#if its not your preferred play style thats fine!! i dont use her much anymore either!!!
seri-tonin · 5 months
I'm still not over what the genshin fandom (specifically meta players) did to dehya tbh...
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forcedsense · 4 years
People always get so offended when I tell them that I’m allowed to call myself an idiot/dumb/whatever but theyre not allowed to call me that and then get mad at me if i call them out on it while playing games oe whatever (not abt the rpc this is abt the rl ex friend lol) and im just like;;; we might share autism but heres the thing, I’m allowed to call myself an idiot bc i live with myself. You’re not allowed to insult me because a: its rude, and b: you’re literally calling me an idiot due to my not having a sense of direction and play styles due to my disabilities.
The very fact people STILL dont understand why insulting someone for their disabilities, or flat out saying ‘your lack of attention just proves youre the worse xx player ever!!’ is literally just ableism and offensive is why i have trust issues and am tired of other people. I am allowed to joke about my problems because I have to live with them, and in manyways yes I am just an idiot, like how I was an idiot for not realizing that a grown ass man one month younger than me always relying on me to pay for shit to do w him, guilting me out of things i want to do because he decided it was stupid, insulting half the shit i liked saying it and anyone who enjoys it is stupid, regularly using the R-slur when something dumb is done/happens (ableism aGAIN), refusing to get a license because he ‘doesnt feel like it’, doesnt even try to get a job anymore after a few rejections (which, I’ve applied hundreds of places and never even received a rejection, so im starting to wonder the validity of those statements too) and saying its because his mother wants to force him into one, abusing his siblings by screaming at them and gaslighting them constantly, but I’m the idiot and the asshole because I’m disabled, or I don’t always think first before soing things (which has led to my doing shitty or stupid things, but I have the remarkable capability of admitting when I was wrong unlike these fuckheads who, when you flat out explain in detail what they did wrong, claim youre gaslighting and abusing them when youre telling them its inappropriate and wrong to guilt trip, be ableist, insult others intelligence, and ignoring when people ask you to stop, and all the times he joined my streams and would use my birth name after I asked him not to and to use my pen/alias, always accounting it to ‘forgetting’ but after 30+ times of being told, its no longer forgetting, like thats just putting unnecessary risk and ignoring personal preferences. I won’t even go into all the bitchfits about ‘gender discussion’ or anything because it still makes me sick and gave me severe imposter syndrome for my body dysmorphia.
Respect the disableds wishes, We should not have to explain this to you. Basic human decency should just be a given, and someone telling you in detail why what youre doing is wrong, and ignoring it and repeating it again (I’ve told him before that insulting me, calling me names, and otherwise hurt my feelings and I don’t want to risk any relapses. He ignored these and continued, he’d screencap my making mistakes and putting bad things in the wrong chat, and when I would apologize for what I did when I was wrong, he’d still hold it over my head and claim I suicide baited when I didn’t. I say whats happening and assume its fine since i was always there for him when he needed me, even after he actualy suicide baited me by claiming my using a joke on him he repeatedly used on me made him suicidal and that i owed him an apology, ive literally been walking on eggshells for years and finally not having him in my life has actuallybeen so much more freeing than I ever thought it would be. )
Disabled people are very often the centerfold of abusive relationships because we’re so used to the mistreatment that its almost a fucked up comfort, we feel like our complaining about mistreatment is us ‘overreacting’ because the able bodied constantly convince us it is. That we’re always the problem whether we make mistakes or do something bad and that our apologies are always fake and wrong, but when people do horrible things to us we’re not owed an apology, rather we always owe them. It’s fucked up and wrong, and honestly exhausting. We’re not punching bags to make the able bodied feel better about themselves. Whats fucked up is hes also autistic, and should know better, but is so self possessed that all the friendships hes lost and regained over the years have never been his fault, he was always ‘being abused’ by everyone, everyone somehow is always in love with him and gaslighting him, and ive come to terms with the fact its a mental fuck up of a self centered individual so narcissistic that he cant handle the idea hes ever in the wrong.
If I talkedabout this to people, they would claim I was in the wrong for not worrying about his feeings more or ‘putting up with it because it helps him feel better, he goes through a lot at home’. Being treated shittily doesnt give you a free pass to abuse your supposed friends. His dads a piece of shit and his mom (who honestly was an amazing person as far as I saw and his siblings would talk about. but he personally always claimed she’d turn into a monster randomly for saying he should get a job or try to succeed in life, and for applying for jobs for him that e purposefully failed the interviews for. These are the exact reasons he’d bitch about her, and occasionally because he’d overhear hee claiming he was wasting his life, which is horrible to hear but still does not excuse insulting your friends, belittling their success, insulting them for their disabilities, and going through your friends for supply and then dumping them and ‘accepting them back after they apologize’ whenever you need more validation. My family life is fucked to high heaven and I still try to be kind to people, I still try to educate people, and I still do my best even if I fuck up. And when I fuck up, I own up to it and apologize. Something people always ignore and pretend never happened, because to them the disabled are incapable of apologies.
Stop talking over us, stop treating us like shit, and stop purposefully hurting us, our feelings, insulting us, and using us to make you fee better. We are not punching bags, we are real people with real issues and all your shitty behavior does is add to it.
