#if this is somebody trolling im gonna be fucking pissed because like.. god that’s fucked up
mxbitters · 2 years
Why are you affiliated with neonazis
if this is a serious question and not another terf trying to get a rise out of people i’m going to need clarification on what you’re talking about. if i somehow reblogged from somebody with those beliefs please tell me and i will absolutely delete the post but i can’t do that if you’re being vague about it. if this is a serious question please clarify and i will take immediate action. if this is yet another transphobe jumping on the online harassment train though just to make people upset, that’s really fucked up of you. i take these things very seriously and would never intentionally platform people like that so if this is a real and serious question please provide me with more details and if this isn’t then please reevaluate that because that’s a really fucked up thing to do.
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