#if she prays for you many things may happen including but not limited to exploding
ghostofazalea · 1 year
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florentine the beloved first angel
pray that she does not bless you
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hunterguyveriv · 6 years
Daddy Please Wake Up part 1
As some are aware I have posted the story I am working on titled “Daddy Please Wake Up!” on DeviantArt, Fanfiction.Net, and Archive about 2 weeks ago. I wanted to share it here for those who may not be a member of those sites. I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it. 
As I have mentioned on the 3 sites I posted this story on, this was inspired by the lack of fan art of Post Explosion/Crash Keith and his wolf. So I wanted to be the first to do something like this.
Part 1: The Explosion & Crash The explosion was nearly as bright as the antiquated nuclear weapons used for tests during a conflict that happened nearly 150 years ago called the Cold War if not brighter. Temporarily frying the polarized filters in the cockpits of the lions, causing the paladins to go blind. Not that becoming blind would matter… The explosion was bright enough that it looked as if it were a second sun. Not even seconds later it slammed into the lions with enough force it was a surprise that they weren't destroyed. Slamming into the black lion the hardest, having supported the body and the other lions supporting the limbs. But there were no screams over the comms, it was as if they accepted their inevitable fate. In the cockpit of the Black Lion, being hit the hardest, Keith was instantaneously thrown into the console in front of him causing him to scream out blindly from some of his ribs breaking before collapsing back into his chair. Almost as if sensing the imminent danger to his paladin the chair magnetized holding Keith to it before everything went offline. He tried calling out to the paladins over his helmet but all he heard was static. He desperately grabbed the controls to do something… anything but they were locked up like the time Voltron was hit by the Komar. The lion was violently rocked again from hitting Earth’s atmosphere during reentry causing the magnetic locks to nearly completely fail to cause him to slam the visor of his helmet into the same console he broke his ribs on. He screamed in pain again as his head started to ring from the impact and blood slowly trickled down his face from his broken visor. Being closest to Black, Blue nearly suffered the same fate from the explosion, had she not been vaguely shielded from Black’s wings. Instead, Blue was slammed with enough force to cause the Princess to get whiplash from the violent motions. Seconds later sensing danger to her Paladin Blue magnetized Allura’s seat even her helmet to keep her from doing any serious damage to her neck. She remembered something Lance said nearly 4 years ago about Water helping Blue recharge. She just managed to type in the coordinates she wanted just before Blue slammed into the atmosphere. SHe grunted in pain trying to keep her calm in the face of certain death, holding on to the controls. Manhandling them trying to keep Blue straight. It was only when Blue started barrel rolling that her resolve started to crack.
Inside the Yellow Lion, Hunk was surprisingly fairing better than the rest of the team in terms of plummeting down to Earth. Due to the extra armor, Yellow had he could still manage to fight the effects of the explosion hurtling his Lion back to Earth. His console in front of him arched streams of blue energy, prompting him to protect his face. Being the heaviest of the Lions Yellow slammed hard into the atmosphere. Inside the cockpit due to the impact with the atmosphere Hunk slammed his arms into the console and his head into his arms cutting it open while also giving himself a concussion. When the Lion started to tail spine adding insult to injury Hunk felt his stomach churning violently. Through the lulling ringing of his concussion and the effects of G-Forces he grabbed his controls and started fighting with them to get control again, yelling. Pidge, being the smallest of the Paladins struggled against the Magnetic locks holding her in place. Her lion’s display flickered off and on as she plummeted towards the atmosphere. She grabbed her controls the best she could but only one responded. She typed some buttons on the console to her left. She pulled up the Head-Missile and tried to launch as a sort of escape pod, but the systems were jammed. She frantically typed other commands on her consoles but nothing was working. Tears started flowing from her eyes as everything she thought of just wouldn't work mathematically or function. She was 30 seconds from burning up on reentry or minutes away from crashing head first into the ground. She heard a faint rumble in the back of her head and with what little power her lion had put it in “Form Voltron mode” reducing the surface of the lion praying it would work.
