#if people are still interested in a True Sequel to this story lmk lol
kindahoping4forever · 4 years
Yes, Sir // Ashton Irwin
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This is definitely the fastest turnaround I’ve ever had for a piece of writing 🤡. Yesterday @spicycal​ sent me a TikTok of Ashton reacting to being called “sir” and as you can imagine, the inspo machine started turning for a lot of us. Pretty quickly, I jokingly pitched a premise to @pxrxmoore @cashtonasfuck and @feliznavidaddycal that served as a sequel to the fic I had just posted, You Were Digging Plants, I Dug You. The more I thought about it though, the more I liked the idea so I ran with it and here we are. Thank you to @cal-puddies for as always, reassuring me I was on the right track and to the anons who excitedly messaged me in anticipation for it. (And to @rebelwith0utacause for implying my writing was worth losing sleep over.)
Warnings: Boyfriend!Ash, Gardening!Ash, Home Repair!Ash, Dom!Ash (we love a multi-faceted man), references to bondage and cumplay, brief degrading language, sex in a public place, unprotected sex in an established relationship
Word Count: 3750
Masterlist // Taglist // Ko-Fi
Let  me  know  what  you  think!
“If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you were proud of what you’ve done,” Ashton accuses you with a smirk.
You drop your jaw in mock offense. “What I’ve done?! Ohhhhh, that’s right, that was my other boyfriend’s dick I was bouncing on that day. I’m sorry, baby, you’re correct. This was entirely my fault,” you offer with pouted lips, opening your arms for a cuddle.
“You were a woman possessed and your frenzied demon sex destroyed my relaxation zone,” he teases, pulling you in to first bite and then kiss your pout.
It had been a week since your spontaneous romp had ended in the untimely demise of Ash’s beloved hammock. He hadn’t let you hear the end of it since it happened and now the two of you were finally back outside, assessing the damage.
“I think I have a fabric patch kit in the garage but the framing is definitely fucked,” he mutters, picking over the pieces. “Gonna need new hooks… new spreader bar…”
“Been talking about getting one of those anyways,” you joke with a twinkle in your eye.
He gives you a look and shakes his head. “Jesus, already with you?”
You giggle and raise your arms in surrender. “I’m sorry, Ash, I honestly hate that I’m that girl but the manly man ‘lemme get my tools out and work with my hands’ act just does things for me.”
“Are you sure you want to go with me to get the supplies or are you gonna spontaneously combust right when we walk in the hardware store?” He teases, standing behind you and snaking his arms around your waist. “And you’re not that girl, you’re my girl.”
“Nice save,” you comment dryly and wiggle away from him; he chuckles warmly and you both walk back to the house.
While you’re getting ready to go, Ashton gets caught up taking notes on the hammock repair videos he’s found on YouTube so you end up heading out later than either of you intended. The home improvement store isn’t far but it’s LA so there’s still traffic and the car ride has a slightly tense air because of it.
You can tell how irritated he is by the way he’s relentlessly drumming his fingers on the steering wheel as you sit in the standstill traffic. You reach out and take his hand, both to calm him and to stop the noise. He looks at you appreciatively and gestures at the line of cars in front of him with his other hand. “40 minutes to go five fuckin’ miles,” he grumbles. “There’s no way this is getting done today, the sun’s gonna be goin’ down before we even leave the goddamn store.”
You kiss the back of his hand that’s tightly squeezing yours. “I told you, I’ll help you with everything tomorrow,” you remind him reassuringly. “It’s not a big deal, just relax, baby.”
“You know what would help me relax?” He turns to you with a smirk. “If I could go home and lay in a fuckin’ hammock.”
You finally arrive at your destination and enter the store. After his YouTube deep dive, Ash decided he should install wooden posts to hang the hammock on since your sexcapade uprooted the metal stand’s legs straight out of the ground. He heads over to visit the lumber department and you decide to browse through the garden center, thinking that if you pick out some new seeds for him, it might put a smile on his face.
Ash returns to you less than 10 minutes later, looking more agitated than ever. You raise your eyebrows to him as a silent question and he huffs, “They just happened to have sold out of what I need. Gotta order it, won’t be here until next week.”
You give him a sympathetic frown and rub his back. “I’m sorry I broke your oasis center or whatever you called it earlier,” you say, trying to lighten the mood.
