#if this theory is proven real i would love it so much bc when authors include real or famous figures in their story
I'm curious what you think the worst shipping dynamic is? And the reasoning behind it if you have any.
Thank you so much!!!
haha I do have several of those actually. I’ll include both what I think are the worst dynamics and the kind of ships that “I just don’t get why would you ship smth like that”.
1. What I actually call “a mom and a manchild”.
examples: Hatori/Chiaki from “Sekaichi Hatsukoi”, Ikuya/Hiyori.
I guess, technically there’s nothing wrong with this, if they both enjoy being this way, but firstly I just hate adults behaving like infants and I don’t think encouraging such behavior can lead to anything good, and secondly watching this just makes me uncomfortable for many reasons. And moments like when Hyori came up to Ikuya when he talked to Haru and was like “it’s too late and you can’t talk to this man, time to go home” and Ikuya went I just cracked up at this. Also when one part is basically changes the other’s part diapers, but in return gets tantrums or basically nothing or “but I wanna play with someone else tho”, it’s just a kink I do not get, like why would you want to be treated like this is beyond me.
But then I also generally dislike infantile characters, and I can’t ship smth if I don’t like both parties, so maybe bc of this. I always like the mature characters. Like even when I do know in theory that a 13 year old in reality can’t behave like Todoroki, I’m still like, I don’t fucking care, that’s the one I like xD But when 20 years old Ikuya behaves like this, I just do not appreciate it, I guess.
2. “I don’t have an identity, my identity is you or what you want me to be” category, including “my dignity flew out of the window” ones and “I just do what you do”. (I CANNOT HANDLE THIS DYNAMIC, YOU KNOW I CAN’T!!!!!!! I DO NOT WHY, BUT IT’S JUST PISSING ME OFF THE MOST OF ALL PROBABLY)
examples: Eren/Mikasa, Haru/Makoto, Natsusa/Sei from “Number24″.
Sports animes do that a lot. “The only reason I played rugby is because you played it” is a major cringe. And no, it’s not romantic. Romantic is like when you’re both passionate about this and doing this sports together makes it even better/more meaningful, that I get. Not, “I only went there bc you like it” and I’ll have what you have, I’ll do what you do. Like.. huh? You firstly a person, as in fully formed one pls, you can’t exist as someone’s trail. 
Those ships always contain this one person (like Mikasa, Makoto), who are just the accessory of the other character. Mikasa’s problem is not the ackerbond, it’s her life position, she herself chosen to be Eren’s doormat. And some also find this romantic, I think, but I just hate such things. Also the truth of life: if you don’t respect yourself, your crush won’t respect you either. Just saying.
Makoto, I sincerely think, if Kisumi would be his neighbour instead of Haru, he’d be playing basketball at school lmao. Like SD has so many of absolutely terrible scenes, where Makoto just for real turns to Haru and goes “do you think I should go to the basketball club if we’re not swimming?” like dude, I’m... he’s like a walking definition of “meh” if there ever existed one. How can you do not care what you do? Like at all. This is beyond me. That’s sad. Watching him makes me sad.
I just need both characters in a ship be you know THEM, fantastic on their own, then when they’re together they become an absolutely explosive magic. It’s just a true fact.
Also there is one ship who is not quite this category, but kinda touches this theme. Ciel and Lizzy from “Kuroshitsuji”, ike the original Ciel, for whom she wanted to pretend to be a dumb damsel in distress for the rest of her life. Like fucking seriously????? You’d live like this????!!!! Fucking hell, you must really don’t love yourself like at all.
3. Humiliation isn’t my kink.
examples: Dazai/Akutagawa, Midoriya/Bakugou.
Akutagawa and Midoriya are badass motherfuckers and also wonderful human beings on their own. When they encounter Dazai and Bakugou they become sheeps. I hate seeing them like that, that’s basically it. Also humiliation is really not my kink. The whole “treat him like crap” thing. Like some things they did to them is just.. my god, I don’t like it.
Like when Dazai asked Atsushi to throw the phone moment, I literally flinched so hard watching it, I can’t even explain this feeling between the dejection and utter disgust at the fact that Dazai did it, that I felt watching it, but I fucking hated it.
4. Those who bring out the worst in each other or don’t bring out anything in each other.
All my ships literally all with no exceptions make each other the best versions of themselves, push/challenge each other to become better/brighter/happier, etc., or add to each other that piece the other was missing. 
