#ttte season 5
What do you think of Percy's more blatant cynicism in the fifth season? The Arlesdale End line always made me laugh so / hard as a kid.
I'm a bit conflicted, but on the whole I like it.
What I really want is cheeky RWS Percy.
What TVS usually gives us is shy naive child Percy.
Given the alternative in TVS, I'm pretty content with the consolation prize of cynical put-upon Percy of S5 (and, in some spots, of S6). At least it's not the execs & writers being all "we need a nice sensitive kid character :( who won't steal the spotlight from Thomas :( sssoooo we'll take Percy—and make him boring! :D"
I also like put-upon!Percy as a wedge to pry a little further in to the obvious engine classism issues in this universe that are always just sitting there, the elephants in the tunnel room.
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So yeah. Angry!Percy can be taken a bit far or laid on too heavy, but overall I'm a fan.
What do you think?
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shikariiin · 5 months
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I give u himbo
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spud-dud · 2 years
Have you heard the news about Thomas?
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No, that's not from the original show, and neither is this:
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Some wonderful people over on twitter have spent the last two years (and a lot of money) creating a brand new model Thomas episode (for the first time in 15 years, I might add) using replicas of the original props, camera equipment accurate to the kinds used on the show, an entire sound stage,and more!
Link to the announcement and trailer here
It's premiering on the 26th, in person at the Great Train Show in Edison, NJ and on youtube.
I have had nothing to do with this project btw, I just felt like sharing this around.
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weirdowithaquill · 7 months
2 things
1. I ship Andrew and Molly.
2. Spencer,mallard, and Duke are giving me Zuko, azula, and Iroh vibes, like, Prince Spencer annoyed the main gang alot until he changed his ways and helped others, thanks to the wisdom from his Uncle Duke, and then he beat his sister, Princess Mallard in an agni steam.
Ok - let's give some answers! (Do these count as answers?)
Andrew and Molly probably would date if they were human, or be those friends who you think are dating cause they are that close. They know each other so well that it's like they share a brain (they performed this once at Tidmouth when Molly finished Andrew's sentence for him while he sneezed, and Henry nearly called for a priest).
They do give those vibes! I don't remember if I ever did post this idea I had which was based on the fact that I based Mallard on Azula's character (I think I did...) - but Duke being Iroh is a really good choice, as is Spencer as Zuko! Makes me wonder who the rest of Team Avatar would be (I can see Emily as Katara, Percy as Sokka... maybe Toby as Toph? Beaten up by a little wooden tram!)
Thank you!
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masterj · 2 months
TheTrainModeller (Luca)'s latest video earlier this morning is a loose adaptation of Henry's crash from the S5 episode "Something In The Air", made while filming for an upcoming project, and it looks fantastic! Check it out! :D
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bruhstation · 4 months
hey out of curiosity! what inspired you to create casa tidemouth? any inspirations/concepts that motivated you? :0
way too much buddy. first it was ttte. that's the source material! next, houseki no kuni (been a fan for 5 years atp) is what helped me in writing lady's character in casa tidmouth -- a nonhuman character becoming more and more human, realizing the weight of their careless actions and how they have messed up the lives of many people, learning more complicated emotions (humans hurt the people they love, hate their own family, cry when happy, etc) and morality and juggling between their selfish desires and others' needs... it's so on the nail. that's lady! I applaud myself whenever I think too hard about her in casa tidmouth
another major one is chainsaw man. I took out bits of makima and stitched them to lady. again, same reasoning. though it's the wacky, fast paced setting of csm that inspired me to do the same to cstm. "what if these engine drivers do fuck all and get into the craziest shit which got them into accidents. and this is considered a normal occurrence on sodor because of gold dust shenanigans"
I also like various tv shows too. black lagoon inspired how I write the gritty, harsh environment of fortezza bigg city where criminals are around the corners. the finale of moral orel season 2 became the basis of duck's backstory. many of the mountain goats' songs remind me of cstm. there's more I could mention but those two shows are what I remember the most
ALSO I got really into limbus company around last year when this blog is less than a year old and then I checked out lobcorp and library of ruina too. I wouldn't say casa tidmouth is heavily inspired by them but the themes of the games do influence my writing and helped me in some parts of the story and character writing. the themes about risking your life for your loved ones, perpetuating the cycle of tragedy or breaking free from it, accepting your role as a cog in the machine either with hope or despondency ETC ETC I LOVE YOU PROJMOON.
