#if that footage doesn't get it through your head that all cops are bastards and deserve to rot. then you're hopeless.
The Things They Carried: Part Two
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Female!Reader
Word Count: ~2.1k
Warnings: canon angst and violence, extra angst
Summary: Cole is back in Dean's life, not to kill him but to ask for his help. A worm is making its way through people and eventually through Cole, giving you the perfect opportunity to get the chaos you're craving.
Season Ten Masterlist
Author’s Note: I do not own anything from Supernatural. All credit goes to their respective owners. I love seeing any and all comments <3
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Cole tapped into his contacts for help, Sam looked into what might be causing men to get thirsty, and Dean went to get the food once it was ready.
"Listen, l got nothing on cattle deaths or freakish weather," Sam says once Dean comes back. "It's probably not a demon."
"Maybe it's just not your kind of thing at all," Cole says. He takes out his phone when it rings and pulls up an email he got from his friend. "Okay, here we go. I got an encrypted e-mail here from my friend at the M.I. Kit and Rick were sent to rescue an American P.O.W. being held in Iraq in the Najaf cemetery."
"The bastards use 'em as a prison. I got some footage here from the camera on Willis' helmet during his last mission with Kit."
Cole scoots closer to the brothers and angles his phone so all three of them can watch it. Out of curiosity, you stand behind them so you can watch it, too. The video shows Rick and Kit enter a mausoleum where they find the soldier whom they were supposed to rescue. Instead of that happening, the soldier attacks them aggressively.
"I'm guessing that didn't have a happy ending," Dean says once the video ends.
"No, it did not. Mission failed, and that P.O.W. got shot by guards."
"Why do I have a feeling that's not what really happened?" you ask.
"Because it's not. That's the official story. I refuse to believe that's what happened."
Sam's phone rings and he looks at the notification that pops up on screen.
"What is that?"
"I set my phone to get local alerts."
"Is it bad?" Cole asks.
"It's bloody," Sam sighs.
"Alright, let's get out of here."
The notification is about another death at a gas station in town, so that's where you four head to next with you and Cole in the backseat and Sam and Dean up front. You stay outside while Sam and Dean head inside to ask what's going on. They come out with solemn looks on their faces and explain what they found out. Kit got so thirsty that he killed someone and licked their blood since he drank all the water.
"He licked the blood off the floor?" Cole sighs.
"Yeah, the soda jockey back there seemed pretty shaken up by it. Does this sound like it's not our kind of thing?"
Cole's phone rings and he takes the call off to the side. You tuck a strand of hair behind your ear and train your hearing on his phone conversation using your magic. Never did you think you'd be able to do this with your magic much less do anything else.
"Hey, Jem."
"Cole, the news said someone was killed at the Gas'n'Sip on Kenton."
"Yeah, I'm here right now."
"You are? What are they saying?"
"Not much. Look, I can't really talk right now. I'm sorry."
"Wait," she rushes out, "do you think that... do they think that Kit did this?"
"I don't know."
"If he did, he isn't in his right mind and you know that, Cole. You got to save him."
"I will."
"I know. That's the only thing keeping me sane right now. I was thinking, you know, sometimes when Kit wanted to be alone, he would head up north to his dad's old cabin. Maybe you could go check it out and l'Il stay here in case he comes home."
"Right," he whispers.
"Would you hurry up?" you call after Cole who flips you off.
"Jem, I got to go."
"So, what next?" Sam asks when Cole rejoins the group.
"We hit every cop shop within a ten-mile radius, put the word out, and see if we can't track him down."
"If you find him, what then? Kit needs help. He doesn't need a bullet, and he doesn't need a knife," Cole argues.
"Okay, you know what? Not everyone is good at this job, and you're clearly in no mindset to help. So, what you're going to do is go back to Jemma's house and play the concerned best friend while the adults are going to handle this one. Okay?" you grin.
"I wouldn't have put it like that but she's right. That's the job," Dean says.
"Fine, take me back to Jemma's." They do thinking that he is going to sit by and do nothing. "Thanks for the lift."
