#if i’m interpreting it right like. yeah i don’t want some kind of existential woah thing
bright-and-burning · 5 months
can’t sleep bc i accidentally started a discussion w The Contrarian in the group chat that started w her saying romantic relationships feel contrived to her bc you have to actively seek them out (to which i was like. what life are you living where romance is the only thing you have to actively seek out) and now has me trying to carefully explain how i think of romantic relationships bc she said she sees them as “super deep existential woah” and i was like yeah no that’s not how i see them. and she was like well how DO you see them? which is a wildly (and shockingly) vulnerable thing to try to explain in a group chat of college friends (including an ex and at least one person you Almost dated 😭). stuck between “if it isn’t fun what’s the point?” and “uhhh. domestic not existential?” which means sleep is not coming until i figure out how to put this into words. rip to morning eve who has WORK
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