I have many more medias I could mention here but we'll be here all day <3
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lei-bowgirl · 3 months
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Savanna Alice Keys
This is her design from season 1 to the Adventure Begins! She is 195 years old and 5"5!
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She is a cheerful and productive engine on the North Western Railway. Originally she was built on the mainland but wanted to work on the North Western Railway! At first, she was in a accident pulling trucks and has a bunch of scars on her body.
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Her favorite color is lavender and loves the flower itself! She admires everyone on the railway and mainland.
Close Friends:
Not really fond of:
Diesel 10
Sir Topham Hatt
The Flying Scotsman
(Well she acts like it but actually had a crush on him)
She sleeps in a house near Knapford Station! Also is about the same height as Thomas, but treats him like a siblings! In her freetimes she loves to go pick flowers and sit by the seaside!
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theredengineapologist · 9 months
So this is something I've been noticing for a while. Have you realized that James is usually shipped with Edward or Thomas? I'm surprised no one has shipped him with Gordon yet 😕
I wouldn't say no one has shipped James with Gordon. I went into Google Images and searched for "ttte james x gordon" and found a number of results. If there's one thing I learned from being in fandom spaces, it's to never assume that a ship has not been shipped. XD
But if you're wondering why James x Gordon is a less popular ship, especially in comparison to Jameward or James x Thomas, my opinion is that it has something to do with the character dynamics.
Long rant under the cut!
Before I begin, I need to state my biases right out of the gate. I'm a Jameward shipper through and through and I don't really like Gordon. So take what I say with a pinch of salt.
With James and Edward, you have a positive dynamic that spans basically over the course of the entire series. Edward was James's support since his debut arc, then during the HIT era you can see they have a bit of a rivalry (but James always comes back to support Edward in the end. You'll notice in a lot of their episodes, James makes up for his actions by being Edward's back engine), then from "James the Second Best" onwards they become respectful peers. Even if you don't ship them, you cannot deny that there's growth in their dynamic with each other and that James and Edward seem to operate on equal footing.
With James and Thomas, you can see that they also operate on equal footing. They have a rivalry that spans over the course of the entire series (highlights including "James and the Red Balloon" and "Reds vs Blues"), but there is also evidence that they support and lean on each other (first thing that comes to my mind is James specifically calling for Thomas's help in "Philip to the Rescue").
Both Jameward and James x Thomas also have significant moments that shippers can point to as "relationship milestones" or "highlights". For Jameward, it's Edward saving James in "Old Iron" and James trusting Edward with carrying the mayor in "All in Vain". For Thomas and James, it's Thomas saving James in "Thomas and the Breakdown Train" and (I'm guessing based on the synopsis but I haven't seen the movie) the entire movie Journey Beyond Sodor.
But Gordon and James, in my opinion, don't really have that. With their dynamic, it's a lot of James looking up to Gordon and Gordon looking down on James. In The Adventure Begins, James does a lot of shadowing Gordon and imitating him. James laughs when Gordon laughs and even imitates his whistle. It's very clear that James admires Gordon and sees him as a very important engine, but I would argue that this respect is not returned on Gordon's end. Examples include:
Season 1 Ep 10, "James and the Express": While they're in the sheds together, Gordon tells James that he talks to much. And then right after we get that famous exchange where Gordon brags about "seeming to know the right line by instinct".
Season 5 Ep3, "A Better View for Gordon": Gordon complains and James gets frustrated and is like "Why are you complaining all the time". To which Gordon replies by telling James he's "just a small engine with ideas above his station".
