#đŸȘ i wanna watch the world burn || interactions.
cynthiastan · 8 months
closed starter @girlsngossip location: topsy turvy
"oh my goddd, tiff?" angelica slurred slightly, gazing on the beautiful blonde only a seat away from her at the bar. she didn't normally drink so much in public since she didn't like losing her composure, but after a shit day and nothing to do she felt as if her hands were tied on the matter. she didn't want to think about how she came out alone either because then she would be a sad drunk and that was just not cute. especially when confronted with the presence of a girl she enjoyed being around. "you out here with your friends or something?" she asked, cocking her head to the side. "you look good. which is obvious, but you still deserve to know it, babes."
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cynthiastan · 9 months
closed starter @fasterthanfury location: masquerade
of all the people she had to be set up with. she knew of francis. he was very big within the spoiled citizens of evermore. he, unsurprisingly, had enough rumors tied to him to make angelica not want to actually find him. she liked a little drama, but from women not guys. she had been hoping to be matched with literally anyone else, really. like she was sure this was random for fun or something, but why did the algorithm hate her? she's bee extra nice this year. with a roll of her eyes she made her way straight to refreshments instead of searching for her date and groaning loudly to herself as she leaned against the bar.
"what kind of name is francis anyways? sounds like a complete dork. i bet he plays video games in his mother's basement." she was completely unaware that he wasn't too far from her, but oh well.
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cynthiastan · 2 years
closed starter @chuckiefnster​ location: the mall
Angelica had just gotten off of her shift and was ready to set her plan in motion. The plan? Drag Chuckie along as she went shopping for the remainder of the time that the mall was open and make him hold all of her bags. She had to trick him to get him here and she knew she was never going to hear the end of it, but she liked to think she still scared Chuckie enough to get him to do whatever she wanted without too much resistance. And if that wasn’t the case....then maybe she did have to get a little meaner again. She had been doing her best to be on the right track or whatever, but that didn’t mean old habits didn’t die hard.
Flipping her hair she looked over to see Chuckie finally approaching her. “Geez. When I said six I didn’t mean six-thirty,” she greeted with a small huff. “Let’s kick it, Finster. We have a lot of ground to cover in a few hours. “We are going to every place that sells clothes, makeup, and perfume. And maybe, just maybe, I will let you pick out a store. Got it?”
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cynthiastan · 2 years
closed starter @girlsngossip​ location: the jukebox
There was something about gossiping with people who understood that made putting her phone to the side worth it. Angelica was glued to it all the time and she didn’t feel bad for being so glued to her phone, but when she was hanging out with Tiff, she didn’t feel the desire to do that. No, she was more than happy to set it aside to reflect on the actual gossip she had stored in her head rather than seek it out online. Tiff knew everything about everyone and Angelica ate it up. She really thought the girl deserved her own reality show with the way she carried herself and if Angelica was able to be her darling co-star....well, she would find a way to make herself the actual star, but still. 
Meeting at The Jukebox was a no-brainer since the food was decent and the place looked so retro and that was totally in right now. As she took her usual spot across from Tiffany she set her phone on do not disturb and looked at the blonde. “So...do you want to start or should I? Honestly, I’m dying to hear what you have to share.” In all honesty, Angelica didn’t have anything good right now. That didn’t mean she wouldn’t make stuff up though to keep up with Tiffany. 
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cynthiastan · 2 years
closed starter @samhainmade​ location: moonlight casino
Angelica was not someone who gambled often. Sure, she liked to lie and cheat about as much as the next person but she loved money too much to part with it because of a bad hand or some underhanded cheating. Still, Shona worked at the casino and when Shona was working, then Angelica was more likely to get off her ass and go gamble while she snuck conversation in-between. She had made her way through several games of black jack without losing too much when she finally spotted the girl and she quickly made her way over (or as fast as her heels permitted it).