He cracks a smile and starts browsing the seed packs in front of you. “I called it my relaxation zone and I’m sure I’ll forgive you someday.”
You two linger in the garden section, pointing out vegetables that could be helpful to have on hand and having a mild disagreement over which flowers would look best growing next to his sunflowers. 
“My phone is dying and I need it for my shopping list, baby, can you Google and see if we can plant marigolds right now?” He asks, turning a packet of seeds over in his hands.
You pull your phone out of your back pocket, happy to see that he’s calmed down and is interested in making the most of this trip. You chirp emphatically, “Yes, sir.”
Ashton hears your response and lets out a sharp, raspy exhale that you’ve never quite heard before and he immediately tries to disguise it as a cough. You glance over at him curiously but he appears to be intensely examining the package he’s holding so you move on.
“Depends on what type but these ones you can plant through the summer, so we’re good,” you inform him, pointing to the seeds he’s holding.
“Cool,” he breezes and tosses them into your shopping cart. “What about... basil?”
“Yes, sir,” you say again, fingers adeptly typing. You hear a similar noise come from him, though he deals with it much better this second time. You’re sure this wasn’t coincidental this time and you peer at him over your phone to see his jaw clenching in a way you’re very familiar with. Interesting.
“I’m just seeing ‘warm weather’... maybe just get one pack to try?” You suggest, eyeing him, trying to figure out if what you suspect is going on is really going on.
He shrugs, “Couldn’t hurt.” He flings the packet into the cart and moves down the aisle.
Ashton tosses out a few more things for you to look up and while you’re happy to help, you’re also glad for the opportunity to test the theory you now have. You vary your affirmations to him and as you suspect, “Yes, sir” is the only one that seems to get a reaction out of him.
The garden center is located outside and the afternoon sun is just starting to hit the area you’re shopping in. You notice Ash has begun to sweat and if you weren’t in a mood before, you absolutely are now, so you decide to rile him a bit more.  
“That sun is brutal!” You start, dramatically fanning yourself. “You’re lookin’ a little warm too, handsome… unless there’s another reason why you’d be sweating.”
He looks at you incredulously and you stare back innocently, eyes wide and shining; he stares you down as he briskly takes off his black button down shirt, leaving him in a white tank. 
“Are you good or does the sight of any bare flesh in the presence of gardening paraphernalia have you needing to excuse yourself?” He fires back, whipping his shirt into the basket pointedly, glare challenging you to push your luck.
You smile sweetly and answer, “Oh, I’m feeling just fine. But thank you… sir.”
Mischievous grin on your face, you start to make your way to the end of the aisle, scooting your body between him and the shopping cart. Sure, you could’ve gone around the other side but that wouldn’t have given you the opportunity to graze your ass against his crotch to confirm - yep - he’s losing the battle he’s fighting with his cock and he is definitely harder than he wants to be right now.
As you pass by, his large hand grabs your wrist and wraps around it tightly. “Watch it,” is all he says but the low tone he uses mixed with the feeling of his hot breath on your neck has your head spinning.
You lay off your teasing for a while but if you’re being honest, you both seem to enjoy the charged air lingering between the two of you now. Ashton grabs your waist to move you out of his way so that he can look at a display and his fingers dig into your skin just a little too hard, causing you to gasp sharply. You stop to read a tag on the bottom shelf and just happen to catch his gaze as you lick your lips, on your knees in front of him; you hear him curse under his breath as he turns away, adjusting himself.
The cat and mouse game continues and judging by the hiss you get out of him the third time you “accidentally” bump his crotch, you’ve pushed it as far as you can; you know you’re probably in for a long night when you get home but maybe that’s what he needs to take his mind off of how frustrated he is with this project. Or at least that’s what you tell yourself. It’s also quite fun.
You leave the garden section, cart full of various treasures, and start to head for the checkout. “Wait, baby,” Ashton calls out and you stop. “I wanna get a couple of the things I need for the hammock so when I come back for the wood I can just pop in and out of here.” 
He directs you to an area towards the back of the store; you follow him and wheel the cart down an aisle that’s filled with boxes of metal hooks and chains. He sees your eyes taking in the aisle and he makes a face at you. “Whatever obnoxiously horny crack you’re about to make, just do it now so you can help me look for what I need,” he says in faux exasperation, making a “come on” gesture with his hand.