#out.#abuse cw#narcissim cw#tbd#possibly#sorry for venting its been a time#im just tired of people and like i literally moved discords and instagrams to avoid him#because of all the bs and lies he started telling ppl abt me to get them on his side#or purposefully cht screencaps to make me looo worse than i make myawlf look already lol#im inclined to delete this in case he still stalks my accounts but my ip tracker hasn taaid anythi my#but it also hasnt shown if ppl have visited my blog at all so i think even tho it said it installed that it didnt install right#ableism cw#i went on instagram and it recced his account to me and i flipped a bit ngl#i still need to softblock on my personal tumblr or just move that too#i was inclined to do moves just bc i dont want him following where i go#and i know that even tho HE initiated no contact and I agreed to it he already broke it once#idk what to do or even if i want to do anything but the amount of bs ive put up w for years bc of him is just#yeah idek im tired but wide away i think i just needed to be emotional#ive been laying down staring at the ceiling for hours missing my dog#which i probably should have dropped this asshole whwn he made a dead animal joke less than aweek after my baby had died two years ago#something i still havent handled well and maybe never will#ima go back to watching markiplier now its 3 am and im debating getting food but idek bc nothing is quit to make#and i get yelled at dor sneezing too late at night so
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thewritingstar · 5 years
I would ask you 1-100 but that's a huge request and doubt you'll do it, UNLESS🤔🙃
1. Name- Deanna or as everyone knows me, Star
2. Nationality- American
3. Age- 19
4. Birthday- April 5th
5. Zodiac sign (or your primal zodiac sign)- Aries
6. Gender- Female 
7. Sexuality- Bi/Pan (im fine with either)
8. Your looks (add a picture or describe yourself)- Dark brown hair, greenish eyes and body of a 12 year old boy
9. What do you/did you study?- Animation
10. What’s your current job like?/What job would you like to have?- I work in an ice cream shop just as a job but i wanna be an animator or writer for shows
11. Your birth order- Youngest of 2
12. How many siblings do you have?- One
13. Do you have good relations with your family?- for the most part
14. How many friends do you have?- I would say I have about 8 close friends and then just a ton of other friends
15. Your relationship status- single but accepting applications 
16. What do you look for in a SO?- usually a pulse and good hair 
17. Do you have a crush?- kinda but also no
18. When did you have your first kiss?- haven't yet :(
19. Do you prefer serious and meaningful relationships or casual dating/one night stands?- prob meaningful
20. What are your deal breakers?- smoking and drugs and how they treat others
21. How was your day?- well i just woke up so i guess good. 
22. Favourite food & drink- Raspberry iced tea/Vanilla Lattes and Chowmein or burgers
23. What position do you sleep in?- either on my side or stomach. Im usually curled up in a ball so prime cuddle position...just saying 
24. What was your last dream about?- I think it was about cake..
25. Your fears- bugs and the overwhelming thought of me being a failure
26. Your dreams- being someone where others can be inspired by 
27. Your goals- to live a life with no regrets (i know typical right?) but also have a successful career. 
28. Any pets?- 2 doggos 
29. What are your hobbies?- drawing, painting, writing, video games, reading 
30. Any cool places in your area?- kinda but you gotta drive to them so not really 
31. What was your last awkward situation?- me stuttering over my words at work
32. What is your last regret?- idk 
33. Language/s you can speak- English and barely any French 
34. Do you believe in astrological stuff? (Zodiac, tarot, etc.)- hell yeah
35. Have any quirks?- i can make a guinea pig noise and can stand on my head for a while. 
36. Your pet peeves- having my neck being touched and mouth breathing
37. Ideal vacation- Any disney park
38. Any scars?- only mentally 
39. What does your last text message say? “Shes being a big girl and taking 5 classes.” 
40. Last 5 things from your search history- im to lazy to check but prob youtube or fics
41. What’s your [device] background?- Phone background is a painting from a museum and my computer is a bunch of Nintendo items
42. What do you daydream about?- being a voice actor or a pirate 
43. Describe your dream home- one that looks like a castle
44. What’s your religion/Your thought about religion- I was raised Catholic but i really dont practice it anymore. I think it its a beautiful thing and alot of good comes from it, however i dont like it when it is used to harm others or defend evil people
45. Your personality type- So i took a test based on the 16 different ones and I am an Advocate type which apparetnly is very rare and less than one percent of the pop are it. https://www.16personalities.com/ heres the link if you wanna take it!
46. The most dangerous thing you’ve done- I used to suck on batteries as a child
47. Are you happy with your current life?- for the most part 
48. Some things you’ve tried in your life- Snorkeling in Hawaii (which i almost died), Crystal Cave tour and donuts which i hate
49. What does your wardrobe consist of?- hoodies and graphic tees 
50. Favourite colour to wear?- black
51. How would you describe your style?- comfortable and sometimes i look good 
52. Are you happy with your current looks?- ye
53. If you could change/add something to your appearance - impossible or not - what would it be?- I want blue hair one day 
54. Any tattoos or piercings?- have my ears and now my nose pierced but i do want tattoos in the future
55. Do you get complimented often?- usually for my hair and i find it happens often 
56. Favourite aesthetic?- Gothic and pastel 
57. A popular trend that you dislike- crop tops 
58. Songs you’re currently obsessed with?- “Good Night Moon” by Go Radio
59. Song you normally wouldn’t admit you like.- My Little Pony and Sofia the First songs slap
60. Favourite genre?- pop punk or pop 
61. Favourite artist/band/genre? -Panic!, Taylor Swift
62. Hated popular songs/artists?- I wouldn’t say hate but im not really a fan of Billie Ellish, maybe i need to sit down and really listen but its just not my jam. I think shes a cool person and i love watching her on tv and what she stands for. By i hate Drake and Chris Brown for sure. 
63. Put your music on shuffle and list first 5- Head above Water, Happy when im sad, Love bug, Casual affair, I believe. So Avril Lavigne, Jonas Brothers and Panic!
64. Can you sing or play any instruments?- Im not the worst singer but im also not fantastic and i can’t play
65. Do you like karaoke?- sometimes
66. Own any albums?- like cds then yes
67. Do you listen to radio? What stations?- not anymore
68. Favourite movie/series?- Any disney or pixar 
69. Favourite genre of movies/books/etc- YA like adventure books 
70. Your fictional crush/es- oh here we go. Juvia and Gray (Fairytail), Catwoman, Danny Phantom, Captain Hook and Regina Mills and Henry (Ouat), Steve (stranger things), Riddler (gotham) and Molly Hooper (Sherlock) and prob more. 
