#if she thinks it's a pity meal she'll get upset...
heartshapedbubble · 1 year
Hi love. Hope you're doing well. I was wondering if you would be ok with some general Frederick and/or Helena headcanons for the birthday requests. Hope you have a nice day and thank you for your content 🥰💕💕
hello and i am, thank you sm! 💓💓 you've just requested both of my faves (for the first time too on here too) so who am i to deny🤲
helena adams and frederick kreiburg general/random hcs👁🎼
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helena adams👁
first of all, i hc her as american (not CAWWWW MURICA🦅💥🦅💥🦅💥 (well now that i think about it...) american, but rather mid-atlantic accent american. yeah. the early 20th century american) and obviously quite short, standing around 158cm (~5'2") and being of a bit chubbier, pear shaped build
i'd say that she's a pretty picky eater honestly. she really likes eating sweet foods and is used to the food that's generally on her repertoire at home, so eating out makes her feel a bit anxious since it's a whole different way of preparing food (and whole different dishes/meals, after all) and she's worried that it might have the wrong texture and that it's not going to taste as well as it does at home. she'll always give it a try before judging it though!
it's been made quite obvious in the previous hc but helena loves routine and needs it to function. she only feels completely calm once all the furniture in the house is at the same place it usually is and when her duties/tasks are organized throughout the day. although the manor forced her to adjust to an unpredictable lifestyle, she kept on doing some of the "rituals" she did at home to feel more at ease
definetly has gotten education in the music field! poetry and music go hand in hand, so i'm sure she at least had singing lessons or listened to a lot of classical music growing up. she is very knowledgeable on the topic and can quickly analyze any given composition
prone to meltdowns when she's very, very upset. she bottles it up 99% of the time and hides it well, but sometimes she just snaps and it results in a very self-destructive meltdown. she's a calm person in reality, so if you've managed to anger her you seriously had to fuck up BIG time
she dislikes getting any pity because of her disability, she knows that once her teacher and her father pass away she'll have to be able to stand up and fight for herself. and hell, she has been living like this since infancy, she's prepared for a lot of situations! might occassionally accept some gentlemanly aid, but anything else is a no, thank you. despite her short stature she is incredibly stubborn and strong willed, never giving up even when it seems the most reasonable option
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frederick kreiburg🎼
slim and of proper posture, frederick stands at 175cm (~5'9") tall and is of austrian descent
very paranoid about cleanliness and keeping everything tidy, refusing to take off his gloves unless necessary
he likes piercings very much! has a double helix piercing on one ear, an industrial on the other and snake bites, he's not sure why he's so fond of them but it's probably because they're (usually) not very flashy, easy to remove and safe (as long as the piercer is experienced)
very thick body hair/hair in general and has a greek nose!
not incredibly talkative, and when he does talk he often drifts away mid conversation and gets easily disturbed by the background noises or chatter - has a very light lisp and sometimes struggles with pronouncing english words as it's his second language and he was forced to learn it during his homeschooling program, fred's kind of insecure about it so it's one of the reasons he doesn't talk a lot
uses a cane to support himself as he limps, the reason behind it is that some other health problems of his built up over time and resulted in him struggling to walk and becoming exhausted quickly - being frail and sickly all of his life took a serious toll on him and his mental health, constantly making him paranoid about becoming seriously ill and even resulting in a lot of early gray hairs
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baby--charchar · 7 months
(Hazbin Hotel OC/Parame)
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I finally made a character sheet up for Rhea~! She's very dear to me, and this helped me really flesh her out within my paracosm.
Her Details:
Rhea is both autistic and Deaf with moderate hearing loss; some sounds are meaningful for her (such as the sound of Vaggie's voice when she's sitting beside her), but her native language is American Sign Language and she is by all means a visual learner/communicator. Functionally, she is nonverbal because few people in Hell know ASL, and there's just no culture of people wanting to better themselves by learning something new (Charlie will change that). She does have communication cards, gestures, and tantrums/meltdowns to let others know what she needs.
She is an age regressor/has a "mental age" that is triggered when she is stressed or scared, usually putting her at 4-5.
Rhea's household never learned ASL, and sent her to a residential school for the Deaf from a very young age. It was a mediocre place, but she had community there. She avoided going home for the summers at all costs.
She is an AVID SWIMMER. Her school was situated in a small beach town, and she spent any warm-ish day out on the water.
She died by suicide, making sure she was in the water. Home. Hence, her regeneration in hell as a fish demon.