You laugh genuinely, “I don’t have anything to say!” You walk down the aisle and peer into a few of the boxes on the shelves. “I do wonder if we might get a better price on some of these things at one of the other types of stores we frequent,” you say under your breath.
He ignores your remark and starts consulting the notes on his phone. He scans the selection of items and finds the types of hooks he needs, throwing them into your basket. He furrows his brow, unable to find the next thing on his list. 
“What are you looking for, babe? Let me help,” you ask, eager to speed things up.
“We need this,” He states, standing next to you to show you a picture of chains on his phone. 
You examine the photo and quip suggestively, “Yeah we do.”
He lands a light swat on your ass and you squeak. “Your jokes are gonna seem a lot less funny if you keep it up,” he warns quietly in your ear.
You look around and see that this section of the store is more or less deserted. Feeling emboldened by this discovery, you reach to palm him over his jeans. “Yes, sir,” you nonchalantly reply.
The words have barely left your mouth and his hand is already back around your wrist and dragging you to follow him down the aisle. Your logical mind says you should protest that his shirt, your sweater and all your intended purchases are being left in the cart unattended but the decidedly less rational section of your brain, the part that just told you to grab your boyfriend’s dick in the middle of a home improvement store, kind of wants to see where this goes.
You get your answer seconds later when he pulls you into a bathroom tucked away next to the employee break room; it’s small, only a couple of sinks and stalls, and looks infrequently used. Which is probably for the best because Ash does not appear to have any interest in taking you into a stall, at least not just yet.
He presses you up against the door, kissing you deeply with a bruising intensity. He pulls away and you gasp. “You’ve been acting up all day, sweetheart, you can’t be surprised we’ve ended up here.” His hand, large enough to reach across your entire face, grips your chin and turns you to look at him. “Is this what you’ve been aiming for, is this what you hoped would happen?”
His tone is harsh and his words threatening but his eyes glimmer with mischief, desire and excitement. You’re sure the look in your eyes matches his when you unflinchingly answer with a confident, “Yes. Sir.”
He smiles widely and leans in, kissing, nipping and sucking harshly at your neck. You groan against him, involuntarily, and then quickly wonder how thin this bathroom’s walls are and you start trying to recall if you saw anybody in the break room next door.
Ashton pulls back to admire his work on your neck and sees your concerned expression. His face softens for a minute and he asks you, “You remember your word, baby?”
You flash him a brief tender smile, appreciating how attentive he is, that he would pick up on even your briefest moment of apprehension. You nod enthusiastically and then your smile turns devilish as you think to once again answer, “Yes, sir.”
He hooks his fingers in your waistband and yanks you from the door, spinning you around and then pressing your chest into it. You hold your breath and brace yourself for the spank you’re certain is coming but it never does. You’re not sure if you’re disappointed but the way your core is throbbing hints that you probably are.
Instead of smacking your ass, Ash is rutting up against it, breath heavy against your neck, giving you goosebumps. “Feel this, baby? You knew what you were doing out there, you just couldn’t help yourself, could you? Gave you my cock this morning and you’re still begging for it, aren’t you?”
You bite your lip and wiggle against him, enjoying the feeling of his hard bulge pressing into you. “Yes, sir.”
Before you even realize he’s pulled away, that hard smack you’d been waiting for comes down on your ass and you cry out in surprise.
"That’s for being smart.” He presses his body roughly up against yours again and shoves his hand down your shorts, dragging his fingers through your folds, humming at the wetness he discovers there. “We’re on a fuckin’ shopping trip and you’re this wet for me? Even more desperate than I thought… and believe me, you were already very desperate in my mind.”
Ashton yanks his hand out of your shorts and pulls you away from the door, unceremoniously pushing you towards the sink counter. “Off,” he commands, gesturing to your bottoms. There’s not a lock on the bathroom door so he drags the metal trash can in front of the door, wedging it somewhat under the handle. “We already know you clearly can’t keep quiet, can’t have anyone barging in here to see who’s demeaning themself in the bathroom,” he taunts. “That’s only for me to see.”
