#do NOT mess w me rn man...
saturnniidae · 2 months
Shyly walks into your inbox. Starts chewing everything up thrashing my head around growling hissing slobber everywhere carnage death violence and then I run aaway
Man wtf! Someone missed his rabies vax or smth??? Can't have fuckin shit in these dragon infested wilds! Go back to whatever tower you gaurd, mighty beast!! Before this day we had no (minimum) quarrels, but I simply cannot let this slide. Now, the beef is PERSONAL😭🙏🙏
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And don't you DARE try to pull ts again! Do NOT play w me lil bro I will literally use my ancient spell book to shrink you down to a miniscule size then put you in my orb for observation, similar to a child with a bug in a jar. If you're lucky you might even get a stick or leaf for enrichment..
And if you don't behave ill be turning you in to the kingdom gaurd. you will be put in the stocks and they'll throw tomatoes at you, ridiculing you like the unfunny court jester you are, all the while.
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clovesnz · 1 month
Dude I can’t help it I just like having someone to worry over too much. Like apparently it doesn’t matter if I’m actually attracted to someone, my desire to have someone to check in on and take care of is too great. Like maybe I can tolerate being completely sexually disinterested if it means I get all the soft stuff
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dandyshucks · 6 months
going to cry because i am worried i won't finish all the crochet gifts in time :''")
#okay wait time to decide on a vent tag sjdkskl UHHHHH#can i just... tag it with ... ''vent //'' or is that annoying to add to a the tumblr filtering system fhdkdl#thats how old school tumblr cw/tw tagging worked fjdkl they'd just put slashes in so thats what im used to#vent //#we'll go with that ig? lmk if that doesnt work for anybody for any reason and u want smth else and I'll accomodate!!!#okay. um. anyways yeah idk fjdkdl i have been crocheting pretty much all day? i havent done anything else other than eat meals fjdksl#just... crocheting. my wrist hurts sm fjfkdl#i would still be crocheting but after messing up three times on this wing and frogging it all the way back i gave uo#up*#decided to just call it a night bc damn thats frustrating! idk what i was doing wrong but i kept ending up w the wrong amount of stitches!!#i think theres a possibility i can finish everything but im rly not sure fhdkdl tomorrow is already the 17th#im just. afraid fhdkdl i rly want this to work out !!! agh!!#I cant tell if my current chest pain is from anxiety or from medication (which i take for heart pounding from anxiety) wearing off djdkdl#ough. uncomfortable. I'll go draw and hopefully i can calm down bc im just sbdhdkl so afraid rn#IT ALSO DOESNT HELP that im the only one besides Kam in the system who knows how to crochet well fsbdhdkl#so the others cannot take over bc they cannot crochet either at all or as fast as i can :') i am stuck! in front!! AGGHH#i want a break man djsksl this season is so bad for me mentally fbjfdkl but by god i am getting thru it#okay off to go draw now fhdksl i have several ideas for drawing yay
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silverislander · 1 year
i got my hair cut today which was so needed but i am going to be honest. i have been trying to make the most of it all day but frankly its not good i will be at least slightly embarrassed to be in public w my head lookin the way it does rn
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noxtivagus · 2 years
loveless is so cool
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exopelagic · 4 months
once again facing unstoppable force (anxiety-driven need to finish my work) vs immovable object (brain doesn’t wanna do anything but think abt little gay people)
#solution: write tumblr post#I JUST figured out a fix to my plot problem in this story I’ve been thinking abt#and I rlly rlly badly wanna start fleshing out these characters bc this is the story I’ve been most excited abt in a long time#it’s also combining a bunch of elements I’ve been playing with for a long time but never fit#and I am obsessed with all of the character concepts I have rn. there are 4 and this caters DIRECTLY to me#I’m getting much better at crushing the anxiety spikes that are uh. like. vaguely scrupulously ig that kept me from making things do ages#in favour of going hard on self indulgence and I’m having a great time#scrupulosity* as in i worry incessantly abt readings and sociopolitical implications until I’m just exhausted by the concept and drop it#sometimes you can just have fun luke it’s okay#but yeah I am!! and I wanna draw them all and do more stuff but#I have THIS FUCKING LECTURE. most boring frustrating man alive hislectures SHOULD BE GOOD but he SUCKS#he cannot get to the point and takes so many detours which are COOL but he’s so pretentious about it his lectures are PAINFUL#I get headaches within a few minutes of listening to him talk this hasn’t happened since I was sleep deprived in the v basic first year 9ams#and I’m on the last one. out of four. I have half an hour left. but this half an hour is insurmountable#and I gotta finish it bc I have so much other stuff to do (only two more lectures (better)!!! but also coursework now#which is easier!! and I know how to do both of them but it’ll take a chunk of time and I’m committed to getting it done by end of next week#okay. okay fine. I will watch this dumb fucking lecture and it will hurt#but once it’s done I will literally never have to listen to him talk again this is it forever. one last stretch#and then I can mess w my story while I have food. I can do this. pray for me#luke.txt
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mocha-tapioca · 2 years
,, ah
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weirdfishy · 2 years
was struck w the v real possibility that i may v well take note of romance songs for the lyrics instead of the musical bops alone this morning
#oh lord#this is better and worse than the <3? tag ish#rant bubbles#like i was v apathetic abt the <3? tag sitch but this one is the utter opposite in the best and worst ways. thereʻs actual nervousness at#this thing going wrong whereas the <3? i was fine with it falling flat. also i wouldnʻt know where to start in terms of ʻyeah we need to#hash out some stuff bc this is newʻ rn but w the <3? the sitch was mostly clear and i could almost treat it clinically but effectively#literally could not fall asleep in a way that was restful and i got up every three hours#like. itʻs better for me that theyʻre so open about the things that happened before so i can approach with mindfulness but iʻm not#so easily spurred into opening up. like iʻm real and blunt when its pertinent but i like to keep me close#(ʻbut fishy youʻre dumping hereʻ yeah yeah oscar wildeʻs ʻgive a man a maskʻ okay)#mmmm yk when you can tell theyʻve told their friends is when said friends see you and grin extra wide now and like its a good thing???#that theyʻre not glaring at you ofc but like it makes me feel so seen and btw i hate it a lil bit in this context bc i makes me feel like#they know so much more about whats going on than i do (which is fuck all bc Emotions Be Complicated)#also im a mess bc this guy i kinda donʻt know too much abt yet but i think is attractive said hi to me but he said ʻhello loveyʻ and--#and. and. abefkjnkreghknjowrbthj yk?? someone take the wheel. but i makes me remember to bring THAT up soon#not that imma go start two new relationships back to back but like itʻs still info that needs to be said#i am once again reminded that people exist and that so do i and itʻs. an Experience#+like. idk someone i can trust who knows both of us that i can tell. like iʻm saying it here & to my friends back home but itʻs diff yk
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beenbaanbuun · 3 months
hi bunny! <33 i wanted to ask if you could do a little fic of how the ateez boys (specifically jjong) would be like during aftercare ❤️ after a rougher session— i’m in need of comforty cute stuff rn lmao 😭 no pressure ofc! luv u bun bun 🫶
aftercare w/ateez
i feel like hongjoong is very prepared for aftercare, especially if he knows in advance that it’s going to be a rougher session
like he already has a glass of water and a snack bar on the nightstand ready to go
coos and praises you as he breaks the bar into tiny pierces and slides them between your lips with his fingers
will absolutely force you to pee and shower once he thinks you’ve got your energy up enough to walk to the bathroom
stays with you the whole time you pee, and slides into the shower beside you to wash your hair
unlike some of the others i don’t believe that the shower will to anything else because hongjoong has a modicum of self control and can see you naked without going feral…
seonghwa’s first instinct is to go and grab a washcloth from the bathroom so he can wipe down the mess between your legs
of course, while he’s in the bathroom, he kills two birds with one stone and begins to draw a bath for you
wipes down your sticky skin with the warm cloth, all while whispering praises
‘i know you’re sensitive but you’re being such a good girl by letting me clean you! just a little more and it’ll be over, my darling.’
once you’re somewhat clean he guides you to the bathroom and helps you into the bath before going to chance the sheets
comes back the second they’re changed and in the washer so he can sit on the side of the tub and watch you with a pretty smile
cuddly boy!!
will literally just hold you to his chest and stroke his hand up and down your spine while the two of you return your breathing to normal
isn’t so fussy about the ‘clean’ aspect of it all, but will definitely make you go pee because we do not want any UTI’s in this house!
