#if theres one thing this game does right its the scenery
raptureshots · 6 months
its fucking weird!!!!
big. long rant/analysis thing cuz uhh my brain works in weird ways!
FIRSTLY. THE WEIRD SHIT. He has no closet or shower (its just. a Tub. no shower head), 16 boxes of cigars on a shelf, no kitchen sink, a fucking fireplace???? in his bedroom, his bed is literally on a platform, 5 separate sets of stairs, 17 Bookshelves, a fucking ZEN GARDEN???? three separate taxidermy animals, 9 random carpets, three whole fridges and no tvs.???
His bedroom as a whole is LARGE but not decorated at all, like theres so much empty space. literally three pieces of furniture in the whole room??? One is his bed, then a COUCH. A WHOLE COUCH right in front of said bed, and a random chair?? just on the other side of the room???
ALSO. the fucking pool table?? its just in a dark corner of a room?? with no pool balls or ANY pool equipment at all anywhere near it
His apartment in general doesn't seem LIVED in. Like its decorated and artificial in a way. but it also FITS him and his character? He's a business and conman, bro probably doesn't have much time to be at home in general but needs to pass as just. a Normal Guy so he makes it appear lived in.
Okay. Now I wanna talk about the fucking. VITA CHAMBER. i know it is literally just there for convince and game reasons, but looking at it as if this was real, WHY DOES HE HAVE ONE. WHY. Ryan distributed them around Rapture, yes, but they were never advertised as being able to revive people. Only that they could rejuvenate you. AND. FONTAINE "DIED" AROUND THE SAME TIME THEY STARTED BEING PRODUCED SO. WHY IS IT THERE!!!!!! Did Ryan put it there as a precaution??? Which also makes me wonder, What exactly happened to Fontaine's apartment after his death?? I know the timeline for BioShock is kinda fucky so..??
( Just know I'm basing. Parts of this off the Book and the Wiki . Take this with like a fuckton of Salt )
Overall, I do think his apartment is designed well and fits his character!!! I love just. the whole scenery of BioShock as a whole and I do think its cool that we get to see both his apartment AND Fontaine Futurists... Maybe one day I'll analyze/talk about his office :-)!! ty for reading this all
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adorable-deku · 3 years
ive thought of another thing. please suffer with me
izuku lives in a very nice house. its massive and in it he has access to anything he could ever think of. the fridges are full to bursting with all kinds of food. if he wants a new kind, it appears in the fridge the next day.
theres an indoor gym, swimming pool, movie theater. the house is perfectly soundproofed so he never hears the neighbors.
in fact, hes not sure he has any neighbors at all. he has no idea where he is. after all, the scenery outside the windows (which are almost certainly not real) changes every day. he cant open the doors either
he's lived in this house for as long as he can remember. sometimes his father is there, but for the most part, its just him
he wonders sometimes if anyone even knows he exists outside of his father.
his dad has rules too, and since hes given izuku all these things, izuku is expected to follow them. eat by a certain time, sleep by a certain time, eat nutritiously, exercise for an hour every day, shower well, make sure to put on lotion and do skincare so you dont have dry skin or acne
izuku has no problem with these. his dad doesnt punish him if he doesnt do them but he does seem disappointed. izukus heart drops everytime but hes not sure why.
izuku follows the rules to the best of his ability so although he stays in the house all day, he looks quite healthy. there are even sun lamps to make sure hes getting 'sunlight' and isnt too pale
izuku does not have tv or internet, nor does he know that they exist, so he does not know to want them.
still there is an emptiness that is only filled when his father is there, because otherwise hes alone in this massive house.
izukus father always looks the same, all the way back to when izuku first remembers him. izuku doesnt know much, but hes sure that isnt normal. after all, izuku has chanhed because he got older. why not his father?
izuku asked how old he was once and he just smiled and ruffled izukus hair. then he changed the topic. asked if there was anything he wanted.
izuku wanted to go somewhere other than the house
his father pretended he didnt hear him and the next day izuku had a new pokemon game
izuku lives this half existence for what feels like a long time. izuku has no idea how long its been. he always goes to bed at the same time bc its what his dad said was healthy but he doesn't actually know if it is the time the clock says it is.