71. Which fictional character is you?- prob a mixture of Momo and Deku from My Hero and Honey from Ouran 
72. Are you a shipper? List your otps, if so. Am I a shipper? ha. aight Gruvia, Nalu, Gajevy, Jerza, Kiribaku, Kacchacko, Todomomo, tododeku, LadyNoir and the love square, Captain Swan, Outlaw Queen, The powerpuff girls and the rowdyruff boys (respected partners) and like five thousand others
73. Favourite greek god?- Hades and Persephone 
74. A legend from where you live that you like- literally nothing from where i live
75. Do you like art? What’s your favourite work or artist?- love art and i cant just pick one
76. Can you share your other social media?- i mean you can follow me on twitter at StarsnShortcake but all thats there is my shitty tweets and interactions with my friends and Voice actors lol
77. Favourite youtubers?- Mikes Mic, Macdoesit, Twamiz, Larri, Dan Howell, Amazing Phil, Jenna Marbles, Shane Dawson, Steph Inc, Garret Watts, and like a ton more
78. Favourite platform?- Tumblr or twitter
79. How much time do you spend on the internet?- too much
80. What video games have you played? Which one’s your favourite?- I love anything Nintendo
81. Your favourite books (manga also counts)- Kingdom Keepers, Suicide Notes and the Selection Series to name a few
82. Do you play board/card games?- Yes
83. Have you ever been to a night marathon in cinema?- nope
84. Favourite holiday- thanksgiving for the food
85. Are you into dramas?- ye
86. Would you use death note, if you had one?- haha ye
87. What changes would you make in the world, no matter how impossible, if you had the power to?- no racism, sexism, homophobia and legal marriage everywhere. Also that no one goes hungry and everyone has a nice place to live.
88. Could you survive a zombie apocalypse?- probably 
89. If you had to be turned into a paranormal being, what would it be?- a hot demon
90. What would you want to happen to you after your death?- I turn into a goddess
91. If you had to change your name, what would be your pick?- ooo Celeste is a cool name 
92. Who would you switch your life with for a week?- hmmm Tara Strong 
93. Pick an emoji to be your tattoo- either the stars or the black heart or the fireworks
94. Write 3 things about yourself - only one of them must be true- Ive never eaten a chicken nugget, I can do the splits and I have cat
95. Cold or hot?- hot
96. Be a hero or be a villain?- oooooo um im a sucker for villains
97. Sing everything you want to say or rhyme?- Rhyme
98. Shapeshifting or controlling time?- Shape shifting, i could be a plant
99. Be immortal or be immune to everything aside from natural death?- bold of you to assume i would wanna live forever
100. ….. or …..?- :0
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nonsensical-rants · 5 years
So, I 100%ed the Kingdom Hearts Franchise.
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Alright. This might be a long take, just saying that now. But I know exactly where to start. This franchise. Is not as confusing as the entirety of the internet would like you to believe. It's mostly due to bad writing decisions here and there. I mean, yeah if you wanna have every single detail and definition ingrained into your brain. Then of course it can get complicated, but what franchise lasting as long as Kingdom Hearts isn't annoyingly convoluted? I can't think of one.
So my thoughts about  the series is that they're pretty good! Both as a story and as games, with some very big exceptions. I wanna say that you should definitely not try to 100% all of these games in chronological order in rapid succession. It will drain you. I can confirm this beyond a shadow of a doubt. After I beat KH2 it really start to hit me. Chain of Memories was fine, if not a bit tedious to get all the cards and Riku to level 100. But other than that I more than enjoyed my time with the game.
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Heartless are born from the darkness in peoples hearts. Nobodies are created from the husk of a body left behind in the creation of a Heartless. While Unversed are born from supreme negative emotions that live inside us all. The stronger these feelings are/the person is, the stronger the heartless/unversed and nobody. Especially strong people can keep their identity when transformed into Nobodies. Thus explaining Organization 13. Only the keyblade can truly defeat these creatures. What's so hard about describing that to someone? It isn't that far fetched in terms of the fantasy genre.
Though personally. I have an enormous hatred from Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance. Despite trying to keep an open mind about any and all forms of media I come across, I cannot ever get behind this title in the series because it is just too much and strays too far from what i consider to be "Kingdom Hearts". The gameplay was not fun for me personally, the story was iffy at best in comparison to the others and it really felt like the biggest amount of padding. If you have to do that to become a Keyblade Master, I think i'd rather stay as a rouge agent like Sora did for 99% of the series.
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The dream eater system was probably the biggest factor here as for 100% completion you have to get every single dream eater, and every single skill that they can give you which means leveling a lot of them up to the point where they have points to buy said skills. Which takes forever. And then there's the Dream Eater tournaments, which I would have never gotten past without cheap strategies I found online. Usually I get everybody to max potential in these games and give the best items and accessories all around. But as soon as I got the platinum I ejected the disk and took a break. I felt like I needed it.
Alright, putting that behind us. The difference in fighting styles from game to game can get a bit jarring but in the PS4 re-releases it can usually be adjusted too in about half an hour to an hour's worth of gameplay. Chain of Memories was fun, but tedious like I mentioned. And Birth By Sleep was actually a fresh of breath air (until you get to the secret boss fights that is...) If it wasn't for my need to see that 100% bar next to the game title I would classify these games as something everybody should try out and enjoy. They are fantastic experiences. So lets go in order for a bit.
KH1 is a classic story, going through Disney worlds with a fine mix of Final Fantasy. Meeting the princesses and seeing they are "Princesses of Heart" that have strength beyond muscles. Able to use the power of Light and what not. There's a few hiccups here and there (like Cloud and Sephiroth not acting like how they are in FF7 but everyone's already mentioned that.) But aside from that and the bad platforming, its a genuinely fun game to 100% and I'd highly recommend it. Maybe even try to get cosmic arts for everyone so you can have 16-19 MP bars. It gets silly.
