#belos has a lot in his hands lol
qcoded · 1 year
Do u think bb Collector would chew on Beloses mask to like teeth of something UjsjsnjzHANAJ
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Currently, The Collector has other more suitable items to chew on but! Totally, in the beginning Belos mask was their #1 Chewing toy xd
(Definitely needed to be cleaned.. a lot...)
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pincushionx · 17 days
Been seeing some discussion on Hunter’s kill count so let me throw in my interpretation
Hunter isn’t some cold blooded killer. In fact in the show we see him avoid doing any messy work. Like having the owl gang try to kill the selkidomous or letting Luz and the Palismen go. Or the fact that during the fight with Amity he never did anything to imply he was trying to kill her, he didn’t even try restraining her. He just was trying to snatch the key and leave the entire fight. If anything, it was Amity pulling out the hurting and restraining moves lol.
But rather where I think there is violence was because of the inherent nature of the two missions. Mission 1 was him trying to kill the selkidomous, the only reason that didn’t happen was because there was people there to do it for him (even if they didn’t). So that makes me wonder, where there other beats killing missions he had to do? I’d imagine so, and I guarantee he didn’t have anyone to the work for him those times. So there’s that, Hunter killing some beasts.
Mission 2 was the palismen , and also before the mission we see him handing a palismen to Belos. So yeah, dude has probably taken ownerless palismen in the past, and has given palismen to Belos to kill and eat so theirs that. I don’t think he’s directly responsible for the deaths of hundreds of palismen but numbers do add up.
Also another thing I want to mention is direct responsibility, I’d imagine a lot of the violence or deaths caused by Hunter weren’t directly from him but the consequences of his job.
Now next is where we can be a bit imaginative, I pretty sure it’s stated in the show that Hunter only goes on missions on the weekends. So dude is pretty much just hanging out in the castle in the weekdays. That means he was probably doing paperwork, and considering he’s a coven head, he has a lot of power. So on the weekends rather than him going on missions, he was sending out scouts. That means anything that the scouts did, that he may have sent was also partially his responsibility. So if the scouts where to arrest, or kill any witches, then Hunter would likely feel at minimum partially responsible (I feel like he’d feel incredibly guilty as if he directly killed them)
Now for the actual mission, obviously he’s likely captured wild witches. While he was shown to struggle a bit but learn and adapt with palismen magic. When we see him with his artificial staff, he’s highly skilled with it. He fought pretty calmly with Luz and Eda at the shores and can travel a high speeds with it. I’d be more amazed if he didn’t manage to arrest anyone. Anyways, so here’s Hunter, he’s arrested some wild witches and he’s proud of himself. He takes them to the conformatium, he thinks that’s the end of it only for those witches to be privately petrified. We know that public petrifications hadn’t happened in 30 years but we see that they still happen in private.
It’s a bit dubious if we know if Hunter knew of these petrifications or not, much less arresting witches knowing they’re going to be petrified. But I think he possibly may have considering in Hollow mind he excuses those death of the sigil witches as just Belos perfecting sigil magic and literal terrorism for the greater good.
That’s where I think a kill count comes to play, that Hunter arrested wild witches knowing there may have been a possible chance of them dying. Therefore making him a factor for death. (Not to confuse with cause of death)
Another idea is him accidentally killing, like using too much force or miscalculating a spell. Another idea is killing in self defense. Assassinations aren’t much of a surprise in the castle so I don’t doubt there’s a chance that he may have killed an assassin or someone trying to cause bodily harm on him. Again a situation of a fight with a wild witch going too far. I don’t doubt a wild witch willing to fight Hunter to death knowing it was likely he was going to arrest them and lead them to a possible death.
One more, a messed up one but one that isn’t too out of character is having Belos having Hunter test his loyalty by being able to kill for him. Or Belos having Hunter kill someone in the privacy of the castle, like a traitor coven member (I doubt Raine and the Cats are the first to attempt a infiltration) Hence, where the context I was thinking of for this drawing actually comes from. (“May Titan have mercy on you”).
Again this is me just counting deaths and not any other potential violence he may have committed (not resulting in deaths. Even if someone doesn’t die, the violence inflicted upon them could still be life changing. The idea of Hunter giving someone a disability or trauma is pretty sad :( and not even impossible). Hunter in the show is pretty desensitized to violence in the way he talks about it or thinks of it in Any sport in a storm and Hollow mind.
So yeah, that’s my Hunter kill count, a couple if beasts, dozens of palismen and handful of actual witches, my guess 3-6. Could be higher but I’m trying to be a bit more realistic, even if I admittedly want to dramatize it lol.
Anyways that my rambles, anyone have their own thoughts on this?
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omaano · 4 months
SW Hades AU May Status Update
I wanted to make a dedicated post about what I’m currently working on for the Star Wars meets Hades AU that looks more consistent than just sharing bits and pieces whenever I’m tagged in a Last Line Challenge. Because what else do I have but the poly sketch requests and this AU for my weekends? (If nothing else I know that the Hades AU has got me XD)
Other updates: June - July - August
For now Obi-Wan and Maul are stuck at the same stage: they are both lined, have their base colours down as well as the two adjustment layers of coloured lighting.
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I suspect if I were ever to get through the agonozing few hours of shading Obi-wan’s face it would be mostly smooth sailing from there. The problem is that there are at least 2 - if not 3 - separate stages where the shaded face looks like I have no idea what I’m doing, and you need to get through the whole thing before it really comes together 😅 on the other hand Hades 2 has a lot of the directional shading I might need for his character art so that might help to get me there.
It also needs to be said that Obi-Wan comes with the extra disadvantage that is the entire background behind him. I’m really hyped to line it finally, it is quite a challenge, but at the same time I’m slowly coming to the realization that I have no idea how I will colour it. Hades backgrounds are so so pretty and full of details and gorgeous colours, and while I’m not delusional enough to think I could match that on first try… I still wish I could, you know? At the same time I will have to erase or recolour a lot of my lines, which will hurt quite a bit, I imagine. I’m so bad at killing my darlings 😅 also I hate laying down flat colours. I just find it very difficult to immerse myself in that process, while lining and shading can have their flow.
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I had covered up so many lines and details in Maul’s spider parts it’s a miracle I didn’t cry XD However, tips on grouping my shadows and allowing the shape to speak for itself and the details in them are very helpful and on point.
Worrying over writing dialogue for them is also not as far down my to-do list as I wish it were. I have a good enough idea for a quip for Obi-wan, but Maul? He’d need a whole melodramatic rant of his own XD
Aphra has gotten some new lines and I had fixed the satchel I had forgotten the last time I shared the rough sketch for her, thanks to the new character art for Hades 2! Seeing Odysseus and Hermès’s updated looks were great helps here, so I might as well move on to lining her, and finally adding another female character to the roster on top of Ahsoka!
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And then there is the biggest update on these little guys below! I will need to clean up the ones I had drawn for Cobb and Boba (and Din) well over a year ago, but with these my version of chtonic companions are done, and thanks to @lesquatrechevrons I have a full list of keepsakes for each character as well. I’m not very good at drawing these little tchotchkes (I say with Rex’s blaster right there LOL) but I hadn’t been very good at lineart or cell shading when I started this project either, so through forced practice I’m determined to change that :D
(It’s not a screwdriver under Boga, it’s one of Cody’s antennas. “It will grow back, don’t worry,” he says as he snaps it off his pauldron and hands it over to Din. Rex backs him up on that one without question. They can't lie for shit but trolling the shiny is their thing.)
