#if it weren't for the fact collector knew he'd get in trouble
qcoded · 1 year
Do u think bb Collector would chew on Beloses mask to like teeth of something UjsjsnjzHANAJ
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Currently, The Collector has other more suitable items to chew on but! Totally, in the beginning Belos mask was their #1 Chewing toy xd
(Definitely needed to be cleaned.. a lot...)
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Can we get some headcanons where Din Djarin catches the usually standoffish reader softly singing a lullaby in a different language to settle Grogu before sleeping?
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A/N: I'm sorry, but this just screams Zena when she and Din are first getting to know each other. I'm going to write this as my OC, but if you're still looking for a reader insert, I'm leaving character descriptions at the door. (Also, this is me trying to relieve anxiety and clean out my inbox.) Also, also, if you're looking for a melody, look up Leave Her Johnny.
Word Count: 805
Din didn't get back to the ship until well after dark.
He hadn't stayed in town the entire time. He spent most of the afternoon scouting the surrounding forest. This seemed a good a spot as any to lay low for a couple of weeks, better to get a feel of terrain sooner rather than later if they needed to make a quick get away.
Besides, staying in one place would make it easier to find a job, which meant credits, which also meant getting a certain mechanic off his ship.
The thought gave him pause. Did he want Zena off?
She wasn't bad company. She made herself useful and the child seemed to like her. If he was being honest with himself, he wouldn't mind if she stuck around. He could even say he'd probably miss her.
The trick was, she didn't want to be there. She made that plain the minute she was on board. She was there for the credits and nothing else.
Still something didn't seem right. There had been plenty of opportunities for her to jump ship. She was nothing short of a genius with a wrench. She could have asked him to drop her off on some core planet and had spent the rest of her days fixing classic ships for collectors, all while making more money than he could ever pay her.
There was the fact he was the reason she had start from scratch. He wasn't going to deny he owed her. But there were other, less dangerous, more lucrative options.
He couldn't figure her out. He had spent most of his life making deals with people out to make a profit. By her own account, Zena was just like the rest of them. And yet, she never once even considered turning him or the child in for reward. She fixed his ship with nothing more than a grumble about adding it to his tab. She fought battles that weren't her own. She was...dank frarrik, if he knew.
He shook the thoughts away as he approached the Razor Crest.
It didn't matter. Zena was just another face passing through. His priority right now was keeping the child safe. He needed to focus on that. Paying her back was just another job.
But as he walked up the ramp into the ship, a sound gave him pause.
Was someone...singing?
He stood still a moment, focusing in on the sound.
It was singing. What's more, he recognized the voice.
With practiced caution, he moved silently further into the ship.
It was coming from the cockpit, which explained why it hadn't stopped the second the ramp was lowered.
He crept up the ladder, landing silently just in front of the cockpit door. Gently, he slid the door just a hair open.
Sure enough, Zena was sitting in the pilot's seat, looking out through the cockpit at the starry night above. In her arms lay the child.
Her voice came low and husky as she whispered a song Din couldn't understand.
The child's eyes drooped closed. He curled his fingers into her shirt, drifting off as she continued her lullaby.
Din stayed where he was, not daring to move until the last few notes left her lips.
Then, and only then, did he step inside.
She didn't look surprised to see him and he had to wonder how long she knew he was there.
"He cause any trouble?" he asked.
Zena shook her head. "None more than usual."
His lip twisted upward at that; so a little trouble.
He looked down at the scene in front of him, and felt his heart tighten, just a little.
The child looked so relaxed in her arms. He clung to her like it was the most natural thing in the world. Zena, in turn, kept him close with the ease of someone who knew where they were and wanted to be there.
Just another thing about her to leave him confused.
"What were you singing?" he asked. "I didn't recognize the language."
"It's Sy Bisti," she answered, casually. "I think it was an old star-rover shanty. My mom used to sing it when I couldn't get to sleep."
He glanced down at the child. "Seems to work."
A small smile touched her lips. "I guess it does."
There was a small pause.
"I should probably get him to his bed," she said, carefully rising to her feet.
"I'll take him," Din offered. "You've had him most of the day."
She snorted. "Sure, you get the easy part."
"I'll add it to my tab," he answered, turning to leave.
"You'd better."
Din caught himself smiling as he slowly made his way down the ladder with the child still sound asleep in his arms.
He didn't mind being in debt to Zena Lorell.
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