#if it werent for you she'd be slightly more normal
pblumpkins · 1 year
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Tao took her to see Ride the Cyclone now she thinks she's Jane lord help us all
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wombatfan · 11 months
Alucard Tepes X fem!bodied reader
Warnings: smut ig (tell me if there's more). I'm not a native speaker so don't judge me pls.
In this scenario Sumi & Taka just don't exist.
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"Hello, Dear", she said with a cheeky grin, leaning against the doorframe of his office. He raised his head as fast as he could. Never even in a thousand of years he could've forgotten this wonderful voice and the person it belongs to: Yn. His childhood bestfriend and first (and only) love. She was from Germany and she often came to visit the Castle at the time his mother was still alive. Her parents also were important vampires and very good friends with Dracula. In not even a second he stood right in front of her, squeezing the air out of her lungs, keeping her from breathing - if she actually had to breathe. "My Love, I missed you so much. I cant even express it in words", He wispered into her ear. She shuddered slightly when his cold breath hit her even colder skin. "Then why not show it with actions? ", she suggested, a light shining in her eyes. As soon as the words had left her mouth, his lips already were on hers. It was a hot kiss, filled with lust and desire - Nothing like the kisses they shared in the past. She tasted like the sweetest cherries.
He could feel her her Arms wrap around his neck to pull him closer - If that's even possible. When she did this Alucard promtly shoved his Arms under her kneepits so he was able to hold her in bridal style and rushed to his bedroom. Within seconds Yn was nearly undressed, only her red bra and panties were staying on. He - still fully clothed- was leaning right above her, spreading wet kisses from her ear, to her throat, her collarbone and finally to her lacy bra.
He had waited long enough. He wanted to hear her, see her, touch her. So when his long thin fingers werent able to find the lock of the red fabric, he just ripped it of. One normal occasioms she'd have been annoyed but her patience also wouldn't las much longer. "Adrian", she wimpered when his soft lips sucked and bit her brest. "Pleased touch me. Please" "But I am touching you, Darling", he said with a smug grin. She slapped him playfully and so on he gave her exactly what she wanted. He pulled down her underwear and slowly put two of his fingers Into her glistening cunt. Her back arched because of his movements inside her. Moans and swearwords left her mout like nothing. "Fuck, Adrian!" "Adrian!".
After some time he took up pace and his fingers fucked her better than she could ever have done it herself. Then he did put two more fingers inside and she practically screamed Alucards name. Yn felt the knot in her stomach losen with one last thrust of his fingers, her juices runnimg down her thighs. "Oh, dear, what a mess you made", alucard said, acting anooyded. "Asshole", yn whispered. As soon as the word had left her mout, she had already wrapped her legs around his hips and had him turned on his back. In no time he was also undressed and she slowly sank down on his big cock. Her hands swiped over the angry red scar his father left on him. A long time passed as she was kissing and cheering his scar when she finally decided to move. Now, as she guided herself up and down on his dick it was Alucards time to moan. "Yn my dear, you feel so good"
After some minutes her legs already began to shake so he grabbed her by her waist to guide her himself. He lifted her off his cock, just to slam it into her again. Her back arched again and her titts were swinging deliciously in front of his face. So he brought his lips closer to suck on them again, leaving bruised that won't make it possible to wear revealing dresses the next few days. She started feeling the knot in her stomach building up again and she knew she was near. But in exactly that moment Alucard decided to stop. She was close to saying something about how much of a drag he was but then he turned her around so he was on top now. With inhumanly speed he was fucking her now. Her legs were wrapped around his wais to prevent him from fucking her completely into the mattress. She felt the know in her gut tighten even more as his cock twitched inside her pussy when he released his load inside of her. That feeling brought YN over the edge as well. For a moment or two only heavy breathing filled the room until he decided to pull out. He let himself fall on his back right next to her, turned his head just to stare right into her beautiful, sleepy eyes. "I missed you so much, Adrian. I love you", she wispered in his ear, swiping a strand of his hair behind it. "I love you too, my Dear", he wispered back <3
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Hey lovelies.
Got you a Dewey x reader fic.
Reader coming out as ace (asexual) while Dewey is playing the guitar and the reader lounging on his lap. Fluff and angst ahead. All aboard! Fair warning... its quite long...
Hope you enjoy. 💜
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You and Dewey had been friends since kindergarten. You were as thick as thieves. Being able too see your best friend everyday since you two were roommates only made things better.
Dewey was a incredibly bouncy, happy person. That much you guys had in common. You both were as enthausiastic as you were chaotic sometimes. And when you were having one of 'these' days... the ones when you just woke up grumpy, you could find comfort in the small things in each other. He would give you one single look and knew what kind of day it was. It was on these days that Dewey proved himself being the man, the myth and the legend you believed he was. He would make sure your favorite tea was ready in the morning, with just the right amount of honey in it. And he would do anything to crack your mood up during the day. Including some 'sick' dance moves on random moments, and playing requests you had on his guitar always calmed your mind. In return you knew that playing guitar hero cleared his clouded mind, and spontaneous dance parties always made him smile.