Season 20 Ep 3, "Henry Gets the Express": In order for Henry and Thomas to reverse psychology Gordon into carrying the Flying Kipper, Thomas immediately starts negging James and how difficult it was for him. This is what eventually convinces Gordon to leave the shed because he wants to prove he's certainly stronger than James.
Now I am NOT suggesting that Gordon doesn't care for James in his own way. What I AM suggesting, however, is that I don't think Gordon sees James on the same level as himself. I don't think they are on as equal footing as, say, James and Edward or James and Thomas. James looks up to Gordon like a role model or a mentor. I've seen one user even suggest that James looks up to him like a father. And Gordon sees James as someone of a lower level from himself. The point is that they are not on equal footing. I also don't recall them having notable moments together that one could call a "relationship milestone" either.
With all that said, please keep in mind this is just my opinion for why I personally don't ship Gordon x James. I think they have an interesting dynamic, but not in any way romantic. I suspect that others who don't ship the pairing are also inclined to view them similarly, but I can't speak for anyone else but myself.
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traintrainingmontage · 3 months
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Welcome to the Training Yard
Header (by @/shikariiin)
Profile Pic (by @/rouxipanda)
Pinned Post Art (by @/maxwellscorner)
Terrible puns aside, my name is Te, and this is my TTTE sideblog! I also go by TrainingMontage on Ao3!
I am 25+ years old, she/her, and proudly queer. This is an LGBTQ+ positive, inclusive, and safe blog, so no NSFW, but you may see some swearing and vaguely suggestive content.
My writing and analysis will primarily be based on the Railway Series and Model Series seasons 1-5, as that's what I'm most familiar with, but once in a while I'll reference other TTTE media.
The Skarloey Railway engines, and Skarloey himself in particular, are my favorites, but I also love Edward, James, Percy, Donald, and Douglas very much.
Please do not ask me to commission you.
My askbox is open; please feel free to ask me my opinions on any character or any episode/story. I'll do my best, but I tend to have more to say about RWS and Model Series characters than CGI era originals.
Tag list + featured posts under the cut!
Tag List:
#te writes trains: all of my original writing pieces, including both fanfics and essays
Featured Pieces:
So the Story Goes
Skarloey Appreciation Essay
Friends and Family
It's Love that Sits at the Heart of Violence
#te talks trains: all of my various thoughts about the characters in TTTE
Featured Pieces:
Edward and Henry (and its follow-up, James and Henry)
Skarloey and the Stock Market (and its companion/prequel, While You're Here, You're Family)
Stanley, Duke, and Second Chances
Percy's "Obscure Antecedents"
TTTE Cafe/Bar AU
Sapient Vehicles and Engine Relationships
#te answers questions: for any asks that I may receive
#ttte analysis: where my and other people's wonderful analyses and essays about TTTE end up
#ttte fanfic: the self-explanatory fanfic catch-all tag
#ttte art: ...there's a lot of it
#ttte irl: for photos of real trains and places
#ttte-adjacent: for posts that I personally think are relevant/related to TTTE but aren't directly tagged as or stated to be such
#good ttte takes: this fandom has lots of opinions and these are my favorites. Other people's headcanons that I'm a fan of also go here
#ttte textposts: just what it says on the tag
#ttte shipping: for everyone who likes making the trains kiss
Posts are also tagged by character/ship!
Please enjoy, and thanks for checking out the blog! 💖
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the-ttte-album · 6 months
Edward, Emily, and James (1)
Disclaimer: I don't own any of these images. Most of them were taken from the TTTE Wiki. Some of them were cropped and (horribly) upscaled while a few were taken by me. You can use them! Where the images are from are listed below each set of images.
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James Gets a New Coat - Season 8 Episode 5
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Chickens to School - Season 8 Episode 24
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Thomas and the Toy Shop - Season 9 Episode 9
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Thomas and the Statue - Season 9 Episode 15
just pretend Henry and Thomas aren't there.