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Chain of Memories i've already mentioned a lot so far. So I don't think I need to go that in depth. Fun to go through but wouldn't recommend 100%ing it because it takes far to long. The story is actually pretty decent and isn't that complicated. Sora and the gang lose their memories of KH1 because of the magic witch Namine, while we get our first look at Organization 13.
KH2. The golden child. Still played by many to this day and its obvious to see why. The game play is crisp and fantastic as I remember it from my youth. Traveling to Disney worlds again (and not card versions of them that have no people except for cut scenes, like CoM) and having a constant looming threat over your head while you try to have fun on your journey. Its great. I have yet to do a level 1 critical mode (as that's not required thankfully) but I did thoroughly enjoy my regular Critical play though. Story still isn't that bad yet. Organization 13 comes in full force, trying to get a new version of "Kingdom Hearts" so they can restore their humanity. I'd highly recommend 100%ing this one as well. Would also recommend maxing out your stats and putting on multiple Full Bloom+'s and Shadow Archieve+'s for the fun of it.
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Birth By Sleep. Still not that bad honestly. It comes at a weird time though, and the story telling kind of requires you to have some outsider knowledge so that you're not thrown for a loop the entire time. So it feels weird to go back in the past, but also necessary for the story as a whole. Fun game to play minus the hundreds of mini games you need to do for all three main characters. If it wasn't for that I would recommend playing this game to completion. It's hard to reach higher levels though and as everyone's who played the game knows. Terra sucks at End Game compared to Aqua and Ven. I beat the Secret bosses by sheer luck and I would not go back for them. You do get to learn the origins of what makes most of the future events play out though and you even get to see younger versions of Organization 13. Back when they weren't evil!
Nothing eventful happens in Re:Coded.
Dream Drop Distance... Already talked about it. Let's move on before i'm forced to remember dream eaters and their annoyingly high pitched theme song.
Birth By Sleep 0.2: A Fragmentary Passage. Really good demo for KH3 in all honestly. I had a fun time with it and seeing Aqua's pain and journey through the realm of darkness for a whole 10 years was interesting.
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And now we're at Kh3. The big game we waited so long for. And its... Alright. Nothing really spectacular. The graphics are certainly splendid and gameplay feels great! If not a bit too floaty. Thats a problem for some people, especially those who were avid fans of KH2. But I had no problem with it. I have yet to play it on critical but i've heard it makes things far more entertaining. As for story, its also alright. Not the grand ending I was expecting but it was really fun all things considered. Just another ride through more modern Disney worlds. But no Final Fantasy! I get that they feel KH can stand on its own legs now but you can't take out half the formula that people fell in love with originally. Then there's no battle arena or replayable boss fights. Doesn't have to be the Real Orginization 13. Just any replayable fights with end game gear would be enough.
As for my real problem with the games. Is the treatement of the third member of the original trio. Kairi. Oh, how this character has divided a good portion of the fan base just by existing. It feels like all the time that she is just a damsel for Sora/Riku to save and rescue. In the first game, thats fine. Whatever. She was unconcious the whole time and had her heart within Sora. Chain of Memories was a game about Sora losing his memories and Riku overcoming his darkness. Thats also fine. But in KH2. Really? She gets a keyblade and can't even handle a group of shadows? The lowest level of heartless? It's embarrassing. She's supposed to be a Princess of Heart. What's that even mean anymore? It doesn't even seem relevant.
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KH2 should've been her moment to become a party member just like Riku did. I dont care that it means you could possibly not have Donald or Goofy. KH2 felt the most like the penultimate ending to the series than Kh3 did in my opinon. Having the choice between your KH1 buddies (Sora, Donald and Goofy) or the Island Trio (Sora, Riku and Kairi) would have added excellent variety and much needed development for Kairi as a person rather than leaving her as a one dimensional damsel in distress who has a Nobody with more internal conflict and character motivation. Moving past that... BBS is a prequel so nothing for the original trio except for meeting Aqua/Ven/Terra. And we come back to the dreaded DDD again.
If my vision for Kairi in KH2 couldn't have become a reality. Then why wasn't DDD Kairi's game? The set up was perfect. The heroes of light need to train to overcome almost double the amount of darkness agents. Kairi (and Axel) are practically beginners at wielding a Keyblade. It should've been their time to shine and get some love while occasionally helping Sora and Riku in their Mark of Mastery exam. Why did it have to be something you do alone? Well actually you're not alone you have the stupid Dream Eaters. Regardless it could have been the newbies learning how to get to Kh2 Sora's level while Sora goes beyond his limits.
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As for KH3, it's just awful. Kairi's treatment is awful and everyone knows it. She said she was gonna help but hit one whole heartless in the finale. Better than KH2 i suppose. And as for the argument of her being "too weak" to try anything agaisnt Xemans. Really? She couldn't even like. Step on his foot? Pull agaisnt his grip or switch which hand the blade is in? Since the keyblade can teleport to your hands when you need it. I don't expect her to randomly become a Keyblade Master, but. I think we all would've prefer if she just did ANYTHING over what actually happened. It's sad. I hope KH4 will give Kairi the proper treatment and character development she deserves. But for all we know it might be another Sora/Riku dual protagonist game like CoM or DDD. What do you think?
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survivor-rotuma · 5 years
Ep. 7: “don't @ me I'm a gemini�� - Marie
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well felix is not very happy
mkay felix I get that you're pissed cause you don't rule the numbers but I frankly don't care. If you want to go for me go ahead because I wasn't the one who got blindsided
so, it was the first blindside of the night. honestly, i was expecting it but I was also sort of confused about what happened. There is a lot happening socially and I am not sure if I can keep up. I am trying to. Really hope that the bruschetta alliance stays authentic, honest, and loyal. Cassie leaving was bittersweet. I hope she knows that I really did enjoy our conversations but I do have to remember that this is an individual competition.