and once you’re finished peeing, he just ticks you back into his nice strong arms and lets you fall to sleep in his grasp
he trusts you enough to know that you’ll tell him if you need anything else; water, a snack, all that jazz
he also knows you enough to know that is so incredibly rare that you’ll want anything other than him and his warm cuddles
because let’s be real, lying on top of yunho with your head tucked into his neck and his long arms holding you in place is actually the best feeling in the world
you know my thoughts on yeosang’s sex style so i also have to assume that he takes his job of aftercare very seriously
it’s half a guilt thing because baby boy went so hard that now he has to take care of you; he needs to know that you’re okay and he didn’t do too much
he starts by wiping you down and you’re guaranteed to be oversensitive, but he just shushes you and tells you how well you’re doing
ideally he’d like you to shower, but you’re too boneless right now and he doesn’t want to leave you for long enough to run a bath
and when he’s all done cleaning you up, he’ll hold a straw to your mouth, watching you as gulp down the water he brought you
i can see him needing his own validation as well so he asks you plenty of questions
did he go to far? did you like it when he did that one thing? were you having as much fun as he was? he really is desperate to know that you were having a good time
san is so fucking clingy that from the moment he goes soft, he will not let you out if his sight
he won’t send you to the bathroom yourself with promises of cuddles when you get back; why would he when he can follow you in there to hold your hand while you pee?
and while you’re in the shower you better let this man wash your hair, your body, your face, anything he can, unless you want him to pout
sits you on the toilet seat while he brushes your teeth; it’s cute but you can’t help but feel shy as he holds your jaw and looks down at you
and then when he’s sure you’re squeaky clean and happy, he bundles you up in his arms and drags you back to bed with him
from which there will be no escape, by the way; if you even dream about getting out of bed, san will be pouting and complaining
i like to think that he puts his mind, body and soul into sex, so he’s probably just as tired as you when it’s over
ideally, he’d just like to stay in bed with you, but he knows you have to replenish yourself, so he sets you little tasks
“can you go get a wash cloth from the bathroom so i can wipe you down?”, “go piss, girl. i’ll be right here waiting for you.”
and you best believe that after every single task you complete, he’s praising you like you’ve just cured world hunger or something
lips pressed against yours, letting you know just how good you are for him and how proud he is of you for doing what he asks
it’s safe to say youre leave your submissive headspace any time soon, not when mingi has you in his grasp, whispering sweet praises in your ear
wooyoung likes to do everything for you and if he even catches you lifting a finger he will become the most annoying person to ever walk this earth
like he’ll be getting you a glass of water and he’ll come back to the bedroom to see you with a tissue between your legs and all he can thing is how dare you?
literally storms over and takes it away from you before continuing the job himself, muttering under his breath as he cleans you up
“you weren’t so independent when you were begging for my dick, hm?” he scowls, “you need me to fuck you properly, so what makes you think you don’t need to help you with this too?”
like honestly, he’s kind of mean with it but with his gentle touch and the tiny kisses that he’s pressing to your thighs, you know he isn’t actually mad
just being his regular wooyoung-ish self…
oh you think he’s a teddy bear? wrong; during aftercare you’re his teddy bear and there’s nothing you can do about it!
because he’s way too strong for you to escape from the grasp he has on you, no matter how much wriggling you do
it’s fine though, because jongho always keeps. a bottle of water by his bed and a few snacks in his drawer and a pack of baby wipes too
you literally don’t even have to move from his arms for him to take care of you; everything you need is right there!
of course when you tell him you need to use the bathroom he’s pouting, but then you tell him he can come with you and he’s happy again
he doesn’t consider the fact that he can’t squeeze you to death when you’re actually on the loo, so when he realises that he’s pouting again
literally clings to you the moment you stand up, wasting no time in dragging you back to bed for more cuddles
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lewisvinga · 4 months
simp | trent alexander arnold x fem! reader
summary; trent had a well known crush on mclaren driver, y/n l/n, all of his teammates knew of it. when he becomes a sponsor for alpine, y/n finally decides to reply to his comment , thinking he’d act all cool about it.
fc; amna alqubaisi
warnings; ?
taglist; @namgification @louvrepool @locelscs @thehufflepuffavenger1
note; requested ! made y/n an f1 driver bc it’s the only motorsport i’m familiar w 😭
masterlist !
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liked by trentarnold66, yoursister, and others !
yourusername: tough weekend but made it out p2, next race will be better!🧡🧡
tagged; mclaren
mclaren: the coolest girl on the paddock😎
yourusername: ur cooler admin !
username: they messed up in that pit stop ://
yoursister: you did amazing !!!
yourusername: thank you y/s/n🫶🫶
username: breaking records w each race, y/n you’re amazing !
username: she’s so pretty🥲
trentarnold66: you did amazing !
username: ariana what are u doing here 😂
username: he’s so down bad for her i get it but pls yourusername reply to the poor guy
username: so nobody told me that trent knows who y/n is???
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liked by trentarnold66, lilymhe, and others !
yourusername: no race weekend so that means a mini photo dump 💆‍♀️💆‍♀️
username: ugh she’s so pretty
username: makeup tut???
yourusername: soon!🫶🫶
username: 😩😩😩😩😩😩😩
lilymhe: such a gorgeous gal liked by yourusername !
username: the cowboy hat😭😭
username: her makeup always fr eats
trentarnold66: gotta be well rested before race week!
username:omg he’s so😭😭
username: this man is a SIMP and she hasn’t replied once 😭😭
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liked by trentarnold66, landonorris, and others !
yourusername: P1 BABYYYY!!!! 🧡what a fantastic race to start the triple header with🧡🧡
tagged; mclaren
mclaren: y/n fans stay winning liked by yourusername !
username: so true mclaren admin so true
username: she is an icon and she is the moment
yoursister: ugh so proud of u🥹🫶
yourusername: love u sm💓
username: her smile 🙁🙁
landonorris: MCLAREN 1-2 LETS GOOO
yourusername: LETS GOOOO
trentarnold66: what a fantastic race! you’re phenomenal! so glad to have seen it in person!
yourusername: thank you , trent 🧡 come visit the mclaren garage next race!😉
username: i just know he’s giggling rn😭
username: he’s commented so many times, he finally got a reply 😭😭😭😭😭
judebellingham uploaded to his story !
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[caption 1; nice] [caption 2; trentarnold66 giggling after yourusername replied to him 🤣]
trentarnold66 replied to your story !
trentarnold65 c’mon man, don’t expose me like that AND tag her
judebellingham you’re down bad for her, mate
judebellingham ur a simp
yourusername replied to your story !
yourusername omg this is so cute 😭
yourusername i would’ve replied to him sooner if i had known !
judebellingham man he’s such a simp for you, he talks about you ALL the time
judebellingham he’d kill me if he knew i was telling u this
yourusername looks like i gotta make a move back then
judebellingham: PLEASE he’s a huge simp😕
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thebearer · 10 months
I have a violent mental image of coming home from a girls night after ~a few too many bevvies~ seeing ur hot ass man waiting at home and being like ive literally been wanting to fuck u all night and carmy is like uhh baby youre drunk, we absolutely arent doing that rn, can i offer you a snack perhaps and him dealing w his drunk and now emo girl abt how he wont touch u so he clearly doesnt think ur attractive😭
Carmen had a love hate relationship with your girl's night.
Not in the asshole-jagoff protective "I don't trust my girl" fragile masculinity way, but more so in the- and Carmen meant this in the nicest way, he did- that you were a mess when you were drunk.
He'd offered to pick you up, waiting on the curb outside the restaurant while you hugged and waved your friends goodbye before stumbling over to his car.
"Your Uber's here." Carmen grinned, leaning over to push the door open for you.
"Oh, he's a hot Uber driver, too." You grin, plopping into the seat. "Five stars already." You rasp, your lips hovering over his for a sloppy, sweet kiss.
Carmen's blushing, tasting the wine you drank on your tongue. He can feel the flush in your cheeks, the way your hand threads through the curls at the nape of his neck, pulling him closer and closer to you. You'd been drinking wine, so that meant Carmen was in for a night.
The whole ride home, you were handsy. Carmen nearly crashed the car when you palmed his dick unexpectedly through his jeans, grabbing his groin with a tiny smile.
"C'mon," Carmen's breath hitched, gripping the steering wheel hard. "Let go of me, Angel."
"Don't be mean t'me tonight, Carmy, I missed you." You whined, lip jutting dramatically, head falling against the headrest.
"'m not being mean." Carmen looked over at you pointedly, already seeing your lids droop, the small puffs of air passing out of your lips.
"You are." You grumbled, eyes still closed.
Carmen snorted lightly, but let you rest, slumped against the head rest while he fought his way through Chicago traffic and back to the apartment.