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James the Second Best - Season 10 Episode 26
yes, im counting the billboard
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Thomas and the Spaceship - Season 11 Episode 7
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Henry's Lucky Day - Season 11 Episode 8
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Edward and the Mail - Season 11 Episode 14
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Thomas and the Billboard - Season 12 Episode 1
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Percy and the Bandstand - Season 12 Episode 18
These scenes are actually stock footage. The first two shots with Emily and James come from "Don't Be Silly, Billy." The second shot with Edward comes from "Edward and the Mail."
Included Season 12 because there's barely ANYTHING of these three together or where an engine is clearly separating them. most of the shots the three did appear in are all at Tidmouth Sheds, but they would separated. Usually, two of them would be on one end and the other would be on the other end.
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andreajingling · 1 year
Howdy. ~ | I'm Andrea, a Trans Female, I run this ship that is this blog, so let's get some introductions out of the way: | ~ ~ | If you're looking for RP intros and such, scroll down it should be there, but it would be much appreciated and valued if you would read the entire intro. | ~ ~ | Asks are, of course, open when labeled to be. Please try not to bring anything absolutely heinous in there that isn't in character of some sort. | ~
~ | Primary Interests { ones you'll see the most of around here } Include: | ~ Five Nights at Freddy's { This includes Fangames } Thomas the Tank Engine and Friends Trains/Locomotives in General Model Railroading Cars Planes/Aviation Team Fortress 2, Valve Games in General Pokémon
The Christmas Season { hence the branding practically year round }.
~ | Secondary Interests {ones you'll see every once and a while, the odd like and such} Include: | ~ MLP Minecraft The Nightmare Before Christmas
~ | I have a Youtube Channel of the same username which also posts stuff relating to interests, linked here: | ~
~ | And if you choose to support me in any way, be it Kofi, Patreon {both linked below}, or just simply interacting with posts/videos on my channel, it is extremely appreciated and valued. | ~
~ | Roleplay Info Below the Cut! | ~
~ | Now, onto another side of this account, the 'Semi-Character' Aspect. | ~
~ | I've been performing characters in online spaces for over 10 years now, starting in 2013! | ~ ~ | Let's start with the most important piece of any RP related account, the timeline they live in: | ~ ~ | The Andreaplex | ~
~ | To try to explain the entirety of the Andreaplex is to try to explain the entire history of the world I guess. There just isn't enough time, so let's go over some bullet points of the basics:
Multiple Franchises are present in the same universe, each corelating with one of my largest interests. It's basically the crossover episode of the multiverse, except they don't interact very often.
Most of the locations and popular places regarding events in the series are placed in the region of the Pacific Northwest, mainly Oregon however as it's my own home state.
The Timeline is made up of 3 others, each with different franchises present within, Timeline A holding 'Real Life', Timeline B holding FNAF, MLP, TF2, and others, and Timeline C holding TTTE and Pokémon. This is an event that occurred in the past, though does still haunt the present in multiple ways, including the way the three merged in an event called 'The Collision'. Three Into One, A Grand New Creation.
A LOT has changed from the norms of the franchises present, such as my own headcanons, major events IN my own AU Headcanons {such as the North Western Railway closing and eventual relocation to Oregon, again it's wild}, and changes to different elements of the franchises present {such as the added element of spiritual and physical aging in ghosts and spirits who choose to remain down on Earth. Example of this can be if someone dies when they're 5, and choose to remain down on Earth for 5 years, they would be 10 by the time those 5 years passed. Physical aging can go however the spirit wishes to present themselves, unless they have a body that more tangible than their spirit.}.
There are sort of, omnipotent beings that can sometimes be at the head of things called 'Writers'. Mainly it's just me and my friends personifications of ourselves, though most have chosen to allow their characters free will. Speaking of which:
Each Character is of their own free will in this Timeline, disconnected from 'Strings' that once held them in control of the Writer. Andrea being a part of this world said it best, 'I've seen their perspective. And I'm going to fix this.'