he thinks hes happy
he is happy, right?
his dad hasnt come to see him for a while. he gets antsy. itchy. he scratches at his arm so hard it bleeds
none of the food came like usual either. he still had enough but he was running out, slowly
one day, maybe weeks(?) after izuku last saw his father, theres a loud rumbling in the living room. izuku quickly jumps out and runs to the kitchen as the ceiling of the living room falls through. somebody in a weird outfit jumps into the hole made in the roof
izuku hears them shout "looks like a house!"
the person looks around and locks eyes with izuku, who is hiding behind the corner but wants to know whats going on.
"theres a kid here, too!" he tells up at hole in the ceiling. izuku realizes there are probably people up there
the person takes of their helmet (izuku thanks thats what it is) and izuku looks at the man with grey hair and red eyes, not sure what to think
where is his father?
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braham-is-bi · 4 years
hey i was looking to getting into GW2 (i've been playing a bit but havent gotten very far) & i was wondering if you had any tips on getting started? (also.... when do i start getting cool armor :eyes:)
OH YES HI I hope you've been having fun but probably not because imo gw2 has one of the steepest immediate learning curves in an mmo in that it starts out confusing as fuck and then once you actually understand the game its very intuitive. This is gonna be far from a complete list but its some things that might help!!
1. The 1-5 skills on your character change according to what weapon(s) you have equipped. A lot of new players (especially those that play other mmos) find this weird at first. At level 9 you get the ability to carry 2 sets of weapons and swap between them during combat (unless you're a elementalist or engineer).
2. When youre leveling up dont worry too much about stats, I most just equip gear that I'm given until I hit 80 but here's some stats explained.
Power - the damage output for flat numbers. If the skill says it does x damage, this is what it scales with
Condition damage - this is what things like bleeds and burns scale with. If the skill has a condition that it applies that says "deals x damage over x seconds" its a condition spell
Precision - your critical hit chance. Critical hits deal bonus damage
Ferocity - your critical hit damage
Vitality - your flat health
Toughness - damage reduction. Numerically its the same as having flat health but the higher your toughness, the more monsters will focus you over other people
Theres more but these are the important ones for leveling
3. Explore. Everything. Seriously gw2 is all about exploring just go everywhere look at everything if you love scenery and ambience then this is the game for you just go fuckin nuts and run at things
4. Don't forget to repair your armor if you die. Theres anvils around the world for it usually near vendors and hearts on the minimap
5. When you get to leveling up skills and specializations don't stress too much. You'll get enough points by level 80 to unlock everything (minus elite specs) and you can change out everything when not in combat
6. You unlock more of the personal story every 10 levels. This story is the only part of the gw2 story that can't be repeated on a character. Some of the story also takes place in the dungeons (which are kinda dead unless there's a daily) so if youre confused why the members of Destiny's Edge keep calling you their friend, all of their stuff is in the dungeons.
7. Press i on your keyboard. Now go to the gear on that window and press "deposit all materials". Weep happy tears because you freed up inventory space
8. If you have hearing problems and are frustrated about subtitles, check out the chat box. You can create new chat tabs and decide what goes in each one. Now you can have a tab just for NPC talk and a tab for map chat that you never look at because people say slurs (not really that often if youre out in the world and you can ask for help in it its not THAT bad unless Lion's Arch is busy)
9. The biggest enemy in gw2 is actually the little popup you get once you hit level 80 telling you about mastery points. It shows up every time you gain experience and it will not stop until you choose a mastery to level up. You cannot level up a mastery without going to heart of thorns for the glider or path of fire for the raptor. Dont worry I am already on my way to beat anet to death for this.