If someone makes someone feel depressed, miserable or even just simply stuck in a rut, that’s probably not it. There are some ships who just simply can’t make each other happy or even make each other unhappy and that’s a fact.
5. Ships with no development or development so tiny that you need 120 episodes and an magnifying glass to see it.
examples: I’d say, but I just don’t want those 10 year olds in my ask box again.
Hate this for obvious reasons. Because as wise ppl say “only fools don’t grow” or "if we don't change, we don't grow. if we don't grow, we aren't really living."
6. Those who are like brothers to each other and said so and don’t emmit any and I mean ANY sexual vibes or attraction in that kind of way towards each other. 
examples: Harry Potter/Ron Weasley (like THE FUCK seriously), Stiles/Scott from “Teen Wolf”, Keith/Shiro.
I just cannot imagine them being romantically involved, I literally can’t. And I don’t get it. It’s like they even say “you’re my brother” thing, but also they just do not give off any couply feels and imagining this kinda make me cringe a bit, cause I have two sisters I’m very close with and their relationship remind me of our relationships so just.. no.
7. They are not each others priority. Meaning both putting someone else or something else before them.
If they don’t put each other first, I most likely probably don’t want it. 
My jam is like Stucky and when they say to Steve “you do this, captain, and the whole world would think of you as a criminal” and Steve being like “fuck you, take your shield, take your idiotic hero rules, I don’t care, he matters to me more than your whole dumbass world”.
My jam is Lan Zhan who went against the whole world and a horde of stupid donkeys and fought for his baby till the end. He really didn’t care if he’d lose everything and what would other ppl think, if it meant that Wei Wuxian will be with him.
On the other hand, we have Jin Guangyao, who had Lan Xichen, but he wanted power and idiots’ love more, so he chose what he chose. Do not get this ship, like no, thanks.
As for putting specific someone else first. Rin/Sousuke, for example. I in general do not get it, but also like there are like 10 moments in the anime like in Yakusoku when Rin forgot about him, when he saw Haru during the tournament and an actual quote “Sousuke looked at Rin, who will always put Haru first”. So like... I do not get it. If you see them as a couple this is technically no good no for Sousuke, no for Rin.
8. Obviously straight ones, but “hey, I need them gay”.
I in fact just do not believe in a “straight ppl do not exist” thing. As I’ve said before there are exceptions where some characters give off the clear bi vibe, but those are pretty rare tbh. And even more rare canonically proven ones like Kanda from D.Gray-man, for example. 
The moment they show some character in anime drool over some girls he doesn’t even know, but he don’t react to any of the guys like this, this just means he’s most likely heterosexual. Cause only straight guys drool only specifically after seeing random boobs. So this thing always throws me off in some ships.
99% of my ships are either canonically gay or most likely gay, but author doesn’t want to label it. 
There are just lots of animes where main character/s have shown no interest in an opposite gender whatsoever like “Natsume Yuujinchou”, “Kuroko No Basuke”, “AOT”, “Number24″, “Fukigen na Mononokean”, “Tower Of God”, “Owari no Seraph” etc., but did in fact show interest in the same gender one. That I get, yes. 
And btw even if you want somebody to be as I call it a “wishful bi”, I think it should be only in situations like if these characters have some absolutely wonderful/undeniable connection, not just the ship for the sake of gay ship.
That’s probably it. Otherwise I’m fine, I think :D  
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datoneidiot · 6 years
Sander Sides- Learning new things about ourselfs post
Are u ready it's really long plus trigger warning near end
(Don't know how to add a cut :// sorry)
Things needed to be addressed
-Virgil and Patton relationship, set in stone father son it's amazing lov
-Logan and Roman are the ones who have been fighting more often, unlike Virgil and Roman *does this mean bigger further problems?*
-we got angst from all, pattons is already known about and he's starting to be more vocal good for him, Virgil everyone knows about but it seems as though it'll never be fully address or fixed but that's ok, and Logan's scared of how the others make them look as a whole? How working together changes them, Thomas all together? He's scared of working and confronting these issues with them and Roman, we've all been getting theses little underlying throws at pride and his angst but Virgil just flat out said it, like he knew already and if other viewers hadn't noticed those little hints it seems like Virgil just threw it out there but he hits the nail on the head and *outloud* when they're scared to say anything about feelings Romans is just tossed out in the open. Did they talk about it beforehand? Virgil *had* to have found out/confirmed it for sure
-plus when he sang the "no one hates you" directly to Roman and looks at him (tears) he hits the nail on the head again
-also when Virgil starts and almost accidentally says (in his speech) "love-CARE for someone not much hurts more than they’re scorn.” and if I recall the speech was the jabs they take at him (Roman in particular) how he used to be the villain and he once again looked directly at Roman
-Pattons constant grabs for Logans attention, it's even clearer in this vid "Logan, it's Patton!!" And Logan just goes on without acknowledging him
-Virgil singing! Logan singing!!