"It's better this way, alright? You keep her calm and we'll keep you posted. If he shows up, don't try and be a hero. Call us."
"You got it."
Cole gets out and heads up Jemma's driveway, watching as Dean pulls back onto the road.
"You know he's not going to drop this, right? All he needed was a ride back to his car. I overheard his conversation with Jemma earlier. Kit liked to go to his dad's cabin up north. If I know Cole, and I do, that's where he's going," you say. Dean pulls over into a small alcove off the side of the road and turns off the car so he's not idling. Twenty minutes later, Cole's car goes racing past Dean's heading North. "I love being right."
Dean rolls his eyes and starts the car before pulling back onto the road and following Cole. By the time you reach Kit's cabin, it's night. Sam and Dean don't want Cole to know they followed him so they try to be as quiet as they can while they get their weapons. You start walking toward the cabin with red magic swirling around your hands.
"Y/N! Stop!" Dean hisses.
You don't listen and open the front door quietly, listening carefully for either Kit or Cole.
"Kit? Hey, Kit? Are you here? It's Cole." You see a flashlight move throughout the house. "There are some real serious people looking for you, Kit, and they won't just want to talk. It's bad, Kit." You walk into the back room and see Kit huddling in the corner. Cole is inching toward him slowly. "Hey, Kit. It's me."
"I'm sorry. l can't stop."
Kit jumps up and attacks Cole just like what you assumed he did to Rick and the gas station employee. You watch with a grin at the chaos happening, and you don't do anything when something black jumps out of Kit and flies into Cole's mouth. Dean and Sam rush into the room and push past you to help Cole and Kit. Kit jumps away from Cole and throws Dean across the room to escape. He runs off into the night but you don't go after him. Old you would have. New you don't give a shit about it.
"Oh, god. Oh, God. Ew. Something went down my throat," Cole gags.
"Alright, just try and stay calm."
"Something moved. It's alive, Sam," he panics.
"We're going to get it out of you."
Man, that was a dumbass move coming here alone. You do know that, right?" Dean scoffs and turns to you. "Way to help... not."
"Always a pleasure to help," you smirk sarcastically.
"Oh, l'm sorry. l should have let the machete brothers cut my buddy's head off," Cole scoffs.
"Well, if you did, maybe you wouldn't be chokin' down a damn Khan worm right now!"
"What's a Khan worm?" Cole gasps.
"Do you think that's what it is?" Sam asks his brother.
"Or some sort of freak cousin."
"Freak cousin of what? Would someone tell me what the fuck is going on here?" Cole demands.
"A couple of years back, Dean, Y/N, and I worked a case. We got stuck in a cannery with this worm. It would get into people's bodies and... It was awful."
"How do we kill it?"
"Worst case is headshot the person it's in. The worm crawls out and we stomp it like a bug," Dean sighs.
"Is there a version where you don't cap me?"
"Electrocution seemed to do the trick last time," you say. Cole looks uneasy but you know it's better than dying. "Electrocution it is!"
"Alright, you two get to work," Sam says to you and Dean. "I'll go look for Kit."
"If we can fix me, we can save Kit, right?" Cole asks before the younger Winchester can leave.
"That's the idea."
Dean takes out tools he might need from the car so Sam can take the car and follow after Kit. Cole leaves and helps Dean bring in some supplies while you sit on the wooden fur throne in the middle of the room. With one leg crossed over the other, you watch the two men in silence. This is going to work out perfectly for you. If you can somehow get Dean away even for a moment, you can start to plant seeds of doubt in Cole's mind. Plant enough and he'll start to go crazy like Kit.
"You know that this is gonna hurt like a son of a bitch?" Dean says once he brings in the last tool.
"l have a wife, a kid, and an upside-down mortgage to get back to. Whatever it takes, Dean."
Cole takes off his shirt and lays down on the couch while Dean connects jumper cables to a car battery.
"So, the last time you saw this thing, it turned people into killers?"