You and Ash used to play like this all the time when you first got together but lately you’d gotten so caught up in your bubble of domestic bliss, it had fallen by the wayside. Things weren’t boring or unadventurous by any means but it’d been a minute since your last risky public romp or use of any degradation. Combining the two, plus the thrill of jumping back in after so long? Heavenly.
You hop up on the counter in your panties, shedding your tank top and spreading your legs, inviting him closer. “Yes, sir,” you tease with a sultry smile. “I’m your slut, no one else’s.”
He walks over and settles between your legs, kissing you hungrily as he unzips his pants and takes his cock out. “That’s right,” he growls. “Love hearing you say that… In fact, think I want you to see that too.” 
He grabs you down off your perch and spins you to face the mirror lining the sink, your hands fly out to brace yourself as he presses you up against the counter, kicking your legs apart. He makes quick work of tugging your panties down your legs and then reaching over to jerk the cups of your bra down. You watch your reflection as he exposes more of your body to himself and now to you; you don’t even process your nakedness, your only thought is of how blown your pupils look.
Ashton lines himself up and pushes his cock inside you and begins thrusting roughly. You were undoubtedly turned on but the stretch is still a lot and you find yourself gasping and white-knuckling the counter at the sensation. 
He sees your eyes start to close and he yanks your hair to get your attention. “I said I want you to see what a slut you are,” he breathes, already struggling to control himself. “Want you to see what I see, want you to see what everyone is gonna see if that door stop doesn’t hold up and someone comes in here and finds me giving you what you’ve been needing so badly.”
You whimper quietly at his words, at the thought of being caught. “Yes, sir… I love seeing how I look with your cock inside me…” You pant, “I already look so fucked out and we’ve barely started… I just wanted it so much.”
He slaps your ass again and the already loud smack sounds even louder given your setting. “We’re only at this fucking store today because we had to solve a problem created by your greedy little pussy and now that we’re here? You can’t even act right for a couple hours, got me hard looking at fucking flowers, now I’m having to bend you over in a fucking bathroom? How embarrassing,” he rasps at you through gritted teeth.
You love when he’s like this, you feel like you could almost cum from his words alone; you know it’s risking setting him off but you reach down and start rubbing your clit, you can’t help it. Ash immediately notices and laughs darkly. “Aww, baby, that time already? Go ahead and make yourself cum, sugar, the faster that needy pussy gets satisfied, the faster I can get on with my fucking day… until you’re back to begging me for it when we get home, of course.”
You’re aggressively meeting his thrusts now, throwing yourself back on him with pleasure being your only concern. You’d love to respond to his teasing with some sass of your own, rile him up some more but he’s hitting inside you just right and the only thing you can think to do is moan.
Seconds after you let out a particularly long moan, you notice voices can faintly be heard on the other side of the door, a pair of employees walking through the hallway. You catch Ashton’s gaze in the mirror and you can see the question in his eyes, letting you decide if you want to stop; you surprise yourself with how little you care and you stare at his reflection as you bounce yourself against him and rub your clit faster.
An amused smile paints his face and he whispers, “Starting to think you might want everyone to know what a slut you are for me. Is that what you want, baby?” His fingers dig into your skin as he drives his hips relentlessly into yours.
To keep from crying out, you bite your lip hard enough you’re almost sure you’re breaking the skin. You manage to gasp out, “Yes, sir,” before your orgasm completely takes your breath away.
The combination of you cumming around him and your breathless use of that phrase finally does Ash in and he thrusts into you only a few more times before his cock starts pumping you full of cum. Those voices outside the door are still somewhat present and you watch his reflection as he tries not to make a sound, fascinated by the way his jaw almost seems to be clenching in time with the pulsing of your pussy.
You both stand at the sink, catching your breath for a good minute, reality slowly starting to fade back in. You close your eyes and open them again, giggling once your mind finally starts to process the sight of yourself tits out, bottomless and bent over a bathroom sink in a hardware store.
Ashton smiles at the sound of your laughter and pulls out of you, hurriedly reaching for a handful of paper towels to help you clean up before things get too messy.
You accept his help and wryly ask, “You’re not gonna do the whole ‘no, put your panties back on, want you to feel my cum dripping out of you until we get home’ thing?”
He looks at you with amusement in his eyes and replies, “Gross, babe, we still have to go through checkout and everything. Jesus.”
