#if only the s5/s6 percy stories were better 😢
What do you think of Percy's more blatant cynicism in the fifth season? The Arlesdale End line always made me laugh so / hard as a kid.
I'm a bit conflicted, but on the whole I like it.
What I really want is cheeky RWS Percy.
What TVS usually gives us is shy naive child Percy.
Given the alternative in TVS, I'm pretty content with the consolation prize of cynical put-upon Percy of S5 (and, in some spots, of S6). At least it's not the execs & writers being all "we need a nice sensitive kid character :( who won't steal the spotlight from Thomas :( sssoooo we'll take Percy—and make him boring! :D"
I also like put-upon!Percy as a wedge to pry a little further in to the obvious engine classism issues in this universe that are always just sitting there, the elephants in the tunnel room.
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So yeah. Angry!Percy can be taken a bit far or laid on too heavy, but overall I'm a fan.
What do you think?
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