There are characters of varying power levels within the world, each harnessing a different brand of it. Speaking of that though:
One of the most common groups of power is Magic, though it has several subvarients, such as 'Equestrian', 'The Knowledge of the Fourth', 'Gold Dust', 'Witchcraft', 'The Black Arts', and other such examples that exist. Anyone can harness some types of magic with enough training, while others are only genetic or given to a select few.
The biggest fact by far is, since Timeline A was 'Real Life', and merged into the Timeline that is The Andreaplex due to the collision, by proxy, Y O U are canon to the Andreaplex Y O U exist!
~ | Next, let's take a look at the colorful world of characters that make the world what it is, specifically the ones that have this account's login info, starting with the Brunette herself, | ~
~ | Andrea 'Goldsmith Shores' Bliss { She/Her } | ~
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{ Massive credit to @kilusion2011 for the ref sheets, and Kennith Stoker on Twitter for the other assorted pieces, check them out here: https://thegamefanatic.carrd.co . Trainer Card made with Pokecharms. }
~ | Andrea is a sort of, self insert in a sense. A being of practically unlimited power and energy due to one of the timelines merging to form her being one of a Writer {self insert moment i know}, as well as many other sources of power being pumped into her in the other 2 timelines that collided. And yet, she just owns a massive rail company, delivering promise to all in Oregon via the Pacific North Western Railroad Company. | ~ ~ | Andrea's presence is represented by a 🎄 on the top of posts. Her brackets of choice are { }, and preferred color is Red. | ~ ~ | A short list of key events, powers, tidbits of info, and drawbacks for her include: | ~
Andrea is 30 years old, born on April 30th. Due to timeframes getting absolutely FUCKED in the Collision, the year is uncertain but they put it down as 2003 as that's the one date that Andrea remembers as her birthday.
Andrea's 6 foot 1 inches.
Andrea is canonically a trans female. During her time she had to have breast reduction surgery due to their size being too painful in combo with Pectus Excavatum.
Andrea is pansexual, and happily married to Cassidy, told about below. Though in recent times the two have gone through some issues regarding their relationship due to both of them kinda not knowing how love works sometimes. They struggle but they're important to one another.
'Shores' was originally her selected last name {as she had several due to several of herself colliding into one another}, but eventually she settled on Bliss when adopting her second child.
Andrea's childhood {at least for her} is a blur. She doesn't remember much of it thanks to The Collision messing with things regarding her long term memory.
She holds near infinite amounts of power, being able to twist a timeline to nothing but red code if she wanted to, but after several events, have led her to not use it a lot, if even at all.
Most uses of her power is out of desperation, or extreme measures that would cause harm to those around/very close to her, such as family, and innocent bystanders.
Holding all of the cards at once for her is extremely overwhelming, and has resulted in her already present feelings of depression, anxiety, and extreme emotional tendencies to rise at extreme rates at times. Time has helped her slowly cope but it, it's a very slow process.
Andrea was gutted at one point by some very hostile robot bear spaghetti, a burnt clown, a burnt rabbit, and a burnt black bear, leaving the large scar on her torso. Like I said before, it's wild.
Andrea's only wish, if she were to get one that is guaranteed to come true, is to possibly experience what Death feels like, as she could never achieve it herself in any manner.
Andrea has adopted two children, ones you'll be seeing later in this thread.
Andrea's bond with her locomotives is like family, she grew up hearing their stories, and now she gets to make new ones with them. It's an honor to her.
Andrea's favorite season is Christmas. I mean, why else would the branding exist? Regardless, she loves the warmth, happiness, and above all, Hope that it gives the world. Hope for a brighter tomorrow. Hope that there is still good on this Earth. Hope that will last for eternity.
One of Andrea's first true friends in her younger days was the fourth in command of Mr. Kris Kringle himself, Vixen. The two are still best friends to this day, and often have one or the other come to their home to celebrate the holidays, at least up until Christmas Eve, then Vixen's got work. Maybe she'll pop in every now and again year round, but most of the time she appears during the holiday season.
If you were to give Andrea a theme, it would be the Rapture Rising Remastered piece from J.T. Music.
