#if the fucking steard people can get it
Also letting everyone know that if any past posts I made end up coming true I WILL be annoying
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rocketrouquine · 1 year
And here we go Episode 3, second viewing :
The little squeaking wheels as Stede is following with the towels, fuck me.
Sergent Maaka, you don’t recognize Anton? Shame on you. (Also John bartholomew is a real pirate, right *goes to check* « Bartholomew Roberts, de son vrai nom John Roberts » okay, no)
Queen, this is how I aspire to talk to some of my male collegues. I have the passive agression irony nailed down but the gorgeous pettiness ? gurrrrl you got it locked ! And then they are eating in the palm of their hand
aaaww forget it… it’s sillyyy GIRL I’ve done it so many times, stop it.
So a …Talk it through or die situation ?
« The revenge ? » « our ship. » « ED » And this is the moment I lost all dignity on my first viewing.
I was actually jumping like Stede in the water like there was a fucking trampoline in my shoes.
Do you remember the pilot episode when he struggled going down on a rope held by his crew ? Now, he’s climbing all by himself from the fucking sea ! GROWTH.
I heard your sneaky little notes, Gnossienne, don’t triffle me !
Ahahahaha ! When the guy responsible for the zombie apocalypse shows up back from his vacation. These poor birds though… Buttons would be most displeased. (Imagine if it was Olivia… I would slaughter everyone)
The « oh shit. This ? is this Stede?! » is so precious to me as a film maker/technician because in almost everything I watch, these basic human and normal reactions when people get caught up with information are never shown and it takes me out of it because suddenly, I see actors playing their lines. Here, I believe it. (Even if it’s just played for laugh and to press the fact that Stede is in fact NOT what you would think about, if your pirate life had been ruined by him leaving fucking legend Blackbeard)
Why can I get a straight answer from any of you ? I see what you did there, David.
And here he is : bitch Bonnet right on cue every time Izzy is around. I love him.
Thank you Zheng Yi Sao to confirm what I suspected with leather and sea weather : BO.
Apart from the cold blue sky, this is the same beach where Steard bested Izzy and rolled around in the sea with smouldering Ed. I had theorized that this was a fever dream/coma, sooooo very happy about it.
Am I your hostage ? Wow. This rings a lot different when you know who « just Ben » (just Ed ) is.
On my first viewing, when auntie goes all Will Graham *this is my design* I was sure someone had snitched to her and she was playing them. Obviously nobody did so she really guessed everything. Sooooo is Buttons really a sea witch, anyone ?
« You’re kinda the best friend… » I screamed FRIENDZONED but now I don’t know… a polycule or throuple could work, it’s just not what they set last season and it kinda shows (feels forced if what I mean)
Aaaaaand HERE YOU ARE GNOSSIÈNE ! With the 50 knives and shit… (go to the auxiliary closet I want to see if all the fan fictions were right)
I don’t mind actually. I think the knives really help bring the place together Stede, your metaphor is showing.
I know you think you understand him…. *Stede proceeds to say exactly what happened.* Open your eyes, Izzy. You’re not the one understanding him.
Ahahah his crutch is a mop. Sorry, not funny. (Kind of funny)
Maybe I’m an horrible person but if I was Stede, I would be kind of be flattered/proud that my boyfriend (shipmate) would go that insane by me leaving.
When Izzy tells him that it’s both their fault, all that follows is such a different vibe. There is fucking respect and equality in the dialogue. You can almost sense a captain and his first mate talking, devising a plan. Who would have thought ? (It’s a joke, a lot of people)
Who’s the pig ? Who does the fucking pig represent ? I need to know.
Move on. Blow your brains out. Make some soup. Ok.
Girl, how are you ? you are insane, writers. I worship you.
Edward Teach | Jeff / Reader, AU, Inn, confort, angst, TW multiple killing
I loooooooove Taika in this scene. All playful playing with his little accessories and stuff. Keeping his cool and being like okay why are you being a dick, play the game correctly please. Don’t worry baby girl, Stede is excellent with people. No client will end up dead. (I think)
Holy shit, Stede was the only one he ever told about his father. Not even Izzy. Wow.
Come on Bonnet give me your worst. The silent devastation in both of them. The feeling of waste. Uh I can’t. And then he helps them escape and take back the revenge and being an excellent resourceful captain and they are following him like a real crew (now I know that it’s going to be Ed who can’t move, getting better and Stede being the captain…) AAARRRHH FUUUUCK and then he, he… oh shit, here we are, it’s coming, this fucking scene…
But before :
Intercourse. Orgasms. A lot of them. You thought of him. You gonna fuuuuuck.
Boatmance (the queen is not up for a polycule, if you were wondering)
The immediate joy of everyone around Stede making the escape. He’s the best. I’ll fight everyone to the death. (And look at him making his little knots like it was nothing. Honestly I don’t think Izzy has that much to learn to him.)
Am I the only one hearing « JULIEEEEEEETTAAAAA !? » with this music ? No, only me ? Okay. (Mind you, I was 12 when Romeo+Juliet was released, it’s kind of imprinted in me like the trigger words in the winter soldier)
I fucking knew Olu would move his feet like a little school girl/boy, I SAID IT ! You just have to scroll up. (I was so sure Jim would be the one surprising them but it’s a better show than that)
* Zheng Yi Sao sees Olu waving.* Girl, how are you ?
Stede crying his lost love after having fixed some mistakes with gusto and a smile. What is it in my eyes ? Is there some fucking dust in the air or what ? (They are already cleaning the ship in the background)
HornigoldEd is doing a fine impression of calico Jack if I dare say.
Ed doesn’t want to die, I repeat. He had made a choice to live. It’s just that some other part of himself thought he was too far gone. And that’s where Stede saved him. But he was gonna live for himself also… next week is going to be glorious.
*Kate Bush in the distance* oh no.
*Sobs uncontrollably*
I started to laugh through my tears because it’s fucking Rhys Darby swimming with a glittery goldfish attire and chest hair glowing in the sun. But then… The profile of the both of them. Their smile. Taika’s lean into Rhys’s space -> and yes I said Taika because you mothaf*ckas KNOW that it was an impro like the foot touch. (On third viewing, Rhys is leaning first very subtly and then Taika GOES FOR IT)
And then the hand. The gasp and laugh.
Time of death : 02:32 am, Paris, France.
Ps : the black cravat is back on (we didn’t see it before) when Ed goes into the storm, it’s off when he’s in the gravy basket, it’s on when Stede makes him come back to life.
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