#if the ibuprofen hadn't worked on my gums I sure was about to pop some old antibiotics i have around as my next move
princessnijireiki · 7 years
today (yesterday) was… my first day to actually get to crash after all the traveling I've been doing, and maaaan did I need it. the only things I've unpacked so far are some pajamas & the fruit I brought with me on the plane, and I'm really, really ridiculously sore & achey. but in the mean time uh shout out to a real one, simethicone, aka gas-x extra strength for saving me from the wicked wiles of aspartame a little while ago, bc I don't actually drink soda like At All but had a bunch of diet root beer the last two days the my stomach wasn't a fan of… shout out to the og, ibuprofen, for saving me when I panicked about the WORST three word horror story I've experienced in a minute ("uninsured tooth pain") bc my dumb ass picked a replacement toothbrush for when I got home with extra firm bristles instead of a soft one, and then jacked up my gums, and the swelling/pain about gave me a heart attack… and an unexpected shout out to marc jacobs for a combination of a pocket knife, neosporin, bandaids, and $26 clearance sneakers being the best choices I could make for my beat up feet after making Several Bad Ones this month. sleep, good footwear, oral hygiene, and a well stocked medicine cabinet are all very, very important things in this life, young people. if you learn nothing else from me, let this lesson be the one you remember.
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