She appeared in the pool of the hotel at dawn, alone, naked, and feeling numb. She stayed there in a stupor until Vaggie discovered her. Naturally, like a baby bird, the first person she saw = mama.
Vaggie bonded back quickly. Some of it was pity; this new sinner at their hotel had a really fucked up backstory. Some of it was necessity because this girl could go totally out of control on her worst days, and Vaggie's strength/directness really helped her settle down. But at the heart of it, she's totally charmed by Rhea and thinks she's a sweetheart.
Of COURSE Vaggie and Charlie are trying to learn sign language! It did require smuggling some books and DVDs in from the human realm. Self teaching is hard, but it works.
They already have a few signs that are very helpful, especially when Rhea's regressed: yes/no, stop, help, eat, sleep, sad, and hug. The last one they always use when she's upset. Cuddles are very calming.
Vaggie calls her "cariña" (dear) and mi amor. Occasionally she'll use "Reina" (Queen) sarcastically when Rhea's in a bratty mood.
Rhea can be very volatile. Her aquakenesis means that when she's having a meltdown by the pool, she can make tidal waves so large and powerful they could shatter the glass windows, and all the meanwhile she's screaming and sobbing her lungs out. Vaggie's had to brave this storm twice and drag her out of there sopping wet. It was not fun. Occasionally she bites herself or hits/kicks others, but this is more manageable.
Rhea is an involuntary permaregressor since landing in Hell. She has typical intellect, but her regression causes her very low social/emotional development. She's very cuddly, affectionate, and sweet, however, she is prone to very severe tantrums and meltdowns. She can also be very attention-seeky, and likes being "the baby" of a group.
She has a favorite sippy cup, loves her sensory swing in her room, and has a beloved stuffed orca that Vaggie gifted her. She's also a frequent wetter/comfort voider, so she needs to stay padded.
Vaggie is a no-nonsense caregiver. She is super strict about wake up/bed times, eating meals, taking care of her hair, and behavior. Rhea likes to push Charlie's and Lucifer's buttons when she's feeling bratty, but that's just not gonna happen with Vaggie. If she hears Rhea acting up in the other room, she walks over, STARES HER DOWN WITH THE MEANEST MAMA BEAR LOOK, then signs "...NO." Rhea immediately gets her act together.
Rhea is also bioluminescent!!! She glows softly at night! Vaggie thinks it's very beautiful.
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beseolhyun · 11 months
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hello everyone! i'm loren and this is my baby seolhyun! her about page is here and her half assed plot page is here! i'll post some info about her under the cut. please like this post if you wanna plot!! i can't wait to rp with everyone!
conceited, arrogant, spoiled, bratty, lazy... the list of her negative traits can go forever!!
she's an only child, and her parents give her anything she wants.
if she doesn't get her way she gets very confused and upset.
she also thinks she deserves everything, and will do anything to make sure she gets what she wants.
she thinks she deserves to be famous, but she doesn't really practice or try very hard to achieve this.
she's in a dance class, but she rarely attends.
she's also in university, but again she rarely attends and is barely passing
she works as a bartender at some popular club,
she thinks she can get noticed/scouted by working there.
she also thinks everyone likes her, no matter how obvious the dislike is
even if you decided to be really mean, she just thinks they're jealous and takes pity/feels bad for them
she's in need of a reality check, but that will be a major plot point for later down the line!
for now she's gonna remain delusional
even though she's so self centered, she does care about other people
she just has a bad way of showing it
the type to pay for an expensive meal or buy them a fancy facemask because they posted on social media that you were having a bad day
but she'll be really blunt about it "oh ur sad? here's a facemask, do self care and forget about your trauma"
she'll also defend and support the people she cares about to the death
beefing with someone online and they're obviously in the wrong?
who cares she will support her friends no matter what
they entered a contest, and didn't place?
the contest was obviously rigged, and she'll boast about their performance for a solid month
i'm so excited to plot with everyone!! i am down for pretty much anything?? so if you have something you want filled let me know!!
but some ideas are
coworkers or patrons at her job
they can be in the same dance class
they use her for money/expensive gifts
maybe if they're a trainee, she tries to use them to get in the company or something??
again i'm okay with practically anything!!
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unfilteredgrounds · 1 year
Sometimes, I really dislike my mom.
I hate how easily she can make me cry.
I hate that she refuses to get therapy when she's obviously struggling,
I hate that I never know what to say to her.
I hate that we sat in silence at lunch today, only to be broken by her saying
"I don't know if I can handle this stress much longer."