Inside the Red Lion, Lance was having troubles holding her together. The shockwave not only damaged many critical systems to Red, due to her lack of armor for the sacrifice of speed and maneuverability but Lance hadn't gone unscathed. In the violent shaking and rocking, he bit his lip open but also broke an arm from flailing about. But like Black, Red magnetized her seat to protect her paladin’s torso from the shockwave. He grunted against the pain grabbing both controls. He had to position her for reentry. He called out to Allura - nothing, Keith - he heard briefly a blood-curdling scream of pain before his coms went down, Pidge - static, Hunk - garbled transmissions of him saying something. Before succumbing to G-Forces upon reentry his last thought to himself was to find a soft landing.
On Earth Atlas was in the process of powering back up to revert to its Battleship form when the sonic booms of the lions reentering the atmosphere were recorded on sensors. Shiro tried contacting the Lions but all he got was static. He tried again still static before the realization hit him, they were all free falling to Earth. The only thing the Bridge-Crew could do was watch in horror as the lions fell.
Due to the limited power returning sensors were limited to a 50-mile radius around Atlas. He ordered the sensor officer to track their trajectory and plot estimated crash sites. He as ordered the MFEs ready to launch with Medics in tow with them. They were to follow the lions when they got out of sensor ranger and render any necessary aide to the Paladins. In the hanger bay, the MFE-Pilots and medics received their orders. Each itching to take off as the hanger doors were forcibly opened manually. But the manual override to the hanger dors was too slow. Just as the first MFE left the hanger the lions had all crashed.
Red slammed into a surprisingly intact flat surface on the outskirts of Platt City near what looked like refinery drums. She slammed so hard that Lance broke his arm when it slammed into his console to his right. With the crash over, the magnetic lock released Lance from its vice-like grip on the Paladin. With the artificial gravity system offline Lance fell and to add insult to injury dislocated the shoulder to the very arm he broke. Blue had slashed down, nice and softly into the Gulf of Mexico. Like on the Mermaid Planet all her systems were down as she sank deeper and deeper into the Gulf. Her Paladin unconscious from the impact had a pain where bruises would later appear shooting through her. Blue’s hull groaned from the stress of the explosion and the water as she came to a stop on her side. Just barely surviving reentry Green used the last ounce of her energy to revert from her arm stage to her lion stage. She also managed to roll over as to have her back shield take the initial impact. Green crashed into the forest of Yosemite National Park just barely missing El Capitan. Alarms of various system failures blared in Pidge’s cockpit, but she was already unconscious from the G-Forces wreaking havoc on her small frame. Yellow nearly collided with the Galra base but the impact and close proximity did irrevocable damage to the base causing able prisoners to flee. Nearly all of them fled except for a shocked and growing crowd surrounding two, who stared at the massive lion in fear. Fear of the occupant, one they dreamt of holding in their arms again didn't make it. Not knowing he had fared better than his friends, only slammed his head into a console Leaving just Black…
His body was screaming in pain at him, blood trickling down his cut face as he struggled. Struggled to gain some control of his lion. Struggled against the pain in his ribs laying an arm against them as if it was all that was holding them together. Struggled to stay awake as the ringing from his concussion got louder. Consoles erupted in sparks causing him to wince and move his head away from exploding consoles. The sounds of alarms could be heard, causing his head to hurt even more. Just by closing his eyes to protect his slowly recovering eyesight started him to become drowsy. He heard a faint-weak whisper from his lion pleading with him to stay awake, he had to stay awake. Through his hazy sight, he saw the shack that was once part of the house his father and mother owned when he was a baby. Coming to terms, he thought to himself “how fitting… my path started here, now it is going to end,” he smiled through the physical pain. He thought of his mother, his wolf, his mentor Kolivan who was thankfully harsher on him than his brother Shiro ever was, and her... one last time. Groaning through the pain in his throat, “Well dad, guess I’ll be seeing you shortly. We can finally get to catch up.” Closing his eyes just before Black slammed into the ground head first.
