#if petunia does a really stinky poop and I’m home she’ll actually come and meow at me to fix it for her
l3irdl3rain · 1 year
seeing the horse bedding anon inspired me to try and switch our cat to pine pellets, but coming from clumping litter, I'm a little confused by the box cleaning process. do you need a sifting litterbox to get the dust out? this feels like such a silly question, but how does cleaning the litterbox differ with the pine pellets? we got a 35lb bag for 5.89 which is a crazy savings if she actually likes them!
Thanks so much, here's Bathtub as cat tax :3
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Hey! I’m going to explain the method I use but I’m sure other ppl have differing opinions. This is just what works for me.
I only put a small amount of litter in each box. I actually don’t scoop poop daily unless someone did a really stinky poop or there’s just a lot. But every other day I dump out the entire litterbox because basically the whole thing is soiled with urine. On the litter boxes they don’t use as often I can get an extra day or two.
If you only have one or two cats you’d probably end up wasting a lot of litter if you dumped the boxes that often. I have 5 cats and even tho I have 6 litter boxes they really only use 3 of them regularly, so they get really gross really fast. I’ve found that just using small amounts of litter and starting fresh more often helps keep my house from smelling like one big litter box
I know other people will fill the boxes like normal, scoop poop daily, and then give the box a little shake to make the crumbled pellets settle down on the bottom of the box. Then when there’s too much urine they’ll dump the whole thing. So basically the same idea as a sifting box without spending the extra money for one.
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