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Additional fun fact: the reason why I’d picked up the chtonic companions concepts was because I’d been poking at minor details in the background behind Maul (aside from the Chaos doors), and I started adding credits and recoloured nectar to the corner (before I realized that they wouldn’t be visible once the character interaction comes up oops), and I tried to figure out to whose keepsakes Maul would react favorably. I also mixed up companion dolls and keepsakes, so that’s why the Ahsoka doll came to being (I also forgot that that one belongs to Rex, and not Ahsoka herself but uh… they are close enough that they should count by proxy anyway. It’s not Obi-wan’s cup of tea and that should be enough!). Also bless @mapleowl18 for suggesting Lil Soka as companion for Rex ❤️
So this is the current state of this AU project right now. I have my lists and notes, a few scribbled pose ideas in my sketchbook for Sabine (she might be next, unless Bo and her Nite Owls make a comeback), Satine and Omega (with Batcher), as well as some angry scribbles and question marks for Quinlan (who has apparently made his way back into this AU even though he didn’t get a little icon of his own originally orz), and Obi-wan The Second that would stand with Cody post reunion, but I cannot make that one work for now 😅
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vinamari · 1 year
a headcanon i really like is that since hunter is a grimwalker and made with stonesleeper lungs, he has the stonesleeper trait of liking to be scratched behind the ears lol. would love to see a oneshot about that ^^
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A/N: That sounds really adorable
TW: Mentions of past trauma
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You had been sitting on the couch watching tv until midnight with Hunter. It was almost 11, and you wanted to go to bed. You weren't very tired yet, but you were going to get there soon enough. You could feel your eyes drooping as your head fell back against the couch, and your gaze settled on Hunter. He was sleeping peacefully on his side in front of you.
It had been a while since you and the others found out that he was a grimwalker. However no one treated him differently, you continued to flick through channels and decided to turn off the tv. Making a mental note to find a good show to watch later.
The night before you and Hunter had decided on something else, however as usual Hunter insisted that you choose what you wanted to do. You knew belos’s actions had left an imprint on Hunter, always asking what you wanted to do and never what he wanted to do.
You let out a sigh, throwing your head back on the couch as Hunter continued to snore. ‘Hm, if I remember correctly..Hunter has the trait of a stonesleeper’, you thought to yourself. Without realizing you had brought your hand to the back of his cut ear.
As you did, your mind traveled back to the first time you saw Hunter for the first time, when you had been fighting him to free the palismen. “So…how did you get those scars? Never seen anything like them.” “You humans talk a lot, don’t you?', he said completely ignoring what you asked.
You couldn’t help but scratch the back of his elf like ears. They were so cute. You watched as Hunter shuffled around a bit, you decided to pull the blanket more over him. As you went on with scratching the back of ear, you watched how it twitched just from scratching.
A soft sound of content escaped Hunter's lips and you felt butterflies in your stomach. The smile came naturally, and you couldn't stop yourself. If you could describe his actions when being scratched, it was almost cat-like.
You couldn't stop rubbing his ears until you got tired. It didn't take long for you to finally stop, but you made sure not to wake him. Leaving you to your thoughts, ‘grimwalker or not, his reactions are everything when sleeping’. You rubbed the under of his eyes, he really needs to sleep more. ‘Maybe I should teach him some skincare’, you thought thinking how it would be a nice way to bond together.
You squeezed him slightly before placing a kiss on his ear, only for it to twitch and turn a shade of red. You pulled back and laughed softly, he was so adorable, even after having been asleep for an hour. You leaned down and kissed his cheek gently and then gotten comfortable, only to wrap an arm around his waist. ‘Goodnight’, you whispered before drifting off to sleep.
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wolfsnooze · 2 months
Tell me more about the hycalon project. Now
sure! :P
the basic gist of it: it’s set in 2023, a year after hunter’s disappearance. with no leads thus far and their friend group having become strained, luz decides to take a job offered to her by philip, who says he wants to help. she hopes that a night shift job in the last place hunter was seen will give her time to investigate on her own and help her find some clue as to what happened. and, hopefully, that’ll lead her to finding hunter and finally bringing him home. nothing goes as planned obviously
and here’s some random bits of info under the cut!⬇️
• hunter has a specially made fredbear plushie that plays pre-recorded voice messages when the paw is squeezed. he talks to it a lot when he’s younger, but distances from it when he moves in with philip
• luz’s favorite animatronic is freddy, he reminds her of her dad. her second favorite is foxy
• all the main animatronics are still in the story — freddy, bonnie, chica, foxy, and at one point fredbear & spring bonnie as well (those 2 were removed following the MCI/closure of the diner, and were not brought back when it re-opened). the puppet also has a role, but it looks and acts a bit different from how it does in the games
• its a crossover between toh and fnaf, but it doesnt follow the exact plot 1:1 from either media. its a mix of what i like about both and then some other things i added because i thought it would be fun or made the story work better :D
• the characters with the most development/importance in the au so far are hunter, luz, collector, and belos
• all the palismen are in the au as pets!
• here’s one of the first sketches i did for hunter’s current au design. him being a wolf was one of the very first things i knew i wanted for the au even back in 2022 when it took place during security breach era !! in the oldest version he was a blonde wolf animatronic in the pizzaplex lol. i think his name was something like wittebane wolf???? idk i couldn’t make it work😭
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• the diner was opened by philip and caleb in 1999. philip deals more with the business side of things and caleb with entertainment. they both have a hand in the animatronic’s creations
• on the name of the au — halcyon is defined as “denoting a period of time in the past that was idyllically happy and peaceful”. this comes up ….. a lot in the au, and the desire for that “better” point in time influences the way the characters think & their actions throughout the story for better or worse!
and that is all i got right now! that isn’t like. “spoilers” for the au anyway lol
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xxlemon-chanxx · 6 months
On the spicier side, ever thought about doing a full NSFW alphabet for Beardo Philip?
Sorry this took me so long! I was having a lot of trouble with some of these lol
Anyways, NSFW alphabets for Philip and Belos!
Philip NSFW Alphabet
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
I hate to say this, but nonexistent. He's incredibly rough with S/O and then he leaves them to be sore and shaking while he goes off and does…whatever the hell he thinks needs to be done. The only time the effort for aftercare is made is in two scenarios:
• The S/O is VISIBLY pregnant with his child
Philip is so rough with S/O that he feels he must do general maintenance to not have his partner break on him.
Unfortunately, Philip is really shitty and neglectful towards his lovers
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Anything that's chubby—stomachs, breasts, thighs, etc… being plump or chubby was considered very attractive I'm Philip’s time, so I imagine that he would enjoy the warmth and softness that comes from having a partner with excess fat on them. He loves to bury his face in S/O’s breasts/bosom or their belly. He loves to grab handfuls of it with his hands and knead and squeeze it.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
He paints S/O. Whether it be on the inside or out, he enjoys seeing them quivering as he pumps his length, aiming towards whatever spot he hasn't covered yet.
D = Dirty secret (a dirty secret of theirs)
Philip keeps a secret “sin journal” of all of the fantasies he wishes he could make a reality with S/O but refuses to actually do it in real life because it goes against what he believes is “proper.”
