#if somebody beat me to it: *G4 Volta voice* Who gives a shit?
epidaleacalamita · 1 year
okay after having spent the past couple of days ravenously devouring this new wave of ac6 preview content i think i have to make a prediction. i feel like i need to call this shot. obvious spoiler warning for people who don't want to know stuff until they play the game
i think ayre - the female voice who takes over as operator and apparently cuts you off from walter at the end of mission 11 - is a human consciousness that was preserved and transferred into your ac through the power of coral.
index dunham's arena profile reveals that the liberation front seek "symbiosis with coral", which might indicate that it could interact strangely with the human mind and body. also people use it in recreational drugs?
a cutscene states that coral is a "sublime substance" that serves as, among other things, a "data conduit"
ayre refers to you having received a near lethal massive dose of coral, presumably injected into your ac at some point between the sulla fight and the balteus fight
ayre says she'll synchronize with your brainwaves, which i think strongly suggests that she's not communicating remotely but actually present in the ac with you
is sulla telling walter to stay away from the watchpoint just because watchpoints are not considered acceptable targets? or is it because there's something going on inside that sulla's employers (the pca?) don't want people knowing about? maybe some crazy experiment to see if humans can be converted into digital entities through creative applications of the weird red space juice everyone's trying to get their hands on?
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