#if there is bo other way to get water or your OCD is being a bitch then like yeah ok
mrsliebgott · 8 years
Who wants to get to know me?
Here's 100 things you guys might not know about me.
1 - My hero is Niki Lauda.
2 - If I could live anywhere besides where I live now it would be Finland.
3 - My biggest fear is vomiting.
4 - My favorite place to go on vacation is Disney World.
5 - If I could change anything about myself it would be my nose (It's the size of Ringo Starr's).
6 - What really makes me angry are ignorant people.
7 - What motivates me to work harder would be knowing I'd be getting paid soon.
8 - I'm unemployed.
9 - The worst thing about my day is all my schoolwork. I have some problems comprehending what I'm reading, it's probably ADD, but I don't know.
10 - My biggest accomplishment is beating my depression. I've been happy for a year and a half now. :D
11 - I'm of Polish and German decent on my father's side, and of Irish, Danish and Cherokee Indian on my mother's side.
12 - My favorite book series is The Last Dragon Chronicles. They're kind of for kids, but I'm five year old in an eighteen year old's body, so...
13 - What makes me laugh the most is my brother.
14 - My favorite movie of all time is Reservoir Dogs.
15 - The first thing I ever wanted to be was a Veterinarian.
16 - I want to be either of Cinematographer or Screenwriter now.
17 - If I could do anything for a day I would want to be a Superhero.
18 - I love Formula 1 and baseball.
19 - I'd take riding a bike over driving a car any day. (I suck at driving).
20 - My favorite song of all time is The Good Life by Weezer.
21 - I listen to Alternative Rock, Classic Rock, Pop-Rock, and whatever genre twenty one pilots are classified as.
22 - I can't cook anything unless it's a grilled cheese sandwich or pizza quesadilla.
23 - Tim Roth is the most attractive person on the planet. (In my opinion, anyway).
24 - My favorite food is my parents homemade chili.
25 - Charles Dickens is my favorite author.
26 - My dad used to call me tater-tot when I was little.
27 - I have flat feet and have something wrong with my ankles, causing me to stand on the inside of my feet.
28 - I watch Netflix way too much.
29 - I want to visit Paris.
30 - My dream is to win an Oscar for Best Screenplay or Best Cinematography. (I dream big).
31 - I had a dream about Tim Roth last night. (And my God, was it glorious).
32 - I have a few cats, two dogs, three turtles, and two hamsters. (Who are currently running like mad in their wheel).
33 - If I could live in any other time period it would be either the 60's or the 90's.
34 - On Tumblr I'm usually described as sarcastic, curious, and chatty, but in the real world people view me as socially awkward, quiet, and a loner.
35 - I can play the piano, guitar, bass guitar, harmonica, ukulele, and a little bit on the drums, but I mostly just play my piano and ukulele.
36 - The best gift I ever received was my piano last Christmas.
37 - I don't think I've ever received a bad gift. My family and friends know what I enjoy pretty well.
38 - I couldn't go a day without listening to music.
39 - I hate when people smack their lips when they eat and I when people talk while I'm trying to watch something.
40 - In five years I see myself getting ready to graduate film school.
41 - Thirteen I think. Most of them are converse shoes.
42 - If I could have one power I would want to bend fire.
43 - If I won the lottery I would pay off everything I have and then donate the rest to charities. (Ex. Male Domestic Abuse Shelters since they don't get a lot of funding, Animal Shelters, and I'd probably give a lot of it away to other countries with a lot of poor families who need clean water and places to sleep).
44 - I don't own a car or even have a drivers license.
45 - My favorite animal is a fox.
46 - I feel like I'm too harsh sometimes.
47 - If I had could have a meal with four people, living or dead, they'd be - Carrie Fisher, Debbie Reynolds, RFK, and Tim Roth. (Tim could stay after dinner if he wanted).
48 - I wake up at eight o'clock every morning. (Thank you, homeschooling).
49 - I get tired easy.
50 - I live in a tiny town. (Population is barely 800 and full of mostly middle aged and elderly people).
