exholight · 3 years
A drawing of hawks i made a couple days ago when i was bored
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exholight · 3 years
Thoma x reader
Word count : 695 words
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I was very excited as I felt the wind blow my hair from my opened window, which only served to remind me further of my father finally agreeing to let me leave for the city on my own. Finally, I thought, He finally realizes that I am old enough to be alone. I may not have a vision, but I am fully capable to take care of myself.
Well, that's what I would love for him to realize but it didn't seem like that since he had claimed Thoma had to come with me, which I didn't mind since I had a small crush on him and this would be a chance to be alone with him.
As we were walking out the door he was reassuring my father that I would be fine in his hands, and I thought a little too deep about that. He probably didn't feel the same way I did. But I shrugged that off, thinking that if he dident feel the same i could change his mind.
" What would you recommend we check out first?" I asked him as we were making our way down the stairs. He hummed for a second looking thoughtful before he answered " I think we should get some food and then I know just what we should do afterwards!" he said excitedly with a smile on his face.
"What will we do afterwards?" I asked, he only grinned before lifting a finger to his lips and saying "It's a secret!" I felt my face heat up a little as I looked to the side. I was lucky that he took the initiative and talked about his day and somehow relaxed me enough for me to talk about my day.
When we got to the city I was very happy to see all the bright lights, as father never let me be in the city late enough to see all the pretty lights. As he claimed it was to dangerus, which i dont belive first of all. The worst that could happen is that hillichurls would attack me or something, but it was relativly low chance from happening since i was in the main city.
My thought process was cut of when Thoma grabbed my hand to lead me to the reservation he made the day before. The women he walked towards eyes litt up when she saw him, before he could say anything the women grabed his hand, to leed him to the table, as her face adorned a soft blush.
She was very pretty, and the worst thoughts began to enter my head even though I tried to stop them from entering, he would tell me wodent he? These insecurities was derminished with how fast he removed his hand from hers. She was a little embaresed with this and decided not to try anything from then on.
The diner was unaventfull as I was busy paying attention to Thoma. Mostly looking into his eyes. He seemed to have caught on to this but dident say anything, he only smilied.
"Since i dont have to worry about your father hearing of any of this as he promised he would let you go alone with me." he said a little thoughful, he then grinned before he continued. " I think you have pretty eyes." My eyes widend and I madly blushed, and this is the loop we stayed in during the diner. Him complementing me, and me blushing.
After the dinner we went out and he took my hand and leed me to where we were going. We were talking as we walked, him sometimes clenching my hand by accident. He took me to the top of some cliffs by the sea to watch the moon.
We satt together cudling up so we wouldn't get cold. "I have something to tell you..." he suddenly said after much hesitasion. I only hummed nuseling closer to him. " I dont know how to say it... so i'll just say it straight forward." I looked up to him seeing the blush on his face.
He looked down at me, looking directly into my eyes as he said
"I love you"
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exholight · 3 years
Loki x reader
Something nice
Yn thinking loki is dead
Also its very short
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(Yn) was running and she just kept running she needed to reach him before it was to late. She had known something was happening down at the rainbow bridge, between loki and thor and she wasent sure what it was either. But it was over by the time she got there, the bifrost was gone. But it wasent the only thing gone.
She saw thor and odin there but no loki. The only man she had ever loved, gone, Just like that. She fell to her knees as tears began to fill her eyes, and the realisation filled her, the fact she would never get to see him again.
He had been acting weird the past couple of days ever since he had returned from jotunheim. She had only thought it was the stress from Thor being banished, them all almost dying in jotunheim and odin falling into the odinsleep. But now she feels like she should have been asking him more questions about the subject.
She then feels herself being pulled into a hug, she reconised it was thor. He was calming her down, she had not realised how badly she had been crying before now. She felt an almost numbing feeling fill her.
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exholight · 3 years
Loki x reader
A Crush
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Yn doged Loki for the fourth time today, she had been avoiding him the last week out of shyness, ever since Tony had realised the crush she had on the sorcerer. That tony knew wasent the problem it was the looks he would give her whenever he was in the room and loki was there. So she had decided to avoid loki, but what she hadent noticed was the fact that he realised that and worried about it, wondering if he had done something wrong.He felt the same towards her, and had tried to figure out why she was avoiding him. He was very upset since this caused her to avoid him even more.
Thor saw how she was avoiding loki, and seen how this was hurting both of them, so he watched her closely and realised that it was probably the team pressuring her without them realising it. He dident miss how Tony and Steve would give her a look when loki was there.