Romelle was sitting in a room set aside for Keith. Of all the people on the Atlas including Shiro & Coran, it was decided she would keep the wolf company. After all, she knew him more than any of the Paladins, Coran, or Shiro. She was humming softly leaning against a wall petting the wolf everyone started calling Cosmo. He had settled down surprisingly during the battle with that Hammerhead Robeasts. Romelle commented “it must be nice to be that calm” as she continued to stroke the wolf’s fur. But the wolf raised his head looking around the strange room for something and started to whine.
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wsmith215 · 4 years
San Antonio businesses on the long road back from the coronavirus pandemic – 60 Minutes
We were pleasantly surprised, Friday, when the Federal Bureau of Labor statistics said unemployment had fallen to just over 13%. But, there was a mistake. The BLS says, due to a “misclassification error,” the jobless rate was likely three percentage points higher, above 16%. In the confusion of the pandemic, it’s estimated nearly 5 million furloughed Americans weren’t counted as unemployed. Friday’s report also said joblessness fell for whites and Hispanics, but increased slightly for black and Asian Americans. It’s another sign of uncertainty as the U.S. reopens with no vaccine. Many states are now suffering a surge in COVID cases including California, Florida and Texas. We looked for hints of our future in San Antonio. America’s seventh largest city. It’s known as the Alamo City and it’s preparing for a long siege. 
Scott Pelley: What does your business mean to you?
Elizabeth Johnson: It’s like a child. It’s my family. It’s my dreams.
Scott Pelley: And where do you find yourself today?
Elizabeth Johnson: Working harder than I’ve ever worked in my entire life, earning a fraction of what we’re used to earning. And waking up in the middle of the night, trying to figure out how we’re gonna keep the boat floating.
Her boat is Pharm Table. Elizabeth Johnson’s restaurant floats, on the federal bailout that pays her employees and money from charities that pay her to feed the hungry. 
Elizabeth Johnson: If we can just make it to October and November without another relapse of COVID, without another stay-at-home order and shutdown that gives me hope.  
Scott Pelley: If there is a resurgence, can you beat that?
Elizabeth Johnson: I have to. Failure’s not an option.
Elizabeth Johnson at work
She has no option but to improvise. Her federal payroll protection money runs out in July. Can she open and stay open at the state mandated 50% capacity? 
Elizabeth Johnson: It is a hope and a prayer that we do not have a second wave between now and then. It is a hope and a prayer that our customers are going to continue to support and frequent us. And that they aren’t just– trying to quarantine themselves in their homes.
The historic, $3 trillion federal bailout, was far-reaching but not far-sighted. Paycheck protection money for many businesses, higher unemployment benefits and bans on foreclosures for federally-backed mortgages run out this summer. In March, two days after the bailout was signed, the view from the Rose Garden was rosy. 
President Trump on 3/29/20 in the White House Rose Garden: We can expect that, by June 1st, we will be well on our way to recovery. We think, by June 1st, a lot of great things will be happening.
Nine weeks later, June 1, the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office estimated a full recovery will take nine years. June 1 also saw at least 16 states with rising rates of infection, including Texas which had nearly 70,000 known infections and 1,700 dead.  
Ron Nirenberg: We’re not ever gonna be out of the woods until there is therapy, until there is vaccine. And we have to learn to live with that.
San Antonio Mayor Ron Nirenberg
Ron Nirenberg is mayor of San Antonio.
Scott Pelley: Are there metrics that you look at every day, every hour to see if this is the right thing at the right time?
Ron Nirenberg: There are. The ones that we look at most closely are the hospitalizations. But we also wanna make sure that we’re not seeing a spike in the severity of cases, people that are needing ICU treatment.
Scott Pelley: And the data right now are telling you what?