There, you'd seemed to gotten revamped even in your sleepy state. Carmen was helping you out of your clothes, you sprawled out on the bed, letting him shimmy your top off when you wrapped your legs around his hips, locking at the ankles and pushing on his back so he was flush against you.
Carmen grunted, hands bracing by your head to stop him while you laughed wildly. "Hey, Carmy." You smiled, glassy eyes dazzling up at him, bottom lip rolling between your teeth.
"What're you doin'?" Carmen couldn't help but laugh, small and breathy, but you were nothing if not persistent. A woman who knew what she wanted, and Carmen respected that.
"Carmy, I told you." You whined, hands wrapping around his neck. "I missed you tonight." Carmen just laughed. You pouted, head swimming while the room spun around you. "I wanna have sex, Carm."
Carmen snorted at your bluntness, pressing a small kiss to the corner of your mouth, trailing light kisses up your arm so you'd release your grip on him. "How about in the morning? When you're feelin'... better." Better was the last thing you'd be in the morning, Carmen knew that, which is why he set out the Advil already.
"You're no fun, Carm." You pouted dramatically, flopping over on your side, still naked from his failed attempts to put clothes on you.
"Baby, please, let me put your sleep clothes on-"
"-No, it's...it's fine, Carm. I'm hot anyways." You mutter, eyes drooping shut already, snuggled into the soft pillows.
Carmen rolled his eyes, wrestling you under the covers before slipping beside you. He had to turn the other way, away so his back was to yours, hoping and willing his erection to die down so he could sleep. He couldn't help how flustered he got, knowing you were naked next to him, hearing you beg to fuck him. And he would, he would fuck you in the morning, when you were sober and a little hungover, clinging to him and claiming his dick was the best hangover remedy there ever was. But for now, he was just happy you were home here, next to him and asleep.
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neowinestainedress · 1 year
hey i really wanted to request a drabble where yn is in a established relationship with jaemin and they kinda have this habit of watching porn together if this is really weird just completely ignore love ur writing bye
w!: watching p*rn together (ofc), fingering, spit play (once on p*ssy), handj*b, mutual m*sturbation, oral (m receiving), multiple orgasms, squirting, cr*ampie, dirty talk, voyeurism/exhibitionism/fxf mentions, you get compared to a fleshlight but it’s only because i didn’t know if the description of the position was clear enough, there are no degrading/objectifying intents behind it
a/n: hi! it’s not weird but i’m not sure what kind of porn you wanted them to watch so i’m not sure you will like this + my bisexuality jumped out i’m sorry BUT if this is not what you had in mind send it again and i’ll write it in another way. once again, it’s longer than a drabble. off topic: this fuelled my want to write an mxfxf smut fic
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It all started when Jaemin caught you masturbating one afternoon just a few months after you started dating, and then it became kind of a habit. 
At first, you felt a bit guilty, after all, you had him and it wasn’t like something was missing from your relationship or sexual life, but Jaemin reacted in a totally different way. Asking you to replay the video as he sat next to you in bed and started copying the act on the screen. 
You never imagined you would love doing that so much, so used to having only him to focus on him when you had sex, but something about it all felt exciting. 
So here you are now, legs spread open on the bed while Jaemin is behind you, touching your body and teasing your clit. You can feel his hard dick press against your back, and you’d love to try to reach back and touch it, but you’re already too lost in the video playing in front of you from the laptop (as you decided it was better than the tiny screen of your phone). 
“Fuck, babe, you’re so wet already,” Jaemin comments, teasing a finger against your entrance but without pushing in. “Just seeing her body got you like that?” 
“She’s hot,” you mumble, moving your eyes from the screen to your boyfriend’s fingers, feeling your body heat up when you see them already dirty with your wetness. To be fair, you were pent-up and extremely needy these days, so the scene in front of you, and your boyfriend behind, weren’t helping at all. 
“Mhh, she is,” he whispers, hot breath fanning against your neck before you feel his lips on your shoulder, “not like you, though.” 
You lower your head, feeling your heart flip in your chest, but before the romantic moment can sink in, his fingers start moving on your clit, just like the man in the video is doing. The moan that rolls from your tongue is almost in synch with the one the woman in the video lets out. 
“Do you think he’s better than me?” Jaemin asks and you furrow for a second. 
“N-no,” you reply, toes curling as pleasure starts buzzing harder in your body.
“Yet, look at her, she’s already a whimpering mess.”  
“I’m trying to — I’m trying to keep my composure,” you justify. 
“Why? Do I really have to say it all the time? I want to see you fall apart,” he groans, lightly slapping your clit. 
You shake your head, parting your legs more, but that position doesn’t last long since Jaemin bends your knees and keeps your legs parted with his own. 
You shouldn’t be so turned on by hearing another person moan, but you are. The soft sounds coming from the laptop are making you dizzy and are a killer combo with Jaemin’s skilled fingers rubbing your clit exactly like you want and his hand cupping your boobs and teasing your nipples. So you come hard as you squeeze your eyes shut and roll your head back as pleasure runs over you, failing your task of coming with the girl in the video. 
“You’re so hot, babe,” Jaemin moans, flicking his fingers faster after collecting more wetness that’s drooling out of you to ride your high. 
Your hips squirm away, already feeling sensitive, but Jaemin forces you down in place.  
“Turn around,” Jaemin orders when your orgasm dies down. “Just like her, come on.” 
Your legs are already weak, but you don’t waste time bending on his legs, ass up and chest pressed against the mattress after you took a quick glance at the screen to see how she was standing now. 
You squirm when Jaemin slaps your ass and then pulls the cheeks apart, your back arching more when he loudly spits on your swollen hole, following what’s happening in the video with no hesitation. 
“You liked it?” He asks and you can hear the surprise in his voice. 
“I guess,” you mumble, a bit surprised yourself that you find that hot. 
“Good, I’ll try to remember that,” he whispers chuckling before his fingers start teasing your clit again, making your bite your lower lip to suppress an incredibly high-pitched moan. 
“I want to touch you,” you whine, trying to search for his dick and having a hard time given the position you’re in. You loved doing this because you would mutually masturbate, but lately, Jaemin had this thing of turning this into a ‘worshipping-you-moment’, especially after you found those videos that were very much female-pleasure centred. And you have nothing to complain about, but you still want to make him feel good. 
Jaemin chuckles as he parts his eyes from the video to watch your wondering hand. “Here,” he says, grabbing it and bringing it to his dick. “If it’s uncomfortable we can change position.”
A dumb smile of victory blooms on your face when you finally start stroking him, finally hearing his shaky breath and first moans. 
“Fuck, that’s hot,” you cry out when, forcing your eyes open to stare at the screen, you see a string of cum drip out of her pussy as he keeps fucking his fingers deep into her. The arch of her back and her plump ass bouncing back and forth, making you gag at the view. “She’s so pretty.” 
Jaemin chuckles, curling his fingers into you, watching your body tremble underneath him. “Would you like to fuck her like he’s doing?” 
His question surprises you, even if it’s not the first time you talk about having sex with someone else, but it mostly stays on a joking ground. Still, it’s not new to you that Jaemin gets turned on by watching or being watched, a clear example these porn-watching-sessions and his carelessness doing it in risky places or when someone is around. 
“Are you thinking about it, babe?” He teases, slapping your ass with his other hand, bringing you back to him. “Do you think you would get her that wet?” 
“I — I don’t know,” you mumble, brain far gone, too busy thinking about too many things. 
“I think you would. I mean, everyone would want you,” he hums. “I think you’d be pretty good at it too. Fingering her pussy like you do with yours, curling those fingers so nicely,” he curls them up, hitting your g-spot, making your toes curl and your back arch, “you’d make her squirt everywhere.” 
At his words you lose it, squirting all over his wrist and arm, while your mouth hangs open to let out a long wail of moans that mix up with the ones coming from the laptop as the woman in the video reaches another orgasm too. 
“Fuck, Nana, too much,” you cry when he pulls out, moving his fingers on your clit and entrance in quick motions to make sure he has milked everything from you. “Please.” 
“We’re not done,” he says, though he stops touching your sensitive spot, and instead rubs his hand on your back, caressing it. 
“You didn’t come, yet,” you whine, rolling over and staring at him while your hand resumes the movements you had stopped since he asked you that question. 
Jaemin rolls his eyes back, inhaling deeply as he feels you shift next to him to get in a more comfortable position, and, so lost in the movements of your hand, he’s startled when he feels your mouth around his tip. 
“Shit,” he groans, looking down at you, meeting your innocent eyes and the lift of your shoulders to tell him that was what you were supposed to be doing, and when he glances at the monitor, he gets it. “I should lay down, it’s a 69.”
Your mouth leaves his dick, and you speak. “I can’t take oral, you will kill me.” 