So finaly satt his foot down when Loki began locking himself away from everyone. And he knew that Loki probably dident care what the team would say but it mattered what (yn) though and said.
So during a team meeting when Tony, Steve and Natasha were pointing something out he could see (yn) was very uncomfortable and loki just had a sad look on his face, and this made him finaly boil over and yell at the team "I cant belive this" he finaly said witch caused everyone to look at him. "i will not be tolorating this anymore!"
Thor walked over and grabed both Loki and (yn) before walking out to the balcony, with the team following behind "wait Thor where are you taking them!?" Steve yelled after him. " (yn) and loki are coming with me and wont be returning till you guys realise how you are treating them." As he said this he yelled for Heimdal to beam them to Asgard.
(yn) was still struggling to register the fact that thor had grabed her and loki out of nowhere, and now she was being beamed to Asgard. As soon as she hit solid ground she lost her balance, and loki caught her before she fell.
"Thanks for that..." she said to loki.
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exholight · 3 years
Thor x reader
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She was aware that her boyfriend would not be happy in knowing she got herself injured, in fact probably very enranged, since she dident tell him. She had gotten herself stabed when they were on the mission. Despite Natasha helping her stop the bleeding and bandaging the wound on her stomach it still hurt an inssane amount.
"sorry" Natasha apoligised out of nowhere. "if i had been a little more aware of my soroundings you wouldn't have needed to take the hitt...." (yn) shocked but with a pained smile said "dont worry about it we are a family, i know you would have done the same for me" she said before wincing a little out of pain.
The sound from a jet could be heard as it was landing, but everything began spinning. As she looked over at the door opening and thor coming running as soon as he noticed she was injured, her vision began blacking out from the blood loss. And the last she heard was Thor yelling her name before her vision went black as she fainted.
When she awoke she felt the wall of heat from the one she reconiced as Thor. She just cuddled closer, him realising she was awake stroked his fingers though her hair and lightly scratching her scalp. "you should be more carefull..." He said softly. She looked up tiredly and saw only softness in his eyes. "I dont want to lose you like i lost-" he cut himself of.
His eyes had the tint sorrow in them. Tears threatning to unleash themselves "i dont think i can handle losing you to..." she satt herself up and pulled him inn to a tight hug. "you wont be losing me anytime soon, dont worry..." she said softly, as she held him tighly letting him cry.
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exholight · 3 years
Loki x reader
Morning cuddles
What is included here:
A/N Its a little short but its pretty late when i wrote this.
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As Y/N began to wake up she realised that she could not move because of the cuddle monster that was her boyfriend Loki. She would rather not move or leave the ambrace that loki had captured her in but she knew that she had things to do today.
But she doubted she'd be able to leave his embrace because every single time she moved his grip would tighten then relax after a couple seconds. as she was considering just giving up she felt him bury his face into her neck and his grip tightening, as she heard a wimper.
She realised he was having a nightmare and turned in his grip and began to softly hum a Soft tune, as well as combing her fingers though his hair. She continued doing this till she felt his muscles relax. As he began to calm down she decided to just stay in bed till he woke up, so that she could make sure he was okay. She would just tell Tony she overslept if he asked why she got to the lab so late.
She wanted to make sure that loki would be okay till he woke up and could explain to her what the nightmare had been about. But till then she would just stay in bed with loki.
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exholight · 3 years
Loki x reader
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It all started one day. It was a normal day for the most part, waking up eat breakfast with the other avengers then go for a run with Sam. When we finished that, wanda asked me to join her and Natasha watching a movie, and of course i join them.
But later when we were all going to play a board game Nat suddenly asked if we should ask everyone to join us, and me and Wanda were like sounds fun. So we went and gatherd everyone who were at the compound witch included Tony, Bruce, Steve, Thor, Loki, Sam, Vison, Wanda, Natasha and of course me.
We all agreed to play monopoly since nobody had any plans, and we all needed to distract ourselves. Tony and Sam had to explain to Thor and Loki how the game worked since they are strange space vikings.
Loki understood pretty quickly but it took thor quite a while to understand but as soon as everyone was ready and understood we began to play. Witch ensues screaming, yelling, and arguments, jokes and of course Loki winning.
We played a couple rounds with Loki winning most of them not to anyone's shock or suprize. But then Steve said that we should probably get something to eat. Which leads me to look out the window and seeing the sun already seting.
I decided to go out on the balcony on the floor above since it has beater view. And thats how i ended up here standing on a balcony alone watching a sunset.