Armor - you'll get cool armor as you level up/do achievements that have armor rewards/do pvp tracks (if you like interacting with other people for some reason)/or just straight up buy it from the gemstore if you want. Once a piece of armor is unlocked, any character of that armor class can use the skin for it. BUT transmutation charges (the currency to change your armor skin) are rare at first so be careful cause the skin is attached to the piece of armor you're wearing meaning if you equip something new you have to use another charge to change that piece of armor. Dyes, however, are free to change whenever! Dyes, armor/weapon skins, and transmutations charges are account wide not character bound!
ALSO armor and weapon skins are stored in the bank in a second tab so you can check out armors there (I think its right click to preview) and then check out what armors you think are cool and plan out your characters look. And then weep when the armor was in the gemstore 2 weeks ago and won't be back in for a while cause they cycle the damn store....at least that's how it goes for me aksjsks
Hopefully this helps! Its kinda long and more basic stuff (I find it easier to assume someone knows nothing and work up from there because thats how I would want to be taught) but if you ever have more specific questions feel free to message me again or dm me or anything! And I can always hop on and show you things in game if you want!!
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angelofhell-666 · 5 years
"That's my granddaughter Buck..." Part 2
All of a sudden i opened my eyes and i was staring at the ceiling. I go to sit up and i notice my grandpa sitting in his chair. He looked older. Not by much but older.
"Grandpa..." I softly spoke.
He glanced over at me, "it's about time. There going to need you." He startes to get up from his chair.
I started to help myself up off the ground. As i straightened myself up he ended up being right in front of me.
"What do you mean need me? Who needs me?"
"The Avengers..." As he spoke this orange spinning small hole started up right in the living room.
I watched it in aw as i slowly walked in front of grandpa. The hole started to grow bigger as a man with a cape and a weird goatee walked through it towards us.
"Hello y\n. It's finally nice to meet you in person."
"Im sorry...who are you?"
"Thats Stephen Strange. Iv never met him. But Tony told me about him." Grandpa spoke up.
"I perfer Dr. Strange. But its time to go y\n."
I look at grandpa and he nodded his head. "Just remember. Dont tell the young me who you really are."
I smile, "i wont. But i will make my first impression one you'll never forget."
"That a girl." He smiles at me as i follow this Dr. Strange through the weird portal. When i get through the other side we are in a beautiful land. Woods surround us and theres others that look confused. I turn back at the portal and she grandpa waving at me as the portal closes.
Dr. Strange gathers these people together and explains what Thanos did and how we were all gone for five years.
Since i herd this story before which to me was only a year ago, i look around at all these people.
Someone to the left of me catches my eye. He has shoulder length dark hair with a metal arm.
If gramps explained it right, thats his best friend Bucky.
The color of his eyes were so stunning i thought i would get lost in them. Theres no way a man like this could ever be a pawn in hydras games. Killers could never be that beautiful.
He must notice me starring at him as he does a double take and looks at me with a confused look. Shit i hope i dont look to much like gramps.
I go to take a few steps back as Strange tells us all its time as he starts opening up these huge portals. I get myself ready for a fight as i feel Bucky come stand near me. Couple people away but i can feel his eyes on me.
Everyone starts to walk through the portals and get ready. I walk through and the scenery changed immediately to something more dark. I stay a few rows behind just in case gramps sees me.
Time to get the power flowing since its been awhile. I rub my hands together and punch my fists together as lighting comes alive exchanging bolts through my arms and fists.
Thank god for this suit.
As the fighting began i started to get tired quick. It hasnt been long since it started but its been long enough for me since iv never been in a war. I see younger gramps getting tired and his shield is broke in half. I see hes starting to struggle and got knocked down so ran and jumped off the boulder and landed right in front of him.
My fist made contact with the ground as it erupted lighting straight in front of me and took out a whole crowd of alien looking guys.
I stand up and turn to offer my hand to gramps.
He looks up and takes it as i help him up.
I never noticed how handsome gramps was. I see where i get my good looks from.
As hes catching his breath he says "Thank you miss. Greatly appreciated."
I nod "Its my pleasure Captain."
Good thing my face was caked in blood and dirt so he wouldnt think twice about me looking like him.
His eyes never looked so tired in all my life.
"Arnt you a little to young to be in a war?" He asked.
