ brought back some memories from that morning that Ace didn’t quite care to recall, but he simply shoved those thoughts down before he went to his room to change his own clothes.
Favourite character(s)
Least favourite character(s)
we don’t hate characters here but sometimes i hate sanji a little bit
Character you’d most like to go for coffee with
i feel like robin would make good conversation
Character you’d turn to in a crisis
oh marco that bitch knows what’s going on
Character you’d trust your life with
am i allowed to say marco twice   
Character you’d most like to share a house with
i’m gonna say robin again bc she’s Mature and Dependable
Character you’d go on a camping trip with
i h8 camping but i feel like ace could make it fun
Favourite canon friendship
hmmmm franky & robin maybe
Favourite canon pairing
we don’t rlly do that here but i’m also going to say franky & robin
Favourite non-canon friendship
hmmm i want law and chopper to be closer
Favourite non-canon pairing
rn it’s acelaw
A minor character you have a disproportionate amount of thoughts and feelings about
A character you recently got interested in
doflamingo maybe? and corazon but i’m kinda just avoiding him until i actually See him in canon
An under-appreciated character
robin 🥺
A character who haunts you
fucking spandam
A character you interpret unconventionally
probably law honestly, though i haven’t seem him too much in canon so i can’t say
A character who grew on you over time
oh franky i fucking hated him when he was first introduced
Have you ever gone off a character you used to love?
back in weeb phase no. 1 sanji was my fave and i still appreciate him but also i kinda wanna punch him
Which character is a secret romantic?
Which character is tougher than they appear?
nami bc when i finally got to see her fight she rocked my world
Any favourite animal characters?
chopper Of Course
Pick a pair or group of characters unlikely to share a natural bond, and describe how they might become friends.
um hello ace and law bond over trauma, self loathing, and the existence of luffy
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petite-neko · 7 years
Boyhood Blues - 03
Fanfiction: Boyhood Blues Story Summary: Actions, and inactions, have their repercussions. It may not be immediate but somewhere down the line, the effect will be seen. Chapter Characters: Sabo, Luffy, Ivankov, Sakazuki, Ace, Jinbei Pairing: LawLu Rating: T Warnings: Swearing, Universe Alteration, canon-typical violence, angst, A/N: LOOK I AM PRODUCTIVE TODAY. Please note: Mondays/Tuesdays might not be a staple time for posting by the way. I’ll just be ensuring that it’s posted on a weekly basis!
.xxx. > Time/scene skip
.+++. > PoV change
Read on Ao3
Chapter 2 || Chapter 3: Bonds || Chapter 4
The introduction had been brief, for Iva had taken him aside before informing him of everything that had happened so far. Ace’s vivre card, the happenings in Impel Down and their escape. It hadn’t been long until there was a tearful farewell to the man who had opened the gates for them. (One Sabo truly did not understand, merely because he had not known him. But, he didn’t like seeing Luffy cry like that.)
And after it was all said and done, Sabo just sat down, trying to understand everything. Because, simply, he didn’t. Why he was here. What it had to do with these two brothers. And why the hell he hated seeing Luffy doing anything but smile and laugh.
At the very least, he knew he could trust his instincts. It was what had gotten him into this mess in the first place…
“You weren’t in the prison, right?”
Sabo glanced up at that to see Luffy sitting next to him. He wasn’t frowning, but at the same time he wasn’t exactly smiling either. It really unnerved him.
“No, I wasn’t.” Sabo itched to get away. He had enough on his mind right now and he didn’t need Luffy just pestering him and looking at him like that. Couldn’t he just smile already?
“Then how’d you get on this ship? Did the Marines capture you? Iva said you were a revolutionary…” Well, he supposed the innocent curious expression on Luffy’s face was better than that neutral one.
Sabo sighed and shook his head. “No. I snuck aboard this ship and stowed away. I was hoping to end up at Marineford.” And then you went and commandeered this ship, which annoyed the hell out of me. He didn’t add the last point however, as it was moot considering that was their destination at hand.
When Sabo glanced at Luffy, all of his nerves unwound themselves. There. That was much better, the way that Luffy was looking at him, eyes practically glowing.
“Yeah, from what Iva told me, for the same reason as you.”
Luffy made some strange sound of happiness. “Really? How do you know Ace? I mean, I hadn’t seen him in three years so I don’t know all of his friends and.. ”
…Goodness he was just going off on tangents, wasn’t he?
“I don’t know Ace.”
And that put a complete halt in Luffy’s spiel. “…Huh?” He looked confused again, but still happy, and that was good enough for him he supposed.
“Don’t ask me why, but for some reason I can’t let this happen. It…it makes me angry. It turns my stomach I just…” He shook his head. “Let’s leave it at that, shall we? I can’t exactly explain why I am the way I am.”
It was just… fact. Luffy just didn’t know him or who he was or his past and while he didn’t think Luffy would understand hopefully he wouldn’t pry.
“It’s just your instincts right? I understand that perfectly fine.” He was laughing now. “I don’t get why your instincts tell you to save Ace, but I’m happy they are.”
Luffy was currently telling him about Ace. Explaining what he looked like and his personality and his devil fruit and Sabo, well, he listened. He might as well learn just who this man was that he had decided to risk his life for.
“And, and then I met him in Alabasta! It was funny because he was waiting for me there but people forgot to tell me his message, but I met him anyway.” He laughed sheepishly. “That’s where he gave me this.” And Luffy pulled out a burning piece of paper from his hat. He made a sad expression before putting it back. “It was so nice to see him after three years. He invited me to his crew but of course I refused. The pirate king has to be the captain!”