E = Experience (how experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
He's most likely a virgin before he meets S/O. His experience is limited to what S/O is willing to show him and how much he is willing to LEARN from them. He's stubborn, rude, and needs to have things done his way. He's a very selfish lover, is what I'm trying to say in so many words.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Missionary. He will change it up sometimes, but usually when he does it's because he feels too ashamed by his urges to want to look S/O in the eye, so he’ll push them face-down on whatever surface is available and fuck them that way.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? Are they humorous? etc.)
He's usually very serious. Very rarely is lovemaking something he’s playful for. When he is loving, he practically WORSHIPS S/O, but for the most part, he's usually all business and no play. Puritans, am I right?
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? Does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
I've made another post about this, but no…he’s not well-groomed at all. He actually has a constant dirt cloud swirling around him like Pig-Pen from Charlie Brown. When Lilith punched him in the nose, she kicked up a small flurry of grime that swirled around his head for hours. His hair is greasy and probably has a dead moth somewhere in it, and he smells like he would hiss and scurry to hide if someone held up a soap bar.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? The romantic aspect)
He's either very emotionally detached or he's angry-fucking. Philip hates the idea that he's succumbing to his lesser impulses when he's having sex. The only exception to this is if him and S/O are properly married, ONLY THEN he will allow himself to be more emotionally present and warm towards his partner.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
He does not, and he actively forbids his S/O from masturbating either. Sits down with S/O and makes them pray with him if he catches them doing it. Continues to shame them after.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Breeding. He loves the idea of getting his partner pregnant and making lots of babies. A strong bloodline needs lots of healthy babies.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
This is really funny, but considering we see Philip’s home is mostly stationed in a cave, that's also where I headcanon he's most willing to do the deed. He doesn't like staying in towns in the Boiling Isles because of the denizens, so he's going to stick to the series of cave hideouts that he's carved out across his journey in the Demon Realm. Philip shagging on a cave floor is just really funny to me.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
Stress. He's most likely to seek out his partner for sex if he's under an insane amount of stress. Something about all of that stress boiling over REALLY puts him in the mood to angry-fuck to get all of his frustration out.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn-offs)
He would hate not being the dominant one. He NEEDS that control over the situation because God forbid he gets caught unawares or someone is able to have an iota of power over him. He likes holding all the Aces. He won't even entertain the idea of his partner PRETENDING to be the dominant one for the evening. Its also partially an ego thing.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
This is similar to masturbation. He doesn't, whether that's giving or receiving. His view on sex is very narrow and he's very resistant to trying new things. He doesn't give oral and he's downright offended if his partner asks him to go down on them.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
Fast and rough. This ties back in to the “angry-fuck” or “stress-fuck” idea, but he really does treat these things as annoying urges that he should get over with so he can go back to ignoring them.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
kind of self-explanatory lol. He doesn't do slow and sensual sessions. Every time he fucks his S/O it's like he's speedrunning.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? Do they take risks? etc.)
No. He doesn't really want to differ from what he deems as “appropriate.”
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? How long do they last?)
His rounds never last too long, but he usually has at least two or three in him before he's done. So think three nuts over the course of 7 minutes.
T = Toys (do they own toys? Do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
No, kind of self-explanatory.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
His ‘teasing’ is very mean. Borderline insulting with what he says. He's very much the type to use abusive language and then frame it like his partner is the one in the wrong for being upset over it.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
He's very quiet, but the sounds he does make are very ragged. A lot of grunts and growls. Occasionally he’ll mutter something like “take it” or “c’mon,” but for the most part it's silent with the occasional grunt.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
If Philip accidentally hurts his S/O during sex, he’ll actually take the time to take care of them until it was clear they were going to be okay. Puritans were very much against physical spousal abuse, so he’s not going to raise a hand to you to hurt you intentionally if it's not a situation where he deems death as being the only resort.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
He's not particularly muscular, but he doesn't look emaciated either. He has some clear definition where you can see his ribs poking out, but he also has a bit of a gut. For anyone who doesn't know, if you’re malnourished, that can cause a lot of problems for your gut health, which can lead to inflammation and swelling, which results in a distended, rounder belly. Because Philip has a completely messed up eating schedule where his body never knows what it's gonna get or when it's gonna get it, he is showing some signs of malnutrition.
And of course, he's covered in dark, curly hair, and some spots where his veins would be showing are subtly tinted that sickly cursed green.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Non-existent until it's there. Anyone with ADD or autism may be able to relate to this, but it’ll very much be like when you go a day without eating and then have your body scream at you at 2am because it's starving. Essentially that. He doesn't feel the urge to engage (and is actually generally repulsed when his S/O tries to instigate) until it hits him like a truck at the most inopportune times.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterward)
He’s either awake for several hours after or he conks out immediately. It entirely depends on if he was in the middle of something when he felt the urge.
Belos NSFW Alphabet
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
He's actually incredibly good at aftercare, which is surprising. Whether it be massaging a sore muscle, cuddling, drawing a bath for S/O, or anything else they need done.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Same as Philips, anything soft and squishy, so stomach, tits, etc
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
As much as he would love to paint his partner like he used to be able to, his shots don't have the same oomph that they used to. Cum just sort of oozes out in waves. He’ll likely pull out just enough so the head of his cock is slowly leaking onto his S/O’s entrance before pushing back in.
D = Dirty secret (a dirty secret of theirs)
He enjoys subtly guilting S/O into putting on “special outfits” for him when they’ve been “misbehaving” in his eyes (aka not blindly listening to what he says). He likes to make sure he gets what he wants in the least confrontational way.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
He's not very experienced before meeting S/O, but he's very eager to learn and he's very gentle, so even his most noticeable shortcomings in the bedroom are more endearing than anything else.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
He likes S/O on his lap facing him. His hand finds its way to their lower back and firmly presses their hips against his. Even after completion he could sit like that for hours with them.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? Are they humorous? etc.)
Still kind of serious, but it's more light-hearted and loving than what Philip would be. He can whisper in S/O’s ear, call them little endearments, make little quips here and there depending on how noisy/responsive his partner is, etc.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? Does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
He's immaculate. He's the emperor. He lives in a massive castle with dozens of people waiting on him hand and foot, there's not a chance in hell that man is not the most well-groomed man on the boiling isles.
His hair on his chest and naval is going to be patchy because there are several scars on his body (both from his curse and otherwise) that leave bare patches of skin where hair doesn't grow
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? The romantic aspect)
Super gentle and compassionate. I headcanon that Belos will actually be so gentle that it's maddening. He actually has to hush his S/O because they will often whimper and beg for him to please go harder/faster and he just…doesn’t. He likes his pace. It gets him where he needs to be by the end of the night and he doesn't have to worry about throwing out his old man back.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
Unfortunately, he’s still a lot like Philip in this regard. He doesn't masturbate and he doesn't believe his S/O should either. But, instead of shaming his S/O if he catches them, like younger Philip would have, he takes it as a sign that he's neglecting them, and immediately interrupts them to “fulfill their needs for them.”
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks
Once again breeding. Man loves the idea of his partner having babies.