"so here you wondered off to" never mind not alone, then i turned my head to see Loki standing leaning against the wall. "yeah i wanted to watch the sunset." i answerd turning my head back to continue watching the sunsett.
Then i heard Loki walk closer to me before leaning against the railling looking at the sunset as well. "The sunsets are much prettier on Asgard." He suddenly said after a minute of silence. "I bett they are, but curently i have never seen that so i cant be compairing something i have never seen." He was being awfully quiet so i looked over at him and saw he was looking out at the sunset but is was like he wasent completly there either.
It wasent the first time i had realised how pretty and handsome he was, to the normal person he would be considered attractive. He suddenly looked at me, i instantly looked away blushing at the fact that he had caught me staring at him.
He suddenly began to talk again "well i could probably take you to Asgard so you could see one." he suggested. My face instantly litt up as i looked over at him. "you could do that!" he had a stunned expression on his face and if i haddent known better then i wouldent see the light dust of pink on his cheeks.
"it wouldn't be hard to get you there, so i can take you there tomorow." i instantly nooded. "that would be great" i said suddenly very exited. "then its a date" he said as he began to turn around to leave. "sure!" i said before i even realised what he had said. "wait what!?" and i turned around to question him about it but he was already gone.
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exholight · 4 years
cuddle/hug Headcanon for Zhongli and Albedo when reader does it
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He would be a little surprized when you would suddenly wrap your arms around him, but would pretty fastly wrap his arms around you even if he was not sure why you suddenly hugged him.
whenever he arrived home he would mentaly prepare to be tackled into a hug or a cuddle, and would often have to carry you to the bed or couch. Because you would not lett go till he layed you down and cuddled.
He did of course not mind you being this affectionate, but sometimes it would become a little too much for him. Since he used to be an arcon he was not used to affection like cuddles, hugs, kisses, etc.
Zhongli found himself caught off guard when suddenly y/n wrapped their arms around him while he was telling a story about how a certain plant was discovered. "Ah, um why are you hugging me?" He found himself asking them when they didn't let go after a while. "Hugging you" they answered him. "Yeah I can see that, but why" they looked up at him before laughing at his genuine confusion. "I'm cold, and you are warm. I simply want your warmth" Oh was the only thing that went through his head. "If your cold we should go back home." He got up and grabbed her hand and pulled her up as well. He took off his jacket and placed it on their shoulders. As they headed home he launched into a lecture on how they should have said something earlier.
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At first he was a little caught off guard, and he would tense when ever you would wrap your arms around him while he was working, but slowly he would become more accustomed to the feeling after a while of you suddenly wrapping them around him.
He at first tried to ignore you when you did it since he knew you where only doing it to get attention, and he dident mind as long as you did not disdurb him while he was working.
After he would finish doing work or had given himself a break he would lay down besides you and cuddle you while talking about stuff.
Albedo was reading through the research papers Sucrose had delivered to him earlier while he was testing out something the traveller had suggested that he try. He was so lost in thought that he didn't hear somebody approaching him where he was reading. He was ripped out of his thoughts when he felt arms wrapping around his waist. Though y/n hadn't expected him to jump they could still see that he hadn't heard them, and so they laughed a little when they felt him flinch just slightly. "It's just me." he simply rolled his eyes before placing the papers down on the table and grabbing a paperweight and placing it down to avoid the papers from being blown away by a breeze. Then he grabbed their hands and loosened the grip and turned around to face them. When he turned around his face became serious before he let out an annoyed chuckle. "I thought we talked about this." They only chuckled, "But I enjoy catching you off guard." he simply looked at her before adding "No... I was talking about you wearing proper clothing when travelling to Dragonspine.
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exholight · 4 years
Albedo x fem! reader
Welp... That was not what you were expecting to walk in on. Jean trying to stop Klee from exploding everything in the room. And Liza just standing there watching this unfold, like it happend every day or something.
"What's going on?" you asked walking over to Liza. She only hummed like she was thinking. "umm... me and Jean where talking when one of the knights came in and told us that Klee had managed to explode something in town square, witch is where the others are.... Trying to fix it"
You did notice when entering that the others where not there. "so every one else would be... Albedo, Keaya and Amber right?" she nodded and continued on with " that should be them... But the others that are supposed to show up could have meet up with them."
She sighted disopointingly "it's only sad i dident get to see you get all flusterd around Albedo, it's always so fun so see people get flusterd around their crushes."