Long story short, you'd be there for each other.
The thing was that lately you came to realise that some things were different for you then they were for him.
You always pictured yourself with a partner as loving and caring as Dewey was. You just KNEW he was your favorite person in the world. It was just... difficult. The whole situation had been difficult. There had to be a person in this universe who wanted to know what made you tick. Besides Dewey. Right?
That was a question your head had been occupied with the last couple of months.
Of course you noticed Dewey going out. On dates. With actual girls.
He wasnt the most popular guy you knew, but damn... he had some charm in that authentic and warm personality he had. He also was kinda cute, you had to admit. But you were 101% cool with him dating. Even helping him pick out outfits and scolding him for forgetting garlic on date-night is a no-go. And when he wouldnt come home at night you would smile to yourself, because you was happy for the dude.
So why werent you out there? Dating? Again? You tried. Hell... you tried so SO hard to actually like people.
Liking wasnt the right word. Cause liking people wasnt that difficult. You could love the personalities of people in a heartbeat. Loved the way they laughed, or the freckles on their face, or the way they sat. You'd loved the way they talked about what drove them, what they were passionate about. You loved so many people. Yet you loved no-one.
You came to realise lately that you were kind of different. For instance: Dewey could swoon over a girl he saw for one second. One moment he was chilling with u at your local bar, the next moment you saw that sparkle in his eyes... And with a wink, a pat on your shoulder and a VERY bad attempt to moonwalk away from you, you knew you didnt had to wait up for him.
That was fine. Never bothered you actually. It was a signal you guys had created. Dewey also knew that when u werent in the mood or okay with leaving alone, you would put on a pouty face. That would be his que to get the random-chick's number, promising to call her, before excusing himself to her and drop back on the barstool beside you.
You liked it that way. He was free to go. As were you. He was your buddy. Your parnter in crime. That was the way it was.
You were just frustrated with yourself the last couple of months.
You could look at a man or a woman and be like: jeez, you are pretty. Look at that adorable face!
You would walk up there, talk to them. Now... that wasnt the hard part. The hard part came after that.
When you talked to someone, wether it be a beautifull quirky women or a handsome kind lad... there always came that moment that they would give a 'certain' comment. Or a glance up and down. Or let their hands wander little bit... and the magic would be gone for you.
Totally gone. Your mind would just go: 'nope'. You would find their smile attractive. But when everyone else's knees would give up at their bedroom eyes they gave you, and them saying something like: "you look like i could eat ya, wanna get out of here?" you would just feel nothing. Besides of getting noxious at the idea of them looking at you that way...
Dewey noticed you getting more silent as you internly struggled with this a while. After 'just' men, you started some online research and tried something new. There was a period u had labeled youself as bisexual. But the label just didn't fit right. You tried the word: 'lesbian' for a month or 3.
Dewey had again proven to be an actual legend, after you told him you might not be straight. He was so pumped for you, buzzing with excitement and acceptance when you told him. He bounced up and down on the couch and offered to go to gay-bars together. You even had to keep him from hanging the actual rainbow-flag out of the window, to support you. Dewey suspected you had just been a late bloomer, so he was more then excited when you seemed to make some steps into the date-world, and wanted to make sure he helped you out were he could.
But that wasnt it either. Being bisexual or lesbian was not what made you you as well.
You had been desperately looking for a label to fit you but you couldn't quite put your finger on it.
Dewey would notice your online research by accident. He got up from his jamming session at the couch and ruffled a hand tiredly throw his brown locks. You was on a date. With... amy? Agnes? He couldnt quite remember. He chuckled, while opening your computer, hoping you'd been having fun.
He was looking on an article about ACDC he came across a while ago, when the google question popped up in the browser history. He frowed, but clicked anyway. "I dont feel sexual attraction towards people. What's wrong with me?"
A pang of guilt creeped through his chest. Did he totally miss all that? Y/n had fun with people in bars right? She was on a date right this moment... with... Anne, or whats her name again?
Dewey poundered, he would always see you laughing and having fun while chatting to strangers. 'God... you was so likeable it was super-easy for you to make new friends.' But after he put some more thought to it, he couldnt quite remember the last time y/n talked about having a crush. Or kissing someone. She didnt even talked about her date today enough for him to be able to remember her name. He felt a bit sad about it but Dewey had to find out what you were feeling, so he clicked through the rest of the history page.
You actually tried to kiss Alma today, you'd been seeing her for a while... You two had a lot in common and you liked the way she practically buzzed with excitement when she talked about mountainbiking, smiling as she did so.