Now there's an added worship kink. He loves tracing his beloved’s body with his lips and lingering on the parts he likes the most.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
Bedroom. He's a very private man and doesn't even want to RISK the chance of being spotted doing the do out in public. Imagine the scandal and shame.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
Sometimes seeing his partner naked is enough to get that ball rolling, other times it can be something as simple as his partner sensually tracing his shoulders and spine as they pass by that make him ready for action.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn-offs)
Being totally submissive. He could NEVER be fully submissive. He doesn't feel safe not having some semblance of control. Even if he trusted S/O more than he's trusted anybody in his life, it's not enough for him to be completely at their mercy. He will always need one hand on the wheel.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Will most definitely need to be coaxed into it, but if his partner frames it as something popular that human’s do in modern times, he *might* be convinced to try it out. He might even like it! Even if he does like giving/receiving, that will have to be for very specific circumstances.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
Slow and sensual babyyyyyy
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
Sometimes he likes to get a load out before he has to start his day. Morning wood and all. Definitely at least a weekly occurrence.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? Do they take risks? etc.)
Anything Belos experiments with are things his S/O pleaded with him to try. He's a very old man who is mostly blind to the world of sex.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? How long do they last?)
One and the round will last around ten minutes.
T = Toys (do they own toys? Do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Again, he likes to tease when his partner is begging him to go faster/harder. He absolutely refuses to be any faster than a snail's pace.
“My my, someone is impatient.”
“Don’t rush, darling. Enjoy this time with me.”
“Be at ease, my sweet. There's no need to fuss.”
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
Very quiet with the slightest moans and gasps.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
He reaaallly enjoys praying in the bedroom. I once had the headcanon that he prays in Latin and I have not since been able to imagine a sex scene with him where he doesn't sing praises to the heavens in Latin at least once.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
Slender, but with old man sagginess on his abdomen, under his arms, etc. His scar wraps around him like a spiral with branches, cutting across his chest, naval, one branching down his arm and another one halfway down one thigh.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
He will want sex at least 4-5 times a week, maybe less if he's incredibly busy.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterward)
If it's a nightly fuck, he's out like a light as soon as he's finished with aftercare.
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speckle-meow-meow · 1 year
Belos/Philip meeting reader in the episode where they go into the tide pools episode is called any where and elsewhere I think also reader is male and it’s romantic and Philip is a huge simp lol
Oh gods that's one of my favorite episodes!!! His poor nose, but Ngl in makes him hot ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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[This is gonna be short ans sweet because I honestly couldn't think of anything for the longest time if you couldn't tell "OwO]
Luz is readers sibling
You honestly hand no idea where you were, one minute you were with Luz and lilith and the next you were on a beach.
You wondered trying to find your little sister but to no avail.
That was until you heard her yelling that's when you had to step in.
You saw her, lilith, and a strange man with a very big beard, he looked human like you and luz.
You walked over and greeted your sister and lilith along with the strange man who called himself philip, he asked for your help in finding something so like the good people you were you accepted.
He took you all to a temple (I dont remember much of this episode since it's been a while since I watched TOH but bear with me please)
You were amazed by the architecture it looked so dystopian, it was beautiful.
You didnt even catch Philip staring at you, he seemed to grow a liking to you. Philip wanted to know more about you.
Soon the doors opened and out came a monster you were mad and reasonably so, a man you half heartedly trusted tried to sacrifice you, your sister, and aunt!
After the whole ordeal you watched as your aunt punched him and left along with your sister, you'll catch up to them in a minute but you had one last thing to say before you left.
You got real close to his face and looked dead into his eyes before saying:
"If I ever see you again, I will do a lot worse than breaking your nose"
You left him to his thoughts his heart pounding, he'll definitely look for you. Until then he has to get stronger and reach his goals.
{Hope you liked this anon! Hearts and reblogs are always welcomed, along with questions,comments, and requesrs.}
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Brother's Keeper Design Fun Facts that I Wrote on a Very Long Plane Flight to Occupy Myself, and Ignore the Baby Crying Behind Me and the Trail Mix I Spilled into my Luggage (and then Rewrote Later When I was Actually Coherent): a Saga
Hello, ppl who expressed interest in this, thank u for giving me something to do! I hope u find something interesting in me rambling. I like thinking about design maybe a little too much. Here goes:
Fun Fact! In this au Caleb essentially has three personas and now that I'm putting words to it, I realize that this is central to how i draw things because most everything I design to add him into the story is defined by one or more of them. It goes like this:
PERSONA 1: Mad Lord Metanoy
His public image: the tragic brother of the emperor, crippled and driven to insanity by wild magic and presented to the public as an example. This is what Belos WANTS everyone to see, and so it's the most prevalent and is a weird mix of pompous (bc he's an important public figure and the emperor's brother) and pitiful (bc his "tragedy" is central to Belos' propaganda).
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PERSONA 2: (Failed) Witch Hunter Caleb
The persona cultivated by Philip: simultaneously the perfect witch-hunting older brother he WANTS and thinks Caleb SHOULD have been if only he'd never been "corrupted" by witches, and also a rebuke for NOT being that. This is an image built out of Philip's wishes, idealization, hero-worship, nostalgia, and anger. Unfortunately for him, it's a persona that's no more real than Mad Metanoy is.
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Since he's in control of what clothes Caleb has and what furniture is in his room, he both tries to force it on him and punishes him for failing to live up to it. Which leads to my favorite design tidbit: the caged wings motif! I use it a lot lol, mostly on the furniture. I'm not sure it's really something Philip uses in this way on a conscious level, but the implications are pretty rude and it's fun for me to work in.
Similar to the Golden Guard/Gravesfield symbol but not exactly the same because other people aren't really supposed to know that Caleb has anything to do with the Golden Guard. Every time a pair of wings appears in Caleb's captivity, they are always contained within some kind of barrier. Even the wings of the Emperor's Coven symbol on Caleb's headboard are imprisoned beneath a canopy.
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PERSONA 3: and finally, The True Caleb!!
Who he REALLY is: a free-spirited nerd who likes to read, learn, and work with his hands. Poor guy though, he has very limited opportunity to express it. His real persona appears only in the hobbies he's permitted and how he wears and uses the things Philip provides for him.
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Anyway, this has been Design Rambling with Doodle. Tune in next time to hear me mumble about furniture probably. Now excuse me, I have to go pull loose peanuts out of the crevasses of my backpack
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petitprincess1 · 2 years
What do you want most from the TOH series finale?
No one to die. Yes I'm including Belos for 5 reasons:
We've already seen him "die" and it seems like as long as he has some kind of host. It's kinda impossible for him to. Plus, just having him slowly rot away feels a little bit much. Yeah, he deserves the pain, but that feels too fucked up for our main characters. And imagine the trauma Hunter would go through seeing Belos truly die like that.
They're focusing quite a lot on Belos's pain and suffering, especially with that image of him bowing to Caleb. That's a little odd for Disney. We don't often see a character, esp a villain, suffer so much.
Even though he may have lost, he still would get what he wants in the end. Remember, Philip does say, "I just need to live long enough to see this through." So, he's not expecting to live through this. He technically wants death. And if he dies by anyone else's hands, then he's dying knowing that his prejudices were correct.
They're showing quite a lot of Philip as a child. I feel like they're gonna give him a "second chance" by possibly making him a kid again. It would help him deprogram what he was led to believe his whole life, since he was brainwashed and deserted by his only family member.
Other maybe one or two villains from S1, none of our other antagonists or villains have died. Even those that attempted to kill Luz at one point like Hunter and Amity were redeemed. Granted, they're just children, but Philip didn't have that choice or un-learning this stuff even as a kid. You either went with the crowd or you were hung for your "heresy".