"You had to bring that up dident you... Last time you witnessed that i was so embarassed afterwards." you mutterd the last part so she could not hear it.
"so the meatings not happening right? I can go back home?" she only hummed when you turned around and left. While you were leaving the building it begain snowing.
You reached out and felt the snow begin melting as it hit your skin, feeling the water from the snow run down your hand. You reminded your self that you needed to get home since it was obvius from the sky that a snow strom was going to happen.
While walking home you were grateful for the fact that you had an unusual high body temperatur since that meant that you wouldn't get cold or sick to fast.
And then you felt something being droped o your shoulders. You turned your head to see that albedo had trown his coat over you. "oh hi Albedo. I dident realize you where here." he only shock his head before looking into her eyes.
"i figured you were in your own head since i have been trying to get your attention for a little bit." your face flushed from embarrassment. "oh... Why is that?"
Before answering you, you snessed. He only sighted and begain closing the coat he had trown on you. "i wanted to know when you were free next week." he said fokused on closing the coat completly
"oh" was all you could get out while being flusterd. Even you two were daiting, it only happend recently, so it was still fairly new.
"i'm free the entire week" you said as he finished closing the coat. He then looked you in the eyes before frowning. His hands placed on either side of your face before pressing his forehead into yours.
"i love you" he suddenly said. Catching you off guard, your face turning realy red realy fast. "i love you to but where did that come from!? It was so sudden!" you exclaimed.
"i wasent sure if i was saying it enough" he said as if it wasent anything serius. Even though you could tell he ment everything. You wrapped your arms around his neck. And leaned in, he relized pretty quickly what you wanted and leaned in himself.
Just as you two were about to kiss sbow from on of the roofs fell down and landed on top of you two.
It only took a second for you two to realize and begin laughing. Before he ruffled your hair and got the snow out of it. Then he grabed your hand and begain heading back to your home. "seems like the world wants us to wait till next week till we kiss." he said with a light chuckle.
You smiled as you followed him back home.
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exholight · 4 years
Zhongli x sick! fem! reader
It has been a terrible week it started with a commission going wrong and being injured. It didn't help the fact that my boyfriend Zhongli was out currently. So I was on my own.
And the day after I fell off a cliff and tumbled down and fell into a river it wasn't deep or anything but it was a river and very cold outside since it was nearing winter.
And yesterday I was experiencing symptoms of fever or cold whatever you want to call it. And I went out and did the usual stuff like commissions, helping the old lady on the street with her bags, running around feeding the dogs and giving them belly rubs.
And then guess what happened I fell into a river I didn't even know was there.
And that is how I ended up laying bedridden with a fever. At least Zhongli was coming home tomorrow at the earliest, he did mention before he left that he could end up being late.
I decided I better make myself some food so I don't die of hunger before my boyfriend returns. I decided I could make some eggs and bacon, so got the ingredients for it.
While trying to not burn down the kitchen I got lost in my train of thoughts and maybe almost set the food on fire. Look I never said I was good at cocking.
I grab my food and head back to my bed. And sit down and begin eating my food. Then something caught my attention, out of the corner of my eye I see something. So I look over and see a bunch of children running around playing.
I jump when I suddenly hear the door open I look over and see Zhongli. "Wait I thought you didn't come home before tomorrow," I asked a little surprised to see the man I was missing.
"Oh yeah, I got home faster than I originally thought I would. So I thought I might as well- wait are you sick?" he cut himself off.
Because of how close we had become he could tell when she was hurt or sick in any shape or form. I was a little surprised I mean I was used to him noticing that stuff but that was really fast, record time maybe.
"Yeah I am sick" I answered back. His facial expression changed into one of worry and concern. "how did you end up sick dear" he asked leaning over to her and feeling her forehead.
"it probably when I fell into a river... Twice" he was a little surprised "how did you do that? I mean fall into the river twice?" wait was he not surprised at all, I mean I am clumsy but still.
"I umm... I had an accident while doing commissions" I mutter a little embarrassed still. He only chuckled and patted my hair.
He went to go grab a wet rag, while I sat there still processing the fact that he came back earlier than originally planned, the wait wouldn't he be tired with how early he got back. "well now I feel guilty"
And when he got back he pushed my hair out of my face and laid my head back down and placed the wet rag on my forehead. He was focused on what he was doing not really noticing that I was staring at him. For the most, she was looking at his eyes.
I really loved his eyes they were so pretty and how when I did something that he thought was cute or adorable, they would sparkle or light up slightly.