I hope my bye bye's don't become too iconic and noticeable oop Felix
These bitches are shady. I mean I already knew that these people were smarter than they let on, but I didn't expect such a dramatic twist. Brianna is their goat and Joey is mine. Let's see how this goes. I'll fight for a chance to stay, but I ain't playing kind anymore
Well that tribal did not go as planned. I need to step it up and form a new alliance otherwise I’m a goner 
I am going to target Apollo for the rest of the game. He is an incredibly dangerous player and needs to go. I've told Marie (though I do not trust her at all)  and Lysandre about how Apollo is in 3 different alliance chats and to not trust him. I am going hard on this because I feel secure that Apollo should go. I have an idol in case people do not want to follow my lead, and I'll hopefully get Apollo out this round. He needs to go so everyone can begin to either think for themselves or think for me. I want to do something about what has happened, but I need the power. My list is now Apollo > Marie > Brianna > Zest > Boris > Lys. This is my preferred order and I will go the end with my goats Flint and Joey.
Who do I trust? Joey and Flint Who do I plan on talking to? Lysandre and Boris Who am I targeting? Apollo and Marie Who is irrelevant? Zest and Brianna
So my plans ended up working out perfectly!!! Cassie went home in the end and Boris didn't recieve a single vote to my surprise. Felix, however, is pissed. He is really upset with me and Marie. Well moreso Marie because of the great plan I developed last round of making Marie look eager to make a big move while I didn't want to. I did this when Felix found out Marie said his name and I did it in order to save myself from losing Felix's trust and it worked out perfectly. He confronted the both of us and popped off on Marie while I sat there and ate my food. I simply had to further push the blame on Marie and Cassie.
Well it looks like the game is on. After that blindside I know where I stand within the group and have been approached by a few teammates with apologies of the Cassie blindside. I understand that it's part of the game but I need to find a way to orchestrate my own blindside, preferably Marie's.
ok but like if I'm cross w/ you don't @ me I'm a gemini
apparently to the people of this game I'm a social threat oop
how am I a social threat???? I just convince people ton vote for who I want out, is that a threat??? ughhhhhhhhhh
I love playing cracked! This game is so much more fun when you don't give a fuck phew! Marie, 11:47 AM: how are ya doing 11:47 AM: I'm good Marie, 11:47 AM: thats good to hear! look, i can't force you to talk with me or work with me but i'd like to work with you 11:50 AM: Ok. But tell me this, who came up with the plan to vote out Cassie? Marie, 11:51 AM: it was a group of us that came up with the plan but the one who said it should be cassie was me 11:51 AM: Why Marie, 11:52 AM: i couldn't trust her and she really wanted some people i was working with out also she was a threat 11:53 AM: So you're working with Sumi then, right? Cause the main reason I hear that Cassie was wanted out was that she was targeting Boris Marie, 11:54 AM: i voted with sumi, yes. but that doesn't mean i'm working with them. according to someone i was talking to you apollo and i are the biggest threats. i was surprised to hear i was seen as a social threat 11:56 AM: And we wouldn't be if we had voted Brianna (kept it simple to make sure none of us had a target on our backs) and if you hadn't been saying my name and spreading it around like the plague. I was surprised to hear I was a social threat by you Marie, 11:57 AM: if i'm seen as a social threat what good would getting out other social threats do for me? it would make me a bigger target 11:57 AM: Then why get rid of Cassie? If she was a threat, then you should've kept her Marie, 11:58 AM: she's more of a strategic threat to me 11:58 AM: We need big targets in this game or else we'll be next on the chopping block Marie, 11:58 AM: and i'm not seen as one of those. no one thinks i'm a strategic threat and i'd like to keep it that way. if the threats worked together we'd be much better off and i realize that getting rid of cassie, a threat, isn't going to be helpful to me right now 12:01 PM: Is that the pitch you gave Cassie and Apollo when you made the Leaders alliance? I'll be honest with you. I do not trust you. But I trust Apollo even less. You can regain that rust my telling me exactly how this vote is going this round and keeping me in the loop Marie, 12:01 PM: the leaders alliance wasn't my idea. cassie and apollo came to me and said they wanted the tribe leaders to work together. i'll keep you in the loop, but i don't know who the vote is. who do you want gone 12:04 PM: Why do you want to know? So you can use it against me like you did Cassie? I'm not telling you who I want gone Marie, 12:05 PM: i want to know because i can't dictate who's going home. i need to know who other people want so we can pull in numbers. and when you say things like that it makes me think you're targeting me 12:07 PM: I'm not targeting you but think about like this: You got Cassie out because she was targeting people you wanted to work with. So, if I say who I want to target, then you could use that against me. I'm not going to trust you with that info because you've already proven that you cannot be trusted with said info. I'm not campaigning against anyone this round. As long as it is not me, I'm fine with whoever you guys tell me to vote. But do not expect that level of trust after you've just betrayed me Marie, 12:09 PM: i respect that because blindsides suck. i can probably pull most of these people in but there are only 2 people i would not vote out currently other than you 12:09 PM: Cool then I'm not taking a risk. Cause I don't know who those people are. I don't care to know either Marie, 12:10 PM: you can never have too many allies but you can have too many close one.i will work with anyone to accomplish a vote but just because i work with a group of people once does not mean they are my alliance like the group who voted cassie out, there are some whom i may never work with again who knows. if i dont know who you want out chances are we can't get that person out tonight unless everyone else wants that person too. i don't doubt that you might try to pull people in to blindside me or one of my allies, but its better if we stick together 12:17 PM: You're right: Who knows? I certainly don't, but that's the thing. I don't know if I can trust you. You have never proven to me that you want to work with me so why should I suddenly start working with you. Furthermore, by my account, your only actions in this game is going against me. You have your own agenda and I am not playing into it. I'll vote with you this tribal council, but I am not saying who I want gone. 
