#lmk if i guessed the wrong muse alsjkbdjksa
spkyscry-a · 2 years
@clubmates​ asked:   " natsuki, hey! so, um. i packed like, way too much food for lunch today, do you wanna help me eat it? " she fiddles with her fingers, pressing them together sheepishly. (you didn't hear it from me, but i think she packed extra on purpose.)
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It was just her usual lunch plan, curled up on the benches built into the tables of the cafeteria reading. She’d picked up a new manga series and was pouring over the first volume of it. It was immediately clear it was a horror manga, of all things, especially given how concerned the girl looked. 
Just as she was about to turn the page, to whatever horror awaited her, a voice suddenly spoke up. She yipped, like a dog whose tail had been stepped on, as she hopped. Natuski looked, realizing the other was speaking to her. It was just Sayori... 
Wait, food? Immediately, she perked up a bit at the offer. It had been a bit of a bad day, having had to rush to all her classes... 
“Well, I guess it would be rude to let you waste that food!” She declared, moving feet off the bench and turning to sit proper so Sayori had the space to sit beside her. It was strange, of course, the more she thought on it.
Sayori would surely have been able to eat all of it herself, unless she truly brought WAY too much food. It was like sugar pumping into her veins with how excited the prospect made her. Had Sayori done it intentionally, just to spend more time with her? 
Why did the idea make her this jittery...? 
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