Ron Nirenberg: We are seeing an increase in transmission as a result of new activities being introduced in the slow opening of the economy. But we are also seeing a stable rate of capacity in our hospitals. And an increase in the amount of testing that allows us to assess the breadth of this infection.
He’s managing the breadth of this infection with a plan San Antonio developed itself, including testing, door-to-door, to try to contain outbreaks before they explode.
Ron Nirenberg: We’ve put our public health professionals, our medical experts, out front to give us the data, the plain truth of what this is, good, bad and ugly.
Texas had one of the shortest stay-at-home periods. In May, it opened most businesses with significant limits. The early result is a record spike in known infections, according to the Texas Department of State Health Services. 
Zanel Pizarro is reopening a licensed daycare in her home.
Zanel Pizarro: If one child gets sick, we have to close. So, praying that everybody stays healthy, and we can continue operating. We’ll just have to ensure that we are able to have enough revenue to continue operating.
Zanel Pizarro
She has three teachers on federal payroll protection. That will last her about four more weeks. She has a mortgage deferment that ends this month. 
Zanel Pizarro: That money that we’re not paying in mortgage allow us to pay for food, and to keep the lights on. 
Scott Pelley: You had how many children in the daycare before?
Zanel Pizarro: Twelve.
Scott Pelley: How many parents are bringing their kids back?
Zanel Pizarro: About eight. 
Scott Pelley: What happened to the others?
Zanel Pizarro: The others decided to keep their children home for safety reasons. 
That question of public confidence is in the impatient eyes of every masked business. If you cleanse it, will they come?
Scott Pelley: Do you think it’s too early to open or too late?
Geronimo Lopez: I think it’s a little too early, in my personal opinion, in the sense that we have not yet seen the drop in the numbers that we’re supposed to see. But then again, I’m a chef. You know, I wanna cook.
Geronimo Lopez
Geronimo Lopez took the leap and reopened his restaurant, Botika, at 50% capacity, after retraining many of the 45 employees he laid off. 
Scott Pelley: What are you training your employees to do?
Geronimo Lopez: The minimum contact with the plate and with the guest that we can. People can download the menu and look at it in their phone.  Contact-less pay options for our guests so there’s less interaction there. 
Scott Pelley: Can you make a go of it at 50%?
Geronimo Lopez: This is our best bet at the moment. To tell you that I’m confident that we can do it will be a lie. 
He can’t be confident until humanity returns to the empty halls of the $15 billion San Antonio tourism and convention industry. The city anticipates losing 40 million in hotel taxes alone and had to furlough 270 city workers. The virus turned a battle-cry into a question. Remember the Alamo? The 2018 Final Four was at the Alamodome. Today, the venue is known for images of thousands of cars lining up for food. The San Antonio Food Bank is spending about $6 million a week, much of that donated by local businesses.
Ron Nirenberg: Those pictures are an illustration of the level of desperation that millions of Americans have had prior to this pandemic.
The mayor told us the virus exposed a mirage in our former economy. Even in the good times, San Antonio had the highest poverty rate among the largest metro areas, about 15%. But poverty among Hispanics and blacks is double the rate for whites. The economy was strong, prosperity was fragile. 
Ron Nirenberg: Those food banks lines doubled almost overnight when this crisis began and things began to shutter and shut down. Up to about 120,000 families in a week in those lines. That means that prior to this pandemic, when we were at 3% unemployment, when we had an economy that was on a roll — 60,000 families a week in San Antonio were dependent on the food bank for food. And those pictures represent the desperation that far too many American families have had to deal with.
Among the desperate, Jackie Galvan. In 2010, she was San Antonio’s realtor of the year. Then the pandemic killed the market.
Jackie Galvan: There’s nothing going on. A lotta my clients just are at fear of the unknown. 
She too, had little to fall back on.
Jackie Galvan: I got my first unemployment check, woo-hoo!
Scott Pelley: First time ever?
Jackie Galvan: First time ever. That was an ordeal. 