“Finally found you! I feel like you are impossible to see here. Are you almost done? Or can you sneak a smoke break? I am getting so bored and there is no one hot here to flirt with.” She could have added except you, but she didn’t need that going to Shona’s head. She was hot, that was obvious. “I have no idea how you do this. I would get fired so fast for mouthing back to some dude who didn’t have a lucky bone in him.”
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cynthiastan · 1 year
closed starter @girlsngossip​ location: festival
“it’s actually hilarious seeing people so on edge because of that last blast on the sweet spot. like, i know everyone is trying to like, play it cool and all, but some of them....oh you can tell that it’s eating them up right now. like the mayor looks like he is gonna feint if anyone asks him how his day is going.” angelica picks off a piece of cotton candy the other blonde was holding and pops it into her mouth. “talk about sweet timing, hmm? wonder how that happened.” she was obviously joking. “have i told you how hot it is that you singlehandedly keep this town interesting?”
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cynthiastan · 1 year
closed starter @mcllydavis location: the mall
"Ugh, can you believe the nerve some people have?' Angelica sneered as she nibbled on her froyo from the food court. "To actually walk outside in such tacky clothes? It burns my eyes. I should sue them for making my head hurt." She glanced at the blonde and shook her head. "Some people really just....think they got it going on when in reality, they are about as sexy as the guy selling corndogs over there.." she pointedly glared at the corndog guy. "Gross. So, so, gross. So anyways, what's up? Hit the stores yet?"
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cynthiastan · 1 year
closed starter @faiirytalcs​ (vidia) location: neverland
“Vids, I love you, I do, but I am not gonna sing tonight.” She was not in the mood. While she thought her singing voice was god’s gift, she was feeling...weird. Too in her feelings to be anything but a bit of a downer, which wasn’t her style in the right company, so now she just didn’t know what to do other than follow the first person who reached out to her and see where the night goes. “I also need a lot more tequila before you ditch me for some guy who sings a choppy cover of a 1975 song.” 
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cynthiastan · 1 year
send  đŸŒč  for  a  romantic  starter . @pcrkerkokkinos​
Angelica was not someone who fell into situations like this often. She had gone out, dressed hotter than she has let herself in a while just because she could, and it was safe to say she was having a pretty decent night. Dancing with strangers was fun and all, but even she needed to not inhale the stench that came from almost any party and had to step outside to enjoy some fresh air. She had no idea who’s party this was or why they were throwing it, but she had been invited by a friend of a friend of a friend. The house was huge though, and she had to admit she was a little jealous. She liked living her life as lavished as possible, but with her salary from her job and her parents she couldn’t get a place like this and go shopping as much as she did. So she had to appreciate the stolen chances she got to pretend she was some young hot wife to some crazy rich guy when she could.
She had stepped off onto the balcony and was taken aback by the view immediately. It felt like all of the stars were out that night and she couldn’t help but lean over the railing in awe. She wasn’t the type to go stargazing, but she had enough drinks in her to loosen up her reserves. For a while, she was out there alone, enjoying the atmosphere. In fact, she didn’t even know when Parker showed up and joined her. She just felt a presence, heard the faintest noise of the balcony doors opening, and assumed it was a rando. “I can’t believe the sky can look like this...” she said, confused by her interest. “It’s...like some scene out of a movie.”
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cynthiastan · 1 year
closed starter @quacksblue​ location: festival
“and just when i thought i was going to have fun at this thing!” angelica proclaimed loudly the moment she spotted dewey. every time she saw him she felt unreasonably angry and it was mostly at the fact that she ever gave him the time of day in the first place. that she ever let her guard down around a guy who is a self-proclaimed dj. it was...rough. and the worst part of it all was that...she really did have a soft spot for him at one point in her life. now? oh, now all she wanted to do was humiliate him. “please tell me you signed up for the dunk tank so i can drown you properly. a clown’s way out.”