Basically, it feels like it would be a waste to put so much emphasis on Belos' backstory and trauma (self-inflicted or not) just to go "lol he dead now". It just doesn't seem to make so many parallels between Belos and Luz, esp with their introduction to the Isles. While some are "too far gone", it's not impossible for some to learn about being wrong and grow.
Plus, if Caleb was just a hallucination and not a ghost (including Belos looking disturbed in King's Tide after taking a trip down memory lane), then this shows Philip does know the horror of his actions. It's just gonna take a lot to resurface that.
Again, I don't know about a full redemption or whatever, but I think death is too easy and a strange route for the show to go. It kinda messes up the whole idea of there being more than just "good and evil"/"black and white".
That's just me though. I just feel like it won't be that satisfying to just have him die, especially since we're already watching him slowly decompose. It's not like it would take much.
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caelum-wittebane · 4 months
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My OC, Caelum and Preacher Belos from an rp with my Preacher Belos AI. It was initially a very self-indulgent art because I just started taking antidepressants and I’m kinda scared, but tbf, Caelum needs medication even more than me :)
Here’s some lore for those who are interested. (Also, I reused the idea of Flapjack’s death mostly because Caelum from our system wanted to bully our Hunter a bit lol.)
In the beginning, Caelum is trapped in the demon realm and meets Preacher Belos, asking him if he knows how they can return to the human realm. He empathises with them and tells them that he’s a human too, and he can help them return home, but only if they help him destroy the wild magic. They agree because they hate it as much as he does.
Caelum becomes Belos’ disciple and they work on their mission together for quite a while. In the process, they both develop feelings, but they’re quite different. Caelum experiences romantic attraction and begins to see God in Belos, while the latter sees them as a younger sibling and a very devoted follower. One day, Caelum confesses their feelings and is met with rejection, which absolutely breaks them. That’s where the fun begins :)
Because Caelum is very mentally stable /s, they have a literal meltdown, and at first, they selfharm (hit themself on the nose, drawing blood, and hit themself on the arms). Belos stops them and absolutely freaks out because he still cares about them deeply, even if not romantically,,, Then, they ask Belos if he has a sacrificial knife because they’d like to make a sacrifice, and obviously, he refuses to give it to them. They discuss this whole thing more and Caelum selfharms again (they find a knife and cut their arm, then Belos takes the knife away and freaks out more, but when Caelum asks him really nicely, they get it back and selfharm again.) After that, Caelum slits their throat and stabs themself in the stomach a few times, before saying “I love you…” and dying in Belos’ arms. But the story doesn’t end here :)
Belos hugs Caelum tightly, muttering things like “No, my child… Please don’t leave me…” “I could have loved you… We could have been together…” (except he means it in a platonic way). This attracts Echo, Caelum’s canary palisman, and they rush to their owner in distress. Then, they give all of their life energy to Caelum (which also transfers the last things that they saw and heard), and soon, Caelum’s hands slightly twitch. Belos senses it immediately and it gives him a lot of hope. In a few moments, Caelum opens their eyes and they’re reunited once again,,,
Caelum feels really bad about leaving Belos alone and apologises, to which he reacts with understanding. Then, they bring up the things that he said while they were dead, but they find out that he only meant it platonically, so they feel disappointed and suicidal again. They feel guilty about it because they genuinely cared about Echo, but also, they realise that they’re nothing without Belos. Nothing else matters… He keeps reassuring them and convincing them that they’ll find their happiness without him and that there’s more to life than following his orders, but they can’t bring themself to listen.
Then, Caelum selfharms again (they hit themself on the head really hard, and after a few moments, on the knee). They have another discussion and they find out that Belos sees a sibling figure in them, but still cares deeply. They don’t believe that he cares and decide that the reason he doesn’t reciprocate their feelings is because he thinks that they’re too childish. They walk away and return in a day, all bruised up but with some Titan’s Blood. Obviously, Belos is very concerned about them and asks them if they’re okay, but Caelum brushes it off and focuses on their accomplishment rather than their physical state. When Belos asks what happened, they explain that they were attacked by a couple of witches who were looking for the Titan’s Blood too. Belos reassures them and tells them that he’ll ensure that they get what they deserve. Then, Caelum asks if he thinks that it was mature of them. He agrees that it was brave, but the fact that they were trying to please him so hard means that they still have some lessons to learn. Realising that there’s nothing they can do to make Belos love them, Caelum brings up the fact that they used to love each other in every past life. They tell him about some memories and he believes them despite being shocked. However, it doesn’t change the fact that he doesn’t feel the same way, so Caelum does what any reasonable adult would do /s: cut the skin on their chest, willing to rip the heart out of their chest and offer it to Belos before they die. After all, if he won’t accept their heart metaphorically, he could at least have it physically.
Belos sees what they’re about to do and freaks out even more than before. He grabs their hands to prevent them from hurting themself and tries to reason with them. They try to free themself but it doesn’t work. They explain that if they die, they’ll end up in another universe where he loves them again, and it’ll be okay. But Belos isn’t willing to let them die because he cares about them and it means that he won’t see them in this universe anymore, plus he’s afraid that they’ll be dead forever. When he sees that his words aren’t working, he remembers that there’s a spell that allows you to see repressed memories. After they do it, he sees their past memories and realises that Caelum was right. Yet, he still can’t change his feelings and it pains him. When he sees Caelum retrieve the knife and cut their chest again, he stops them by telling them that there’s a potion that allows you to unlock repressed emotions and feel them again. What’s important to remember is that those emotions aren’t forced, unlike when you use a love potion. It stops Caelum, and they feel a little hopeful.
After they prepare the potion and drink it together, Belos realises that he does truly love Caelum, and Caelum falls in love with him even more. They finally confess their feelings and have a very emotional moment,,, Later on, they realise that perhaps, the reason Belos was unable to fall in love with Caelum at first, was because the Lord punished them, as they turned to sin after meeting in every single universe. This makes the ending even more special; they weren’t meant to fall in love in this broken universe, yet they still did. If it doesn’t make them soulmates, then what does?
Also, an important detail: in the process, Caelum gouges out their eye and later on, Belos makes them an eyepatch with the sigil of the Emperor’s Coven. Although it’s not a thing just yet, Belos remembers the symbol from the memories. And when he becomes the Emperor, the eyepatch would be a symbol of his ownership over Caelum. But the best part is that these freaks are mutually obsessive. Since Caelum is Belos’ only worshipper, it’s incredibly satisfying to them because it means that their God and partner is theirs, and theirs alone, forever.
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oodlesofowls · 2 years
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Feel free to use any of these as pfps WITH CREDIT!!