Now, she is fighting eviction.
Scott Pelley: And how far back on the rent are you now?
Jackie Galvan: It’s three months now.
There’s a ban on evictions from property with federally backed mortgages. But that ends nationwide in about two months. Galvan’s landlord doesn’t have a loan. And so, he wants her out now. She endures on the extra $600 a week in unemployment but that program ends nationally next month.
Jackie Galvan: I thought we’re all in this together, like every commercial says. And it wasn’t the case for me.
The balled-up rage after the death of George Floyd in police custody, rose in San Antonio too. And, as elsewhere, anger caused amnesia– face masks were forgotten. Before George Floyd, there was a protest in Texas over the masks themselves. Reopening pitted the Republican state government which wants fewer restrictions against the mayors of Dallas and Austin who are Democrats and Ron Nirenberg, who’s independent.
Scott Pelley: You received a letter from the Texas Attorney General’s office saying that your controls in San Antonio were too strict.
Nirenberg mandated masks, with the penalty of a fine. He included houses of worship in his ban on gatherings of more than 10 people.
Scott Pelley: They even accused you of, quote, “trampling religious freedom.” 
Ron Nirenberg: So we have had a groundswell of support within our faith congregations that have allowed us to begin to open. The attorney general’s letter was simply trying to score cheap political points, which he has been doing his entire career.
The governor overruled Nirenberg’s mask mandate and exempted houses of worship. The Texas attorney general’s office told us that the cities, “grossly exceeded state law to impose their own will on private citizens…”
Scott Pelley: How did a public health emergency become political?
Ron Nirenberg: Well unfortunately, that’s the era we live. People are starting to get antsy and frustrated. There are people in political positions that are want to take advantage of that.
The conflict confused business owners. But restaurateur Geronimo Lopez found a way to cut though.
Geronimo Lopez: Well, what we decided to do was follow the higher standard. So, that’s how I think we can clear all the misinformation and just whatever is the higher standard for safety, that’s the one that we’re gonna follow.
In late May, cars lined up again, as they had for food, at the Alamodome. But this time they carried a nervous hope. San Antonio’s reopening plan gave away protective gear to 5,000 small businesses.
Including Elizabeth Johnson’s restaurant.
Elizabeth Johnson: Thermometers, face masks, face coverings. Hand sanitizer.
Scott Pelley: And you signed the pledge?
Elizabeth Johnson: I did sign the pledge, and it is now posted on my front door of my restaurant.
The San Antonio pledge is a commitment by businesses to masks, distancing, temperature checks, sanitizer, CDC cleaning protocols, contactless payment, and employee training. Not on the list; holding your breath, for the results of the great reopening experiment.
Scott Pelley: What gives you hope?
Elizabeth Johnson: What gives me hope is our community. My colleagues, my employees. 
Scott Pelley: What are your fears going forward?
Elizabeth Johnson: My fears are that we have not even begun to see the bottom of this economic downturn. And that the next six months to a year is going to be the most trying time of our lives.
Produced by Nicole Young. Associate producers, Katie Kerbstat and Ian Flickinger. Field producers, Claire St. Amant and Mario Leal. Edited by Joe Schanzer.
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dudence-blog · 7 years
Dear Dudence for 17 October 2017
For a little spice in your life go with a Bloody Maria.  Just swap out the vodka for tequila.  And it's only day drinking if you stopped.  Can't stop! Won't Stop!  With that useful advice on to answering questions people asked of someone else!  Shoot an email to [email protected] or reach me on Facebook!
I feel like I’m going to be the downer in this group of questions… I don’t know how to deal with #MeToo as a rape survivor. I’m feeling triggered and angry. Social media is a big part of my job, so I can’t just turn it off all day, but I’m not sure what to do. I keep finding myself going to the bathroom and sobbing. My boss posted on our Facebook page about how “proud” he was of all the women who’ve been sharing their stories and I almost lost it. I haven’t talked to many people about what happened to me, including several members of my family, and I don’t want to “come out” as a survivor through a hashtag. At the same time, I really want to respond. I want to tell people that survivors don’t owe them their stories. I don’t want people to come away from this display of mutual pain and think that by posting a hashtag, they’ve done enough.
