#if u have ever seen the statue of Menelaus holding the body of Patroclus thats what i picture
m-kyunie · 2 years
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Tengen is worshipped like a god, so I figured if a Limitless + Six Eyes user is so rare then why not Satoru.
He only has scars from Touji this time. for my satosugu agenda, I figure Suguru wld be the one to be very forward & irreverent, saying only he can see Gojo as Satoru. That the rest of his followers are monkeys who can't fully cherish Gojo, they're only able to worship the godly front and not the actual self.
& Gojo would find him amusing & indulge him here n there until he fucks up & his favoritism makes things very hard for Suguru.
Then the ultimate taboo of Satoru showing his eyes to Suguru (as a show of mutual love/trust) gets Suguru killed by the Gojo clan.
SOOO kinda like Achilles & Patroclus / Eros & Psyche
The outfit is entirely inspired by CLAMP's alt Code Geass designs and the shoulder piece/pose here.
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