#if they are related that would def be gross so id stop
kakapim · 6 months
I'm back to seeing news about Detective Conans movie 27 and. I've never been a Kaishin shipper because I've always liked the frienemies dynamic better, but it's wild that they're implying these 2 are related like ??? 😭 30 years of NOTHING and then they suddenly say these guys are cousins? Like... Kaito wasn't even canon for 99% of the series. Crazy. That's 3 decades of yaoi fancontent down the drain 💀💀
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assortment of thoughts i guess?
i fixate pretty heavily on the neuroses present(ly hinted at...) in the characters Lars and Sadie. their anxieties and insecurities are very interesting to me (mooostly bc they are very Relatable). i spend a fair amount of time considering where these social inhibitors started w/ them. of course ppl dont have to survive trauma to be mentally ill, or to have low self esteem... but on the other hand, isn’t surviving low self esteem and poor self image after years and years sort of an elongated microtrauma in itself..? hm idk, should educate myself on that. but we can at least confidently deduce that both charas have been dealing with it since they were quite young (Lars fighting with Ronaldo over how he would be presented in the flashback of Horror Club, Sadie explaining that every new thing she’s been interested in became a chore of a bad memory from her mother’s [well intentioned, but ultimately harmful] over enthusiasm. i at least can imagine that starting and stopping so many interests would leave her with some modicum of guilt, a sense of leaving things unfinished or letting ppl down by not living up to the potential being projected on her) in Sadie’s Song.
personally, my anxiety, depression, and all the other fun flavors i’ve got, were undoubtedly caused by trauma. at bare minimum, the bulk of my disorders were anyway. so while, as i’ve mentioned, perhaps nothing especially traumatic happened to these charas................... some bad shit still def could’ve went down. and uh i cant help but consider those avenues so.
as a fat person who was always a fat kid, when season 1 of SU was airing originally, i always shared a lot of the rejection feelings Sadie would have. if this happened to her on screen, i could reeeeally feel it. i was always worried that it was her size and shape that othered her amongst her peers in Beach City, as she’s polite and helpful enough to get along with most of the town otherwise. when she mentioned to Lars that she knows he doesn’t want to be seen in public with her, i read that as her internalizing not only her “uncool”ness but also her low position within social capital as a young fat woman. her intentional focus on Lars spending time with Jenny, when Lars was hanging out with the Cool Kids as a whole (”After all I do for you, you LIE to me? So you can sneak off with some other girl?!”) was particularly telling. Jenny is taller, thinner, and arguably “curvier” (altho admittedly it feels gross to talk about her like this???)... she’s also undeniably better at a particular way of socializing. The intersections of fatphobia and misogyny seem to be some of the biggest drivers for Sadie’s anxieties/insecurities wrt Lars. This also makes sense bc... remember how Lars talks about women and girls in season one? He was a little spicy, a little raunchy, a little grody about it. Def not a scumfuck or anything but, ya kno, dumb dude shit. Any pre-existing insecurities would def multiply or at least complicate when hearing that from the person who is arguably ur best friend and ur not-so-secret crush.
as an aside here whewwwwww im so glad Sadie and Jenny are becoming friends in current canon it melts my heart <3
so with Sadie at least i s’pose my inferences are relatively safe and simple. Lars is a lot harder to pin down.
im not gonna go too much into this at all bc i am le tired but trans Lars (whether Lars would ID as a woman, a man, or non-binary [they’re all great imo]) headcanons deeeefinitely strike a chord (im an nb person myself so lol).
but also like... did Lars always live in Beach City? His parents don’t have accents like the elders (Kofi and Nanefua) of the Pizza family (who Crewniverse have confirmed the Pizzas are a Ghanaian family), so is there an amount of trauma from moving as a very young kid (let’s say 5-ish)? His parents seem to have a great relationship, their house is warm and decorative, and from what we’ve seen of them they love their son immensely. I can’t particularly see his parents fighting with each other, and the way they approached him (when it was actually Steven...) over his poor grades was very patient and kind... it doesn’t seem like they’re abusing him to any extent.
Back on track here... Is there trauma surrounding his ethnicity living in Beach City, which we can argue is still the U.S.? He referred to the ube roll he made as a “weird purple cake”... but he grew up eating it. His ube roll wasn’t weird to him, but he was very worried about it being weird to a bunch of non-Filipino kids he wanted to impress. Where did this anxiety come from? Who ‘taught’ him his culture was weird? Whose racist ass do I need to beat is what I’m getting at.
edit: didnt mean to b so damn obtuse here, of course his parents dont have to have any type of linguistic/verbal indicators. i was trying to get at the fact that one less indicator is one less piece of evidence (usually), so i dont seem like im taking myself too srsly here lol.
i am sure i have more elaborate thoughts on these issues but my brain is flickering out on me so im just gonna let this be a post i guess!
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c1ey · 8 years
Lol if you think every orientation includes the opposite sex what a nasty enforcer of heteronormativity you are. I forgot attraction is based on pronouns.
“If you think every sexual orientation includes the opposite gender, what a nasty enforcer of hetereonormativity you are!” 
This ask is also poorly exsecuted. But I know exactly what your on about. “Heteronormality; is the belief that people fall into distinct and complementary genders (man and woman) with natural roles in life. It assumes that heterosexuality is the only sexual orientation or only norm, and states that sexual and marital relations are most (or only) fitting between people of opposite sexes.” That would have to include an individual that ID’s as a man and an individual that ID’s as a women and enforces it as the normal....... cis or trans. Cishet is entirely another specific, so thats for another time.
I don’t believe in biological sex, it is an outdated term of gender, and within a bigger picture a product of heterosexual culture. Believing people paticpating in PIV sex is straight IS Heteronormative! The social contruction around PIV it is literally the product of heteronormality and straight/assigned biological sex culture; Believing PIV = straight social construct is LITERALLY being heteronormative. Right back at ya with “What a nasty enforcer of heteronormativity you are”. So you’re basically contridicting yourself and also being incrediably homophobic, interesexist and tranphobic all in one. Stop trying to police peoples sexuality based on how they have sex, thats just gross. Stop reducing someones sexual attract and identity with how they have sex and what set of genitals they associate with, thats not up to you but the individual. Sexuality is about sexual attraction to gender. 
Firstly *different gender, not opposite gender. And if you are a gay man than you’re attracted to men. Simple. Cis or trans, it includes men. Did I mention trans men? Because they are def men! 
I’m also gonna mention that a penis is not what makes an individual a man. Genitals have nothing to do with it. And gravitating towards a certain set of genitals is a entirely speperate aspect within sexuality. Otherwise the main convo in a relationship would be “so tell me about your genitals, because thats really what matters here.” Weather they can satisfy your sexual fetish is what really matters when dating right?   
If you think otherwise about gender and sex, I suggest you read this and this this this this this this this annnnnnd this. If you read through any of this you’ll understand you can’t simply maintain gender consistency regarding peoples gender idenities and bodies, thus it is why it falls upon gender identify when it comes to sexuality. So thank you for proving to me you’re incrediably ignorant about gender and sexualtiy with “I forgot attraction is based on pronouns.” 
Also @trans-mom is a really lovely person to talk to, espeically if you have other questions. Because I will no longer be wasting time on dumb questions like this.
I don’t care less of what you think of me. Have a good day. 
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