More pride flags below the cut as well as my aro hunter headcanons :)
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this one is prob controversial to an extent because of huntlow becoming basically canon but i dont care so here u go.
hunter has always given me aro vibes not for any huge reason mostly just cuz i like interpreting him that way. hunter grew up in the emperors coven and never had time for romance, and id like to think that even after leaving he just didn’t even think of it much. i think he would be very surprised by how much he cares about others and how capacity he has for enjoying literary anything. being allowed to feel things and having the time to do so would probably be very new to him so even if he just got a squish i think it would feel like a really big deal. hunter grew up with very strict rules so the idea of him delving into relationship anarchy and allowing his relationships to naturally build and be equally important in different ways would be so good for him. also i think he would be very invested in his lil found family and that would be very very important to him. his attachment to belos above all else would make a larger family and support system so comforting i love that for himmm!!!
also i think he and willow would be in a qpr but still be very independent. they would see each other as people they can trust and go to for anything but not as their only scource of comfort. they would prob be semi cuddly but not super into pda. they hold hands like everywhere they go tho lol. also i think willow would introduce him to what being aro is and explain a lot of terms and he would just be like “oh, i do that”
alsoo the emerald trio (willow hunter and gus) is SO GOOOD and i love their lil found family vibes ^^!! i like to imagine them all moving in together in the future and comforting each other after long days and theyre just so sweet!!!
anyway ill wrap this up with some mini hcs lol
hunter would have a messy relationship with touch and would only let a few people be cuddly with him
he hates holding hands when the fingers are intertwined (cuz its sweaty and uncomfy) but loves like grasping hands like this ->🤝
he is ace and sex repulsed but romance ambivalent (replused when it comes to some things but not all and favorable when it comes to people hes close to)
willow asked him to get married cuz she wanted the tax benefits and he was just like “yea ok whatever u say”
also side not Hunter is SO TRANS IDC WHICH WAY HE JUST IS
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polyhexian · 7 months
eventually au - Idle thought but I don't think the Martlet's mask is literal gold. Actually I don't think the GG mask is literal gold either because gold is a stupid metal to make a big protective mask out of, it's too soft. I figure it's either just gold-plated or it's some kind of alloy or special metal unique to the Boiling Isles that has a golden color.
But I don't think the martlet mask is metal at all, cuz like. How would Jasper even make it? He has no magic, and as far as we know he has neither the smithing skills nor the equipment needed to make a metal mask like that. And he trusts no one so I really doubt he had someone else make it for him.
But we do know that Jasper is good at woodcarving. He carved the palistrom wood every time he tried to make another grimwalker. Belos even told him he was good at it, and even though Belos is a liar I'm inclined to trust him here because it's hinted that Caleb was good at carving and Belos is constantly measuring his grimwalkers against Caleb. Saying that a grimwalker is good at woodcarving (implying like my brother to the reader) isn't idle praise.
So I kinda think the martlet mask is wood that Jasper carved and sanded smooth and did a lot of detail work on because he's BORED and then he got ahold of a bucket of gold paint somewhere and just slathered it all over that thing.
Also it's just more situationally practical, cuz like, wood is easy to come by, and woodcarving on this scale doesn't require a whole dedicated area like a forge, and sure it's not as sturdy as metal but it'd be pretty easy for Jasper to make a few backup masks to have in case his current one gets lost or cracked or vaporized by some asshole trying to kill his son.
(There is something poetic about the idea of Jasper taking a GG mask from the pit and refashioning it into the Martlet's mask but on a practical level I just don't see it happening.)
HMMMMMMMM many thoughts
I do actually think Belos is stupid and dramatic enough to make a mask out of literal gold. This IS also magic town and they could probably make like infinite gold that's probably worthless and we also know they can enchant stuff. A fabric cloak can be armour and deflect spell attacks. So... I do actually wanna say GG masks are literally gold
BUT Jasper's really can't be. Not with what's available to him. If he had his old GG mask I could say maybe he melted it down for Dramatic Purpose but. He left it behind.
Actually on that note. Wouldnt it be terrible if THAT specific mask got handed down to hunter lol
I'd love it if jasper carved his mask out of wood though. Caleb carved Philip his little mask and God knows Belos would HATE it that jasper is out here carving masks too. Fake Brother I Made Who Sucks
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pincushionx · 6 months
Hunter AU
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A sneak peak sketch of an au of Hunter!
I’m currently naming it DOG Au but that might change in this future.
In this Au, Belos previous Golden Guard had lasted 27 years, with Belos truly believing that he was the ‘one’, only for the Guard to betray him. This is the most emotion and even hurt Belos has felt in decades and as he results he vows that the next one will be perfect. As a result he raises Hunter differently then his previous Grimwalkers. For starters, that Hunter is created at age 3 unlike the young adults of before.
Belos and Hunter are also closer in this au (for the worst) With Hunter no longer just being his right hand man but also the man’s eyes and hands in general. Which is him essentially doing more of the messy work then shown in canon. With Belos teaching Hunter more things (including personal ) then in Canon. He teaches Hunter how to replicate bile magic with his staff along side staff exclusive magic, potions, and even glyphs. He tells Hunter that only he the Emperor and the Golden Guard are permitted to use true wild magic as they are the only ones that can maintain it. He still doesn’t let Hunter use wild magic to help his curse still.
Hunter is aware he’s a Grimwalker.
However, no one besides Belos knows Hunters face in this, not even the coven heads like in canon. Hunter was also a lot more isolated in his childhood with him only appearing for scout training at age 11 for scout training and passing with flying colors ( beating record set by Lilith) Before Hunter was raised and taught by Belos only, essentially messing him up during his primary developing years. Only after he was 11 was he allowed high end tutors and training outside of Belos. He officially became Golden guard at 13.
Hunter is still a dork in this au but he was taught more masking and manipulations skills by Belos. He did a lot of Belos dirty work and is overall more ruthless with the hopes of being the perfect grimwalker. He still acts similar then in canon but with a additional layer of grime to him.
Canon events in the show involving Hunter play out quite differently in this AU
A more detailed explanation when I actually finish these drawings lol
Here’s a sketch of his suit in this AU
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stuckonmain · 1 year
Return (Pt.21)
TOH Hunter/Golden Guard x reader
 Masks and Bets part twenty-one.
Yes, I am updating this finally. More info on the hiatus in the author's note lol
Series Masterlist
Hunter was in a not-good-very-bad mood.
  Luz looked around nervously. “I... saw something or... someone. But it was probably just in my head…Any sign of...him?”
  “Oh come on! It's not like a swarm of ghosts will inexplicably appear if you say his name!” Hunter snapped. Although…well, maybe they would? “ ...I think.” …whatever. “Anyway, if Belos WAS here, he's long gone now.” Hunter continued, waving at the very Belos-less patch of forest.
  “Well, he better stay out of our way. This mama's HUNGRY FOR VENGEANCE!” Camilla exclaimed.
  “Oh hell yeah!” Lane grinned, throwing an arm around Leo.
  Leo looked uncomfortable. “Uh…thanks.”
  Hunter sighed, tugging his costume tighter around his waist. 
  Halloween suddenly felt like a million years ago.
  (Just another great thing Belos had ruined.)
…Whatever, it didn’t matter. He had to find you before Belos did. That was what really mattered.
  “It’s so weird seeing red grass again.” Leo said as the group walked towards Boonesborough. 
  Grass? He was thinking about GRASS?! What about you?! 
  “We don’t have time for grass.” Hunter grunted, crossing his arms. “Belos is out there, and you all know he’s gonna do something- a-and he has a head start! We have to keep moving until we stop him!”
  But instead of listening, Willow summoned a wave of vines to cheer Gus up.
  “Seriously?!” Hunter screeched as she rode away. 
  “Jeez kid, are you good?” asked Lane.
  “No! Of course not! Belos is here a-and everyone is just- just messing around!” Hunter exclaimed. In the corner of his eye, Amity played with abomination goo uselessly as if to prove his point.