Smirking i said "Arnt you a little to old to be fighting?"
He chuckled "Touche"
Bucky yells over his shoulder "Guys we got more comin!"
Gramps tightens his broken shield on his arm. I glance at it and an idea pops into my head.
"Thors hammer ever hit your shield?" I asked as i looked around us at the crowd of aliens coming in.
"Yea. Wasnt a very good idea." He raised his voice over the noise.
"Well this isnt either." And with that he looked at me as i rubbed my hands together showing sparks.
I catch Bucky glancing in my direction as i warm up the sparks.
Both of their eyes went wide as gramps held up what was left of his shield as i pulled back my fist and worked up lightning around it as i punched his shield with full force.
The lightening went off like a dome and worked its way through the air and ground taking out aliens within a decent sized radius around us.
Bucky looked over, "Now thats a badass lady if iv ever seen one. You from outer space?"
I laughed as i felt my cheeks get hot from blushing, "no. I have serum. Just like you two." And with that i took off running towards the fight.
"I think im in love..." bucky spoke to Steve.
He looked at him as Bucky was watching her run off.
He has never seen that look in his friends eyes before in all the years hes known him for looking at women. That was love at first sight.
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dramallamadingdang · 7 years
Now that I’ve dumped stuff in the queue, time for...
For @kayleigh-83, @jellybeanery, @clericalrodent, @acquiresimoleons, @dunne-ias. @sim-boo, @didilysims, @twofingerswhiskey, @penig, @nanashi-sims, @eulaliasims, @zoragraves, @taylors-simblr, annnnnnd @nerianasims...
kayleigh-83 replied to your photo “Steven’s grave got struck by lightning, so he popped out for a daytime...”
What the frick, I have catching up to do! I didn't know Steven died. :(
He did. Came home with a cold one day, went to work the next, and died on the sidewalk when he came home. So sad. Ah, RealSickness... Usually, I like it to hit later, when I’ve got a larger population that’s actually in need of culling. I’m just glad it didn’t kill the whole household, like it sometimes does, because otherwise there’d only be Sharon and Gwen’s daughter Amelia to spawn the third born-in-game generation...
kayleigh-83 replied to your photoset “Up-Front Confession: I am knowingly breaking the creator’s terms of...”
I'm absolutely DYING over their grinning faces in the last picture HAHAHAH
It’s a thing of beauty, isn’t it? :D Although I don’t know why Cyd’s grinning, since he’s got Julien’s face impaling his abdomen. That just can’t be comfortable...
jellybeanery replied to your post “jellybeanery: @dramallamadingdang Do you still have the high-res...”
CuriousB's desert terrain works for me, so I don't think it's the chipset.
Hmmm...Well, I had a look at the uploaded file, and it appears to be the right one. :\ I have no idea what’s going on. Give me a day or two and I’ll make a new file and maybe also make a high-res one, and then you can see if one or the other will work...
clericalrodent replied to your post “Civilization V”
Thought I'd ask - would you like some tips that aren't in the in-game tutorial? Nothing absolutely necessary, but might make your life a bit easier.
Sure! I still haven’t installed the game, but I probably will this weekend since we have no plans and it’s too darn hot around here to do much of anything outside. Maybe send me an ask or whatever with tips?
acquiresimoleons replied to your photoset “Up-Front Confession: I am knowingly breaking the creator’s terms of...”
Omg. This is awesome, thank you, my sci fi hood is gonna get a swingers club now ����
Well, it’s certainly a perfect object for that! :) There’ll be other stuff you’ll probably be interested in for such a club, too. I just need the time to make it...
dunne-ias replied to your photoset “Up-Front Confession: I am knowingly breaking the creator’s terms of...”
I both want this and also would be scared about what would happen if I put this on a commercial lot in my story hood. I have the original, but honestly I think I only used it once, in a Bacc household full of romance sims because I had a rule against TV and well, what else would they do on their days off?
