#if they're working on new music they are lOCKED DOWN LIKE VAULTS ABOUT IT lmao
omegalomania · 2 years
new joe podcast just dropped, so here are some fun tidbits. as always i recommend listening for urself but if you dont have the time heres the highlights reel:
it wasnt hard for joe to be honest in writing the book, cause he describes himself as having "no filter" lol
the hosts asked if he talked to scott ian about the....Moment in the book before it was released (i won't spoil it for those who haven't read it; if you have, you probably know the one) and joe says he did not because "guys are GREAT at emotions."
they did talk about it after scott texted him about it. and sent joe a picture of him on a red carpet with a monkey on his back and joe could not tell if he was being serious dlkfldjflkd
the hosts compliment joe on his hair. joe says he's not likely to go bald so that's nice. he says one of his kids likes to put bows in his hair <3
predictably he's asked if fall out boy have anything in the works currently, to which joe replies, "we're always passing stuff around...like illnesses. but also creative stuff. we're not working on anything specific, we're just - everybody is in family mode or if they have other projects outside of the band they're focusing on that."
"but we will get the literal band back together. i'm sure we'll do more next year. probably not a lot this year."
the hosts ask what the rest of the band thought about the book. joe says they got an early manuscript and he got a bunch of thumbs up emojis in response. he says "one of the members" definitely read some or most of the manuscript, maybe all of it, but he doesn't know about the others (he does not name any names lol)
"i'm not trying to besmirch albums of the past. i love a lot of the stuff that we did after our hiatus, i love the experimentation, the ways in which we used sampling, and co-writes brought out interesting stuff that would've never come out otherwise. and we've had additional hit songs because of that and it's prolonged our career, so no, i'm very happy with all of that."
it'd be fun to "go back to basics, but not in a basic way." if they do a guitar album again he doesn't just wanna do cork tree but more of it. he said that one album represents a moment in time that's since passed.
the hosts asked what his wife thought of the book. he said that she said "it's great!" and didn't clarify. (she DID like it, he just had to get details from a mutual friend lmao)
"the axe" (six-issue comic series he wrote with brian posehn for heavy metal comics) WILL be getting a trade paperback version with all six issues, and he said it'll come either late this year or early next year!
he is also working on something for image comics and is currently developing a show for a network, but isn't sure where that's going to go. he basically always has a lot of things going on at once.
overall he's pleased with the response to the book. it has been an exposing experience and he instinctively wants to shy away but he hasn't gotten a bunch of hate for it. he's happy if anyone liked it!
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princessnijireiki · 7 years
@jhenne-bean honestly, these are the same ppl who used that kind of audio database tech to do all those trailers for The Force Awakens & the heavy CGI work in Rogue One's scenes clipped from/matched to '70s footage, so like being an intern for those projects was probably fucking HELL lmao. business wise, if this involves new tech & they're smart abt it + copyright it through the Lucasfilm technology divisions, they'll be licensing it to projects like Star Trek: Discovery (which I think is trying to continue using Majel's voice for the ship computers); but tbh it may also be completely the other way around and they're gonna use this tech as much as they can while they have access to it. but yeah, they're… known for being like that on their projects. everyone who I've read about, seen "tell all" footage of, or talked to who has left employment with Disney on any & all levels have said they run their shit with tighter than military precision, and even ppl who DIDN'T outright hate the company after said it's grueling shit w. damn near nonstop underpaid labor & impossible deadlines. even just ppl working at the parks. I actually wrote to the company once as a teenager for a history project & asked about Song of the South + Fantasia censoring (there is… a quite racist bit with a Black centaur that gets cropped out in all home video footage, and I hunted it down in the pre-YouTube/fledgling Google years, which was no small task) and got no response. I didn't expect one, but I just figured I'd be thorough; but apparently old unedited problematic Disney shit is a HOT commodity in P2P networks, so like if I'd done the same project a year or two later, I'd've been able to have the footage on hand. it's VERY much out here, just not officially condoned & only on the digital "black market"; and tbh cinema as it is is a new enough technology that I can't even say, "oh, when/if the company folds…" over it bc ppl are already making it up as they go. Disney has its own little weird restricted Vatican library & only sporadically releases their products from the "Vault" already to maintain branding with each new generational crop of kids w/o having to ever change up merch, but the stuff that's "locked away" is literally available 24/7 for free distribution by ppl who took enough offense to Disney's self-censorship that they digitized a fucking Uncle Tom musical off of Betamaxes. there's no precedent for it & it's a super fucking weird phenomenon.
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