#if this is not ok lmk fkdhmgnhm
cynthiastan · 9 months
closed starter @fasterthanfury location: masquerade
of all the people she had to be set up with. she knew of francis. he was very big within the spoiled citizens of evermore. he, unsurprisingly, had enough rumors tied to him to make angelica not want to actually find him. she liked a little drama, but from women not guys. she had been hoping to be matched with literally anyone else, really. like she was sure this was random for fun or something, but why did the algorithm hate her? she's bee extra nice this year. with a roll of her eyes she made her way straight to refreshments instead of searching for her date and groaning loudly to herself as she leaned against the bar.
"what kind of name is francis anyways? sounds like a complete dork. i bet he plays video games in his mother's basement." she was completely unaware that he wasn't too far from her, but oh well.
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