HAH! Sex is better than TV by a mile, so... :) Anyway, the advertising on the thing is set so that if you use this on a community lot Sims don’t get overly obsessed with it so long as there are other fun things of equally-strong advertising around. That’s how I wanted it to be because it’s basically going to be an avenue for Sims to meet people in this wacko neighborhood, but I do want them to do other things when they’re on the lot where this will be, too. 
But yeah, I suppose it has the potential to screw up stories. But it also might give you ideas, too. If you keep the characters for whom you have planned storylines away, others in the population might do interesting things to spark some ideas.
sim-boo replied to your photoset “Will took his boatload of scholarships and headed off to join boring...”
Lol personally id consider it a blessing to not be related to goopy gilscarbo ;)
Heathen! Nah, I kid. I know he’s an acquired taste. You have to like Romance Sims, and a lot of players seem to not like Romance Sims. You also have to like Sims who aren’t conventionally beautiful. I like Romance Sims (They’re my faves, actually), and I like “ugly” but not deformed-looking Sims. So he’s totally win-win for me! :) I do change his outfit, though, because that pixel-man has very questionable fashion sense. :)
I also like Ben Long a lot, but he’s a Knowledge Sim and I find them rather boring in general, so when I play him, I have to do terrible things to him to make him interesting. :)
didilysims replied to your post “Civilization V”
Never tried it myself, though from what little I've seen, it looks like something I could get interested in. All friends who have played it said Civ IV was better though. :P
I still haven’t installed it because there’s stuff for TS2 that I want to get done, and I know I’ll get distracted. But I’m really looking forward to trying it out. And as for the version...Well, Civ V is what was there at the shop. :) And for $5, even if I ultimately don’t like it it’s not like I’m really out much.
didilysims replied to your photo “I just noticed that the binoculars that Sims use to birdwatch have red...”
They always looked like nebulae to me. I figured they were really powerful lenses.
SO POWERFUL THEY REFLECT THE LIGHT OF THE ORION NEBULA!! Yeah, that should be the advertising slogan on those puppies. :)
twofingerswhiskey replied to your post “jellybeanery: @dramallamadingdang Do you still have the high-res...”
could be they have graphics chipsets that are defaulting to the maxis terrain due to inability to store it effectively in the graphics memory?
Apparently not in Jellybeanery’s case. :\ I’m still at a loss. If you’ve got any ideas about what else it might be, I’m all ears. Or eyes, as the case may be. :)
penig replied to your photo “I just noticed that the binoculars that Sims use to birdwatch have red...”
I think it's the light glaring off the lenses.
The light from the red district? :) No, you’re probably right, but...Geez, what color is the sun supposed to be in SimWorld? :)
nanashi-sims replied to your post “@bunsblr asked for a tutorial about how to do this a while back and I...”
Wow this is fabulous! So many objects that need to be recloned, but so worth it!
Yeah, there’s a lot of Maxis stuff that’s used outdoors that ought to be neighborhood-visible but isn’t. Especially when it comes to outdoor-type seating. And I don’t think the telescopes are neighborhood-visible, either, now that I think about it. Once you get used to doing it, though, it goes quickly.
eulaliasims replied to your photo “Steven came home from work the next day and….Oh, dear. Well. That’s...”
Steven! No! D:
I KNOW! I was bummed. Frankly, I could stand to lose Arcadia, but I was hoping Steven would spawn some more, if nothing else. I need more population that “counts,” and he had that convenient Family aspiration... 
sim-boo replied to your photoset “Arcadia and Aaron, as the only two non-infant people in the household...”
usually they cry for sims they have memories of. like if the dead sim taught them to walk/talk, i've seen before that they cry sometimes even if theres no blood relation.
I’ve never seen that happen in my game. In this case, I know Steven taught Will to talk, at least. But, no mourning from him. Now I’m wondering if I’ve got a mod that’s interfering. Hmmm.....
didilysims replied to your post “Aww you almost had the Aristocats in your game <3”
A lot of Disney is overrated. Emperor's New Groove? Seriously underrated. But I got The Aristocats for my birthday as a kid and watched it probably 100 times at least, so it's near and dear to my heart.