I know I was supposed to say something, supposed to be supportive and helpful, but I was silent. I just. Didn't know what to say. How do you help someone who refuses help? How do you say comforting things when she'll just get mad that you feel pity for her?
I didn't eat the rest of my sandwich. I barely made it two bites. I hate that she can destroy my appetite, my day, in a single phrase. I hate that she didn't say thank you to me for making lunch, like I do every day, just
"oh, we're eating sandwiches?"
Well, you are. I'm not hungry anymore.
After I wrapped my sandwich up, I cried a little, but then remembered that I wasn't in my room, so I stopped. I hate that I can't cry in front of my mom. And then I got really angry out of nowhere.
Why does she refuse to get help, and just keep piling troubles onto herself, which then turns into dumping onto me and getting angry at Dad?
I understand where it's coming from. I know she's stressed about the lack of rain and that we're not even into the hottest parts of summer and the sheep need healthy grass. But what can we do? None of us can control the weather. She needs coping mechanisms. Stuff that can help her manage tough emotions over things she can't control.
And that understanding makes this all the more difficult. Because when she caught me in the kitchen later, just staring at the floor, and asked "Are you okay?" I wanted to shout at her. Of course I'm not okay! You're upset, and there's nothing I can do to make you feel better, and I feel useless because I can't give you what you need. But then that'll just make me look selfish. Because what right do I have to be stressed when there's a potential drought on the horizon? She'll just get mad. It's why I chose not to talk about therapy today, and said "Yea, I'm fine."
She doesn't know I didn't eat my sandwich. She doesn't notice that I eat less than I used to. I hate that my mom said that I looked good, like I lost some weight, when I had been skipping meals at uni. I hate that she didn't know that, but didn't think to pry. Makes me think she thought I was overweight before. I wasn't. I was healthy. Now I'm just skinny. Weak. But when she makes me upset, I can't eat. My throat is too thick to swallow anything.
I hate that she knows I'm stressed too, but doesn't say anything. My dog might be dying, and no one is really doing anything, but yet I am suppose to figure it out and try harder when I don't know the questions to ask and my best friend is really ill and no one is asking me if that bothers me. It does. It does, but all she says when I go downstairs to the privacy of my room is
"Don't forget to make the guest bed. My friend will be here at 5."
I read more of Solitaire today. Tori Spring reminds me a lot of myself, except for her opinions on Jane Austen and literature in general. It makes sense, I guess. She's young. She talks about how she doesn't think her mom likes her very much. I shrink a little bit on the inside. She talks about how hard it is for her to talk to people, and that she's not really that interesting of a person, and I shrink inside. Because I understand too well.
One time, one of our family friends came to visit with her Daughter. Her Daughter is everything I'm not. Bubbly, outgoing, engaging. Mom looked at her very differently than she looks at me. I bet She would have known what to say today to comfort Mom. I bet Mom wishes I was like Her. Normal. Pretty. Not a coward.
I'm going to look up therapists who specialize in rural backgrounds. Maybe, hopefully, she'll listen to me this time. Maybe she won't get angry. I'm really tired. I cried more. I miss my boyfriend. He wouldn't just leave it at "yeah I'm fine." He'd at least give me a hug.
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spkyscry-a · 2 years
@clubmates​ asked:   " natsuki, hey! so, um. i packed like, way too much food for lunch today, do you wanna help me eat it? " she fiddles with her fingers, pressing them together sheepishly. (you didn't hear it from me, but i think she packed extra on purpose.)
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It was just her usual lunch plan, curled up on the benches built into the tables of the cafeteria reading. She’d picked up a new manga series and was pouring over the first volume of it. It was immediately clear it was a horror manga, of all things, especially given how concerned the girl looked. 
Just as she was about to turn the page, to whatever horror awaited her, a voice suddenly spoke up. She yipped, like a dog whose tail had been stepped on, as she hopped. Natuski looked, realizing the other was speaking to her. It was just Sayori... 
Wait, food? Immediately, she perked up a bit at the offer. It had been a bit of a bad day, having had to rush to all her classes... 
“Well, I guess it would be rude to let you waste that food!” She declared, moving feet off the bench and turning to sit proper so Sayori had the space to sit beside her. It was strange, of course, the more she thought on it.
Sayori would surely have been able to eat all of it herself, unless she truly brought WAY too much food. It was like sugar pumping into her veins with how excited the prospect made her. Had Sayori done it intentionally, just to spend more time with her? 
Why did the idea make her this jittery...? 
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