'it only seemed like the right thing to do' you forced yourself to think that... 'Alma deserved that much, right? She'd been so kind to me...'
After your date Alma reached out to softly grab you by your hip, pulling you towards her. 'Well... here goes nothing...' you thought as she brought her mouth closer to you.
But right when your lips were about to meet, it felt wrong. A panic rose in your chest and before you knew what happened you turned your head slightly and kissed her cheeck. You was infuriated with yourself. 'How could you! After date #3. Were you mad? What was wrong with you?!'
The girl in question seemed just as baffled as you. She smiled a sad smile to you, before giving you a side-hug and catching her train to go home.
You sighed, dropped your shoulders as you slumped home. 'Side-hugs are not good. They're not 'relationship-material', you fool." You wanted so bad to be 'normal...'
By the time you was done walking home you reached a new low-piont in your self-esteem. Thats when you noticed u had a missed call. Dewey. You sighed. He had been SO happy for you to be dating. Enthausiastically helping you with your outfit and even what kind of perfume you should wear. You were not only a dissapiontment for yourself... but for Dewey as well.
You quickly wiped away a tear. Damn this. Damn this shit. Damn this day. You just didnt felt it. Again.
All you wanted to do was to jump into a hot shower, eat some pizza on the couch and lounge on the couch, revel in the safe comfort of Dewey.
You were not dissapionted by the smell of your favorite pizza already stalking towards you on the way to your front door. You smiled a bit at that.
Dewey had seen you crying through the window of your apartment and already planned to do something special for you, since you had such a hard time lately and he had been too oblivious too see it. So he decided to make you your favorite pizza, and just be there for you when your date didnt worked out.
You opened the door and was greeted by a dancing Dewey in his boxershorts and old band t-shirt. He was smiling at you while hopping of the cough while The Pretender of the Foo Fighters blasted through your appartement. He headbanged towards the speakers and you managed to get out a small snort. Your neighbours had to hate you guys.
Wiping your nose you tried to smile at him. But failed miserably. You stood in the middle of the living room feeling small and stupid. Your lip was quivering and you wanted to wipe the tear away that was spilling down your cheeck.
All in that moment Dewey was by your side, wiping away the tear that you inteded to brush away yourself.
You smiled sadly at him, through your tears and sobs. And you heard him mumble your name while pulling you into his arms. "Its okay love. You're okay. Im so proud of you." He started petting your head softly with his calloused fingers and holding you close. He knew this was a big step for you, and didnt asked any questions about your breakdown. Or date. He wanted you to tell him when you were ready. Untill then there were no words needed.
You got out of his loving embrace when you heard something beeping in the distance. "Dew! The pizza!" You smacked his arm and while muttering a "fuck" under his breath, he took a dive towards the oven.
He smiled a lopsided smile to you while striking a ridiculous pose, using the towel in his hands as a cape. He sing song: "i am the pizza heroooooo and i present you your favorite pizza, mylady...." You couldnt help but cackle at that. "Your a weirdo Dew... but thanx pizza-king."
You two ate on the couch after you took a shower and dressed in your favorite sweats.
After Dewey had put away the dishes he dropped on the couch with you and grabbed his guitar. You went to lie with your head on his lap while he was tuning the strings. You listened to him fumbling with some wires and relaxed at the familiar sound and the rise of his chest above you. He played some chords untill there was a rythem in them and you felt your clouded mind become clearer.
You were relaxing against him when you heard him mumble your name... "hey y/n, wanna hear anything particular?" You shaked your head no.
He hummed in response, playing the tune of your favorite song anyway.
Dewey softly started singing:
"And i don't want the world to see me.
Cause i don't think that they'll understand.
When everything is made to be broken.
I just want you to know who i am...."
You felt the tears behind your eyes prickling. With a soft poke in his chest you whispered with all the courage you had left: "...Dew... Dewey..."
"Hmmm...sweetheart, whats up?" He replied softly.
You sighed, rubbing your hand against your forehead, gathering some more courage. You muttered: "I ehm.... I think I need to tell you something Dew..."
He went to put his guitar away. Shifting slightly so you was lying with your head on his lap, and he could look you right in the eye from how he was sitting. He grabbed your hand ,that out of stress had been clutching your own sweater, and placed his hand around yours. Squeezing lightly in encouragement. He smiled at you. It was an understanding smile, full of love and patience. You could cry at that alone. But swallowed your tears away, there had been anough crying today you decided.
Dewey saw you swallow hard and brought your clutched hands to his mouth and kissed them. "You can tell me anyting babe. You know that right?" You hummed in response.
Knowing you could trust him but also feeling incredibly scared and anxious... you stuttered: "Dew... i think... there is a reason i dont... i think i might be..." he squeezed your hand one more time.