~ | Now that's my girl. My little woman. Now onto her beloved spooky ghost woman. | ~
~ | Cassidy Dani Goldsmith { She/Her/They } | ~
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{ Credit to PalaKeda on Twitter for the ref sheet, and Kennith Stoker for the large piece of Andrea and Cassidy together being the women lovers they are. Trainer Card made with Pokecharms. }
~ | Ah Cassidy, the vengeful spirit turned business owner turned, back to vengeful spirit for a while, turned back to business owner with the addition of being a mother of two. Girly has been through a L O T , from her own death, to the entirety of the FNAF Timeline, to the shenanigans that brought her here, to even a near divorce with the woman she wanted to spend eternity with. Let's get to it. | ~
~ | Cassidy's presence is represented by a 👻 on the top of posts. Her brackets of choice are { }, and preferred color is Yellow. . | ~
~ | A short list of key events, powers, tidbits of info, and drawbacks for her include: | ~
Cassidy, much like her wife, is 30 years old, however she was born at some point during the mid 1970s, meeting her unfortunate death at around the age of 11. This is a reminder here that souls can age in this timeline, hence her appearances on her ref sheet including a teenage and child version.
Cassidy has genetic origins in Asia, specifically Japan and Korea. And yet her family chose to live in Utah. Curious. /lh
Cassidy stands at 6 foot 3 inches, around two inches taller than her wife.
One of her greatest hobbies is ironically dancing to her own music. She often pulls Andrea in for dances when she wants to, or when a situation is perfect for one.
As hinted at in the opener piece above, yes, this is THE Cassidy from the FNAF timeline, but my own rendition of her, as well as the timeline itself. Maybe one day I'll go into that can of worms.
Yes, Cassidy is dead. Not Andrea type dead no, she's just. Dead. She's a ghost. Can phase through walls, haunt things, possess her broken up Fredbear animatronic to scare people, that stuff.
Cassidy is a full on Lesbian and is currently in a loving marriage with Andrea, lasting from December 25th of 2021 { I believe the year's right can't remember exact dates } until now. Sure there's been scares and possibilities of divorce here and there, but hey when does that not happen.
Cassidy owns and manages 'Fredbear and Friend's', a restaurant literally right next door to the house she and Andrea own that both provides good old fashioned animatronic entertainment, but preserves vintage equipment and creating replicas of said equipment from Freddy Fazbear's Past, from Fredbear's all the way to the most recent restaurant, the Mega Pizzaplex. Each era of Freddy's has it's own gallery as well as subsections for different historical sections { such as an exhibit showcasing both the Security Breach and Ruin elements in full context }, so for example in one you can see Roxanne wolf, then walk to another and see the Toy Animatronics. This is ALSO another huge can of worms. Currently, this restaurant is Post-Ruin, so The Mimic's in a glass case, and the Ruined's are around on static display.
One other element about the Restaurant she has a more close connection with is 'Cassidy's Game'. Basically, take Ultimate Custom Night, and put every single animatronic from every single game in there { with a few exceptions ofc we ain't letting the mimic hunt people, that's just, no. }.
Cassidy is the backup vocalist { though does get some main vocalist chances } and lead bassist of 'The Missing Ones', an indie band comprised of the original five spirits involved in the Missing Children Incident back in 1985. They mostly do covers, but recently did a rock/metal cover of 'The Northwest Passage' sea shanty, heavily inspired by Johnathan Young's own cover. This was for a special celebration Andrea asked them to attend, as well as providing her own vocals as a special guest.
Cassidy's favorite holiday is, of course, Halloween. Her idol is Jack Skellington, for his expertise in scares and how to get them out of people in the best of ways.
Speaking of Halloween, Cassidy also goes a bit scare crazy around that time of year, due to the Mortal Plain being closest to the Spiritual Realms of Heaven and Hell, as well as Limbo and The Land Between. At this time of year, she opens the Restaurant later, as a sort of Haunted House experience, like that one FNAF Haunted House down in Vegas. Fun Fact I went to that. Was a WILD time. She also pops out and scares anyone she can for that sweet feeling of scaring someone.
