#if i was a dragon tho we'd have an epic dragon battle (id win) and accidentally destroy everything in our wake
saturnniidae · 2 months
Shyly walks into your inbox. Starts chewing everything up thrashing my head around growling hissing slobber everywhere carnage death violence and then I run aaway
Man wtf! Someone missed his rabies vax or smth??? Can't have fuckin shit in these dragon infested wilds! Go back to whatever tower you gaurd, mighty beast!! Before this day we had no (minimum) quarrels, but I simply cannot let this slide. Now, the beef is PERSONAL😭🙏🙏
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And don't you DARE try to pull ts again! Do NOT play w me lil bro I will literally use my ancient spell book to shrink you down to a miniscule size then put you in my orb for observation, similar to a child with a bug in a jar. If you're lucky you might even get a stick or leaf for enrichment..
And if you don't behave ill be turning you in to the kingdom gaurd. you will be put in the stocks and they'll throw tomatoes at you, ridiculing you like the unfunny court jester you are, all the while.
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