#if it could be navigated away from like say so//nam/y I would be fine with it like I can avoid that one pretty easily but so/n//ad/ow is
tezzbot · 3 months
Debating on whether or not to just straight up block the s/ona//dow tag at this point bc on one hand I'll be able to scroll through a sonic tag without it being literally 95% of what I see but on the other hand I'll miss out on some really cool interesting art and aus and some of my cool mutuals art as well so I'm just sat on the fence about it :/
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FFXII Zodiac Age Playthrough Part 11
These healing crystals don’t only calm you, they also destroy all of your enemies! 
-Because there's something really important to do, the team decides to go hunting again.
-They run into Ba'Gamnan after he posted a false bill, and they just fucking murder him straight into the Nam-Yensa sandsea. So badass.
-In my head, Penelo's pigtails are the last thing he sees as he sinks into the sand.
-In other sidequest news, the team runs into a judge rock esper dude in the Mosphoran Highwaste. His name's Exodus.
-Another esper friend the team makes is in the Stilshrine of Miriam. He's Zeromus, and he's pretty rude because you're not allowed to use magic in your battle against him.
-Back on track, the team makes it to the Feywood on the way to Giruvegan. It's labyrinthine and full of mist and snow.
-At one point, they're blocked by the mist, but PBT shows up to let them through.
-Thanks, PBT!
-The new area hosts a nasty flower weed boss that also takes away all of the team's mp. Rude.
-After a couple more areas, the team arrives at a gate that can only be opened by summoning Belias.
-This gate leads to Giruvegan, which has a very Atlantis-y vibe.
-Ashe is in wonder that they're there and Fran comments that the mist is thick, but that she won't go crazy because it's cooled.
-If you can't get organic cooled mist, store bought is fine.  
-She also senses one of those demon things like Bergan and Cid have.
-Balthier says that they should wait outside for Cid, but Ashe sees PBT and proceeds.
-Bros before hos, Ashe.
-The team teleports to another area that has an intimidating statue.
-I bet the statue comes to life.
-The statue comes to life, and fights the team. After being defeated, it turns back into a statue that is bowing to its vanquishers.
-The team is now free to enter Giruvegan proper.
-The interior is super cool. It's big and dark and open with a huge crystal floating in the middle of everything.
-Similar to the inside of Bevelle from FFX (minus the crystal).  
-Penelo thinks that they're somewhere that they're not supposed to be, and Vaan likes it because of that.
-Deeper inside, the team fights a dragon on top of a giant glyph. It's a pretty cool location for a boss fight.
-After the battle, the team teleports inside the huge crystal. It's very orange.
-After navigating through it, they across a huge core of nethicite.
-Ashe wonders what she could do with that much nethicite.
-Blow literally everything up, says Fran.
-They teleport outside the crystal and fight a lady with crossbows for arms.
-Ashe is jealous.
-She's a horse-woman esper named Shemhazai.
-After the battle the team teleports high above of Giruvegan.
-Rather, Ashe does, but no one else.
-She's been summoned by the Occuria, the same floating ghost demons that Bergan and Cid had.
-They want to give her the power she seeks to destroy to take back her kingdom. Across the sea, there is a tower that holds the sun-cryst, from which the stones of the Dynast-King were cut.
-They offer her a sword and want her to straight up destroy Venat (the ghost dude hanging out with Bergan and Cid).
-Ashe says that Venat is also Ocurrian, but they say that he's a heretic and must be destroyed. And the whole empire too.
-She doesn't like the idea of administering such justice, but PBT appears and motions for her to take the sword.  
-After she does, the Ocurria disappear and the team appears, saying they heard the whole conversation and wondering what she's going to do.
-The general consensus is that straight up genocide seems a little much.
-Also, Cid's not coming because he baited them and he wants them to get nethicite so he can see what happens when nethicite collides with nethicite.
-Does that make him chaotic neutral? Or chaotic evil?
-The team decides to pursue the sun-cryst.
-Cut to Archades, where Larsa tries to convince Vayne not to go to war.
-Vayne says that it is Ashe who really wants war and then tells Garbranth to spy on her to see if she wants peace or war.
-Venat tells Cid who tells Vayne what has happened in Giruvegan.
-Venat appears and says that its just trying to wrest back the reins of destiny from the Ocurria.
-Vayne likey.
-Back in Giruvegan, the team decides to ask Reddas what's up with this tower on a distant shore.
-In Balfonheim, Reddas says that his fleet of ships his failed near the Ridorana Cataract because of heavy mist.
-Ashe tells him what happened in Giruvegan.
-Reddas says that the tower on the distant shore is the Pharos lighthouse in the Ridorana Cataract.
-He gives Balthier a stone he found in Draklor that will help him fly there.
-He joins the party. Ashe asks him why he's helping so much, and says it's because he was from Nabudis.
-With stone installed in ship, the team is ready to go to Pharos!
-That's it for this section.
Fran: "Do not worry. I will behave myself."
Vaan: "Yeah, I don't know what we'll find. I like it better that way." Basch: "You're sounding more the sky pirate every day."
Vayne: "You are young, Larsa." Larsa: "And you presume beyond your ken!"
Cid: "That so sweet a child could be your brother is hard to believe."
Vaan: "If you can't trust your own kind, who can you trust?" Balthier: "You're an expert on pirating now, are you?"
Reddas: "Would you like to know the best use of nethicite? Will or nill, I'll tell you. You pick it up, and throw it away."
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