#if i say something positive about ao3 in the future- dont forget that im still pretty critical towards that website
supahstarrr · 1 year
listen im fine with people reading fics ao3 but if you're supporting it by donating then fuck off. the fact that the site gets over 100k thousands while allowing racist slavery sexy au fics (and its still in beta fucking apparently but not the point. and it allows "romantic" pedo shit but anyway). you should've been able to block users fucking ages ago. ao3 is important when it comes to fandom history but i'm so tired of people treating as if it's some godly website when it's definitely not the truth.
it's so fucking easy to say "it's just fiction" just because you might not be affected by the fetishization of racism or any other dark topics. but guess fucking what, black people are very much affected by your fetishization of black people (and our culture and/or history). fetishization is still racism. and its contributing to the way people objectify black people and stereotypes.
i am (not) politely asking you to fuck off if you lick the boots of ao3 and decide to donate to the site. how do people not realize that those "sexy" slavery au fics contribute to poc's harm and racism? yes it's so common to see better fics and there's a decent variety of content on ao3. but there's no fucking reason that should be blinding you from ao3's problematic aspects. there's no reason you should blinded by the fact that fanfiction can still contribute to real life discrimination (or harmful beliefs towards dark topics but not the main point of this post)
also trust me. ''sexy'' slavery fics or raceplay shit isnt the only racist shit on ao3. i could go on but ill stop- but its kinda a nuanced conversation.
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