“I’m sure you can, come on,” he orders, but you have no intentions to obey, so he gives up soon after. More moans leave his mouth as you start sucking his dick with more vigour, and the lewd sounds of your mouth adding up to the ones of the video, drive him closer to the edge faster than he expects. You bob your head up and down while your hand fondle his balls and the other one touches his torso until it reaches his sensitive nipples. 
“Shit,” Jaemin grunts as he tries to hold it in for a bit more, but you know what you’re doing, and even when he escapes from your face, the view on the screen is not less hot, so he comes in your mouth as soft groans fill the room. 
You pull away once you’re sure he’s done, licking your lips and kissing his in a slow, yet passionate, kiss. 
Jaemin gently lays you horizontally on the mattress, adjusting the computer to make sure you can both still see the video, and then kneels between your spread legs. 
You turn your head to the side, finding yourself getting caught in the way he’s touching her, hands running on her waist, tummy and then move up to fondle her soft boobs, causing her to roll her head back at the stimulation. 
Jaemin coughs and you immediately bring your attention to him with apologetic eyes. “Don’t, it’s cute. I can’t really tell if you wish I was doing it to you or if you wish you were doing it to her, but I don’t mind.” 
You lower your eyes for a second, feeling a bit shy, but then you make eye contact again. “Why not both?” 
Jaemin chuckles, leaning down to kiss you, “Both is good.” 
You moan in the kiss when the tip of his cock rubs against your entrance and starts to push in, stretching you as he slowly bottoms into you. You only focus on your boyfriend at the start, enjoying the sensation of being filled to the brim as he starts driving his hips in and out of you, cupping his face as you keep pulling him into heated kisses, the video just a background of moans and skin slapping sounds. 
But a particular higher moan grabs your attention, making you turn to the side. “Me too,” you plead, looking into Jaemin’s eyes, watching as a smirk curls his lips. 
“Want to feel me deeper? Is this not enough?” He teases but does what you ask anyway, wrapping his hands around your waist to lift your lower body from the mattress, your feet pressing down the bed to help him keep you up as he starts fucking your body on his length, almost as if he’s using you like a fleshlight. 
“Fuck, so good,” you cry out, head rolling back as your hands clench on the sheets. 
“You’re so wet, it really turns you on so fucking much,” he groans, eyes stuck where your bodies meet, watching your greedy hole suck him in and coat him with cum. “No, don’t look at me, look at her,” he orders, cupping your chin and turning your face to the side, fixating his gaze on the video too. “Look at how wet she is, just like you, dripping all over his cock. That’s why she turns you on so much, ’cause you’re both desperate, uhm?” 
You mumble a senseless reply, chest heaving faster as you feel close again. Your clit is painfully hard and you need him to touch you, you don’t care you might pass out after this orgasm. The thing is, you’re so turned on that you don’t even think about asking and just do it yourself. 
Jaemin watches your hand sneak between your bodies but doesn’t say anything, he only stands straight again to have a better view and goes back to fucking you like before. The scene in front of his eyes is addictive and intoxicating, his eyes keep moving up and down from between your legs, where your hand is moving skillfully on your clit, to your face, still focused on the video. It’s so hot to watch you pleasure yourself and get lost in someone else getting fucked, and he’d die to know what’s running in your brain — if something is running in your brain, because you look pretty fucked out and he’s not sure you have a single thought that makes sense in you.
You feel like it’s a matter of seconds now and your fingers start moving faster, you can’t keep your eyes open anymore, feeling them heavy as the pleasure intensifies but you still turn your face to your boyfriend, you want to look at him while you come. And as expected, the third orgasm washes over you in a few seconds, leaving you moaning and gasping for air, back arching to fuck back into him while you keep touching your clit. You hear louder moans next to you, but you don’t turn to the side to look, preferring to watch as the climax hits Jaemin too, watching his lips part as he groans and whimpers, eyebrows narrowed and head slightly thrown back. 
You both go out of the haze just in time to see the end of the video, a close-up of the creampie that shouldn’t make you clench around his dick but does. 
“Fuck, that’s so hot,” he whispers, watching the cum ooze down her hole, slowly dripping on the mattress. You don’t say anything, but you think that too, and have to look away before getting turned on again. 
Jaemin is shaken out of the haze when the screen turns back, his eyes on you as he pulls out, pushing your legs up to imitate the shot of the video and staring at his cum leak out of your swollen pussy. 
You let him do his thing, too tired to even try to steal a glance between your legs, but when his fingers plunge into you again, you let out a scream of his name. 
“Fine, fine, sorry,” he chuckles at your glaring stare. “It’s just hot, you know I like fucking my cum back into you.” 
“I will pass out if you touch me again,” you reply and he kisses your frown away. 
“’m sorry,” Jaemin whispers against your lips before pulling you into a hug. “I’ll save it for another time.” 
You giggle, kissing him again. “Yeah, I think we have many things to save for another time,” you stop, smiling shyly. “If you want to.” 
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© neowinestaindress; all rights reserved. do NOT repost, modify, or translate any work from this blog on any other platform and claim it as yours. you can find my works on ao3 (neowinestaindress) and wattpad (winestaintedress_; currently inactive).
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diorsluv · 2 months
casual , part 3
“ i’ve heard so many rumors ”
series m. list previous chapter next chapter
( socialmedia!au )
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liked by mackie.samo, jackhughes, and 259,226 others
yourusername post workout glow 🙈
view all comments
vivianliu mommy
→ yourusername whaaaaaat ⁉️⁉️⁉️
→ _quinnhughes …
→ rutgermcgroarty 📸📸
→ edwards.73 wtf
→ jackhughes no absolutely not
→ luca.fantilli HUH
→ dylanduke25 WHAT
→ vivianliu stop acting like i’ve never said ts before 🙄
edwards.73 you’re really fucking hot
liked by yourusername
→ lhughes_06 FUCK NO
→ jackhughes STEP THE FUCK BACK
→ _quinnhughes hey man what the FUCK
username14 ETHANS COMMENT?????!?!?!?!?!?!
markestapa pretty girl 🫣
→ yourusername that’s so unnatural stop
→ markestapa just doing what the homies do
→ lhughes_06 did the lack of my presence fuck with your heads because i explicitly told everyone to NOT mess w my sister.
→ markestapa suck it up lil bro
mackie.samo GODDAMN
→ yourusername LMFAOOOO
→ jackhughes back the hell up dude
→ _quinnhughes this is a literal fever dream
username54 rumors aint rumors anymore
username38 ethan’s practically screaming their relationship status to the world rn
colecaufield i’m not a part of this in any way but you genuinely look really good rosie
→ yourusername awwww thank you ☺️
→ jackhughes if you ever fucked around with my sister i would punch you in the face
→ colecaufield I HAVENT AND I WONT I SWEAR
sidneycrosby_87_ looking great kiddo!
→ yourusername oh my god sidney crosby.
→ lhughes_06 OH MY GOD SIDNEY CROSBY???
→ jackhughes this isn’t fair
→ vivianliu HI SIDNEY
rutgermcgroarty 🥴
→ yourusername 🤭
→ lhughes_06 i can’t tell if you’re flirting because you’re best friends or if you’re flirting to fuck
→ rutgermcgroarty whaaaaa i would never do such a thing and you know that luke (my door is open yourusername)
→ yourusername we’re flirting AS A JOKE because you’re gone now and you can’t dictate shit anymore 🙄 lhughes_06
username45 LMFAO did ethan ask everyone to say shit to cover his comment
mackie.samo i see you’re working out without me now 🤨
→ yourusername YOU LEFT ME. what was i supposed to do 😔😔
→ yourusername IM HAPPIER NOW 🤬
→ markestapa what is this 😟
adamfantilli woha
→ adamfantilli owah
→ adamfantilli woah
→ yourusername are you malfunctioning
→ adamfantilli yes (i was told to)
jackhughes did you redecorate your room??
→ yourusername yes my man helped me redecorate 🥰
→ jackhughes YOUR MAN????
→ lhughes_06 WHO THE HELL
→ yourusername guys it was a joke..
→ lhughes_06 your life is a joke
→ yourusername ?!???!????!
_quinnhughes i know who it is.
→ yourusername no u dont
→ lhughes_06 TELL ME
→ jackhughes WHO IS IT
→ trevorzegras congrats to the only hughes brother with a brain 🥳
→ jackhughes HEY
→ lhughes_06 NOT COOL TREVOR
→ rutgermcgroarty the fact that it took you this long is concerning
→ markestapa okay she ACTUALLY told you rutgermcgroarty
→ dylanduke25 fr the rest of us had to find out DIFFERENTLY
→ edwards.73 you guys are kinda slow
username55 i know someones gonna come back for this post tn…
→ username97 LMFAOOO
username38 UR SO PRETTY
username30 GIRLLLL give us the workout routine please 😞🙏
username88 body goals hello????
trevorzegras ur bed was not in that corner last time i was there
→ yourusername i redecorated we already said so 🙄
→ jackhughes since when were you in my sister’s apartment??