Anyways, Marie is snake and she's sniffing around for names. She needs to calm down before making any moves. She so wants to be seen as this mastermind snake person, but I am not letting her have that. She also now wants Joey out which is a big no-no for me. I need to convince her to vote out someone else, possibly either Brianna or Zest, in order to make sure my final 3 comes to fruition. 
Marie really thinks I'm brand new. We never had a true tribe swap in this game, so people are going to end up sticking with their original tribe because that's the people you bonded with for the majority of the game. She cannot understand that the reason people are targeting Joey is to get rid of numbers from the stronger tribe. Sumi will have a run of this game sooner or later if we do not start targeting them now. I can guarantee that Apollo wishes to have Zest and Brianna, two non-entities in this game, as his FTC. If Marie cannot understand that this is the game now, she will not win
I think I am at my most dangerous when I am playing reckless
ok call me a snake all you want but this snake bites bitch so watch your fucking back and think before you call me a snake
Apollo is insinuating to me to not trust Marie or Lysandre. I mean I'll not trust them as much as I want because they ain't going to come with me to the end. I can't trust either of them. But, at the end of the day, it's good to know that he doesn't trust them either. The information will be good for later on. I just need to take out a Sumi this tribal council, no matter who it is. I want this immunity so bad because I want hat guarantee that these snakes cannot target me at all. Maybe then I'll have a vote that actually goes my way. 
So the current development that is happening is a BIGGG altercation between Felix and Marie, two of my presumed allies. They're arguing in PMs and such. Felix is stuck on getting out a Sumi player and Marie is considering doing so but I'm not with it.. Felix ended up calling Marie a snake ajsjsjsjs so like drama but the only thing that mattered was that both of them still had trust in me. And both of them are going to protect me. 
Talking with Marie a bit today and she is a very aggressive and upfront player. Definitely not my playing style but she has seemed to charm the majority. I hope to last longer then her but it might be hard to convince the group she has to go. a snake apparently (marie)felix is going home tonight as far as i'm concerned cause snakes bite bitch
These results are.... interesting to say the least. I was voted villain of the season, closest ally, should go home this round, least trusted, most likely to flip on my alliance, and most likely to have an idol. Absolutely wild. So if they think I have an idol, then I might as well play it. Though they know Apollo is going to win based on his track record. We'll see how this happens then
Marie with the delusions! She really thinks she's running this game phew! She doesn't get numbers, she doesn't make her own moves, she's not sneaky. I've clocked her game already. I'd love to get her out ugh
Well it looks like I botched another immunity challenge. So far I’ve been on the bottom for both challenges and seems like I’m on the bottom of the tribe. Gonna be hard to fight back but hopefully I can find a crack to weasel into 
Marie is the snake that I knew she was. She cannot keep her mouth shut or her info to her chest. She thinks she's playing THAT game but she is just Walmart to my Gucci. The nerve! I'm so glad Boris can be trusted and he is willing to vote with me. But I'll be using my idol this tribal council to make sure that I do not go home at all! I will outlast her and I'm not going down without a fight.
See Marie is both a blessing and a curse. She gives me access to info that I don't readily possess but she's also like a little teapot with holes in it,  unintentionally spilling tea on the table instead of the teacup. She gives me a better social outreach than I have especially with Briana and well the now dead Cassie.
So the immunity challenge is touchy subjects!! I feel like its really early to have this challenge but I'm here for it not really?? I feel like Felix may win this one just because he's a good social player but lets see where that goes. 
Okay okay. So I haven’t confessed in awhile but here is what is going on. Apollo won the challenge good for him yada yada. Basically me and Marie have been talking a bunch of strategy based on current events. She started off with telling Felix that we wanted to target Joey which he wasn’t happy about. Then later after the challenge he said it needed to be a sumi out. Marie told me of course and she didn’t want to do it and it made us want to get out Felix more. So we decided to devise this plan. We are going to tell Felix that we will vote zest. Giving two votes to zest from Felix and Joey. Marie and lysandre will vote Joey. And sumi and flint will vote Felix. Don’t know if flint will do that we will see but it still shouldn’t be too bad if he doesn’t. I also brought up the idea of making an alliance of me, her, lysandre, and flint. She seemed on board for it. Of course this would give me my two main alliances of the BABes alliance with me, apollo and Boris and then the previous alliance I just mentioned. Meaning I get to be a messy middle player and hopefully zest and Joey will go out soon giving me that double sided protection for as long as possible. 
Felix is my strongest ally in the game but with him being so visible and me being so invisible I wonder if and when is the best time to distance myself?
So the game is going on crazy!! Felix is targeting Marie and Marie is targeting Felix!! Apollo us immune so he can't go home. This is my crazy idea. Since Felix won the most likely to have an idol advantage I think that his advantage was a one round idol that must be played or becomes null. He's gonna use that on hisslef. I could use my idol on Marie this round and therefore save both of the people who are going to protect me in the end. And then I would vote out Zest or Joey. Thats a very risky play and I'm not sure if the outcome would be worth ut. In theory I could just stick with BorPollo but i think Boris has zest and maybe Briana as a number. If Felix goes home then there's gonna be a group of me, Briana, Marie, and  Flint formed to most likely take out Apollo. If Marie goes then I lose my connection to Briana and therefore Flint. If felix goes then I become more of a threat. Its very tricky and I'm weighing my options.