I really don’t know why I never saw The Aristocats. I mean, I was a kid when it was made and all, but I only ever saw the older Disney movies from the 40s or so. (Fantasia is another favorite.) I saw the later Disney movies from the 90s and 2000s because I had kids then, so we saw them in the theater, and I got them when they came out on video, and they watched them ad nauseum. (And The Lion King is one of Ethan’s favorite movies; it resonates with him because he lost his dad at an age when he really needed one. So, we watch that one a lot and I bristle because of all the hyena maligning.) But I don’t think I’ve seen any Disney movie from the 70s in its entirety,
Now as for Emperor’s New Groove: I will argue (and HAVE argued) that it’s the best buddy movie ever made. Kronk and Eartha Kitt’s scenery-chewing (She did it SO well, always did) is just bonus. 
zoragraves replied to your post “So, um....”
Now I want to know what those objects are, at the very least :D
Ohhhhh, you probably really don’t. *laugh*
taylors-simblr replied to your post “@bunsblr asked for a tutorial about how to do this a while back and I...”
Thank you so much for this, I might give it a go tonight! I surrounded my campsite with nengi's bigger bourgainvillas and it's been driving me crazy that they are invisible from any other lot ^__^
Good luck with it! I thought those bougainvilleas were already neighborhood-visible, though...Or maybe I made them so. I don’t remember... Anyway, let me know if you have any trouble!
nerianasims replied to your post “re. StarTrek Multi-PT: I'm pretty sure I remember someone creating the...”
What is this Enterprise show you mention? I am sure it does not exist.
I dunno, I heard a rumor about it. Something about a prequel sort of thing, only done way after the other shows were produced. Seems like kind of a dumb idea... 
(Seriously, I really wanted to like Enterprise. I really, really like Scott Bakula. Quantum Leap is one of my favorite shows. And while I enjoyed a few of the episodes, the writers just didn’t seem to know what to do with any of the characters, especially the poor helmsman dude, which is sad because he was a very pretty black man. I mean, I don’t even remember his name... And of course they had to sex up the female Vulcan. *sigh* They get points for destroying Florida, though. No, I’m kidding. Well, sort of...)
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darrenmackphoto · 6 years
My Top 10 Yorkshire Wedding Venues
  Hiya!! I have had such a wonderful and busy summer this year, and I’ve shot at some of my local amazing wedding venues, and also travelled to lush new venues that I haven’t worked at before! So… Because I am such an amazing guy, I’ve put together this short list of 10 of my Top Wedding Venues in Yorkshire!
  Danby Castle
Danby Castle (Esk Valley Weddings) is a stunning venue not far from Whitby. Plus some of its Lords include the most powerful in Medieval England. How cool is that!
I’ve made it no secret how much I love this place, as soon as you pull up and see how amazing it is, with the surrounding views, it will take your breath away!
From the gorgeous ceremony room, to getting group pictures inside the castle ruins, theres so many stunning spots for photos, and the barn is just amazing.
You can view one of my recent weddings from Danby Castle using this link, this wedding was even featured in Your North East Wedding Magazine recently! – Sammy and Nathan – Danby Castle Wedding
      Oaklands Weddings
Oaklands is a beautiful wedding venue in Hull, East Yorkshire. They have a HUGE tipi which is beautifully located with a forest on one side, and a field with gorgeous views on the other.
For the ceremony there is a jeti heading out over the water, with tiered seating for your guests, stunning!
You can view one of my weddings from Oaklands by using this link! Oaklands Wedding – Natalie and Tom
      Yorkshire Wedding Barn
Yorkshire Wedding Barn is a venue I haven’t worked at just yet, but I’m really excited to! I’ve heard nothing but good things, and how amazing it is!
From their site: “Sweeping down the exclusive drive you will be amazed by the far reaching views before arriving at the beautiful and newly built stone barn. The wedding barn is set in the village of Gilling West, Richmond you will be captivated by the tranquillity and breath-taking views of North Yorkshire and Dales.”
Doesn’t that sounds amazing?! I’m very excited to be heading here next year!