51 - People tell me I'm attractive, but I think I'm just average. But then again, I don't think anyone thinks they're good looking.
52 - I buy clothes at least once a month.
53 - I've had a secret admirer before. (Or at least he thought he was, I knew who he was).
55 - I used to get bullied for my height when I was younger. (I'm 5'3 and haven't grown since I was fourteen).
56 - I'm currently watching Lie To Me on Netflix and I only have twelve episodes left. I'm sad.
57 - The last book I read was German for Beginners. I still can't speak it either.
58 - I love Chinese food.
59 - I'm a clean and messy person if that makes sense.
60 - My favorite Actor is Tim Roth (of course) and my favorite Actress is Carrie Fisher.
61 - It takes me about twenty minutes to get ready in the morning, sometimes thirty depending on if I want to blow dry my thick ass hair.
62 - I eat cheddar chips dipped in ketchup. (Yeah, I'm weird, I know...)
63 - I hate corn.
64 - My favorite album of all time is Sergeant Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band.
65 - I love rollercoasters.
66 - I tell my mom everything.
67 - When I was a kid my friend used to shove me into small, cramped spaces like trash cans and closets. It's probably the reason I'm claustrophobic today.
68 - My favorite TV show is That 70's Show.
69 - I was ten or eleven when I found out Santa wasn't real.
70 - My favorite flavor is Strawberry.
71 - I'm hyperactive.
72 - I have a blanket I have to have when I'm having a panic attack.
73 - My favorite subject in school in History, probably because it's the only thing I'm decent at.
74 - My family didn't have a lot when I was a little.
75 - I collect pins, buttons and rubber bands. Yes, I know, I'm odd.
76 - I wish the grunge fashion scene would come back, or maybe the brit pop fashion scene.
77 - I'm a major introvert.
78 - I have a hard time washing my hands because I don't like them to be wet and touching each other. It's some weird sensitivity thing I have.
79 - I asked my parents to stop throwing me birthday parties when I was nine and I haven't had one since. (I don't like being the primary focus of everyone).
80 - My family name has been in the States since the early 1700's, mostly residing in Pennsylvania.
81 - I dance a lot.
82 - I have a dark sense of humor.
83 - If I were the leader of a country there would be equal rights for everybody no matter your sex, religion, race or sexual orientation. Abortion would be legal, but there would be certain limitations. People would have the right to bare arms, but there would be strict background checks and it would be harder to get one. And there would be strict border control, but of course you could legally immigrate to the country if you pleased.
84 - I suck at Math and Science. Did I already use this one?
85 - The three things I think of the most each day are, music, my family, and Tim Roth. (Jesus Christ, I have a serious obsession).
86 - If I had a label if would be 'Socially Anxious.'
87 - The song that I relate to the most is Migraine by TOP.
88 - I used to draw a lot, but I've recently focused my attention on other things that peak my interest.
89 - My first crush was either Steve from Blues Clues or Alladin.
90 - My favorite video game is Dishonored.
91 - My favorite comedians are Bo Burnham, Russell Howard, David Spade, and Jim Breuer.
92 - In ten years I see myself with hopefully a husband or wife and a kid or two and doing what I love.
93 - I've never had a job before, but I just sent in an application and they didn't deny it, so... Fingers crossed.
94 - If I could see any band of any time period live it would be Led Zeppelin.
95 - I speak English fluently, I understand a little German and know very little Spanish and French.
96 - Ohio is the greatest state in the US. O-H-I-O!
97 - I've not been officially diagnosed, but a lot of people think I have Asperger's Syndrome. (I wrote a report on it one time and my mother told me it sounded like my autobiography).
98 - I have OCD. (Diagnosed).
99 - I've never had a boyfriend or girlfriend. (Again, I live in a tiny town with barely 800 people, I'm homeschooled, and I'm socially inept).
100 - My best friend is my brother.
I'm going to tag @the-nerdy-girl-next-door and @thedavanity to list off a few little facts about themselves. It doesn't have to be 100 like I did, it could be just five for all I care, but I'd like to know more about you guys.
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