Cassidy sort of dislikes the Christmas season for it's overwhelming forcing into your home type attitude. She wants to be spooky but then as soon as November comes around, Mariah Carey is free. She isn't a full on Grinch though. Yet. That arc's coming later. In the past when the two were just dating, Cassidy went out of her way to buy Andrea a full on sleigh for Christmas. Like. Full Sleigh. Full stop no additions. She just bought her a sleigh cause she noticed Andrea loved the season so much.
~ | Well ain't that lovely. Now let's move onto someone with a LOT less info about them, then to someone else small, but first let's get, | ~
~ | Maddie 'Shores' Bliss { She/Her } | ~
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{ Used a Picrew for her, will eventually figure out WHICH this was from but honestly i might never cause i'm kinda lazy, and Trainer Card made with Pokecharms. }
~ | Maddie, a close relative of the Brunette known as Andrea, was originally part of another side of the family before being thrown to the curb due to a demonic possession. Eventually she found herself in the state of Oregon, and finding the Residences Andrea calls home. | ~ ~ | Maddie's presence is represented by a 🔪 on the top of posts. Her brackets of choice are [ ], and preferred color is Green. | ~
~ | A short list of key events, powers, tidbits of info, and drawbacks for her include: | ~
Maddie is an Asexual Biromantic.
Maddie stands at around 6 foot.
Maddie is 23 years old at the time of this original post {September 20th 2023 PST}. Her birthday is November 16th, 2000, one of the few birthdays in the family with a direct year confirmed.
Maddie is one of the few members of the Bliss Family that isn't immortal.
The results of Maddie's Possession gave her a demonic form she can shift into and out of whenever she wishes.
It also, however, gave her a specific Iron Intake she needs to meet with each thing she eats, which cannot be met with any supplements on the market at the moment, rather with human blood and flesh {think something like something from Tokyo Ghoul, except she CAN eat other stuff, just has to have that flesh and blood/iron intake factor} .
Maddie's Possession is a family curse, her mother held it before her, and her grandmother before her, and, well you get the drift. Blame her Great-Great-Great Grandmother {who may pop into this account every so often as a cameo} .
~ | Ain't she a gem. Now, onto our {currently} last individual that can access this account, | ~
~ | Mary Bliss { She/They } | ~
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{ Again made with another picrew I can't remember the link too i am sorry, and Trainer Card made with Pokecharms. }
~ | Mary, the youngest of the Bliss Family, was adopted after she was tagging along with the embodiment of Death {one that tries to get the ghostly residents to ascend}, yet chose to stay behind with the family rather than moving on, gaining an approving family they never got. | ~ ~ | Mary's presence is represented by a ❄ on the top of posts. Their brackets of choice are ( ), and preferred color is Purple. | ~
~ | A short list of key events, powers, tidbits of info, and drawbacks for them include: | ~
Mary is 14 years old as of writing this original post {September 20th, 2023 PST}. Their birthday is March 17th, 2009.
Mary stands at about 5 foot 7 inches.
Mary is NonBinary and AroAce.
Mary is a Freshman in High School.
Mary's has a gunshot scar on her skin where her heart is, which she keeps hidden under her clothing as best as she can. It brings up bad memories of her former family.
Mary's father killed her in cold blood for her own choices of who she was. I will not be going into detail, as honestly it makes even me upset to recall that bit of her. Might retcon it honestly. Who knows.
Mary is the character with the least amount of story built up for her, so she is very experimental at the moment.
