herbologyprofessor ¡ 3 days
Regulus is the type of sibling that would make fun of the way Sirius dresses (calling him tacky and tasteless every chance he gets) and then turns around and steals the very clothes he this is “unfashionable”. He’ll walk around the house in Sirius’ band tshirts and be caught leaving the house in his leather jackets because “they look better with his outfit” than anything he owns himself. Regulus will look him up and down and without blinking say “you’re going out dressed like that” and then copy the outfit word for word a week later.
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herbologyprofessor ¡ 3 days
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the sun
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herbologyprofessor ¡ 6 days
because james’s parents had him later in life james basically grew up surrounded by adults bc all of their family friends’ kids had already grown up so james speaks like an old person and makes references to things that an 11 year old should not know and when he first starts hogwarts he actually struggles with making friends a little bit bc he doesn’t get the other kids’s references and the only kids he ever interacted with were peter and marlene.
similarly, regulus, who spends most of his time reading old books and being seen but not heard during his fathers’ meetings and his mother’s tea parties also speaks a bit like an old person and makes references to things children his age don’t understand so by the time the two meet they realise that they’re the only ones who get each other.
sirius gets some of it (he did after all spend his time the way reg did before he started hogwarts) but his interests always lay elsewhere and his need to fit in and reject anything that has to do with his family means he quite quickly learned all the slang and the references their peers made.
but reg and james, once they realised the other one got them, realised they could be themselves around each other.
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herbologyprofessor ¡ 6 days
marauders au: content creators
sirius: biker. makes thirst traps with his helmet on. his bike is a green kawasaki ninja.
james: gymtok. he has lots of fitness/motivational content + high protein recipes.
lily: photographer. only really posts on insta. travels a lot for her pictures.
marlene: travel vlogger! she has a van and dog that she takes everywhere on adventures.
remus: minecraft streamer. probably good at redstone too. part of an smp !!
mary: influencer. she does all the dances and brand deals, most popular out of all of them.
emmeline: vlogger! seems really relaxed but is commanding a whole army of editors and employees behind the scenes. 2nd most popular after mary.
regulus: disgustingly aesthetic dark academia vlogger. shows off all his money too.
pandora: psychic/seer, does tarot readings and spells.
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herbologyprofessor ¡ 7 days
Remus let Lily paint his nails once during the 5th year, and since then, he got absolutely obsessed with how they looked, so now he always has them painted. He tries different colours and designs, but he always ends up going back to the same old black nails and ring combo (Sirius finds it super attractive)
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herbologyprofessor ¡ 7 days
i headcannon that sirius is adhd on the hyperactive side and regulus is adhd on the quiet keeps to himself side but when they’re with their loves (james and remus respectively), finally feeling totally comfortable, they switch. sirius becomes calm and quiet and regulus won’t shut tf up and i love them for it
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herbologyprofessor ¡ 10 days
Sirius whose magic is so powerful it bursts out of him sometimes.
Sirius who gets every spell straight away and needs to practice controlling and restraining it instead of the spell itself
Sirius who tries bombarda in charms for the first time and blows the room half to smithereens
Sirius who gets told off by mcgonagall for being destructive because he picks up the spells in and instant then starts tinkering with them because he’s bored
Sirius who pretends he’s doing it for a laugh and only his dormmates see the horror in his eyes when he breaks a window in their room on a simple expelliarmus
Sirius who doesn’t try in class because he’s scared of people getting hurt, who Remus finds practicing in the forest because he feels like his destruction can’t harm anyone there
Remus who understands and tells him he also comes to the forest when he wants to protect people from his destruction
Remus who holds Sirius’ hand and helps him regulate his breathing
Remus, who is bitterly jealous that Sirius can pick up every spell he tries on his first go realising that that comes with a price
Remus who gets the patronus charm first, shocking everyone who thought Sirius would get it first like he does with everything else
Remus showing Sirius how to do a patronus in the forest, a silver Moony gambolling around them
Sirius who takes a deep breath and doesn’t need a memory, this is his happy moment
Wolfstar whose patronuses run and play and shine brighter and brighter from their happiness while they fuck nasty on the forest floor.
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herbologyprofessor ¡ 11 days
i lowkey need more of your puppy Sirius thoughts if u have any..maybe Remus teaches him some tricks?
You’re feeding me rn!!!!
Sirius had been a brat all week. Remus was getting fed up with it and decided his pup needed more training. They had been making out, shirts getting unbuttoned and hands in hair but hadn’t begun going any further. Remus pulled back and in a commanding tone said “nycha.” Sirius recognised it as the Welsh he regularly heard his partner speaking in but he had no clue what it meant. When Sirius froze and didn’t make a move Remus slapped him across the face. It was harder than a tease but not enough to hurt. He repeated the word again, more stern this time and paired it with pointing his eyes to the floor in front of him. Sirius thinks he gets the hint and sinks down to his knees which earns him a pat on his head. Remus tells him "atta boy" which makes Sirius's stomach flip. Remus steps away to sit on their sofa, telling Sirius "dere 'ma." When he didn't move, Remus flicked his wrist as if he was waving Sirius over. Sirius was getting the hint about what they were doing now and crawled to where his boyfriend was now seated. The continued with a few more tricks, teaching him to turn around, to beg, and to present. And when the were finished, Remus gave Sirius a nice note that they would continue with this until he was nicely trained. Sirius was blushing and humiliated in the best way, making him docile for the rest of the evening with his boyfriend.
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herbologyprofessor ¡ 12 days
hc where in seventh year - now that sirius and lily are becoming closer day by day - they discuss remus’ dyslexia in private while he’s not there and decide to make him a pair of “reading glasses” combining the potion lily used for the acetate sheet with sirius’ transfiguration abilities. they give him the enchanted spectacles on his eighteenth birthday.
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herbologyprofessor ¡ 18 days
this video is the exact dynamic between the rest of the marauders when james starts going off about quidditch
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herbologyprofessor ¡ 18 days
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the ghost of one specific homosexual cowboy regularly possesses Tumblr gays
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herbologyprofessor ¡ 18 days
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First post since i accidentally deleted my art account
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herbologyprofessor ¡ 20 days
I’ve been..
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A puppet A pauper
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A pirate A poet
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A pawn And a king
The life of Sirius Black
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herbologyprofessor ¡ 21 days
james: youre in denial
remus (absolutely shit faced with new years sunglasses, ribbons in his hair, actively tripping on nothing): no im in MARGARITAVILLE
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herbologyprofessor ¡ 21 days
hit glutes at the gym today and i was so brave i used the scary machine for hip thrusts by the scary people
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herbologyprofessor ¡ 23 days
YES! U Get It!
the usual evening in the girl's dorm being mary and emmeline doing their makeovers together whilst marlene plays suzi quatro on full volume until lily looks up from her 55th reread of the hobbit to throw her shoe at marlene's head, only for mary to berate her for violence. and then marlene and emmeline start trying to punch each other and start acting like their professional boxers, while lily cheers marlene on and tries to help her by get a punch in by yelling to emmeline that she's a wanker, and mary uses the distraction to switch the music to the bee gees without dealing with marlene going on a music rant
whilst in the boy's dorm, they are piled on james' bed talking about their crushes and swinging their legs
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herbologyprofessor ¡ 23 days
the sexiest thing a girl can do is ponder (me rn thinking about hp magic)
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