You snort and pull him into you, kissing him sweetly before you both start the process of making yourselves and the bathroom look like nothing happened. 
You manage to exit both the bathroom and the store without anyone catching on; you notice he’s in a much lighter mood and much more affectionate and touchy than he was earlier. You like it.
There’s traffic on the drive home but it doesn’t seem to bother either one of you; you’re excitedly chatting about the purchases you made and trying to decide what to order for dinner.
There’s a lull in the conversation and you can’t fight the urge to comment, “So… you definitely can’t tease me anymore for getting turned on by home improvement because I’m pretty sure you’re not gonna be able to visit that store without getting just a little bit hard now.”
The giggle Ash lets out fills the car and it’s the best sound you’ve heard all day. “I think whatever sex demon possessed you last week got to me,” he shakes his head in disbelief. “I literally had to stop myself from eating my cum out of you. That’s how far gone I was.”
You playfully jab his side. “I can’t even get you to do that at home and you’re trying to do it in a public bathroom? And we call me the slut in this relationship.”
He laughs again and squeezes your thigh affectionately. “Well… we have fun, don’t we?”
You place your hand on top of his, turn to him and grin. “Yes, sir.”
My tag list is breaking my posts atm so apologies if you get tagged more than once/don’t get tagged at all while I figure out what the problem is!
@mymindwide @suchalonelysunflower  @loveroflrh @ghostofmashton @sexgodashton @ashtonangst  @castaway-cashton @boomerash  @megz1985 @ashdork-irwin @angelicfluffs @findingliam-o @abadaftertaste  @myloverboyash @youngbloodchild @irwinsbetch @ashsun @everyscarisahealingplace @wiildflower-xxx  @metalandboybands @another-lonely-heart @realisticnotes @makeamovehemmings @ashtondaddy90 @golden166 @burstintocolor @mfartzzz @babyoria @saphseoul @petunias-pet @youngblood199456 @notinthesameway- @seanna313 @calumftduke @zhangyixingxing1 @stardust-galaxies @Redeserts @zackoid @queenalienscherrypie @xsongxbirdx @justhereforcalum @laura66sos @calumrose @karajaynetoday @valdanvers @Obey-Kaylin 
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bts-ficrecs · 4 years
Namjoon angst fic recs (no smut)
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@ephyra16​​ asked: 
Hey...! Your blog is of so much help to me, thank you for all the hard work you do... I wanted to ask if you know any long Namjoon oneshots or series which mostly have angst but no smut...? Namjoon centered fics are really hard to find. Thanks!!
yes hello for some reason tumblr hates me and idk why everything gets wonky when i try to answer asks so i’m making a new post <3
1) as a jin stan i feel u. is hard to find fics for our mans but that just means when we find one we devour it and cherish it 4 ever lol
2) jsdflajsd you might have more luck asking someone else for straight up angst cause i can barely stomach angst LOL. I tried my best to find some heart breaky fics for you! :”) A majority of these I have not yet read so we will both be riding the emo train together.
As you requested, most of the oneshots are long fics, over 5k but! There are several honorable mentions under 5k are also listed cause they’re great
Thank you for your patience and I’m glad you’re enjoying the fics I reblog! :D so many great stories out there. as always, if there’s a fic that any of you readers think should be on this list lmk!! 🧡🧡 Enjoy!~
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A Little Bit Of Sugar by @lthyl​​
Summary: Namjoon is well aware that some, well actually most people could find his hobby not exactly common, yet he still considers himself to be a man of tasteful words and higher intellect - someone who managed to understand the true, deepest meaning of beauty itself. And so he doesn’t really care if his methods of collecting pretty things end up being darker that expected, once you peek under the surface.
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Almost Love by @joonary​​
Summary: You think you’ve got your life all figured out—after all, you found your soulmate already, and you’re lucky enough to have found him in your childhood best friend. You suppose that maybe, now that you’re older, your luck has begun to run out.
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Better To Have Loved by @rkivenamu​​
Summary: Love, Namjoon had found, wormed its way though people, consumed them whole until it left nothing of the people they had once been. It became a weapon to be used to wound the other. Love, it seemed, was the worst thing that had ever happened to him.