  Wharfedale Grange
Wharfedale Grange is a stunning wedding barn in Leeds. The first wedding I photographed here was in a Tipi in a field and I fell in love with the place. From the stunning views of fields all around, to being spoilt for choice for where to head out for pictures, Wharfedale Grange really does host an amazing day.
As one of Wharfedales Grange’s recommended suppliers (Check me out, right!?) I got invited along to showcase my work at their latest open day and see the barn as it had just been open, and wow! It is stunning, there literally has been no expense spared and it really does need to be seen in person, as it is just mind blowing!
You can check some of my pictures of Wharefedale Grange using this link – Wharfedale Grange Wedding
        East Riddlesden Hall
It was my first time visiting East Riddlesden Hall this year, and needless to say I am VERY excited to get to photograph there again!
East Riddlesden Hall is a Manor located in West Yorkshire, with weddings taken place in the Grade II listed Barn. Once the Hall is shut to the public you get full use to the entire grounds on the evening (We headed over and done shots, but you can do what you like!).
This place really is beautiful, and the wedding team were really on the ball and taking care of everything!
Check out some of the pictures from this beautiful venue and wedding here – Georgina and Nick – East Riddlesden Hall Wedding
      Rudby Hall
Rudby Hall is a gorgeous stately home situated in North Yorkshire. the first time I photographed here was a winter wedding, so the place looked amazing with Christmas trees up and roaring fires. It was so cosy and comfortable that every one just loved the place.
I’d definitely recommend this place if you love gorgeous buildings with beautiful views all around, whether its a lovely outdoor summer wedding, or indoors for a cosy winter wedding, this place will certainly do the trick.
    Grinkle Park
Grinkle Park is a beautiful country house nestled in the Yorkshire Moors, with Whitby just down the road. There are beautiful gardens and even a lake on the grounds which are ideal for pictures!
Having shot here twice in the summertime, I can appreciate how awesome this venue lends itself to relaxed weddings, where guests can just chill outside and drink whilst taking in the views (and canapés).
  Lartington Hall
This year was my first time working at this gorgeous venue, and it didn’t disappoint! From being surrounded by beautiful scenery and gorgeous views, as well as sheep, there are plenty of options for pictures.
This country hall is also really deceiving. As soon as you walk in the place seems to go on forever, with the hall leading on and on to different rooms. Definitely some Tardis work going on here!
Check out some of my recent pictures here – Emma and Rick – Lartington Hall Wedding
      Whinstone View
Wrays Barn at Whinstone View is a gorgeous venue which can hold weddings both inside or outside. I got to shoot here three times this year, and each was simply unique and stunning.
With gorgeous views and Roseberry Topping just down the road, it is definitely worth a quick ten minute drive out for some pictures of just the two of you near one of the iconic landmarks of the north east.
This place quickly went to the top of my food list when they served us a BUCKET of ice cream for our dessert. Legends! Each wedding has been so different with three course meals, a BBQ and even a Fish and Chip van! and I enjoyed them all!
One of my recent wedding previews is here – Scott And Rachael – Whinstone View Wedding at Wrays Barn
  Middleton Lodge
Middleton lodge is a gorgeous country estate set in North Yorkshire. I’ve shot a few weddings here as well as exhibiting at wedding fairs, and each time I visit I just love the place.
From summer weddings on the lawn with garden games for the kids. To being inside the House with the fire roaring on those comfy chairs, this place has a lot to offer, especially with the addition of weddings inside of the new Fig House.
I’ve seen weddings both inside of the round room at the bottom of the stairs, as well as outside in the garden, and both just look amazing in this setting.
You can see one of my wedding from the beginning of this year by using this link – India and Richard – Middleton Lodge Wedding
      If you have any more questions, would like to see some galleries from these venues, or just want one of my sexy brochures to grace your inbox, fill in the boxes below!
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    10 of my Top Yorkshire Wedding Venues My Top 10 Yorkshire Wedding Venues Hiya!! I have had such a wonderful and busy summer this year, and I've shot at some of my local amazing wedding venues, and also travelled to lush new venues that I haven't worked at before!
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