#if someone gets the reference for his coffin icon i’ll love you forever
br3adtoasty · 4 months
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🦋 That drunkard butterfly has made its way to your window once again…
“Once upon a time-“ A tale was told, As the land and seas Was it age-old The mystical unicorns, it spoke of Of great triumphs, valor, and love The young colt sat and listened, spirit stirred To fly the nest, its wings spurred So set off, the fledgling did To adventure and bright future promised it glided around in circles, then abruptly stopped Alas, Its mirth did not last For the crane was netted Caught like a bass! By merry men, outlaws And bandits alike That wished for its fall That delighted in its plight Earthly, it planted its feet on the floor Disheartened, it’s forgotten its splendor Never again shall the crane soar Days spent gazing at the stars, body, heart, surrendered
It flew away… And what a dreary song! You should probably find some fun and uplifting activities to do after all that to clear your mind. Like painting, cooking, playing games… Ah! Of course, not in the presence of a certain killjoy of a classmate.
My OC for @marcoritasdorm !
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