→ trevorzegras i was in town for a game
→ jackhughes but detroit is 45 mins away????
→ yourusername jack he was helping me set up my ikea dresser 😭😭
→ vivianliu i know someone’s absolutely LIVID
dylanduke25 WOW SO PRETTY
→ yourusername THANK U DUKER
→ dylanduke25 YOU’RE WELCOME
username96 help i audibly screamed when i saw this post
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liked by markestapa, _alexturcotte, and 153,256 others
yourusername some of the guys invaded girls night at 12 in the morning and then literally kicked us out of my own room ⁉️⁉️
tagged: vivianliu, markestapa, g.brindley4, rutgermcgroarty, dylanduke25, luca.fantilli
view all comments
edwards.73 why was i not invited
→ yourusername u didn’t come idk i thought u were busy like always
→ edwards.73 but you know i would never be too busy for you
→ yourusername lmao doesnt really seem like it tho
vivianliu and they burnt our fucking cookies
→ yourusername FR almost burnt the apartment down 🙄
→ dylanduke25 THAT WASN’T EVEN US
→ rutgermcgroarty WHY ARE U BLAMING ME???
g.brindley4 oh my god i’m on the main
→ yourusername YOU’RE ON THE MAIN ‼️
username38 mark wearing sunglasses in a dark ass room 😭
dylanduke25 rut’s ass was in my face and i swear he fucking ripped ass like three times
→ rutgermcgroarty I LITERALLY DIDNT THO??
→ luca.fantilli i could smell that shit from the other room
→ g.brindley4 the absolute STENCH
username32 luca could not have been comfortable sleeping in that position 😭
→ username80 men are weird
luca.fantilli cuddling with the homies 🥴🥴
→ yourusername oh my god
→ markestapa 😘
→ dylanduke25 im blushing ☺️☺️
→ g.brindley4 best couple!
→ rutgermcgroarty 😝
→ vivianliu you’re all so weird
trevorzegras marky lookin kinda cute tn 🫣
→ yourusername STOP
→ markestapa yes i’ll go out with you!
mackie.samo um. i facetimed him and hes kicking, screaming and crying?!?!?
→ yourusername oops
→ mackie.samo yeah what a big fucking oops 🙄
→ vivianliu HES THE TOXIC ONE
username77 getting kicked out of your own room is crazy
username48 ethan’s definitely punching the air rn
_alexturcotte what happened to the boyfriend
→ yourusername technically he’s not my boyfriend cuz he doesn’t like labels!
→ colecaufield 😭😭
→ yourusername HIS WORDS NOT MINE
→ trevorzegras imagine what’ll happen when your brothers find out 😂
→ yourusername 1. for the love of god stop using that emoji and 2. they wont find out!
→ _quinnhughes i found out
→ yourusername besides you 😒😒
username79 ethan’s definitely regretting not putting a label on them
username92 do luke and jack never check the comments 😭😭
→ vivianliu they did but rosie gaslighted them into believing it’s not ethan and they barely pay attention to what the others say anyways
→ username60 LMAOOO
→ yourusername i’m the better sibling
→ vivianliu correct
→ rutgermcgroarty correct
→ edwards.73 correct
→ colecaufield correct
→ adamfantilli correct
→ trevorzegras correct
→ _alexturcotte correct
→ markestapa correct
→ luca.fantilli correct
→ mackie.samo correct
→ dylanduke25 correct
→ _quinnhughes not correct????
→ jackhughes INCORRECT TF
→ markestapa there’s no way you’re still on this
→ edwards.73 inv me next time 😔
next chapter notes ) happy april fools dayyy!! hope yall got some good pranks in 😈😈 and guys HE DOESN’T DO LABELS 😓
tags: @dancerbailey3 @hughesfein @loveforaugust @alwaysclassyeagle @love4ldr @inhoodmood
284 notes · View notes
b00tyliciousbabe · 3 months
hey i loved your Jordan Riki himbo x male reader. can i request one with himbo sweaty Reece Walsh with fetish? smut with reader worshipping his body?
thank you so much :)
AWWW STAWP IT! that means a lot, I’m glad you liked it. jordan and reece are carrying my interest in rugby rn, smth about those himbo australian/new zealand players just gets me going.
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reece walsh x male reader
summary: just me fantasising about this man for a bit.
notes: i have been obsessed with the girl group flo for a while now and they recently dropped a new single that inspired me to write this.
song rec: ‘walk like this’ - flo
‘if he keeps this up, i might need crutches…’
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your boyfriend, reece walsh was a star on the pitch. and you were always there to cheer him on. during practice, sending you kisses and stares from the field. his dad calls him lazy, that he shouldn’t let you distract him from the bigger picture. ‘if you truly loved him, you wouldn’t be such a distraction.’ the coach’s words reverberated in your head for a while and you suggested that it’d be best if you stopped coming to see him. it wasn’t a break up, and y’all would see each other everywhere else, but your heart couldn’t take the possibility of being the cause of his failure.
reece always went to the gym when he needed to clear his mind. you watched him rep with a sad typa aggression. knocking, you asked if everything was alright. ‘babe i don’t really wanna talk about it.’ your bf said as he moved on to bench press. ‘tough,’ you straddle him with a brattiness that you knew, deep down, he loved to fuck out of you. ‘I ain’t movin until you tell me what’s bothering you.’ he sat up properly , palming your lower back to stabilise himself, ‘you’re insufferable you know that,’ reece huffed. you stroked his cheek with your thumb, the anger in his face melting at the love you’d always shown him. ‘you know you can tell me anything.’ you reassured, knowing that his father’s word got to him deeply. his frown softened, wanting to unburden himself at the gentleness of your voice. reece took another breath as you laid your hand on his heart. ‘i just hate that he sees our relationship as a distraction,’ he sighs, shoulders getting heavier, ‘if anything, seeing you makes me more work harder.’ reece goes in to kiss your neck and breathes out ‘my own personal cheerleader.’ you cradled his head, placing your fingers in his locks. you broke apart, as you tapped his nose. ‘you’re so cute!’ you lovingly teased. ‘shut the fuck uppppp.’ reece droned, turning red as he hid his blushing in your ample chest. you felt a thick, warm rod pressing in between your cheeks, urging you to untie your bf’s shorts, whilst he placed light kisses on your pecs.
‘w-wai-wait.’ reece says groggily. your face dropped, afraid you had done something wrong. ‘what’s the matter?’ you asked, as he remained silent, dragging you off of him. ‘i can’t fuck you here,’ he said with a sincerity in his tone. ‘i need one place where i can actually focus on training,’ seeming more rational by the minute. he breathed deeper. you could see exactly how hard it was for him to say this; the two of you had been together for some time now, and sex was one thing that he never messed with. for him, your body was sacred, one he needed to give full attention to. ‘i get it, you just look really hot when you’re all sweaty and stuff.’ you respond, eyes widening at your last statement.
you had told him the one thing, you swore never to admit. ‘so all of those times i came home from practice all gross,’ he grinned at how open you could be in your discussions with him. ‘you liked that shit?’ you looked up, sheepishly as a mumbled ‘yes.’ escaped your mouth. trying to solve his problems and save yourself from further awkwardness , you quickly changed the subject. ‘we can’t do anything here,’ you elongated the final word in a slutty attempt to arouse him. ‘so, how are we going to solve…’ gesturing to the the bulge in his shorts that ceased to go down. no words were exchanged. reece grabbed your wrist and rushed you two into his dad’s office.
he pushed you against the locked door and closed all of the blinds. invading your neck and upper chest with lovebites, he was like a creature, ravaging you. ‘reece, wait.’ you say using your might to push his desires off. ‘are you sure you wanna do this? here?’ he watched, unable to think clearly whilst staring down at your pretty face. ‘never have i ever wanted to fuck you as much as i want to right now.’ he grunted as you palmed him through his boxers. though left unsaid, you both loved the idea of literally ‘fucking over’ his dad’s feelings towards your relationship.
before you knew it, y’all were fully naked; if you weren’t in his company, you might’ve felt some vulnerability in your exposure, but he soothed those concerns with his touch. something about how the beads of sweat decorated his tan skin, and danced around the contours of his muscles, always astounded you. whenever the two of you made love, nothing else mattered. reece walsh, the biggest prick in the world (literally), was such a mess with your mouth wrapped around his cock. ‘ughhh fuck,’ he smiled, stroking your hair ‘shit baby, you suck my dick so well.’ you adored his cock, loving how you decorated it with your glittery saliva as the shades of light brown skin and pink hues painted his rod.