I’m super excited to win immunity, I’m busy all day today. I honestly don’t care who goes home as long as it’s no one from Sumi.  I pray Boris and Zest make it through unscathed 
Well. Felix and Marie are arguing in the tribe chat...akjawjbeebkebe. All I can say is wow. The non sumi people are literally just...targeting each other??? Why??? Like I was trying to think of plans cuz I figured I’d need to jump off the sumi ship once it was seen as a threat by ratting out zest. But...like. Maybe I’m gonna be sticking with the sumi strong for awhile longer. FlintIt’s shaping up to be the clash of the titans, Marie Vs. Felix this tribal. I’m loyal to a fault so I will most likely stick with Felix but I don’t think we have the numbers to pull it off. However I have been approached with blindsiding Joey by Brianna which is also a strong possibility. It’s gonna be a tough tribal and my vote will remain up in the air until the last minute. 
So much has happened today. I got into a fight with Marie because she is playing a very snake-y game, but she doesn't want to admit it. And I don't know what the Irrelevant people are so up her ass this whole time. Then again, Marie does not realize no one is going to take her to the end if she keeps going like this. Furthermore, I just don't like how she is acting all innocent about all of this. I'm going to take a risk with my idol now too. Lys said he is voting Joey, Apollo said he was voting Joey. I don't trust Apollo for shit, but I do trust Lys and that might be my downfall but at this point it doesn't matter. I just need Boris to come online to confirm to me that Joey is the plan. This has been one hell of a round though.
So it looks like I got what I wanted. Joey is going home and I don't need to use any advantage. Next round it looks Marie is going home and I'm fine with that. She's gotta go eventually right? Felix still trusts me and so does Marie and so does BoPollo so I'm feeling good as gold. The only possible threats to me are about to be eliminated but my eyes are on Apollo, Zest, Brianna.
I’m super excited to win immunity, I’m busy all day today. I honestly don’t care who goes home as long as it’s no one from Sumi.  I pray Boris and Zest make it through unscathed 
So everyone is voting Joey. I guess that makes my idol play correct then. Hopefully they don't try to back stab me and vote me cause that would be the wrong play. But I'm insinuating that I have an idol that is being played on Joey. So we'll see how this tribal goes. If Tuai is still here, then we did it. If I leave tonight, I died fighting. Let's get this bread!
joey g
so touchy subjects was not kind to me lol. i was sort of hoping people would just see me as a goat after that, but it seems like i’m a target. felix told me to trust him & and i do, so who knows what the hell is gonna happen!! marie is on a crazy power trip so we’ll hopefully take her down this round, otherwise it’s bye bye joey g
I handled that better than I thought I would
ALRIGHT JAY, here is what's up. A few days ago, Apollo told me that Felix was trying to get me or Brianna off the island. NOT CHILL! I feel as though I have played an honest game and been a friendly person. So, this made me sort of sad. But, hey, that's survivor. I do not vibe with the villains of the Mauri Tribe, but, they don't know that. I was also surprised by some of the touchy subject answers as I noticed that I am not on many people's radars. I have been loyal to my bruschetta alliance and I hope to remain that way. Yet, Boris' response to this week's tribal question had me questioning his loyalty to me. I am pretty certain that he and Lysandre are working together. Just from context clues, I have discerned that Lysandre, Boris, and Apollo have either a)played this game before or b)played this game TOGETHER prior to Rotumna. I have to figure out if Boris and Lysandre's friendship is more important than the Bruschetta alliance. It seems to be like that, as Boris has changed since the merge. Apollo doesn't feel he is running this game and he's right, JAY is. Apollo is a great ally and has been an excellent confidant to me during this game. I think he is an admirable player and I hope that he or Boris win this thing. Last night, Apollo and I had a really great conversation about our loyalty to each other. I hope he is being honest and authentic. He is trying to reassure me and I am trying to believe him but it is so hard in this game to do that especially when you aren't in person. I have learned a lot through this entire process and am proud of my growth as a player so far. Trusting people has always been difficult for me. I have been betrayed in the past and that is causing me some anxiety. If Apollo is not being truthful, I will be sincerely hurt. I wasn't expecting this thing to get so intense emotionally. I think I have still a lot of determination to be in this game still and I want to keep competing in challenges. As for the Marie and Felix drama, I think Felix took it WAY too far. I am going to stay out of it because, I really don't want either of them to get to FTC. I have my own strategy and goal for how far I want to get.
0 notes
righteousfury90 · 7 years
Unique Asks
Spotify, SoundCloud, or Pandora?  Pandora, but Spotify is better and I’m slowly using it more
is your room messy or clean? Depends on the Day, somedays the tornado of an art person hits hit, and then other days its lke American Psycho clean
what color are your eyes? A lovely shade of Brown
do you like your name? why? Yea I love all my names, but my real first name is great because its pretty unique and people butcher the pronunciation of it all the time (You should ask me what it is)
what is your relationship status? Currently Single but im working to change that
describe your personality in 3 words or less The Coolest Geek
what color hair do you have? Black
what kind of car do you drive? color? I dont have a car, thanks for rubbing it in
where do you shop? Shop for what...clothes..food because the answer to both is walmart
how would you describe your style? The Coolest Geek
favorite social media account? Tumblr and Im not just saying that because this is Tumblr lol
what size bed do you have? A full I think...I sleep on my floor
any siblings? Yep 3 sisters and 2 brothers
if you can live anywhere in the world where would it be? why? Somewhere in Europe so I could experience the different countries that are only a train ride away
favorite snapchat filter? I dont normally mess with the filters on snapchat
favorite makeup brand(s) I tend to go with the all natural look so I dont really have a favorite brand per’se
how many times a week do you shower? 6 normally (I tend not to go or do anything of Sundays so why bother)
favorite tv show? Currently Steven Universe but my all time favorite is Avatar the Last Airbender
shoe size? 13 or 13 1′2
how tall are you? 6′4
sandals or sneakers? Sneakers