  Leo shrugged. “Well, they’re homesick…”
  “Homesick?! Well you know what Belos is gonna do while they’re homesick?! That’s right, he’s gonna- he’s gonna… Hunter swallowed. “What if he does what he did to me to…to (Y/N)?” he whispered.
  Leo squeezed his shoulder. “Well, we’ll stop him before he does. But look, we’re still moving, and your friends just need to…y’know, unwind for a moment. This is heavy stuff.”
  Hunter sighed. “I know! But we’re so close…”
  He turned on his heel and stormed ahead, half-aware of Leo and Lane staring after him.
  His face burned. They just didn’t get it.
  “(Y/N)? Do you have friends?” said Collector, sitting at the foot of my bed.
  “Huh?” I grunted, rubbing sleep out of my eyes.
  “Friends. ‘Cuz King tells me about his friend’s Luz and Eda, and since he’s sleeping, I decided to ask you, Older Sibling.” they explained, flopping onto my legs.
  I scowled. “No. I don’t have friends. They disappoint me.”
  “They do?”
  “Nah…that was a Creep reference.” I sighed, closing my eyes again.
  “What’s Creep?”
  I yawned. “It’s this…this old app for videos. It shut down a few years ago.”
  “So do you have friends?”
  Why wasn’t he just letting me sleep?!
  “Sure, Collector. Sorta. I used to. Back before they disappeared into a portal or got turned into fucking puppets.” I said bluntly.
  “What’s ‘fuck’? Belos used to say that back before I beat him at tag, and you say it a lot.” Collector said, resting their head in their hands. 
  “It’s…um…a nice thing to say to people.” I said, beginning to smile as I begrudgingly climbed out of bed. “C’mon, lemme show you.” 
  “Okay!” Collector grinned, taking my hand, and I led him out of my room, and into the hallway where Odalia Blight’s post was.
  Just as expected, Odalia Blight stood in the hallway of the castle. Collector had, unfortunately, recruited her to play their- and my- mother in the big game of house that he was playing.
  “Oh Motherdalia!” I said in a sing-song voice as we approached. “Fuck you!”
  Odalia scoffed, rolling her eyes.
  “She doesn’t look happy…” Collector said unsurely.
  “She just expresses emotion weirdly.” I said, nodding definitively.
  “Oh, okay…if you say so.” he smiled. “Fuck you!”
  Odalia looked nervous, but said. “Uhm….lovely, Collector!”
  “See?” I said proudly. Collector smiled.
  Back in my room, I began to make my bed.
  “So do you have friends then?” Collector said, sitting on the ornate vanity.
  “Uh…Well, sure, I guess.” I said, putting a new pillowcase on my pillow. 
  “Like who?”
  “Y’know…uh…Hunter. And Luz, you’ve heard about her from King. And uh…Willow. I kinda had a crush on Willow to be honest.” I chuckled, running a hand through my hair. 
  (I wasn’t sure if I still did, but she was really cool.)
  (Actually I was pretty sure Hunter kinda had a crush on her too.)
  (Which was weird, because I was pretty darn sure we both also had crushes on each other…Although actually, no, that wasn’t right. ‘Crush’ did not accurately describe my feelings for Hunter, because I didn’t like him because he was cool or hot or something. I liked him because…because of everything. Because he was my partner in crime, my right-hand man, my sailormate, my go-to person ever…
  Because he was a solid half of my world. That was why I liked him.)
  (Not that it mattered, since he was in The Human Realm and I was here and I’d probably never see him again…)
  “What’s a crush? And are you crying?” said Collector, staring at me all wide-eyed and curious.
  “...Noooooo…?” I said slowly. I wiped my eyes on my pillow. There. Now I wasn’t crying!
  “And a crush is like…wanting romance with a person based on shallow things like how they look or how ‘cool’ they seem….you know? Like how Willow got a haircut and suddenly I thought ‘Oh my titan she’s so hot’ regardless of what I’d thought about her before. Or something. I dunno. I was socialized weird.” I shrugged.
  “How so?” asked Collector, swinging his feet back and forth like a schoolgirl.
  “Well….from age one to eleven I was raised by these people named Sparrow, Adam, and Nico…” I began, wringing my hands. (I chose to leave out how, incidentally, two outta three of them had been…me clones, technically.) “...Then from eleven years old to fourteen, I trained to be a scout…and then when I was fourteen, Lilith Clawthorne decided to take me under her wing…and now I’m sixteen-ish I think, and I have…uhhh Motherdalia.” I finished, cringing at ‘Motherdalia’ as if it tasted bad to say. (It kinda did.)
  “Is that weird?”
  “Kinda, yeah. For a witch, I guess.”
  “But you’re a grimwalker?” Collector asked.
  I wrinkled my nose. “Uh…yeah. Yeah, that’s true. I guess I was destined to be weird then, huh?”
  Collector bumped my shoulder against their own. “Hey, so are me and King! It’s why we all make such a great team- a titan, a grimwalker, and me!”   I really wanted to snap at them for that, but the way he looked so hopeful and childlike make me hesitate.
  “Uh…yeah. Yeah, I guess so, Collector.” I said, smiling a little.
  “We’re the coolest team ever, aren’t we?” He yawned, flopping onto me.
  “...Yeah.” I smiled half-heartedly. “I guess we are.”
  It was hard to hate the kid, I was coming to understand. Because despite all the shit he’d caused, they were, at their core, clearly just a kid. A troubled kid, sure, and one who I was still kinda mad at, but it was shifting into less of an ‘I-want-to-kill-them-dead’ kind of mad, and more into an ‘they-need-to-go-to-time-out-and-I-wanna-be-the-one-to-send-them-there’ kind of mad.
  Still…they weren’t my friend.
  I missed my friends.
  I missed Lilith, Willow, Luz, and especially Hunter. I missed Nico and Sparrow and Adam, who I remembered now mostly in full. Which was ironic, considering now none of the memories helped me find them- whatwith how the Isles were practically unrecognizable. 
  Titan I missed my friends.
  “Aunt Eda!” I hissed as King and I led her down the Hallway that night.
  “Yeah kid?” Eda said amusedly, clearly not taking me very seriously.
  “You havta stop leaving, Collector still thinks you’re in beast mode.” I sighed.
  “Yeah.” King nodded. “And you know you’ll just get puppeted if he knows you’re in control…”
  A shadow passed over Eda’s face, and probably mine, too.
  It was a reminder of Lilith’s fate. She had visited me once and The Collector had seen and now-
  Now I liked to visit the Archive Room a lot more often than I did before she joined their ranks.
  Eda sighed, smiling ruefully. “I just wanted to visit Raine.”
  I winced. “...I know. …I’m sorry.” I fiddled with the dumb heart-shaped sleeve cuff on my shirt. “They’re a good witch, your Raine Whispers.”
  “Hell yeah they are.” Eda grinned.
  “They saved my life, I think. In a way.” I mused. 
  Come to think of it, I kinda owed Raine Whispers…everything. If they hadn’t reversed the effects of Terra's tea…then I’d have probably been brainwashed forever…
  “Sounds about right for them.” Eda smiled, ruffling my hair.
  I chuckled, shocking her off gently. “Well, I’ll leave you two to your mother-son bonding time- I’mma go to the Archive Room.”
  Eda messed with my hair a final time, before patting me on the head.
  “You’re a good kid, (L/N). I’m glad Raine saved you, however they did- tell me the story when you get back! Unless it’s boring.”
