#if it was amity with a ‘hi I’m a lesbian’ powerpoint yall woulda been shitting yourselves with glee
bopit-twistit · 2 years
somebody else needs to read this eyesore with me and im just gonna pick out some of my favorite parts
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let’s start with the fact that this person calls lumity a “lesbian relationship” which made me see red right off the bat i don’t need to go further into that outrage it should be pretty self explanatory and if it isn’t to you then you should look inward and see why that is
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gus’ whole deal is the he LOVES humans. how is it out of character for him to know about pride flags? they spent months in the human world you really think gus didn’t go BONKERS learning about everything human?? his best friends are queer and he’s probably queer himself you are REALLY going to sit here and tell me that he wouldn’t know about pride flags after spending MONTHS in the human world??
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so are you really gonna sit here and tell me that you didn’t know that dana had to fight so hard to allow them to air lumity?? she had to be low key with it so that disney had no choice but to let her make it canon? the way catradora was coded into the show so that it made no sense for netflix to cut it? you’re really gonna sit here and tell me that the whole “hi im bi” scene wasn’t meant to be a big fuck you to disney?? okay. okay.
also, “jarring” i want us to recall that we are talking about the ten second scene where luz comes out to her mom as bisexual…….
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this was just funny to me because……. how is the owl house ahead??? they literally…….. got cancelled…. they are as far behind as you could be……..
it is just so so funny to me that we are so distressed and jarred over luz explicitly coming out as bisexual……
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