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Bloom by @hobidreams​​
Summary: Family is who you kill for. Who you die for. In this society, you and your kin are shadows, clinging to the darkness to obey orders absolute. But when such orders command you to abandon what little honor remains for wealth and notoriety, you find yourself lost in lonely uncertainty about the only vocation you’ve ever known. That is, until you meet a man with gentle hands, a poet’s heart, and a love for coaxing the world into bloom.
Note: okay, this has smut (there are 2 smut scenes) but… it is too good for me to not add to this list
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Breathless by @personawife​​
Summary: Jungkook was eleven when it had begun. At first, he didn’t realize what was happening to him when he had miraculously coughed up a flower petal. He thought that maybe it had accidentally blown into his mouth with the wind, but then he realized that there were no cherry blossom trees around his house.
Pairing: Namjoon x Jungkook
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Catching Fire by @namjoonchronicles​​
Summary: “If you didn’t want to go, then you should have told me. I wouldn’t have taken you here.”
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Cut by @chimchimsauce​​ (>5k)
Summary: Namjoon always hated soulmates.
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Chasing Perfection by @shuaffeine-rkive​​
Summary: Kim Namjoon is the only kid in AP Bio that is smarter than me, and I will make it a point to destroy his perfect record.
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Emancipated by @imagniation​​
Summary: CEO!Namjoon is a hero time and time again when your father takes the villain role.
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Five Times by @lordofassgard​​
Summary: Five times you wished you never met Namjoon.
Sequel (of sorts): Part 2 - Namjoon's POV
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For All the Petals by @rosaetae​​ (>5k)
Summary: A story in which you met him in the spring, fell in love with him in the summer, but he left you in autumn and how you missed him in the winter.
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Forget Me Not by @fairyjeons​​
Summary: She fell apart that day. An all white day with crowds of adoring friends and family to see them make the most happiest decisions of their lives, to choose to be together. She chose yes. He chose different.
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Ghost In The Machine by @jimlingss​​
Summary: Kim Namjoon is your android that’s modified to become the best serial killer in all of existence. But when he starts to learn about humanity, he begins to threaten your goals.
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God of Destruction by @jimlingss​
Summary: Everything he touches breaks; except for you.
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Jealous by @btssmutgalore​​ (>5k)
Summary: Namjoon remembered the day you left clearly.
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Lit Me Up by @floralseokjin​​
Summary: You find yourself becoming captivated by a mysterious, handsome author, but you may have bitten off more than you can chew…
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No Goodbye by @floralseokjin​ (>5k)
Summary: Even if you’re the one who ended things, you can still feel pain. Your heartbreak is valid. Your sadness for the past is a grieving process…
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Noble Gain and Loss by @jaeminlore​​ (>5k)
Summary: You are a person of nobility preparing with your tutor for your royal debut. The two of you fall into a forbidden love.
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Not The One by @personawife​​ (>5k)
Summary: Maybe you should’ve realized early on then, that something was bound to go wrong. Meeting your soulmate at sixteen and living happily ever after? No one’s that lucky. But you refused to believe anything else.
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Paracosm by @jimlingss​ (>5k)
Summary: Namjoon’s always known he was your second choice. He was a substitute for someone who wasn’t there. So when you’re on your deathbed, he intends to reconstruct your memories and remove your regrets.
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Press Play by @out-of-jams​​
Summary: You didn’t mean to. Didn’t intend to fall in love with a dying man.
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Submerged by @myfeelsinink​​
Summary: Kim Namjoon is the man of your dreams; or rather, from your dreams.
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Suspended Soul by @justimajin​​
Summary: A silver ring, a live long promise, and an eternity of happiness. All of which, he had managed to break.
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The what Ifs by @ellieljade​​ (>5k)
Summary: You would be able to handle the relationship between Namjoon and your best friend if it weren’t for all those damned “what ifs”
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Wishf-oo-l by @sseudanym (>5k)
Summary: To fulfill a good man’s bad dream.
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Worshipers of the Soul by @jimlingss​
Summary: The King of the Underworld was denounced and exiled from Heaven as a god. But with your help, he may rise to power once more and claim his rightful throne.
