#if this doesnt go anywhere i will delete to avoid the embarrassment but oh well
autisticgodot · 3 years
also im working on a fic but i can’t tell if it’s good or a mess so if i put it under the read more will someone consider checking it out and letting me know if it’s worth pursuing? its a post aa6 sibling reveal fic 
Trucy is watching her footsteps carefully, stepping around the potholes, beating down on the sidewalk cracks for good measure. The voice startles her, it takes a moment of winging her head around for her to find its origin. She finds Prosecutor Gavin in his car, pulled to the side of the road beside her. A hand dangles casually over the edge of the window, waving her over when he sees she’s noticed him. Trucy walks slowly to the window, staring at the garish car. It’s long and short, stretched out like Klavier is trying to take as much space of the road as he can. She can’t imagine it would be very fast, but perhaps it slips through the air with little drag. She wouldn’t really know, she’s just gleaned enough of the words from conversations overheard at school, at the grocery, at the library to put together a conversation. That explains her knowledge on many things. 
“If you’re going to offer me a ride, you should know that me and daddy have a password system,” she says cautiously. 
Klavier chuckles a bit. “Herr Forehead told me you were having a little night on the town. He thought I might be able to check in on you. He didn’t advise me on any sort of password.”
Trucy looks the prosecutor over thoughtfully. She chews her lip carefully, pops up on her tiptoes to look at the state of Klavier’s passenger seat. It isn’t decimated, not like how she imagines daddy’s car would be, if he could drive. Still, there are stray receipts, water bottles, a fast food bag. She leans back on her heels. “The password doesn’t apply if I ask for a ride, though.” She says. “Daddy trusts my decision-making.”
“Are you asking, Fraulein?”
Trucy nods. In response, she can hear the click of the unlock button. She makes the walk around to the passenger side, pushes the trash to the floor, and takes the seat. 
Klavier waits for the sound of the seatbelt before setting the car to drive. He leans back when he does, places one hand at the top of the steering wheel. Trucy leans up to watch the way he switches from gas to brake, notes the speed he goes and compares to the posted limit. “No motorcycle today?”
“I didn’t think you’d be the type.” Trucy has always appreciated the way Klavier could retort. It’s fun, like a game you’re both pretending not to be playing. With Polly, he’s always taking it a bit too seriously. 
Trucy purses her lips. “I could surprise you.”
Klavier stops at a red light, smiles over at her. “You always do. Where to?”
She’d been hoping this question would take longer to crop up. Her options are limited. Polly’s place is unavailable; Trucy isn’t sure she knows where it is even if she thought she’d be welcome. She can’t go home yet. Athena is too passionate for the level of energy she’s willing to expend right now. Edgeworth, while certainly someone who would allow her reprieve, would act far too much like a father for her comfort. 
“Light’s green,” she says. 
He doesn’t ask again. His foot goes gas to brake, gas to brake, gas to brake, and Trucy just watches. 
She doesn’t look up until he slides the car into park and turns the key in one swift move. Klavier pulls the key out, clicks his seatbelt free, pops the door open. Trucy only stares. “You’re coming, ja?”
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