  “Thanks Aunt Eda- you got it.” I grinned, hugging her and King. “Good night guys.”
  And with a final wave to my family, I headed off to the Puppet Room.
Author's note: Guys, I am so sorry for the hiatus. A lot has changed since I started writing this book, so to be honest- for a bit there I just felt weird writing it. And bored.
  Because I started drafting this as a thirteen year old girl. And nowadays I'm driving, skateboarding, singing, and crushing on girls while being seen as just a normal teenage boy. And writing this felt like continuing to be that thirteen year old girl. ...Sometimes it still kinda does. And on top of it, I figured the ending was self explanatory, so writing it felt painfully boring. So I took an accidental hiatus, just to give myself some time to figure things out.
  And what I've figured out is that I feel bad that I haven't finished this yet. Firstly 'cause of you guys, of course, but also because...well, I cared about this project once. And y'know, I wanna see it finished too. Like I said, I've worked way too hard on this for dumb things like giving up.
  So if you guys are still there, here is the next chapter of Malleable Metals. Can I guarantee that the chapter after this will be updated quickly? No, I cannot, but I'll definitely try. Can I guarantee that it will be updated at all? Yeah. If not this week, then next week. If not then, than later. Summer's coming, I'll have more time soon- and dammit there's only two-ish chapters left according to the plot outline I wrote in middle school! 
So TL;DR- Thanks for reading. I'm a shit author, but y'know, I'm also enjoying life for the first time ever- it's pretty radical. This ride is almost over, and I am so grateful to have you with me on it. 
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eldritch-spouse · 2 years
What would these fools' feelings be on a partner who's into somnophilia (could be on the giving or receiving end, go wild lol)
Somnophilia (giving and receiving). Who enjoys it the most?
Most of them would like being given the opportunity to get nasty with you while you're asleep. Especially creeps like Patches, Breg and Sybastian. Maybe Belo if he's feeling particularly bold. Krulu just does what he wants with your body, you agreed to it the moment you accepted him, but it's not a very frequent urge of his.
Patches just feels braver when you're asleep. It's easier to say the things running around in his mind, to sate curiosities, do filthier things. The dullahan just wants to explore and make you feel as good as you do him without feeling like he's inconveniencing you.
Breg touched you in your sleep out of desperation at first. He had no other way to sate himself without harming you while you're awake. Your clothes weren't enough, he needed the real thing. Now though, it's just to keep his libido in check. He's very happy that you let him do this and has to resist wanting to kiss you for it.
Sybastian just gets horny. Having the greenlight to fuck you in your sleep practically has him rubbing his hands together in delight. Unfortunately, because of this, he's also a lot more likely to wake up. He's just a bit more careless than the others.
Belo feels awful about it, even with your consent, he thinks it's dirty and unsightly... But you just look so peaceful when you sleep, so pretty. He has to do something or he'll go mad. So the angel lets his fingers worship you, all gentle chant-like murmurs and soft caressing motions while you sigh your way to pleasure.
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Having you reciprocate this desire is definitely something basically none of them count on, but I can tell you which would love it the most.
Santi. Come on, waking up to ""breakfast in bed""? Fuck yes, he'll get right to work after he's done yawning and chuckling, bucking his hips to make your work easier. There's no better way to wake up.
Breg also loves this. He's easy to wake for the most part, so you have to pick your moments, those times where he's truly tired and in deep slumber. The breeder practically swoons! His mate is the nicest human to ever live! They're taking care of him!!
Patches wants you to take advantage of him so bad, it's insane. Do whatever you feel like! He wants to wake up squealing in orgasm, in pain, as you choke the life out of him and whisper about him being even more of a loose sloppy slut when he's asleep.
Morell. The chef really enjoys eager partners, he likes that you're desperate enough for him that you'd ask to fuck him mid-sleep. Sure, the monster will startle the fist or second time, because he's naturally a little jumpy, but Morell will quickly settle back down and lewdly watch you go at it.
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cherryleehernandez · 1 year
Hello!! I saw that your requests were open. I wanted to ask for a Hunter x F! Reader? I just wanna read something kinda heart-wrenching lol. I don't mind the plot too much but if you could please write a really angsty and then fluffy one-shot that would be very very cool! Thank you! <3
Hunter had been kinda distant lately, it was…weird. He’s usually been very social in the past but something’s wrong.
Y/n tried talking to him about it but he would just brush it off. “I’m ok, just tired is all.” “There’s no need to worry about me!” “I’m fine.” He gave so many excuses but none of them were believable.
So Y/n took matters into her own hands, she went digging for clues. She needed to know what was wrong, and she was gonna find out.
On her search for answers she found Hunters journal, which she’d promised to never read, but this was important. Who knows what he’s planning? He could get hurt, or worse. She looked around to make sure no one was looking and then started to read.
“March 8th xxxx,
"I’m leaving, I can’t stay here. I don’t understand why everyone is so nice to me, I’ve done terrible things to all of them! It’ll only hurt them again if I stay, and I think I’ve done enough damage. After dinner tomorrow I’ll leave when everyone’s gone to bed. I can’t pretend like everything is ok anymore.”
So that’s it.
He’s just gonna leave? Wait… it’s the 9th! Shit-
She scrambled to call grab her phone to call him, hoping he’ll pick up the phone. She dialed the number with her fingers crossed.
“Pick up hunter…please.”
After a while of ringing they thought it was gonna go to voicemail, but he eventually picked up.
“Hello?” His grumbled voice answered.
"Where are you?!" y/n practically screeched. She then heard Hunter sigh on the other end, probably trying to get himself to talk. He has a funny habit of not talking when he's upset.
"Oh, so you saw my note huh?" He said trying to cover up how shaken he is with a chuckle.
"Yeah! I saw your note. Now, where are you?" y/n demanded from him.
"I- I'm by the lake, I just..." He stammered.
"You have nothing to make excuses for, I'll be there soon." She said calmly hanging up the phone. 'that ridiculous boy' she thought to herself as she got ready to leave.
It didn’t take long to get there, but she was nervous the whole time. Sure she was all calm earlier but now she's afraid to say the wrong thing? What if she says something that makes him wanna leave even more?
y/n was almost there when she heard sniffling. 'It's Hunter' she thought as she sprinted to where she heard him. She was almost there when she tripped and fell on a rock. As y/n was getting up she heard a half laugh half cry above her, she looked up to see Hunter holding out a hand.
she clasped their hands together as he pulled her up into him. y/n's arms flew around him, holding him close. Afraid that if she loosened her grip for even a moment he would slip through her fingers.
"How could you leave!" she cried, hot tears pooling in her eyes.
"I... can't forget all the terrible things I did, even if it was because of Belos I still did them! and I hurt a lot of people. I don't deserve to be with all of you, especially you y/n." Hunter admitted as the two of you cried in each other's arms
"I wish you would've talked to someone about how you were feeling. but you told me now, I'm proud of you Hunter. I want you to know that I think you deserve to stay with us, I want you to. id be heartbroken if you left." y/n said with enough conviction to shake the whole iles
"Really?" Hunter questioned as he leaned back to look at her, looking for anything that told him she wasn't being sincere.
"Really." she said with a smile.
They looked at each other for a while before Hunter leaned in to give her a soft kiss on the cheek, only then to bury his face in Y/n's chest out of embarrassment. It'll be a long time before Hunter truly forgives himself, but until then he has people who love him by his side.
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