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You’ve Got That by @mikrksmos​​
Summary: After making a life-changing decision for your career, you’re unsure of how exactly to bring it up to your boyfriend after your relationship and communication has not really been in sync. Namjoon is ready to take this relationship to the next stage, and he is sure that what he needs to ask you will be the solution to all the problems you have been having. Both know this next move is the right idea, but are unaware of how parallel those ideas really are.
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Confirm Or Deny by @dinoyoongi​​
Status: complete series (6/6)
Summary: You’re a member of the rising group FRNZEE. You’ve been dating Namjoon for years when Dispatch releases an article exposing your relationship. Your company confirms the relationship. Big Hit denies it.
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Deeper than Ink by @whoajeon​​
Status: discontinued series (2/?)
Summary: Should you fall in love with someone, even in the slightest, your skin becomes marked with vibrant colors that depict the story of your emotions. A tattoo, per say. However, should they or you fall out of love, the bright hues dull to black and the feelings you once had for each other melt away. To many, it’s a blessing to not have to live with the pain of your past. But what’s the point when you have too many reminders–say 27?
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His Deaf Stars by @jooneos​​
Status: discontinued series (1/?)
Summary: When Namjoon turned 20 he had been excited to finally find his soulmate. He hadn’t anticipated that finding them would prove to be such a long journey. Now, more than 500 years later Namjoon still hadn’t found them.
Note: ok, yes it’s discontinued and only 1 part is up but still… please read it. It’s an interesting read regardless!
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Inked by @kookswife​​
Status: complete series (6/6)
Summary: The day Namjoon entered your life was the day you were a bit more than utterly fucked.
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Monster by @wordycerty​​
Status: ongoing series (1/?)
Summary: Namjoon as a vampire and you’re locked in a basement with him. For you to escape, he first needs to feed.
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Noble Heart by @agustkive​​
Status: ongoing series (1/?)
Summary: Unrequited love can destroy anyone, and in a society where it could literally do so, it made it difficult to want anything more. Being among the population with Hanahaki disease, you battled with doing what you loved without actually feeling it. That is, until a new florist by the name of Kim Namjoon came into your life to remind you of what it actually felt like.
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Reality by @thoughtssilent​​
Status: ongoing series (11/12)
Summary: Namjoon can’t deal with himself anymore, and to make things worse, BTS is disbanding.
Pairing: Namjoon x OT7
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Regrets by @nightbts​​
Status: complete series (3/3)
Summary: When his eyes met yours, you felt your heart squeeze in your chest at the familiar brown eyes that you once used to know at the back of your hand. The very ones you’d wake up to every morning. The very ones that would gaze at you with so much affection as the words I love you spilled past his mouth during the most random moments of your day. It was him, your ex-boyfriend, the very Kim Namjoon.
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Solanacea by @softjeon​​
Status: complete series (10/10)
Summary: There was something between them that neither could deny. It was like this from the first day they had met.
Pairing: Namjoon x Jimin
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The Heiress’ Son by @jimlingss​
Status: complete series (3/3)
Summary: Love is never enough. It could never feed you, protect you, stop death from taking you. It chains you down. It compels forgiveness unconditionally. It is dangerous. While it is the most intense of feelings, love is not enough and it will never be. Love never helped anyone.
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What If I Said by @thoughtssilent​​
Status: complete series (3/3)
Summary: If no one is there for him, Namjoon won't be there for them. Or, a collection of sad stories.
Pairing: Namjoon x OT7
207 notes · View notes
otomeonfleek · 6 years
IYAT 2: First Impressions and Takeru Ashida Main Route Review **slight spoilers
For many & namely moi, In Your Arms Tonight (IYAT) is an nostalgic OG that marked Voltage starting to address mature topics like infidelity. Regardless of the dozens of characters and games I go through, I remember IYAT and my heart always goes back to Kippei Ebihara. 
Over the years, we do change as do our preferences w/ sights wandering to a brusque god like Scorpio or an older divorcee like Jin Namba and or even a sassy writer like Toma. 
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However again, this dramatic series of a working woman wronged by her husband and that kind-hearted yet strict superior stick with me. In that, the Jap. version of its “sequel” haunted me for years and seeing its Eng. release has me on cloud9. 
I jumped to play the first character’s (Takeru Ashida) release and so will base my first impressions on it below. 