There was more laughter, and yes, Sabo was more confident that this was how he liked to see Luffy. Smiling and laughing and just having fun. He’d question why later.
“And! Oh!” Now Luffy was grinning. “I showed him my prized possession.” Now, oh that grin had turned into this expression. It was just… so happy. “You see, my friend Vivi, she was secretly part of this organisation…” Then Luffy had a sour face, gesturing towards Crocodile. “And she had wanted posters and!” Luffy’s eyes lit up again as he returned to the topic at hand. “You see, there’s this really cool pirate and I have his wanted poster and Ace and I knew him as kids and I showed Ace!”
…This idiot was giddy. What the hell.
“And I met him a few days ago at the tree-islands and Torao has all these cool tattoos when he became a pirate! He’s got this cool beard too! And this really awesome-looking sword! And this bear and…”
…That wasn’t telling him anything Luffy. Nothing at all. And he wasn’t aware of any pirates named (or nicknamed) Torao either…. And Luffy was going on about just how cool this Torao character was…
He doubted they’d be getting back to the subject of Ace anytime soon…
More news came out about Luffy and Ace and Dragon however. How apparently Luffy and Ace were not brothers by blood, but by bond.
(It only made him remember that image of sake and the taste as it burned down his throat…)
What was it? And why?
Sabo sighed and just rested his head against a wall.
“Someving the matter, Sabo-boy?”
He opened his eyes to look up at Iva. “Headaches.” He explained, and truthfully, yes, he getting them in droves right now. Whenever that fog came in or certain things were said… And they just kept happening.
“Ah. Are vou vinking vhat I vink vou’re vinking Sabo-boy?” Iva said, gesturing towards Luffy.
…Now that Iva pointed it out, yeah, it was starting to make some sense…
“Vi vould suggest vou vait on vat Sabo-boy. Not vat Vi’m saying it’s not possible but…”
Sabo nodded. “He has enough on his mind right now.”
Iva nodded. “It’s highly possible, vou know. Vou both originated from East Blue after all.”
Not to mention, well… he doesn’t exactly remember it at all, and wouldn’t that be a slap in the face? No, let Luffy worry about Ace, and not some kid from his past whom he may or may not be.
This? It was war. Completely and utterly, and those damn Marines had the upper hand with Ace in sea-stone cuffs. And after hearing that this publicity was all over the fact of who Ace’s biological father was, well it only ignited that fury within him even more. In fact, it was almost blinding, that anger. He had to save Ace, he had to save Ace. He couldn’t let the Marines have him.
And he fought. Luffy fought. They all fought. Many fell, allies and foes alike.
(All of this, over a fucking bloodline!)
Here the Marines were, demonising these two brothers based on who their fathers were. It wasn’t fair. It wasn’t righteous. Not one bit of it. And finally when they achieved hope, when Ace was freed and on the run…
Sakazuki descended, and he attacked. Not only with lava, but with words.
Sabo saw it coming. They all probably did. Except Ace. (Or if he did, he didn’t care.)
Ace refused to keep running, and Luffy was trying to convince him to continue. Begging him. Telling him that this wasn’t what Whitebeard wanted and Sakazuki was just goading him on and they needed to leave.
(The others were too preoccupied with the other admirals. He needed to get there, it wasn’t boding good. Not with Luffy’s condition, or Ace’s temper…)
And he saw it. Saw the way Sakazuki had aimed his molten fist towards Luffy. Saw the way that Ace had stepped in the way to protect his younger brother… Saw as red exploded everywhere. Fire. Lava. Blood. Saw the fist as it impaled Ace… Saw Luffy as he tilted back, screaming to the heavens...
He saw Ace die.
He saw Luffy break.
(No… no, his mind screamed. No!)
The shock shook him and brought him back to the present. And he watched… Watched as Sakazuki brought his fist back…
“NO!” Sabo screamed as he charged towards the admiral with a haki-infused claw. Anything. Anything. He needed to stop him from killing Ace…
And Sabo diverted Sakazuki’s attack.
He heard Ace’s scream of pain, and Luffy’s strangled cries of worry, but he had to ignore it for now. No. He needed to keep Sakazuki handled, he couldn’t let this… this monster harm these brothers anymore.
“Another revolutionary?” The man of magma spat at him. “How dare you…”
Sabo hardened his gaze on the admiral. “You will not harm these brothers!” He channelled all of his fury at this man. The man who hunted down Luffy and Ace. The man who tried – and almost succeeded – in killing them.
(He could hear sobbing and muttering behind him. In fact, he heard his name muttered, but whether or not they were referring to him or the other Sabo, he wasn’t too certain.)
He didn’t allow himself to be distracted, no. He used his Haki to disrupt the magma from seeping behind him. God dammit, couldn’t somebody just fucking grab them already?
(He heard the sound of a body hitting the ground and a heartbreaking scream ripple out into the air. What happened? Fuck. what happened?)
“I’ve got them now! Ace is still alive!”
(…That was Jinbei. Oh, thank god...)
Chaos, it was chaos everywhere, and in his relief, that damned Sakazuki broke away from him, and began to chase after the fishman carrying the two unconscious brothers away.
He was able to spare a glance at Ace finally, and the sight was not pretty. If he didn’t see a doctor soon… (And if he hadn’t diverted Sakazuki’s blast…)
Sabo narrowed his sights on the admiral once more… He couldn’t let that bastard win.
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