‘stand up for me baby,’ he demanded. reece loved your body. cupping your cheeks and toying with them, he looked into your fuck me eyes as he grinded his dick between your thighs. jumping up to allow him greater access he sat himself on the boss’ chair, deepening his kiss. ‘y/n, you ready?’ reece breathed, fingering your hole. riding him in the team office was not on your 2024 bucket list, but you certainly weren’t complaining. his light green eyes staring at you so lovingly, as he fucked himself up into your hole with no remorse. The duality turned you insane. the tensing of his biceps, strength of his shoulder blades, you were putty in his hands. ‘I will never get tired of you.’ he moaned, the sloppy sounds coming from your pussy. ‘I love you so much, my beautiful boy.’ you stroked his ego making him blush. he could snap out of being lovesick very quickly, but you were much better at bringing it out of him.
reece had found a rhythm; each time you lifted yourself from his huge dong, he gripped your plush waist and impaled you hard as you felt the veins of his cock imprint their way into your organs. it was a sight of true love. ‘fuck reece, you’re too big, i c-can’t.’ you subtly pleaded for him to slow down. your hole began to burn with a fiery stinging, but that was quickly forgotten as he reassured you: ‘i know baby, but you take it so well. that pussy is practically begging for my load.’ he wasn’t wrong. your tight lips involuntarily milked him so well that he couldn’t think straight. you bounced on him sloppily, signalling to your bf that you were getting close. he loved seeing his pretty boy fucked out on his cock. jackhammering at an insane speed he obliterated your ass, ‘FUCKKK FUCK REESE OH MY GOD!’ you exclaimed at the assault on your hole. it felt so good to have him rearrange your body, and you loved being his. ‘yeah, take it, imma give you it all,’ he groaned. the sounds of your wet hole and his precum made a symphony of pleasure, creating a percussion that accompanied the vocals y’all made. ‘cum for me,’ he grunted deeply, as he impaled you one last time, stuffing you with his batter. you painted his abs a bright white as he giggled seeing you in a trance. ‘every. fucking. time.’ you breathed out, recognising how whipped you were. ‘what?’ playing coy. as he licked his abdomen. ‘you know what,’ you playfully caressed his ear ‘turned me on so much that im sat in your dad’s office with his son’s dick up my ass.’ you both laughed, as reece savoured the sight of the boyfriend he loved so dearly.
despite how uncomfortable it would’ve been cockwarming your boyfriend, for the next 30 minutes, time was not a constant. you were lost in his company. a few kisses were exchanged, skin was stroked, but it was the first time you could just be present with him. ‘as much as im enjoying you squeezing my dick, my legs are falling asleep.’ he teased. ‘babe, i legit cannot walk.’ bursting out in laughter, as he pulled you of his pole and across the desk. after getting dressed, he grabbed some crutches from the medical room and drove you home, his seed still bubbling inside you. ‘how you feeling?’ reece asked, placing his hand on your thigh. you loved how sexy he looked driving like that. ‘a lil sore, but i’ll survive.’ you admitted ‘sorry baby, i did go a bit too rough.’ he answered with a hint of sadness at hurting you. ‘aww stop, don’t do that, i enjoyed every minute of it.’ you reassured. ‘besides, i know that your balls are aching right now from the pressure i put on them so…my bad’ he giggles at your attempt to lighten the mood.
the next day was the big match. the two of you had agreed to tone down your interactions during the game, and that you’d see each other after. a couple of his teammates greeted you during halftime. ‘HEY Y/N! long time no see.’ you walked over to them, a sway in your hips that Reece had fucked into you. they looked at you with furrowed brows until the realisation set in. this was certainly not lost on them as one of his best friends immediately knew. ‘walshie’s the reason that y/n is walking like that.’ he laughed pointing at your bf who looked so cute concentrating on the game. you could only smile at the prospect of taking him again after the game. bonus points if the team won x
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spideysbruh · 4 months
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liked by tchalamet, sabrinacarpenter and 3,272,737 others
y/n i love you heaps, like candy sweets
view all 97,626 comments
tchalamet i love you more, like the sea loves the shore
y/n liked
rocketyn my favorite celeb couple fr
ynslipgloss yns aesthetic is my favorite it's so pleasing
@y/n just tweeted- just said bye to my boyfriend cause he'll be gone for like four months oh imma kms
@snowyyn replied- me after I finish a movie with him
@y/n replied to @snowyyn- girl me too
@realchalamet replied- stop. I miss you already.
@y/n replied to @realchalamet- BABEEE 😭😭😭💔💔💔💔💔
tchalamet just posted a story!
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caption- princess. missing her so much
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liked by tchalamet, rachelzegler and 3,827,288 others
y/n in my tropical era 💕
view all 101,772 comments
tchalamet I MISS YOU
tchalamet so beautiful
y/n liked
tchalamet I wish I could twirl your hair around my fingers right now.
y/n stop im gonna cry. I wish you were here so I could give you a back rub
modernyn oh he's a mess rn
ynstan his comments 😭😭🫶🫶🫶🫶💕 so cute
@y/n just tweeted- watching kingsman im literally sooooo horny right now
@lovelyyn replied- REAL AS FUCKK
@y/n replied- like that man can do whatever he wants to me I swearrrr
@chromeyn replied- god I hope you never stop oversharing with us
@realchalamet replied- um ??? we're still together babe chill 🤨
@y/n replied to @realchalamet- ... im literally sooo joking hahaha you're the only man I've ever found attractive hahahaha (I miss you so much)
@realchalamet replied- I can see you still replying to other people 🙄
@richgirlyn replied- I'm deadd but I sooo understand you
@y/n replied- likeeeeee ?!!!???!
@y/n just tweeted- got high and took pictures of taron egerton in kingsman like it was a concert
@busyyn replied- been there fr
@huffleyn replied- sounds like a normal viewing of that movie tbh
@realchalamet liked and replied- what about my movies ? 🙁
@y/n liked and replied- oh dune is next baby don't worry
@realchalamet liked and replied- YAYYYYY
y/n just posted a story!
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caption- missing his goofy lil ass extraaaa hard rn 🤧
tchalamet just posted a story!
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caption- missing this
@chalswonka just tweeted- bro timmy is yearning soooo bad lmaooo they gotta see each other soon I swear
@princessyn replied- it's so funny the differences in their posts y/n is just thirsting over ppl in movies and then he's like "miss her so much😭😭😭🔫🔫🔫💔💔💔" LMAOOOO
@spaceyn replied- tbf ppl were hating on her when she WOULD post about him a lot in the beginning, so she toned down a lot. ppl hate on her too much smfh
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liked by y/n, hallebailey and 3,817,277 others
view all 204,287 comments
y/n ig I love you or smth idk 🙄
liked by tchalamet
y/n this is about to be the best four days of your life fr
liked by tchalamet
timmylaurie god she's so pretty wtf man
tchalamet just posted a story!
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caption- babygirl 😍😍😍🥰🥰
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liked by tchalamet, florencepugh and 3,287,227 others
y/n 🥺 missed him lots
view all 121,888 comments
tchalamet like tater tots?
liked by y/n
lucyxyn the throwback to her older captions w him 😭🫶
y/n just posted a story!
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caption- our last day together for another two months 💔
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liked by y/n, zendaya and 4,727,288 others
tchalamet i love you.
view all 92,828 comments
y/n this is gonna be the worst two months of my life
bratzyn she's literally an angel I swear
lauriesamy he always takes the best pictures of her 🥺
takemetotheyn you glow different in the photos taken by someone who truly loves you
tchalamet liked
@y/n just tweeted- help i miss my bf 💔
@pepperyyn replied- uh oh now she's yearning 😭😭
@ynshairtie replied- there we goooo
@realchalamet replied- I miss you more 🥺
@snowyyn replied- damn no thirsting now
@y/n replied- well... maybe later 😔🤧
@y/n just tweeted- watching 21 jump street and omg dave franco is so cute🤭🤭 ive been giggling for the entire movie
@lauriesyn replied- girl your mann!!
@tipsyyn replied- IT RHYMES WITH GRAPE
@ynsbra replied- if she was still w her ex he would cry and post ab how he's gonna khs over this
@sazonyn replied to @ynsbra- HELPP WHOS HER EX ?!?!?!!!