The first thing I noted was how unlike the series, Be My Princess 1 & 2, this one is not a generational skip. It takes place in a similar time as the original IYAT as we continuously run into our favs in the same neighborhood (ie. we see Aiba and he’s still single). This element is appreciated b/ I get so hyped when we see characters from separate games (ie. I ran into this scary yet helpful older guy at an electronics store. There’s this sassy blonde who got angry I ordered pork noodles). It’s a typically bittersweet feeling b/ the realization that ooh you ain’t their MC. To ease that pain, I will include shit edits. 
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Now back to the game! As MC, you are in your late 20′s and focused on being a homemaker to your newlywed husband, Kazuya Seto. 
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**I’m actually super happy to be a Seto, I want your route to release already ahh
With your love of writing, you win a contest and are launched into the novelist’s world. Kazuya gets on your case however because he doesn’t want you to work (I also think he just believes the world is a rough place and doesn’t want you to get hurt, but that’s another story) & because he sees how you’re growing close with another man. 
I always wondered if he would turn yandere, but thankfully nah. If you are sensitive to a controlling s/o, pls be mindful of this. Again, it fortunately never escalated to a place of violence or creepy creepy possessiveness. 
Moving on! This route impresses me on a several levels. 
1.) Given past original husbands (Tomohiro, Koichi), Voltage MCs have a track record of horrid partners... 
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And so I was pleasantly surprised to see a rather clean split. Bless Kazuya for not joining the list (at least not in this route) in adding hella drama. 
As your husband, he’s supposed to be the one that knows you best and makes you happy, but he’s constantly reminded that’s not the case. You’re a writer and there’s another man that understands that you’re more than a housewife. It kills him to suddenly realize how different you both are and so he ultimately begs for a divorce. 
This twist left me respecting the husband & kinda understanding him. I’m looking forward to his route b/ beyond Koichi, I want to see how Voltage resolves struggling marriages and character transformations.  
2.) There was no outright infidelity. I suppose everyone has their own interpretation of cheating, but I’m meaning physical stuff (ie. outright kissing frm both persons, THE sex). 
I respected how MC’s options kept in mind her marriage. Considering the game premise, kudos to writers for managing to not include straight-up cheating here. That must have been difficult! 
From the opening vid, I always envisioned MC running off w/ the guy (lol serving vibes frm Genji’s route) & worrying everyone. That did not happen in this Takeru’s route, but who knows about future character releases? Ooh the drama.
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This game is unique b/ the roles are reversed and finally MC has the option to cheat & do with that power whatever she will. My morals are against infidelity, however exploring this theme through the game is interesting. 
--------------------------MS REVIEW TIME--------------------------
"My dream. In college, it was Takeru. Now, it's being a writer."
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Onto the actual review for the character, Takeru Ashida. He is a famed photographer that you know from your college days. It’s emphasized that you were good friends in uni yet always felt he was far away and lonely. He was the popular guy everyone loved, but if you looked closely would see how unhappy he was in a room full of people. Deep af. 
You fell in love with him yet things ended on a sour note. From there, you moved on w/ life and found your husband. While Kazuya represents comfort and flowers, Takeru is impulse and eclectic pieces. The latter lives boldly and through instinct which then contrasts w/ MC who is struggling to realize her passions. 
By divine intervention, you and Takeru need to work together on your first true writing project. From there, we see a gradual shift from your character being so careful and unsure to someone more honest. With him simultaneously supporting and challenging you to be more (than just a housewife for Kazuya), there is a transformation in your writing. You reach the point where you’ve gained confidence as a writer and managed to create a story with uninhibited emotion which is something you couldn’t seem to get right. 
As mentioned before, there is no straight-up cheating (ie. sleeping together, making out), but ofc it’s more on an emotional level. Regardless of your differences and how difficult Takeru can be to understand, you’re good together. 
Ultimately, there could have been more character exploration for MC & Takeru (like damn, why you are like this), however I am happy w/ how this route turned out. As the first release of IYAT 2, it did not disappoint. 
I recommend giving IYAT 2 some love and will be on the lookout for more. 
If any of you have characters you would like me to review, there is a good chance I’ve played them before & can do that for you! Perhaps, you want a funny meme-esque edit. Lmk! This summer, I seem to have a bit of time. I mean, look how many edits I made for just this post. Lol. 
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