You took that as an encouragement and mumbled the words that were nagging you for the past few months, your nerves barely made your voice louder then a whisper: "I think... ehm... I might be asexual Dewey..."
You felt like you could throw up. Or cry. Or both. You actually were about to bolt and do just that, untill you heard a familiar voice bringing u back to the present moment.
"... y/n... love... youknow..."
You coulndnt even hear full scentences of what Dewey was saying. His voice fading away, your nerves making it hard to fucus. He noticed your absence and your shallowing breathing, your breaths becoming faster and shorter with each one you took in. You couldnt even look at him while saying that. You were a pathetic coward... and now he would finally see you for the freak and the outcast you were. He would be disgusted and think you were a robot and leave you... You took another shaking breath...
A feeling brought you out of your shallow breathing. You noticed familliar calloused fingers glide through your hair. Combing through it and massaging your scalp softly. A smile appeared on your face, his movement was slowly getting the darkness outof your head. Finally you dared to look up towards Dewey. He was softly humming to you. His voice always calmed you, definetly right in this moment. His humming grounded you, while he was softly playing with your hair. You felt his other thumb circle softly on your hand he was still holding.
He smiled a soft smile at you, whisperening: "Hey... your back with me princess?" You nodded slowly. Tears spilling on your cheeks once again. "y/n, sweetheart, i love you the way you are. Always did, and always will. You are you. And if that is being asexual, then that's totally okay and i will be here for you. Every step of the way. Im so proud of you..."
He wiped away your tears, and while you choked out a "thank you Dewey", he kissed you on your forehead.
"Im so proud of you coming to terms with yourself. You dont have to do anything you dont want, okay? Dont ever feel obligated to date anyone just to feel 'normal'. You are you, y/n. And you are enough."
You smiled at that and yawned. The emotions of today suddenly making you very tired. "Dew..." you mumbled sleepy.
"You may do the head-massage more often... it feels nice"
He chuckled at that, pinching your nose playfully. "Thats a deal... now off to bed with you, miss platonic."
You chuckled sleepily. Admire-ing his bad jokes even at this time and moment.
"Thanx Dewey..."
"Anytime babe..." he awnsered.
You stood up, your head and body suddenly heavy with sleep. Your mind drifted for a moment, but came back to the presence of Dewey sofly poking your side. You giggled, he knew you were ticklish there, and you swatted his hand away when he tried to do it a second time. He chuckled at that, glad he made you laugh again.
You looked at the floor. Anxiety bubbling in your chest at the nagging question in your head. Could you ask him this? After all that just happened? Would he still take you serious if you did? It wasn't sexual but still as intimate as you could be, and you didn't want to seem like you weren't serious. Since... well... people... sometimes mistook cuddles for sex. You still felt anxcious and conflicted, but didn't want to sleep alone. You took a big breath, looking a bit tired and sleepy up at him. Heart thumping nervously in your chest as your hands started to sweat. You glanced at his face and when you saw a half smile creeping up his face you knew you could ask him anything.
"Dew.... would you..." you had to stop because a yawn was bugging you. You continued after wiping your face sleepily, still anxious: "would you mind sleeping with me tonight? I... just... really dont wanna be alone right now. I need some cuddles." You confessed, biting your lip as you waited for his response. Anxiety slowly spreading in your chest as you waited at his awnser.
Instead of awnsering with words Dewey got up from the couch and pulled you into a big hug, once again petting your hair while holding you tight. You sighed and felt the tension leaving your body as he held you. "Of course..." he mumbled sofly in the crook of your neck. You took a big breath through your nose, nerves calming as you were surrounded by the familiar smell of Dewey. A familiar smell of tea-tree-oil, a bit of sweat and a hint of pizza from your dinner. His body was warm and his stubble tickled your neck as he held you close. You felt safe in his arms, and less troubled. Your mind cleared with every breath you felt him take in as the two stood there together. His hands seemed to wipe every anxious, stressed thought you had away. His calloused fingers still combing trough your hair affectionately. You sighed back at him, relaxed by his caring touch: "Thanx Dew...."
When you lay in your bed, later that night you fell asleep quite quickly. You knew you wouldnt be alone. Dewey snored a little in his sleep, and you couldnt help but smile. Feeling safe in his strong arms as he hugged you in his sleep, you felt his calm breath on your neck. The last thing you thought before drifting off was: 'Its gonna be fine. Im gonna be okay. Dewey is with me. Whatever i happen to like or not like, feel or not feel...
Dewey is here. Right by my side.'
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Tagging: @paxenera @heknowshisherbs @hoodoo12 @large-unit @little-miss-shy-goth @thats-specific @vicunaburger @ironmansuucks @bugdrinkss @go-commander-kim @stranger-strings
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