-The whole "I don't want to be seen as childish I'm not", Pats always marked as he childish one, puppets, dad jokes, plus he usually gets ignored, spoken over, treated as less, like a child, Logan and pat underlying problems?? They never had fights like Roman and Logan or Roman and Virgil but there's something there for sure, and all the sides do it too, they do belittle him and usually don't recognize it. One of the big concepts is talking and thinking out feelings and none of them want to address it at first
-Virgil is definitely off, it's weird
-Random, could Virgil be Romans dark side? I dunno if u saw the theory but I found it interesting, when Romans like "ur not as bad as the others" and deceit would be Pattons dark side and anxiety usually shuns or messes with creativity but it does with Logic too, when we start anxious we don't think or feel straight so maybe he's not but he was definitely not apart of the main group before
-Virgil looks a lot at Roman but they don't really interact + we see less of Roman on camera by the middle/end ish. It's mostly Logan and Patton and Thomas and more Anx than Ro
-Roman does the same as Patton he keeps on bringing up Jokes and tries to cover his insecurities every time someone mentions it he kinda let it out a bit and said I'll address it more often but he doesn't even say he's insecure he says he's kinda better, he goes silent and just generally says he'll try and work on it
-Logan raged threw paper at Roman, it seemed like a rlly big deal, something underlying in this?
-Anx kinda follows the Count Dracula from Sesame Street but his old ANXIETY MUSIC comes back as the counts get more darker. Only at that part his old music comes back loud and clear and at the beginning when he was being heightened
-Virgil's behavior is linked to those of people before they attempt suicide
Withdraw from social activities/islolation : He wasn't in the past two vids + at end from Pat
A sudden lift in mood such as a depressed person suddenly being happy/mood sings (anger) : hes really going ham on the father-son relationship with Pat, like it's all fine and dandy
-Logan dismissed Pat and he does it nearly every vid and I'm sure half the time he doesn't realize it but Payton's always reaching out and calling for his attention but Logan just goes on and usually doesn't even acknowledge him, then when Patton finally suggests something he usually mocks it in a way the whole puppets he shouts things for now reason he's condescending
-And Patton's been more helpful, in a sense where he comes up with the good ideas or brings up smart stuff and it impresses Logan sometimes
-He didn't use to do that, is he doing it for Logans approval? The whole Logan thinks he's better than everyone? And dismissing Patton the most
-Does the father become the child yearning for some of the "higher authority's" approval?
-Now here's two other things
-they've all been interacting with each other more, going across screens TWO CHARACTERS HIGH FIVING AND STANDING BESIDE EACH OTHER AND GRABBING THINGS FROM EACH OTHER
-logince/moxiety or prinxiety/logicality BC I've also been prinxiety/logicality mainstream but the latter seems to be working better rn
-plus with all this interaction it's proven possible for two characters to be beside each other, could potential ships occur? Unlikely but i like to have .000001% hope, Thomas definitely doesn't seem to be the type to create relationships off of these specific characters especially BC they're him and his
-"you got it pop star" on the second, to pat *AFTER* Patton gives him a cute lil nickname which he asks for Patton to not do at the end
-roman stops his arguing to question/acknowledge Virgil's appearance
-plus "they always do that" when Thomas refers to Lo and Ro bickering and u can hear bleeped out curses in the background, u think if someone could separate the arguing we'd hear a real argument? With *spicy details*?
-Ros definitely not ok, this angst has been building up for awhile and he barley let anything out. He still hasn't even acknowledged it out loud he says "yeah I'll work on it" and when they keep on trying to bring it up he'd dismiss the idea entirely, at the end he doesn't even respond to the "no one hates you" and at the very end he just acts as happy and cheery as usual after saying "that..helps.." and "I still don't feel good about it.." and the faces he makes
I don't think I covered a lot, the vids rlly long, but these are just some thoughts
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