Dear Dealing with #MeToo as a Survivor, it hasn’t been reduced to a hashtag so it can trend on social media, it can also be used as a cudgel against people who don’t genuflect enough or in the correct manner.  You don’t have to out yourself as someone who has been raped to complain about the lazy nature of hashtag activism or question the sincerity of folks pretending to be surprised that sexual assault is a crime women disproportionately impacting women.  Getting furious about other people’s benign messages of support is probably not healthy, but it is what it is.  That you have suffered a traumatic experience and feel it is better for yourself to not make is public doesn’t mean it’s the same for others.  Your boss has expressed some solidarity with victims so it might be worth mentioning to him that, while this campaign is trending, it is difficult for you to work this part of your job.
I live in one of the areas of the country that was significantly affected by the recent natural disasters that hit over the past month or so. (Hurricane, flood, fire etc.) Although I used to really enjoy this column, I now find myself reading the questions and feeling extremely angry, as I don't think that the issue of whether or not someone may or may not have said something mean to a coworker qualifies as a real problem when I personally have no power, have to stand in line for hours to buy food, and had to send our son to my parents house to live so he could attend school since our home was severely damaged. I just want to tell people to get over themselves and be happy and grateful that the only problems they are facing are those. They have food, water, and a warm and dry place to sleep. Everything else is really meaningless.
Dear Who Really has a Problem, step away.  When dealing with a tragedy or a disaster some people crave any return to normalcy or an opportunity to spend some time not thinking about how tough their situation currently is.  Clearly that is not what you're getting from this.  It doesn't mean that won't return, but it's not a thing for you right now.  And while "how do I keep kids from attending my party?" is far more First World Problem than "I have no clean drinking water", it is an important question to the person asking.  Life can be hard enough without needing to turn it into a tragedy competition to determine just who has it worse.  Due to unfortunate circumstances, I’ve recently attended a number of wakes. Am I obligated to kneel before the casket and say a brief prayer? I’d been taught that this was the “polite” thing to do, but it feels disingenuous now that I no longer subscribe to any religion. I’m sure the grievers don’t notice or care either way, but should I continue to fake pray?
Dear Wake Etiquette, you're not obligated to pray.  If part of the wake involves filing by the casket to pay your respects it is polite to go with the crowd, pause at the casket, and have a moment.  Whether you spend that moment praying for the eternal salvation of the deceased, hoping the surviving family can find strength or comfort in this difficult time, or to wonder if you can make it home in time to catch the latest Game of Thrones before it gets spoiled online is up to you.  I supposed you could go up to the casket and loudly proclaim that, as an enlightened atheist, you refuse to partake in this silly superstition.  I'm sure that would go over well too.
My girlfriend recently bought a vibrator for us to use together. We're both women if that matters. However, it's been a couple months since and we haven't used it together once. We have had sex several times, but once we were in bed and I suggested we use it and she said it had dead batteries. My question is, should it upset me or worry me that she is clearly using it on her own time?
Dear Should I be Concerned, define “recently”.  If she burned through a set of fresh batteries in two months y’all need to get some better batteries.  Unless you’ve got one of those fancy-pants ones which have an internal battery, and if that’s the case make sure you check that it’s been plugged in before y’all get to your banging.  That being said let’s go ahead and slow your roll high speed; just because she’s (Googles "female equivalent to jacking off", loses 10 hours to Urban Dictionary and all faith in humanity) jilling off without you doesn’t mean she’s going to be cheating on you.  Heck, just because she didn’t want to use a certain vibrator with you doesn’t mean she’s going to be cheating on you; maybe the idea sounded better when she had it and she realized it wasn’t something she wanted to do?  That she wants to occasionally self-bang doesn’t mean she doesn’t want to have sex with you too.  Talk with her about what you want and how you’d like her to give it to you.