"Yeah, except that one did a mind-control number on us."
"Damn. Day in and day out, you, Sam, and Y/N are saving people from things they just can't wrap their minds around. Nobody even notices it. At least l get a medal for my efforts, but you... I tried to kill your ass."
"Good times," Dean scoffs.
"I almost took you off the map. Who would be saving me now?"
"Not me," you comment.
Dean glares at you. "Let's not get too sentimental about it. Alright, let's fire this puppy up."
"You say that like it's just another Tuesday."
"Oh, buddy, it's only Monday," Dean smirks and snaps the jumper cables together so they spark.
Dean removes his belt and folds it in half so Cole has something to bite down on. Cole grips the belt between his teeth and nods at Dean to do it. Dean looks at you as he takes a deep breath, and presses the jumper cable clamps to Cole's forearms. Cole jerks back from the shock but Dean only keeps the clamps on him for a few seconds.
"Anything?" Cole pants.
"Last time, it came out of our ears and I'm not seeing anything yet."
"Do it again."
Dean puts the belt back in his mouth and shocks him again, this time a few seconds longer.
"Alright, that sucker should have crawled out by now."
"Do it again," you smirk.
"Not helping," Dean glares.
"She's right. Do it again."
"If I keep going, this is gonna kill you."
"You heard the man," you chuckle.
Dean replaces the belt and shocks him again. This time, Cole's jaw goes slack and his eyes roll to the back of his head. Dean immediately pulls the cables away and slaps his cheek.
"Cole! Hey! Come on!" Dean looks at you with wild eyes. "Save him!"
"What are you going to do if I don't?" you smirk.
Dean growls in frustration and starts CPR on Cole. when that doesn't work, he starts slamming his fist into his chest in hopes it'll get his heart to restart.
"Cole! Damn it!!"
Cole gasps awake and you lean back with a sigh.
"Hey! Hey! Okay! Hey. Alright!" Cole pants. He grabs the belt and places it in his mouth. "Again."
"No. No, we're done playing 'Operation'. If I zap you again, you're toast. Just take a knee."
Cole spits out the belt and rests while Dean walks off to the side. He grabs his phone and dials his brother, and you use the same magic to tap into his conversation like what you did with Cole and Jemma.
"Dean. How did it go?" Sam asks.
"The worm was a no-show."
"That doesn't make any sense. Last time--"
"Well, this ain't the last time. I mean, maybe this is a whole new species, you know? All I know is that Sparky struck out."
"There's got to be something. I mean, everything has a weakness, right?"
"Yeah, I guess. What about you? Any luck?"
"I'm on my way to Kit's. I thought l'd check there first."
"Alright, well, hurry up."
"You got it." Dean steps back into the room and makes sure you haven't killed Cole yet. "Are you okay?"
"As good as I can be, I guess. So, this is what in over your head looks like."
"Just got to keep your head in the game. Okay, what do we know about this thing?"
"Has the thirst settled in yet?" you ask. "Feel a bit dehydrated?"
"Yeah, actually."
"Okay, it likes water. When that's not enough, it craves blood." You smirk as an idea pops into your head. "Maybe lack of fluids makes the thing hostile like a parasite. It wrings you dry, and then it moves on."
"So, if l dry myself out, the son of a bitch wouldn't like that very much, would he?"
"No, he'd want the hell out. You'd be a hostile environment, well, more than you already are," Dean chuckles.
"To be fair, you haven't seen my chiller side."
"What do you think about rapid dehydration?"
"Big fan. Just make sure you squash that sucker when it goes AWOL."
"Sounds like a plan."
"Alright, nothing like a sweat lodge in the woods, huh?"
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Follow my library blog @aqueenslibrary​​​​​​ where I reblog all my stories, so you can put notifications on there without the extra stuff :)
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mymarifae · 2 years
when will bootlicking americans learn that the police and military are literally not here to help us... they're not your heroes. they don't deserve your praise and your respect. the absolute lack of care during the uvalde shooting. i hope all those cowards burn in hell.
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