After finishing he kissed the top of my head while turning off the light by the bed. He got up to leave I grabbed his hand "please... Don't leave me... Stay" I begged him.
He turned to look at me, while his eyes shined from the moonlight that shone thru the window. "you need to rest y/n" he said looking into her eyes.
"Please just..." he didn't know what she was trying to say. "I haven't seen you in so long... Do please don't leave me...." his breath got caught in his throat while his eyes widen a little bit.
Before he smiled and sighed in defeat "fine you win, but after you fall asleep I will have to continue with my paperwork" he said taking off his coat and placing it on the chair in the corner of the room.
He got into the bed and lay down beside her and put one of his arms under her head and the other around her waist. I turned around in his arms so I faced him. I smiled at him before tucking my face into his chest.
"maybe I should get sick more often so that I can get you to stop doing your work." he only raised an eyebrow "You become such a pushover whenever I feel bad or I'm sick"
He only pressed his face into my hair and muttered "that's because I love you and you make me feel so lonely when I'm not around you." he purred the last part. Before I knew it I had fallen asleep in his arms.
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exholight · 4 years
I dont really have any spesific series or characters i write for since a lot of the characters really depends on my mood. And i don't spesificaly have any series or games since i watch and play a bunch of diffrent games and series or i watch more series than i play games but still.
I will also write for marvel.
Some of the series/games i would write for would be:
Jujutsu kaisen
Yona of the dawn
Genshin impact
Fairy tail
Magi the kingdom of magic/the laberynth of magic
Sereph of the end
Vampire knight
Akame ga kill
That would be some of the things but of course not all of them.
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exholight · 4 years
Albedo x fem! Reader
Reader meting albedo
It was a normal day for Y/N, for the most part at least, she had over heard that there was a alchemist who had just returned from someplace deep in Monstat.
She had caught a glance of said alchemist when he was talking to Sucrose about some alchemist stuff that she did not understand at all. Since she obviusly wasent an alchemist, or knew any of that stuff.
She was going to deliver something to Sucrose that she had asked if she could fech for her while she was out and about.
"Sucrose i have the things you asked me for." she said aproching Sucrose and the male. Both of them turned towards her as she walked over.
Sucrose smiled "Thanks so much Y/N it would have taken forever to get these." she said taking the bag that she gave her. It was as if Sucrose suddenly had a master plan.
"Ahh wait i dont think you've meet eathother?" Sucrose asked looking from her and the male besides herself.
"uhh... No i dont think so" Y/N answerd. "Y/N this is Albedo, he works as a alchemist for the knights of favonius and is pretty populair as you can see." she then turned to the man and y/n could see a slight pink dusting his face, so faint she wasent sure if she was imagining it.
"And Albedo this is y/n, she is an adventurer." he only nodded his head to y/n.
Then kaeya showed up. " ahh there you are Albedo i was looking for you." Albedo turned to look at him and nodded. Kaeya then noticed her and Sucrose.
"oh hello Y/N, Sucrose how are you two this fine afternoon?" he asked putting his entire focus on them.
"I'm doing just fine kaeya, how about you" y/n replyed back.
He only smirked and said "i'm fine.... BUT i think something was going on before i arived, am i wrong?"
He dident miss the way Albedo's posture just slightly changed to a more uncomfortable at the mention of the inconter that happend earlier.
Sucrose then said the least thing any of them would have expected "oh y/n and Albedo are going to be working together witch is why we are all here."
Y/N and Albedo both just looked at her and had the same face of 'wtf' face you can imagine or more like Y/N had that face while Albedo also had more of a suprized pikachu face.
His cheeks got slightly pink and he quite quickly pushed the feelings away and begain heading towards the meting place.
Kaeya only chuckled and waved to the two girls as he ran to catch up to Albedo.
Y/N just looked at Sucrose and sighed " why did you have to go and do that, i mean i like him a little bit but was that nessasery?"
She only giggled and took her hand and left to go back to her place.
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exholight · 4 years
Hi i am going to start a genshin impact fanfic page, with the different characters in the game. And i will gladly exept requests. There are some rules for what i will and will not do but i do write for the most. There may or not apear more here as i discover more of the "internet" when it comes to this stuff
Will write for:
Smut, i can handle writing that stuff.
Multible chapter stories or short stories.
Fluff, angst, anything like that.
Head canons.
Will not write for:
Write suicide stuff or anything related to self harm since i'm not comfy with that stuff.
Will not write for rape or anything related to that stuff.
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