I am a 45 year old woman struggling with several issues. I have returned to dating as a middle aged woman. The men I meet are manipulative and tend to dump me after a few weeks. I also drink more than I should (3 to 5 glasses of wine, nightly). As if that is not bad enough, I spend a couple hours a day on dating and kink websites. I feel lost. I started seeing a therapist five months ago. This was after being "ghosted" by a man who was married. I was very hurt at the time. It felt good to vent to the therapist. However, now, after months of weekly appointments, I feel like therapy is worthless.
Dear Too Nice Therapist, you’re being dumped after a few weeks by men you via dating and kink websites?   I’m shocked.  If you’ve spent half a year seeing a therapist weekly and you’re feeling like it isn’t helping you (it’s certainly not worthless; the therapist has been well-compensated) then please, go and find another one.  But I do have to ask, have you addressed your feelings of not making progress with your therapist?  Because a therapist isn't going to be able to make you choose better men; they might help you understand why you keep picking up men who get what they want and move on, but it's still choices you're making. 
My ex husband and I split up over 5 years ago. My daughter was just turning 4 and had a difficult time, but I did everything I could to make the transition easy.  We never did anything "officially", and although her father was horrible to me, he was an excellent dad and I supported them seeing each other every chance they could. In the beginning he would only take her for a few hours some days and overnights occasionally in an effort to limit any social life I could develop. As years passed, he finally met someone and stopped using her as a means to control me. Once he started dating this person, we developed a clear schedule of when she would stay over at his house.
Dear Daughter Dislikes Stepmom, wait, you mean you had a court bless off on a divorce where the child custody agreement is “We’ll wing it”?  Seriously?  Nevermind, I’m getting wrapped around the axle on a tertiary issue.  Let’s go ahead and ignore what your mother wants in this; she’s not helping.  In the absence of a child custody agreement specifying who gets your child when (again, seriously?) I’m thinking this is something your daughter, your ex, and you need to hash out.  Your daughter is 9, she deserves some say in how her life goes; it doesn’t mean what she wants goes, but she gets a say.  It might be that she needs a temporary respite from staying with your ex and Trish.  Your daughter is getting older and just because she’s well-adjusted doesn’t mean she can be feeling some emotions about being with the woman her father prefers over her mom.  Trish might not like the reminder of a previous relationship.  It probably is frustrating to your ex that the child he loves views nights spent with him as a reason for tears.  An advantage of revisiting your custody agreement and including your daughter is it gives her some control over her life, which helps with her buying into the agreement, which helps her adjust to and accept the change.
I am a college aged woman who recently got out of an almost year long polyamorous relationship with another woman and a man (they were pre-involved for years). It was a spectacularly awful breakup. At the moment, the male partner and I are dating but the other woman is out due to attempted physical assault and anger issues (yes, she's been to therapy but stopped). Frankly, there are oodles and oodles of more backstory I could provide but the long and short is I just found out from my male partner that her mysterious internet job is in fact camming. She became a camgirl shortly before she and I met, withheld that information from me purposefully, and is now very popular and ridiculously financially successful.
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Dear Unintended Revelations, does she now drive a brand new Nissan Altima?  A polyamorous relationship between a trio of college-aged people exploded in a spectacular way?  NO WAY!  Totally did not see that coming.  You were with her for less than a year, had no idea what she did, and she didn’t didn’t make an effort to see you for 25% of the time you were together?  Yeah, I think it’s fair to say she was putting more effort into being a camgirl than she was into your relationship.  To answer your question about where you go now I’d say you need to move on.  You are going to get none of the validation you think you’re owed by confronting your ex for her perceived slights.  Although. since you found out about her occupation through your boyfriend, her ex-boyfriend, I'll bet confronting her about her infidelity and demanding an explanation or apology will go swimmingly. 
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