@ynxtim replied- sh*wn m*ndes 💀💀 there's so many compilations of him being a weirdo jealous obsessed bf w her... even after for a while he was weird ab her. even though HE broke up w HER ... anyways yeah he sucks
@realchalamet replied- reduce... reuse... recycleee 🎶🎶🎶
@y/n liked
@y/n replied- i love how that's the scene you remember 😭😭💕
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liked by tchalamet, rachelzegler and 3,716,227
y/n living like a lusty flowerrr
view all 96,728 comments
tchalamet I can't take this, you're too beautiful how did this happen
y/n liked
lauriesyn she's so ethereal
tchalamet are you running through the grass for hours?
y/n yeah and rolling through the hay like a puppy child fr
rachelzegler my pretty best friend !!!
y/n we ARE the two pretty best friends
y/n just posted a story!
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caption- missing this. missing you @tchalamet
@y/n replied- I watched wonka and little women on repeat I swear that's how badly I missed him 😭💕
@wonkasyn replied- what a journey we've witnessed
@realchalamet replied- I CANT WAIT BABYYYY
@gourmetyn replied- yayyy my parents will be back together again 🫶
@y/n liked and replied to @gourmetyn- you still have to send the adoption papers
tchalamet just posted a story!
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caption- BABYYYY 😍😍
y/n just posted a story!
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auras-moonstone · 6 months
Hii! Could you please write an ethan fic based off the ybwm music video but y/n and ethan are childhood bestfriends and but doesnt notice her until prom? ALSO IM LISTENING TO 1989 TV RN AND ITS SOOOO GOOD
been here all along — ethan landry
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word count: 3,306
pairing: ethan landry x fem!reader
summary: ethan and y/n had been best friends since they were little, but y/n, unbeknownst to ethan, has always been i love with him. it isn’t until prom night that he finds out.
warnings: none!
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Y/N WAS STUDYING ON HER DESK WHEN SHE SAW HER BEST FRIEND’S SILHOUETTE THROUGH HER WINDOW. Ethan threw himself to the bed, lying on his back as he tiredly rubbed his face with the hand that wasn’t holding his phone to his ear. He felt eyes on him, so he turned around and saw the girl staring at him with a worried expression. He smiled instantly and, after hanging up the phone, he went to grab a small board and a marker.
hey, creep, he showed her the careless handwriting with a smirk.
Y/N stuck her tongue out before grabbing her own board. you okay?
i’m fine, he replied with a shrug and a forced smile.
Y/N arched an eyebrow, i know you better than that.
His shoulders slumped, can i hang out with you for a while?
always. back door is open!
Less than five minutes later Ethan entered her room and plopped down on her bed, resting his head on his hand. Y/N noticed his eyes were a bit red and had dark bags under them, and yet he continued to be he most gorgeous human she had laid her eyes on.
“What’s wrong?” she asked softly, resisting the need to run her fingers through his wet brown hair.
“Coach killed us at practice today. My whole body hurts.” he mumbled.
“And…” she urged him to go on, knowing that was not it.
Ethan sighed. “I hate that you know me so well.” he groaned. “I fought with Mila.”
“Again.” she added, trying to hide her bitterness.
Mila and him had been dating for a couple of months, and she had managed to turn the ray of sunshine that Ethan used to be into a person who was always tired and in a gloomy mood. She had completely brought him down.
People at school loved the couple. And, on the outside, they seemed perfect. Ethan was the captain of the hockey team and the most good-looking boy at school, and Mila was the cheer captain and most good-looking girl at school—perfect pairing, right? On paper, yes.
But Y/N had the disgrace of witnessing most of their fights and the toxicity that filled the air whenever they were together. At the beginning, they had a normal relationship but eventually, the attention got the best of Mila and she turned into a controlling, jealous girlfriend who was also obsessed with painting the perfect image.
“Yeah… this time it was about prom.” he scoffed.
“What about it?”
“She came to practice and said we had to go buy her dress and my suit. Then she wants me to take fucking dancing classes because everything needs to be perfect and I can’t mess it up with my dance moves.”
“She’s going to have to buy tons of oil bottles for that. The Tin Man from Wizards of Oz can move better than you.”
Ethan laughed and threw her a pillow. “You’re such an asshole.”
Y/N smiled like the Cheshire cat. Ethan had no idea that his smile could practically light up the whole town, and it made her furious that Mila managed to take that away. Ever since they started dating, Ethan very rarely smiled around others.
“Anyways, the thing is I refused to do that. You know how tired I am after practice, and she got pissed and wouldn’t let me leave. I ended up holding back hockey practice and coach was furious.” he explained. “Then, after practice, she called and silly me thought—nice, she is going to apologize, but no. She wanted to see if I’d changed my mind. And that made me mad, so we started fighting about her interrupting practice and how furious she would be if I were to find her during cheer practice. Then she started yelling and I just hung up because my head fucking hurts.”
Y/N watched with sad eyes. What was he doing with a girl like that? She clearly didn’t care about him. “I’m sorry about your psycho of a girlfriend. You deserve better” she said, and he gave her a small smile. “There’s Tylenol on my drawer and the bottle is filled with water.”
“Thanks. You’re the best, did you know that? Being with you is lately the only thing that makes me feel at peace.”
“I love you, Eth, and I’ll always be here.”
The boy grabbed her hand and pulled her into his chest, hugging her tightly. “I love you, too.” he placed a kiss on the crown of her head. “Can I stay over?”
“Of course.”
Ethan fell asleep quickly, contrary to Y/N, whose thoughts kept her brain working like crazy. Ethan’s sweet words about her making him feel at peace should be heartwarming, but instead it made her heart hurt. Why couldn’t he see her the way she saw him? The way he saw Mila. Why couldn’t Ethan see that she was dying to be in Mila’s place and that he deserved so much better than her?
Ethan deserved to be with someone who treated him like he hung the moon, and instead he was settling for someone who overwhelmed him and brought him down, someone who cared more about what other people said than about his feelings and happiness. It made Y/N both sad and angry, and she prayed he would wake up and see he was worth more.
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ETHAN ENTERED HIS ROOM AND DRAGGED HIS FEET TOWARDS HIS BED. He wanted to take a long nap and disconnect from the world, ignoring all the things that were overwhelming him lately. He wanted those feelings to be gone, he needed a good sleep and a good cry. And as if God had heard his prayers, the problems evaporated once his eyes caught sight of his best friend dancing around her room without a care in the world. He crossed his arms and watched with a smile, waiting for her to notice.
The girl stopped as soon as she felt eyes on her. Frowning, she quickly scribbled something on her blackboard.
i don’t do shows for free, quit looking
Laughing, he wrote back, what kind of shows do you do? i’m interested.
Y/N pretended to throw up and replied, i’m calling 911 pervert. And as he shook his head, she quickly wrote something else. you look stressed. wanna talk about it?
And as every afternoon, Ethan ended up sprawled on his best friend’s bed with her lying beside him. “First of all, I broke up with Mila.” he started, and Y/N’s heart stopped.
She tried her best not to smile at that, and managed to mutter “I’m sorry about that.”
Ethan shrugged, “It’s fine. We both know we weren’t really invested in that relationship. I’m stressed because she was furious, screaming something about ruining her chances of being prom queen and disappointing the school by our break-up.”
“And you feel bad about it.” Y/N stated, knowing him like the back of her hand.
“A little bit. I mean, I don’t get it, but prom is important to her for some reason. And now she needs to find another date.”
“That won’t be a problem, though. She’s literally the most gorgeous girl in school.”
“She’s not the most gorgeous girl in school.” he said, but quickly shook his head and moved on. “But it’s us who they want. Ethan and Mila, not Mila and some other guy.”
“Well, if it makes you feel so bad, you should go with her.” Y/N said out loud as her inner voice called her stupid in different languages.
Ethan frowned. “I don’t want to get back with her. And I thought you hated her.”
“I don’t hate her.” she argued.
“I heard you said you’d like her to recreate Regina George’s bus scene.” Ethan said, trying not to laugh at the guilty face she made.
“Look, everyone has intrusive thoughts.” she defended herself and Ethan bursted out laughing. “I’m not proud of it. But, moving on, I’m not telling you to get back with her, but just be her date to prom and then go your separate ways. We’re leaving for college soon, anyways.”
“I suppose you’re right.” he nodded. “That’s another reason why I’m stressed, college.”
“What about it?”
“I’m scared.” he confessed
“Why? Eth, you’re an stellar player. Lots of colleges already told you they’re interested.”
“I’m not scared of not getting into any college. I’m scared that we won’t end up in the same one.” he explained. And his eyes got glossy by just thinking about Y/N not being part of his every day life.