~ | Well that was fun! Got to know each of the funnies on here! Now onto the last bit of the matter, their current status! This is just a way for people to know WHO is able to access the account at a given moment. This WILL be edited over time. | ~
~ | Characters that have Access: | ~ ~ | Andrea | ~ ~ | Status: Home. | ~ ~ | Able to Access: Yes | ~ ~ | Cassidy | ~ ~ | Status: Home. | ~ ~ | Able to Access: Yes | ~ ~ | Maddie | ~ ~ | Status: Home. | ~ ~ | Able to Access: Yes | ~ ~ | Mary | ~ ~ | Status: Home | ~ ~ | Able to Access: Yes | ~
~ | And with that, at LONG ass last, this post is OVER!! Thank you to anyone who read this far down, and hopefully I can both enjoy some fun moments on here regarding roleplay, as well as spread a bit of positivity regarding other topics! Might even bring in some actual like, accounts dedicated to stuff in the future, who knows! | ~ ~ | With that, time for me to go have a rest god this took way too long. Andrea, out! | ~
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meanscarletdeceiver · 2 years
Opinions on Happy Ever After?
The Bride giving Percy a kiss has always stuck with me as something genuinely cute and charming.
The kiss is cute!
The whole episode concept is cute. Execution could be better tho. Has a lot of the S5 stilted storytelling and odd tropes of convenience that annoy me.
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thatcheeseycandle · 7 months
//Just an update, especially to my tiktok followers, could be interpritated as an apology.
I'm just gonna try to get this off my chest as soon as possible.
I have left the MCYT Fandom officially as of writing this post, I technically have already left but I just never had the courage to formally address it (especially on my tiktok.) due to feeling burnt out within the fandom while recovering with my mental health while in the ttte fandom.
And to add onto that lets just say I ran into the wrong side of the fandom then it got bad bad from there, basically started a phase in my life where I was at my lowest ever. Though there were people who have helped me through this experience to help me heal from it.
Now now I did not leave the MCYT fandom because of drama including myself or hating something about it.
The reason why I have left the fandom was because I started to feel unsafe within the fandom and it just started to become toxic from my side of things (examples being that overwhelming dramas started to pop up, people I've interacted with have started becoming aggressive and toxic except my close friends, etc), things started to end, my thoughts spiralling out of control, self-esteem lowering, lots of crazy stuff that happened.
I have enjoyed my time within the fandom, (especially LastLife, ESMPS1, Stampy's Lovely World, HCS7, DSMP, and My Inner Demons) for about 5-7 years to be exact, and holy gosh has it been chaotic yet comforting to be apart of this fandom. Though I think, just for a little while, I'll be getting comfortable with the TTTE fandom until I'm ready to dive back into the MCYTs. (especially HCS10)
So yup, that's my wrap-up of my time within the MCYT Fandom for now, see you MCYT-ers in the next season.
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spud-dud · 1 year
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I have made a Skarloey!?
He's big and very s5.
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sudrianmystic · 8 months
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Ladies, gentlemen, and non-binary friends…after 5 years and 1 month of dreaming and conceptualising this series…..I am delighted to bring you this original TTTE series of mine….
Thomas and the Friends of Sodor!
A bit well, generic, title, really, but. This series is going to be based around my own AU, with other characters from other franchises added in, and this will be implied that their homes and lands have been located on Sodor since their inception. Crazy, right? I know how these kind of crossovers usually go….but no worries, I believe I already have found a way to make it work. The series is also gonna introduce a friend to the engines, an original human protagonist, who, yeah, accompanies the engines on their adventures, but no worries, this is still gonna focus on the rest of the engines.
Thomas and the Friends of Sodor will be published on Wattpad and DeviantArt on…..well, I’ll have to complete the first season on Google Docs first.
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the-autistic-duck-fan · 11 months
So I still live. Had a lot going on, still do, but I'd like to engage with this fandom a bit more. So I guess, a brief overview of what TtTE related things on my mind:
-Humanized AU, based on seasons 1-5 of ttte, based on the time that the books were first released (I have a love of period pieces, as can be seen on another AU of mine, involving a certain forgotten sister show to TtTE)
-Whirlwind of Change, a very self indulgent fic about Hurricane. Who showed up exactly once in canon, but I decided to write an entire fic about him.
-Various analyses. Don't entirely know where to start.
-Wanting to find the RWS books and finally experience them. Maybe give my thoughts, I dunno.
So yeah, I'm hoping to try and be more active. I still love the train show and think about it way too much.
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