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cynthiastan · 1 year
closed starter @faiirytalcs​ (vidia) location: festival
“so what do you want to do first?” angelica questioned, looking around the festival. “i have a really strong feeling that you are just naturally good at every game that is here. like stupid good. so if that is true, you are so free to win me a prize. i will hug it tight the entire time.” she was not good at these games and tended to get pissed off if she lost too many times. so it was best to not even try. “ferris wheel looks packed, so it’s probably better to go when the sun sets.”
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cynthiastan · 1 year
closed starter @chuckiefnster​ location: festival
“alright, so. you have one hour to win something cute. last time i left you unsupervised for longer than that and you were crying in a bathroom.” it was so hard being angelica. her little babies constantly needed supervision like she was their mom or some shit. first kimi was begging her to do something with her and now chuckie was wandering around with his inhaler in his hands. what else was she to do but help out of the goodness of her heart? “any questions? do you remember my phone number? i unblocked you, so you can actually call me now.”
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cynthiastan · 1 year
closed starter @girlsngossip​ location: pride 
Angelica was not shy about the fact that she liked girls. She had nearly given her mother a heart attack once during a sleepover she had in high school with her first girlfriend, but even then she told her mother to love it or shove it. She wondered what her parents actually felt about it sometimes since they tended to change the subject whenever it became a point of interest, but that just made Angelica more obnoxious about it. Posting hot girls all over Instagram with her pressing up next to them. She knew her parents had to have seen everything, but she didn’t care. Angelia was always one-hundred percent and if anyone had something to say, she made sure to respond quickly with her fists. 
Pride was something she actually let herself have fun at. There were so many gorgeous people walking around and there was fun little drinks and Angelica was able to wear something extremely colorful without looking tacky. A phenomenal time for her. In fact, she was taking full advantage of the colorful cocktails when one of the most gorgeous girls she knew approached her. “You look amazing,” Angelica said to Tiff, sipping at her drink. “I’m sure you’ve gotten a pocketbook full of numbers at this point. Want me to get you anything?”
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cynthiastan · 2 years
closed starter @pcrkerkokkinos​ location: pour unfortunate souls
Angelica once again found herself at the same sad drinking spot to drink herself silly. This time though, she heard from a friend of a friend, that a certain broody blonde was also there. So she made sure to dress herself up. get her hair done just right, and do everything in her power to not make eye contact with him for the first hour. She had to say she had enough drinks to distract herself with at first. She even managed to get a number; but none of that mattered because he was here and she was determined. Angelica knew she was a hard pill to swallow. She knew she was intense as much as she was hot and funny. She knew that there was probably more than one person out there that wanted her attention; but all she wanted was Parker’s, because he gave her none. At the same time, she refuses to make an actual first move. Her pride was too strong and she would rather die than get rejected out front because she put in effort.
So instead, she did insane shit like this. She drank and danced and “accidentally” bumped into the one guy she was into that wouldn’t bat an eye at her otherwise. “Oh my gosh, so sorry,” she said, not sounding sorry in the slightest. “Oh...Parker? Is that you? I didn’t think you really came here often.”
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cynthiastan · 2 years
closed starter @runawayeverglot​ location: the mall (her job)
Angelica was honestly surprised she hasn’t been fired yet. She was not someone who was good at sucking up to others and she was often rude and blunt to those in desperate need of styling. It was a slow day though so she wasn’t feeling as catty and when someone finally entered the store she stood up straighter and set the magazine she was reading aside. “How can I help you?” she said in her monotone customer voice. She really didn’t care if the girl needed help or not because she looked like she could figure it all out on her own; at least until she picked up the ugliest top she ever saw. “Hold it!” Angelica made her way over to the stranger and snatched the top from her. “This would not work for you. It could hardly work for anyone. Most people, I would suggest a little color to their wardrobe. You? You look like you belong in a graveyard! No offense. Maybe check out the more...alternative pieces?”
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cynthiastan · 2 years
tag dump.
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