They had known each other since forever. They grew up together and it was in his plans to continue to grow alongside her. She was his person, and he knew he was her person too. She was his other half, he wasn’t complete without her. He rolled his eyes everytime he heard someone say that ‘we are our own person and it was wrong to believe someone complemented you’. He thought that was bullshit. Him and Y/N complemented each other and their lives wouldn’t be the same if they didn’t have each other. A part of them would be missing.
“I’m positive we will both end up on the same college. But even if that doesn’t happen, there’s absolutely no way that will be the end of our friendship, Eth. Come on, you really think our bond is not strong enough to handle a little distance?”
“You’re right.” he said, wiping his tears with the heel of his palm. “It still would suck not to have you there to annoy me every minute of the day.”
“Fuck you, Ethan.” she pinched his side, making him squirm. “And bold of you to assume I wouldn’t call you and text every one second.”
“Wouldn’t have it any other way. I love you.” he hugged her tightly to his chest, breathing in the scent of her shampoo.
“Love you, too.” she whispered. She wanted to kiss him so badly she had to hide her face on his chest to die down the temptation.
“Hey, I never asked you. Who are you going to prom with?”
“With no one.”
Ethan frowned. “I can’t have that. We are going together.”
Her heart started beating faster. “You’re going with Mila.”
“I haven’t told her we can still go together. And I’m not going to, we are going together.”
“No.” she shook her head. The inner voices screaming at her again. “It’s important to her. I really couldn’t care less about prom. Don’t worry about it.”
“All of your friends have dates, Y/N/N. I know you don’t care about prom, but it doesn’t mean you shouldn’t have a good time.” Ethan said, and she shrugged. “I don’t understand, though. I heard, unfortunately, the guys talking in the locker room. A lot of them were planning to ask you.”
“And they did, I just said I was going alone.”
“But why?”
Because I don’t want anyone but you, and I just turned your offer down. “I just don’t want to. Really, don’t worry about me. I don’t like parties anyway, so I won’t stay long. You will have to dance with me at least once, though.”
“Obviously.” he replied softly as he run his fingers through her soft hair until he fell asleep.
Meanwhile, Y/N laid wide awake, picturing that moment. Him, looking like a daydream in a suit, with his big hands around her body and her head on his hard chest, listening to the beat of his heart, which clearly won’t be beating as fast as hers. Yes, she didn’t know how she was going to survive that.
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ETHAN STOOD NEXT TO MILA AS THEY TALKED WITH THEIR FRIENDS. Well, Mila did the talking and he was just standing there, looking anxiously at the entrance door, waiting for his best friend to arrive. Ethan had offered to drive her, but she instantly turned him down because there’s no way she was going to share the confined space with Mila.
“Your break-up lasted less than I expected.” one of Mila’s friend said.
Sensing Mila’s intention of not denying the statement, Ethan spoke first. “We aren’t together, we came as friends.”
“We’re always breaking up and making up, we both know you’ll take me back in no time.” Mila laughed.
“Mila.” he sighed. “We talked about this. I told you that we can still be each other’s date, but as long as it was clear that we are over for real. Don’t make me regret it.”
“Wow.” Zach, Ethan’s friend, said. His eyes were wide and his jaw was practically on the floor. And following his gaze, he found out the reason behind his reaction.
Ethan’s body stiffened and felt the blood rushing to his cheeks. Y/N walked through the gym, making her way towards her friends. No one, expect for his group, was paying attention to her. Why was no one paying attention to her?
She looked absolutely beautiful. Breathtaking would be most accurate word, because she took Ethan’s ability to breath as soon as his eyes landed on her figure. She was wearing a long, satin green dress. Her hair was up in a tidy bun, making her look elegant. Fuck, he couldn’t get his eyes off her, nor did he want to.
“Green is not her color.” Mila said between gritted teeth.
Ethan frowned, but his brown eyes were still glued to the girl across the room. “Every color is her color.”
“I’m going to ask her to dance with me.” Zach said confidently.
“Dude, get a hint. She told you she didn’t want to come with you.” another of Ethan’s friend said.
With that, Ethan finally looked away and instead glared at his friend. “You asked her?”
“Well, yeah. Can you blame me?” No, he couldn’t. But still, for some reason, it bothered him. “I can’t believe she said no.”
“Oh, come on. It’s obvious she was going to reject every offer. Well, anyone but one.” Mila said, and the boys’ curious glances landed on her. “What?”
“What are you talking about?” Zach asked.
Mila rolled her eyes. “Really? Literally everyone figured it out”
“Figure out what?” Ethan asked impatiently.
“She’s been in love with the same person for years.”
Ethan’s fists clenched and he felt like his whole body was on fire. “No way, she would’ve told me. We tell each other everything.”
Mila laughed. “It’s you, dumbass. She’s always been in love with you.”
Ethan froze and shook his head. “No. I would’ve- she should’ve… No.”
“Yes, Ethan. Ask anyone. I swear boys are so oblivious” she rolled her eyes. “It’s obvious she didn’t tell you because she knew you’d reject her. I mean, she is out of your league and you’ve never given her any signs that you might feel the same.”
Well, in that she’s right. But only because he had never let his mind wonder about being more because he didn’t want to ruin anything. Besides, he hadn’t seen her signs either and he also started dating Mila. But now… he could see them together. Now he couldn’t understand how he hadn’t thought about it before. After all, Y/N had always been his person—the one that understood him unlike anyone else, the one that made him laugh harder than anyone else, the one he always wanted to have by his side, the one who he belong with.
“She’s not out of my league.” he said, glaring at Mila. “I’m the one out of her league, hell, I don’t think anyone is really deserving of her! You know, she was the one that suggested I still should bring you here, because it was important to you. I asked her to be my date, and she said no. Even though she probably wanted to say yes. She’s that amazing, and I never saw her. What the fuck is wrong with me?”
Before anyone could say anything, Ethan let his feet guide him towards her. Y/N saw his silhouette making his way to her and her mouth broke into a smile. He did look like a daydream and the smile she loved was present on his face, shinier than ever.
"Hi, Eth." she stood up to hug him.
How could he have been so blind to notice it? The way her cheeks turned a light shade of red, her shy smile and the sparks in her eyes. Y/N was in love with him. "Hi. You look... like a daydream."
That made her blush even more. "Thank you. You look very handsome." Ethan smiled like a little kid, which made Y/N laugh. "What is going on? You're acting odd."
"What makes you say that?"
"I don't know, you're looking different."
"Is that bad?" Ethan frowned.
"No, it's a good different. You look happy. But what is happening?" she laughed with uncertainty. Ethan shook his head, trying to wipe the smile off his face. "Come on, you're making me nervous."
my love was as cruel as the cities i lived in
"First we have to dance to your favorite song." Ethan said, grabbing her hand and guiding her to the dance floor.
Just like she had it pictured it in her mind, her best friend's arms were wrapped around her waist, her hands resting on his broad shoulders and her head lying on his chest. But, contrary to what she had thought, his heart was beating inexplicably fast.
i don't wanna look at anything else now that i saw you
"I love you, Y/N" Ethan whispered in her ear. He felt her shoulders tense and she slowly raised her head to look at him.
It wasn't like any other previous I love you's, there was something about the way he said it—so softly and vulnerable—that gave her the hope that there was another meaning, that it was another type of i love you.
been sleeping so long in a 20-year dark night
"I do. I really do love you. I am in love with you, and I'm really sorry."
"What are you sorry for?"
and now i see daylight, i only see daylight
"For not realizing it earlier. For not seeing how you really felt."
Y/N widened her eyes. He knew. "Ethan... don't."
"Don't what?"
"You're confused. You don't love me like that, I don't want your sympathy. You just think you love me because you don't want to reject me." she said. He opened his mouth to argue, but she cut him off. "I promise you that our friendship won't change. I've always known it wasn't reciprocated, and I've come in terms with it."
Ethan just smiled. "Are you done overthinking? Because you have two options—you can keep on trying to convince yourself I don't love you and that my heart hasn't been skipping since you walked into this room," he put her hand on his heart. "or you can accept the truth—that I love you and I want you more than anything in the world—and let me kiss you while your song is still playing." he tilted his head down, nose brushing hers. "What is it, Y/N? One or two?"
"Two" she whispered.
He smirked "Good girl."
The kiss stopped time. When they finally pulled away, they stared at each other completely awestruck. Taylor Swift wasn't playing anymore, and they truly didn't have a clue how much time they had spent tasting each other. What they did know is that nothing had ever felt more right.
"Okay, enough show. Let's get out of here, I want you all to myself." he said pressing kisses to her neck.
"I want ice cream first, then we can make out."
"Whatever my girlfriend wants, she gets." with one last kiss, they walked out of the room hand in hand. “By the way, I have always thought you were the most gorgeous girl in school.”
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