#if somebody say “electra” I will explode
princeelectra · 7 months
Moment of truth here. What's THAT character in Stex that you can't stand their existence at all? Like, you truly despise this character or thinks they're totally useless
Be honest 👀
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thegreatobsesso · 4 months
The Insuppressible Callie Electra Ray update O.o
For Reasons(tm), I have known I'd have to change some names for a long time now. I put it into a box and shoved it in the bottom of my mental closet for years because I'm afraid of change. It gathered dust. Got moldy. Got nested in by bugs. I didn't want to deal with it, so I didn't.
But now that I'm actively querying, the box exploded. Blew up the whole closet. Spewed the contents everywhere. For a full 24 hours there I was actively having an emotional breakdown over the notion of changing fictional people's names. It was extra as hell.
But I woke up this morning hour before the alarm panicking about it and I said, enough. Enough!!! There's nothing left of the original game that inspired me to write the story but some names: Callie, Simon's last name Bennett, and Riley. I love these names, but I didn't choose them. They're the last vestige of connection to a thing I didn't write.
So I'm calling it.
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Electra, like Calliope, is a name from Greek mythology - a fact that's important because Callie's mum was from Greece. Instead of the muse, it's one of the Pleiades. A sea nymph, and she's a nympho, who canonically always wanted to see the ocean, and who got to when she was sent to prison (whamp!).
Her terrible father's nickname for her when she was young was canonically jelly bean. I never knew why, that's just what I heard him saying. Turns out, what he really said was Ellie Bean. And she hates having it shaved down to two gentle, assuming syllables.
Electra is name that cuts your mouth on the way out. It's got the fruity mythological connection, and it's also a stripper's name. And even though it's gonna take me awhile to get used to it, I think it's right. I never chose the name Callie. I am giving her this name, and the last chains are broken. She's all mine now. 😈
(She always was. But still.)
Similarly, but less earth-shatteringly, Simon is now headmaster Simon Bell. It feels strangely natural, and very comforting. Dare I say, it's got a nice ring to it. ;D
Riley is, officially, Lena Silver. There is just something shifty about the name Lena that I really like. Like if somebody told you their name was Lena, you'd give them the side-eye, wouldn't you? It's sneaky in a way I can't explain but it just hits right.
All this is to say, I'm excited about this but also still reeling a bit from different everything looks and sounds, and I could really use some support. I would love to hear you love the names. If you don't just don't say anything because I'll curl into the fetal position and sob. :)
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