do you go to the gym? I do not, but I walk a hell of alot ( you know not having a car and all)
describe your dream date Simple, maybe dinner, then just walking around a nice downtown area and just talking  and enjoying the company of the date (i know that sounds hella lame, but hey the simple things in life are the best)
how much money do you have in your wallet at the moment? zero, i dont like holding on to cash
what color socks are you wearing? red and black (they're Star wars themed)
how many pillows do you sleep with? 3
do you have a job? what do you do? Yes, Im a bouncer at a night club and I toss riff raff to the streets when they get to riff raffy
how many friends do you have? alot but only a few real good friends that i can count on night and day
whats the worst thing you have ever done? Punch one of my best friends ( which is a girl) in the face but I swear it was completely unintentional....both times
whats your favorite candle scent? Hawaiian Breeze
3 favorite boy names Alexander, Jay, William
3 favorite girl names Genevieve, Giselle, Alexandria
favorite actor? Either Keanu Reeves or Idris Elba
favorite actress? Emma Watson
who is your celebrity crush? Emma Watson and Daisy Ridley
favorite movie? Star Wars...all of them
do you read a lot? whats your favorite book? I do read, my favorites are the Count of Monte Cristo, and a random book Called Empires of Sand by David Ball
money or brains? Brains all day
do you have a nickname? what is it? Gus is my nickname
how many times have you been to the hospital? Ive never been hurt or sick enough to be in a hosptial, however I have been to an emergency room a couple times
top 10 favorite songs Wordless Chorus - My Morning Jacket, Thats what I like - Bruno Mars, Company- Justin Beiber, Everlong- Foo Fighters, Supersoaker- Kings of Leon, Hello, Erykah Badu and Andre 3000, Sober- Childish Gambino, Suffocate- Sevendust, Halftime - Amy Winhouse, and Europa- Santana
do you take any medications daily? no
what is your skin type? (oily, dry, etc) It can be really dry at times
what is your biggest fear? Not doing anything with my life  and really really small spaces ( im a bit claustrophobic)
how many kids do you want? 2 would be perfect Girl and a Boy, but ultimately that is up to my future wife, cause I cant be cashing checks her uterus cant or wont cash
whats your go to hair style? Low fade
what type of house do you live in? (big, small, etc) I live in a nice sized apartment that Im going to have to move out of in a couple months
who is your role model? Sam Liu a comic book artist
what was the last compliment you received?  and I quote “Oh my god that smile though!”
what was the last text you sent? Telling someone I was going to ask my friend who works at my apartment complex about our pool ( Which was much shorter than my explanation of it lol)
how old were you when you found out santa wasn’t real? Like 6 we didnt have a chimney and I was like does dude like just break into houses
what is your dream car? 1969 Dodge Charger
opinion on smoking? To each’s own right
do you go to college? I did and I’m trying to go back for grad school
what is your dream job? To work for ILM the company that does the SFX for the Marvel and Star Wars movies and some others
would you rather live in rural areas or the suburbs? Suburbs
do you take shampoo and conditioner bottles from hotels? I used to as a teenager, but I never used them so I dont anymore
do you have freckles? I do not
do you smile for pictures? When I have to take a pic I do, but normally I dont
how many pictures do you have on your phone? like 16
have you ever peed in the woods? Yea, who hasnt
do you still watch cartoons? Vigorously, cartoons are my life
do you prefer chicken nuggets from Wendy’s or McDonalds? I really enjoy both
Favorite dipping sauce? Ranch
what do you wear to bed? Gym shorts and a t shirt
have you ever won a spelling bee? No I deliberately threw one in the 6th grade cause I didnt want to be in it in the first place ( I misspelled Tiptoes as Tiptoed)
what are your hobbies? Drawing, Collecting comic books, Playing Videogames you know typical geek stuff
can you draw? I like to think so,I do have an Art Degree
do you play an instrument? No, but I want to learn either the harmonica or the guitar
what was the last concert you saw? Smash Mouth like a year ago right in the park by my apartment complex
tea or coffee? Tea, Green Tea to be exact
Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts? Eww neither, Krispy Kreme is the winner
do you want to get married?At some point in life
what is your crush’s first and last initial? A.S.
are you going to change your last name when you get married? Naw, and if the wife doesnt  that will be just fine
what color looks best on you? Red and Black
do you miss anyone right now? yea that A.S. Havent seen her in person for a couple weeks
do you sleep with your door open or closed? Closed
do you believe in ghosts? yep
what is your biggest pet peeve? When people ask me for advice but go a do the exact opposite or keep doing the thing ( or person in alot of cases) in lue of the advice I had just given
last person you called? My momma
favorite ice cream flavor? Cookies and Cream
regular oreos or golden oreos? Regular, but at the end of the day both are still oreos and Ill eat the hell out of either one thats available
chocolate or rainbow sprinkles? CHOCOLATE!!!
what shirt are you wearing? A Star wars shirt
what is your phone background? Steven Universe Backgrounds
are you outgoing or shy? Im an ambivert, while I dont mind being outgoing that alot of times where I content with not talking to people ( makes me really good at my job)
do you like it when people play with your hair? I do, but it doesnt happen to often, because one, most girls that would play in my hair are shorter than me, and two, the situation where it would happen, never happens
do you like your neighbors? I dont know them
do you wash your face? at night? in the morning? whenever I take a shower
have you ever been high? Yea, super high....like I saw through time and space
have you ever been drunk? Once, I have the alcohol tolerance of a god
last thing you ate? Some Chicken
favorite lyrics right now?  What's a mob to a king? What's a king to a god? What's a god to a non-believer Who don't believe in anything?
summer or winter? Winter, I dont like the notion that Im slowly roasted in the summer, and theres only a finite amount of cloths you can take off but still be hot, Winter it the time of cuddles (ILL CUDDLE YOUR FACE OFF)
day or night? Night
dark, milk, or white chocolate? Milk Chocolate all day. CHOCOLATE!!!
favorite month? December, Winter Solstice, My Birthday, Christmas  and saying bye to the old year.
what is your zodiac sign? Sagittarius
who was the last person you cried in front of? Im not a big crier, pretty sure the last time was after getting spanked as a kid
0 notes